Oooh, now Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are going to Honeymoon in Jasper, Alberta, Canada - so you know what that means - they want to have a little twinkle in their eyes!
#AuroraBorealis! #Fertility, Baby!
William and Kate Spend the Night Under the Dancing Lights of the Aurora Borealis, well known for increasing fertility for couples hoping to have a baby! A future King or Queen, perhaps??
William and Kate spent the night in Northern Canada, in the Northwest Territories, in a lovely remote area near Yellowknife.... but do you know what my little theory is about why they chose to spend the night in the Northwest Territories of Northern Canada? Because then they would be under the brilliant night skies in Northern Canada, and that means... the Aurora Borealis
The Aurora Borealis in that region is known by many around the world as a very mystical place where conceiving a child is very, very likely. Couples come from all around the world, in hopes of conceiving a child under the beautiful dancing lights of the Northern Skies. And didn't Kate just mention to the press that she is ready to start a family... we'll have to pull out our calendars, see if that was 'conception day', if we find out in a few weeks if Kate is pregnant..... would be soo wonderful! The new baby would be a tiny bit Canadian!! If the baby were a girl,
she could be called 'Aurora'. What a lovely name for a princess! lol!
And now look who they have! So sweet!
Prince George and Princess Charlotte
Oh, hey, I have this ring!! That's hilarious! And a much better price than what I paid for it, a couple of years ago! But this ring sparkles just like the Aurora Borealis... it's gorgeous! Now I want those earrings, too! lol!
Make your way North, Baby! We used to have beautiful views of the Aurora Borealis from the Mountains near Calgary, Alberta, and from our house in Calgary, when we lived out in the country - was soo gorgeous! And I DID have a baby there, sooo...
I Hope and Wish all the Very Best for You! Ailsa : )

And then my regular Travel Deals page! lol!
Target has really good prices on Conception Kits, Fertility Checks, Pregnancy Tests, Ovulation Tests, everything you might want to get, and then, relax as much as you can, be as happy as you can be, and it will all work out for you : ) I love you! Make sure you are being kind and loving to yourself and your partner, too - you will both be okay, and soon you'll have a new life! : )
Infertility is very hard to deal with, but I am not a big fan of that particular word - always stay hopeful, try it all, and love your life - you are the most wonderful person! : )
And at the risk of being too riske, if you will.. here's a little technique that all the girls in the office used to say, and, frankly, worked for me, so it might work for you, too - and I hope it does! I know you'll be a great parent! But, did you ever do that 'cycling in the air' thing, you lay down, hold your waist up, I guess - not sure I'm 'splainin' this very well, me trying to be veeery discreet... and then you cycle your legs? Are you following along? Did I already lose you? haha! Sorry! But, you know, you'll do whatever you can to get pregnant, and this is a good, old-fashioned 'technique'... maybe your mother used to do this, in front of the TV, a little Jack Valance-style exercising? haha! and I know you know 'when', sooo, you know... go try it, a bunch of times, and I really, really hope it works for you! : ) Throw on a little Marvin Gaye, too - whatever it takes, right? lol!
Good Luck! xoxo! : )

So, here's what I would do - I was open to trying anything, and I didn't care one bit, about what anyone else had to say about it, or whatever - who cares... if you THINK or BELIEVE something might work, go ahead and try it, it's your life, your decisions... maybe blocking out any naysayers will help, too - or, at the very least, just make your life a whole lot nicer - lol! You know dat make'a me laughs! lol!
But, anyway, I would totally buy a very large print, the canvas art prints, with whatever favorite picture, or pictures (okay, you got me - I'm more likely to cover the place in anything I think will be lucky, or will help, or, you know, whatever... lol!)... so I would choose the pictures of the Aurora Borealis that spoke to me the most, and hang them in the bedroom. they're gorgeous, you can tell people, or not tell people, depending on how ludicrously judgmental they are - bah'hahahaha!
You know what? I might just go ahead and get a bunch of thee gorgeous Canvas Art pieces, because then I can have my favorite pictures, all over the house, right? That'll be sooo nice! Yay! Talk about personal Decorating, eh? haha! Good Luck! You know me rootin' for you! Much Love! Ailsa! : )

I love these putting your favorite pictures on a giant canvas - how cool is that? Perfect for a Wedding Present, a Mother's Day Present, Father's Day Gift, Birthday Present - or a li'l something for you, baby! lol!
I think I'm gonna do this with my favorite pictures I've taken over the years - if you find a picture on my blog or site, that you love, love, love, feel free to use it for a giant canvas, too - nothing like a gorgeous picture to hang up on your wall! : )

Oh, this is so cool - all the toys you used to love, still love, have great memories of - great for yourself or your mom, and great for kids (can we all be the kids? hahaha!)
Site Wide Free Shipping on $25+ at HasbroToyShop.com! See website for details

VERY cool for your Wedding Tables, Wedding Gifts, Gifts for your Bridal Party, and yourself! : )
Who doesn't like to find a ring in a Candle!
Diamond Candles - Discover a Ring in a Candle. Reveal a chance to win a ring worth up to $5000.
How gorgeous are these Wedding Cakes? I had a gooorgeous Wedding Cake on my First Marriage, and no wedding cake for my second, and, frankly, I never really forgave my second husband for not letting me get a wedding cake - key words ''not letting me get' - seriously, I should've just said, this is what we're getting, and maybe that marriage would've been much better, where one person doesn't assume they always have the upper hand - that hardly ever works out, so, best to start on a really good, equal relationship, right? You'll both be happy! : )
I am, of course, very partial to these Diamond and Jewelry Candles - how exciting is that? lol! I loove them! : )
So, have you noticed I just keep adding great deals to this page? lol! There are sooo many Great Deals, though - it's hard for me to resist putting them on here for you (and me! lol!)

I love these putting your favorite pictures on a giant canvas - how cool is that? Perfect for a Wedding Present!
I think I'm gonna do this with my favorite pictures I've taken over the years - if you find a picture on my blog or site, that you love, love, love, feel free to use it for a giant canvas, too - nothing like a gorgeous picture to hang up on your wall! : )

Oh, this is so cool - all the toys you used to love, still love, have great memories of - great for yourself or your mom, and great for kids (can we all be the kids? hahaha!)
Ooh, these Diamond Candles and Jewelry Candles would be soo much fun at your Wedding! Or a nice wedding gift!

Diamond Candles - Discover a Ring in a Candle. Reveal a chance to win a ring worth up to $5000.