My New Favorite SkinCare Facial - So Nice, and it'll clear your skin up, make your skin so clear and lovely! Male or female, any skin type, any age : )
Micellar Water, Micellar Solution - this is my favorite, favorite new thing, these days - Micellar Water is changing our skin, completely - I'm using it, a few times a day (because I REALLY want it to work - haha! And my son, who is 18, is using it, I'm hoping every day - lol - but, Aidan's skin looks great, too, so now I have full confirmation that the Micellar Water or Micellar Solution works on any skin - and ours has no scent, it looks and feels like water, but it is beyond remarkable in what it will do for your skin!
Love the skin you're in!
I think the Micellar Water seems to go into the skin, removes any impurities that might be causing bumps, scarring, any kind of skin issues, to restore your skin to it's perfect self... that's amazing, right?
Does everyone know about Micellar Water, and I'm the last to know, or have I stumbled on something amazing, again? Well, whichever it is, please try it, and tell everyone you know about it - everyone struggles with their skin, so, be kind, it's good to help others with their struggles, too : )
And our Micellar Water is the Reversa Micellar Solution - is ah'mazing! And a Big Thank You to our favorite girl, ever, at Shopper's Drug Mart in Esquimalt, BC, Olivia - Olivia is the loveliest of beauticians, and she gave us a sample, and now we're hooked! lol! Hooked on something good, that really, truly, works on your skin - yahoo!! Yippee!! Hello, Great Skin, at any age! : )
Well, everyone has skin, right? And am I the only one obsessed with having clear, pretty skin? No, you say, there are others out there, too? Billions, you say? hahaha! Over the years, I've used my own self as the 'Tester' for a zillion things, so here's what has worked for me... hope it helps, you, too, or anyone you know you'd like to share it with (On Twitter? hahaha!)
OMG, Shopper's Drug Mart finally has an affiliate program - yahoo! That's great news for me, since I really need to make a good living, online, (my dream! lol!), and I really, really wanted to tell you about the Shopper's Drug Mart Optimum Card, which I am obsessed beyond amazing!
Get 18,500 Shoppers Optimum Bonus Points When You Spend Over $75!

Get 18,500 Shoppers Optimum Bonus Points When You Spend Over $75!
So, see where it says you'll get 18,500 Optimum Points when you spend $75? And there's Free Shipping when you get to $50, so, is amazing, I love it so much!
Well, that's how I first came upon the Shopper's Optimum Card, and how many Optimum Points I could actually rack up - from my first purchase of a whole lot of gorgeous things for my Mum's Birthday, last July, 'til now, so we're not even looking at a year, since it's January (and my Dad's Birthday, ironically enough! lol!), I've made at least $610 - that's crazy, right? I am obsessed with the Optimum Points at Shopper's Drug Mart - and you can use your Optimum Card when you shop in the store, or online... is THE most effective card out there, and, of course, is Free...
Earn Optimum Points + Get Free Shipping on Orders Over $50!
Okay, I juuust discovered this - picked it up on sale, the other day, at Shopper's, and started using it, two days ago, I think? I left it on all night, while we were watching TV... Mederma - my joke to remember the name, How mah' derma? How mah' skin? haha! Do you like that? Anyway, this little tube of Mederma has Allantoin in it - now that's my new favourite 'chemical', if you will...

If you have any old scars, new scars, acne scars, old pores, anything like that, that's what it's supposed to be for, but, since I am my very own Science Experiment, I tried it on some bumps that have been bothering me for years - I went to a Dermatologist in California, and he gave me Retin A, which, frankly, didn't really do the trick, since, well, those little bumps didn't go away, and then I put the Mederma on, and they're starting to disappear - yahoo! Finally, it has happened to me... (sing it!)
Don't get me wrong, I still like the Retin A, is very useful, but now I'm in love with the Allantoin, so, if you see a product with Allantoin in it, go ahead and buy it - will work wonders - and if you have larger pores (now why does THAT happen??), the Mederma will heal all of your skin - is amazing - clearly, I love it!
Earn Optimum Points + Get Free Shipping on Orders Over $50!
Earn Optimum Points + Get Free Shipping on Orders Over $50!
Earn Optimum Points + Get Free Shipping on Orders Over $50!
Ooh, and have you heard about Purple Shampoo?? I heard about it on Wendy Williams - you know how Wendy Williams talks to her audience, her co-hosts, at the end of the show? Well, one girl had super lovely hair, and Wendy had asked her about it, and she said she used purple shampoo, so I immediately ran and wrote that shiz down, so I wouldn't forget, then I got some, yesterday - will try it, today - will let you know the results, but I'm super excited about it - makes blonde hair even blondier - lol! And they have one for every colour of hair - I can't wait to see how it works!
And I chose the John Frieda - London, Paris, New York - sheer BLONDE Colour Renew, Tone-Correcting Shampoo - Neutralizes brassiness to rebalance blonde (I just wrote that from the tube - but I was surprised that it was such a good price - I got it for $9.99 - great price, right? I'm excited to try it!)
Earn Optimum Points + Get Free Shipping on Orders Over $50!
Earn Optimum Points + Get Free Shipping on Orders Over $50!
Oh, and when I went through the Shopper's Shopper's Drug Mart Beauty Boutique, for my Mum's present, I chose all her favourite Yardley Products, Lily of the Valley (smells like heaven - and the side of the house where I grew up, since we had Lily of the Valley growing, maybe naturally, all down the side of the house, was so lovely to just go out and smell them!)...
But here's the best part, aside from all the lovely things I found for the gift - there's an option to have it Gift-Wrapped, and the gift Wrapping is soo gorgeous! So, I would go for the gift wrapping, even if you're just sending it to yourself - you deserve a lovely gift from yourself, right? haha! Yes You Do!
: )
Earn Optimum Points + Get Free Shipping on Orders Over $50!
Earn Optimum Points + Get Free Shipping on Orders Over $50!
Get a Free Deluxe Sample From Vichy With Every Online Purchase!
Free Shipping AND Free Samples! Yahoo! Thanks, Beauty Boutique! Thanks for all the Optimum Points, Shopper's Drug Mart!
And I loove Hydrogen Peroxide - super-cheap, so effective - now I like to put Hydrogen Peroxide on one side of a little cotton pad, then flip it over and put Vinegar on the other side - do a once over onf your face, not anywhere near your eyes, of course, the usual eye safety... you know all about that! lol! And then go over the same bits with the Vinegar side - and the same thing anywhere you might have any sort of skin issue you want to get rid of, or heal, asap. Usually, this mix of Hydrogen Peroxide and Vinegar, sometimes a little Skin Cram, will heal your skin in a day - or less. Is amazing, and under a penny, prolly, right? Each treatment, I mean - haha!
Quick Make Up Tip: If you haven't gotten around to doing your roots, dab on a little base powder to your roots - works like a charm! (You're Welcome! lol!)

So just put a little Rubbing Alcohol on your skin, anywhere you have a blemish, or, really, anywhere at all - not near your eyes, of course, and I wouldn't put it on any 'open' wound, so-to-speak, right? That would be too nerve-racking for me, might be painful! Yikes! But, yo know, if you have a little bump, or any skin issue, try putting a little rubbing Alcohol on it, see what happens - you'll be amazed at how quickly and effectively the Rubbing Alcohol works! : )
Did you like how I took that picture? haha! God Forbid I take a normal picture, I loove to hold something up to a nice 'background' - lol!
So I'm putting the Rubbing Alcohol on a little cotton pad, it's much more controllable on that - I think with a cotton ball, some Rubbing Alcohol might drip down, and you can't take ANY chances with Rubbing Alcohol, or anything, getting into your eyes, or anywhere you don't want it, sooo, the cotton pads, or a folded up Kleenex, Toilet Roll, Paper Hankie (whatever you want to fold up into a little square, so you have total control of the Rubbing alcohol - be super-careful with it, and make sure you're in a well-ventilated room, or move in and out of the room, take some nice big breaths of fresh air... just to be on the safe side : )
Skin Tags: So, here's the thing - as you get older, or have a baby, or gain some weight (human things, you know the deal! lol!), but you might notice some little Skin Tags - they seem to come out of nowhere, and then it used to feel like they were never gonna go, but then, last week, I thought, well, what if I put a little Rubbing Alcohol in the Skin Tags? Anyway, and I think this is maybe less than a week after I thought I would try this, it sure seems like they're disappearing - yay! Finally!
Try the Rubbing Alcohol on any little bump, skin tag, whatever it is you want to heal or fix on your skin, go ahead and give it a try, just be super-careful with it, never on any 'broken skin' - yeowch, that would hurt... but worth a try to see if that will help with whatever drives you up the wall on you' skin, baby! lol! : ) Let me know if it works for you, too! I love to lend a little hand, help out where I can!: )

How to Have Beautiful Skin, Clear Skin, (Shiny Skin, shall we say?), in DAYS - for real!
L'occitane Provence - Best Sellers
Okay, so I juust bought a new Pumice Stone, which I've never had, before, and it has this little rummer holder thing to separate the 2 sides, so I put a little dab of pink nail polish on the side that is for my face, the other side for mah' body, right? So I VERY gently did little circular motions on my face with the Pumice stone, and my skin is soo soft - and that's after 2 days - yahooo! This is brilliant! Why me no think o' this, before?? haha!

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Oh, and my BRAND NEW Trick: Vinegar. That's right, plain ol' Vinegar - very expensive (noo, me joke!), at .0000001 cent for a little jar you can pour in into from your vat of vinegar you probably already have in your cupboard.... Keep it on your bathroom sink, along with some Q-Tips... dip in the Q-Tip, then put it gently on your skin (keep it away from your eyes), and you will have lovely clear skin in no time - is remarkable! Tightens your pores, gives you lovely clear skin, skin soo soft and smooth - you will go mad with the results! lol!
Can You Heal Wrinkles?
Oh, and here's what I'm working on, right now - Can you heal wrinkles? I really think you can, and I'm experimenting on mah' own face, to make sure my theory is correct... so, what if you literally dealt with a wrinkle like you would any other blemish, or something you wanted to correct, to make it look like your regular skin, gain, right? Hmmm... is definitely worth a try,and so far, it does seem to be working.
So, I'm 'treating' the little lines (okay, you got me, it's more like groooves...' hahaha! The grooves, then, from the corner of your lips, down.. laugh lines, I'll call them, because that sounds waaay nicer than wrinkles, lines or heavy grooves... like, you don't want to hear, "Oh, Groovy", and someone's referring to yer face - buh'dum-bum! haha! Me make'a mah'self laugh! haha! So maybe they ARE laughlines, since me laughs all day long, all day, every day - is the best way to live : )
I'm using the vinegar, because now I'm obsessed with what all vinegar will heal - looks like vinegar will heal all sorts of things - hmmm... who knew? Happy that now I know, too - lol!
And then I'll put whatever cream I have around, on after the vinegar... anything to heal your skin.. try it all,see what works for you, but I think this is something I've never really heard of, of healing a wrinkle, or a groove... when they say, 'Ailsa got her groove back', they' just talking about mah' face - hahaha! (Dammit! lol!)
Okay, give that a try, let me know how it turns out for you - and it helps to not smoke, or quit smoking (try Vaping, that seems to work, or the Nicotine Toothpicks... worth a try...), and to be mindful of your face, and try to keep your face relaxed... is surprising how often you have to actively remind yourself to relax your face... try it right now, see if you can feel the difference...and, GO! Feel more relaxed? lol! There you go, now you'll be wrinkle free, forever : ) You're welcome - haha! : )
Get Rid of Annoying Pimples, Spots and Acne - and those stooopid Skin Tags (I know, what a beautiful Title for this Article!)
ASOTV - Tag Away
ASOTV - Tag Away
Have you ever had a really sore spot on your skin? Almost everyone has a bother at one time or another. Here are some wee tips you might like to try to make your skin all soft and lovely, and most importantly, blemish-free! WooHoo! We're done with you, stoopid blemishes, or, as another particularly angry woman in a very famous play might say, "Out, out, damn spot!" hahaha! Yes, I'm full of great ideas and terrible jokes, but if you have a laugh and find a remedy that really works for you, and then you share that with a friend, won't the whole world look better?? lol!

I made this discovery a while back, and I can't believe how well this works. As with anything, try these ideas at your own discretion...

I made this discovery a while back, and I can't believe how well this works. As with anything, try these ideas at your own discretion...
There are so many 'solutions' for problem skin (especially Acne) on different shows and in all sorts of articles, but most of them end in 'see your Dermatologist', but it's my guess that the vast majority of people don't have regular (or any...) access to a Dermatologist, so I think there's room for my little ideas. Pass the info along if you know someone who might benefit from it!

Remember AVON Calling? I was soo crazy about Avon when I was a little girl - we always had an 'AVON Lady... and those amazing little Avon catalogues.. we would pour through them - so much fun! But I used to get the Avon Lip Glass, in a brooch, I think - you would flip it open, there would be the secret, hidden, lip gloss - and I loooved it! lol! So funny! And now AVON has an even bigger line, and fantastic Skin Care Products - yahoo!

Go to your drugstore or local pharmacy and walk right past the Skin Care Aisle. That's right, I said it. Walk on by! Now get rid of any shame you might have, and go to either the Foot Fungus section (for Athlete's Foot), or to the ever-popular Vaginal Itch section... still with me? Stopped cringing, yet?? Come on, now, this remedy really works! You want to get whatever is the cheapest tube of any product with Clotrimazole Cream, USP 1% or Miconazole Nitrate 2%. For real! I'm telling you, try it this week, and see if you notice a huge difference in your skin. Worth a try, right? I talked with my pharmacist about it, and she laughed and said they've known that for years, so just in case I'm not the very last one to find out, too, go ahead and give it a shot. These creams are waaay less expensive than what you will find in the regular skin care aisle, and, in my own opinion, much more effective.
Still here? haha! Once you try it, you won't think this is so bad, after all... and you might even want to take a stroll over to the Wart section (this is a good time to make sure no one you are even remotely attracted to is watching you! lol!) and see if you can find a 'Wart Stick'. No kidding. It looks like a chap-stick, but has a really high concentration of Acetylsalicylic acid in it, which is very good for healing skin, but never on any 'open wound' (hope you're not having your lunch while you're reading this!).
ASOTV - Tag Away
If you are feeling extra-brave, and God has punished you with Skin Tags, for some unknown reason (I'm kidding, just kidding... God's probably not punishing you... I don't really know what bad things you might have done last week, I'm just guessing that maybe you've had a little extra fun in your life, and now you have these damn skin tags out of nowhere... and you are afraid of getting them lopped off in some sort of surgical procedure, so if this is the case, you could use a small amount of the 'wax' in the Wart Stick, placed carefully directly on the skin tag, and just let the thing dissolve away. Oooh, sounds so lovely!

This is absolutely the easiest way to get rid of Skin Tags - just use a clear nail polish, or a clear nail polish with some sparkles - then, you'll get rid of your skin tags, AND sparkle the whole way - hahaha! Well, you know that appeals to me, makes me laugh! hahaha!
So, you just 'paint' over the whole skin tag with the nail polish, or liquid bandage - give it a really good coat, and re-apply it if it comes off... the skin tag will either just fall right off, and you'll forget that you even HAD a skin tag, wherever it has fallen off of, or the skin tag will turn red and fall off. Be diligent, it'll work with time.
ASOTV - Tag Away
The way it works, from what me can gather, so, this isn't scientific, just something that works - it robs the skin tag of oxygen (in mah' mind - lol!), and so it just withers away... sounds lovely, right? hahaha! Whatevs... who cares what it sounds like, if it solves a problem for you, right?
And if you're watching The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, which we loooved, soo crazy-funny, you'll laugh soo hard at Titus' song after the trial - bah'hahahaha! You'll laugh so hard! Titus can't wait to be so rich that he can finally get his skin tags burnt off - hahahaha! And, now, you know how to get rid of your skin tags, the easy way! lol!

OPI 3 in 1 Base, Top Coat and Strengthener, Clear, .5 fl oz

This is absolutely the easiest way to get rid of Skin Tags - just use a clear nail polish, or a clear nail polish with some sparkles - then, you'll get rid of your skin tags, AND sparkle the whole way - hahaha! Well, you know that appeals to me, makes me laugh! hahaha!
So, you just 'paint' over the whole skin tag with the nail polish, or liquid bandage - give it a really good coat, and re-apply it if it comes off... the skin tag will either just fall right off, and you'll forget that you even HAD a skin tag, wherever it has fallen off of, or the skin tag will turn red and fall off. Be diligent, it'll work with time.
ASOTV - Tag Away
The way it works, from what me can gather, so, this isn't scientific, just something that works - it robs the skin tag of oxygen (in mah' mind - lol!), and so it just withers away... sounds lovely, right? hahaha! Whatevs... who cares what it sounds like, if it solves a problem for you, right?
And if you're watching The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, which we loooved, soo crazy-funny, you'll laugh soo hard at Titus' song after the trial - bah'hahahaha! You'll laugh so hard! Titus can't wait to be so rich that he can finally get his skin tags burnt off - hahahaha! And, now, you know how to get rid of your skin tags, the easy way! lol!

Aspirin: Here's what to do: put a couple of regular aspirins on a teaspoon, and add a wee drop of water. Set it by the sink for a minute and it'll dissolve completely. Put on enough of this to cover the Spot, and let it dry. Leave it on all night if it's a particularly sore spot. If you like, you can mix it with a wee bit of your favourite skin cream, then apply it to the area. You'll see a remarkable difference in your skin in no time!
I also tried this in a Mask, mixing the dissolved aspirin (any kind -- the coating won't make any difference) with some Liquid Antibacterial Soap. It really tightens up the pores. Take extra care not to get this anywhere near your eyes!
I also tried this in a Mask, mixing the dissolved aspirin (any kind -- the coating won't make any difference) with some Liquid Antibacterial Soap. It really tightens up the pores. Take extra care not to get this anywhere near your eyes!
If you feel like it, you can dissolve a whole lot of Aspirin (Bayer dissolves with the smoothest texture...) in a little container (okay, it's a plumbing part, but only because I happen to have a lot of plumbing parts around the house, on account a' I'm in Construction!). A small handful of Aspirin -- they're cheap, so use however many you like.
Anyway, I use them as a Regular Face Scrub, now -- just scoop some of the Dissolved Aspirin & Water into the palm of your hand and add some Liquid Soap. Removes all the make-up or dirt (male/female...whatever you get on your face!). Again, watch you don't get this in your eyes and moisurize your skin afterwards. Very refreshing.
Make sure you moisturize your skin after any of these little 'treatments'.
Give yourself a nice glow, without sitting out in the sun - is totally okay to get some sun, you need the Vitamin D, but, you know, you canny 'bake' yourself, any more... no, no! Even if your mom says she did it... still, no do dat! lol!
Make sure you moisturize your skin after any of these little 'treatments'.
Give yourself a nice glow, without sitting out in the sun - is totally okay to get some sun, you need the Vitamin D, but, you know, you canny 'bake' yourself, any more... no, no! Even if your mom says she did it... still, no do dat! lol!

An even easier FaceScrub is with a little bit of Baking Soda, put it in the palm of your hand and add some liquid soap. Use to very gently cleanse your face, but not very often, because you want to stay youthful for as long as possible, so it seems like a Bad Idea to remove facial cells and what-not, too often, right? lol!
I happen to like 'experimenting' with different things, so if there's something else (nothing Internal, of course...!) that you think it might work on, try it. You can always wash it off right away, if you experience any discomfort.
Here's something else I tried that worked -- I put some Hydrogen Peroxide on a little disposable cotton pad, cleaned my face with it like you would use any Facial Toner, and I couldn't believe the difference that made to my own skin in about 10 days. Do this every night before bed, and then every morning when you get up (unless you have Dry Skin), and you will be amazed at how great your skin will look and feel. After 30 Days, you'll see a remarkable difference, then this will be a habit for life! (Oh, and be extremely careful not to go anywhere near your eyes!)
Use Hydrogen Peroxide as a Facial Toner -- it's great! It'll really clean your skin and refine your pores, which is always good, right?You'll see an incredible improvement in your skin within 10 days! Just apply it with a little Cotton Pad. Put some Moisturizer on your face after that... I use Lubriderm Hand Lotion because it's one of the few moisturizers I'm not allergic to...) It's handy to have in your Medicine Cabinet for any cuts & scrapes, too. You can buy Hydrogen Peroxide at any Department Store or Pharmacy -- it costs about 97 cents for a bottle -- very cheap for an incredibly useful product!
Cold Sores (or anything in that family...) -- apply the Dissolved Aspirin and small amount of Vitamin E, Aloe Vera gel or any over-the-counter Viral fighting gel directly to the spot. You'll be shocked at how quickly it goes away (I finally got Dwight to try this, and the problem was gone right away -- No, not Dwight, just the spot! ha,ha,ha!).
My favorite new product is this Clear Aloe Vera Gel -- I think you can get it at the pharmacy, but I'll see if I can find an easy link for you. This stuff is amazing for your skin... I initially got it for a sunburn (because I was reading at the pool and got an annoying burn... you'd think I'd know better by now, right? haha!)
I have the worst time with Allergies, and now I can only use completely Unscented Items (with the exception of Citrus, which I'm still Okay with!). This site has all sorts of useful products for folks like me!
When we first got Tia (our wee dog), I had a really bad allergic reaction to her, but we all loved her sooo much, I went in search of a product that might help, and I found one -- Allerpet/d (Allerpet, Inc., Farnam Pet Products). You just rub it on your pet (cover all the fur...) and any 'pet smell' disappears. The bizarre thing is that we only had to do it a number of times over the first two years, then rarely after that...this stuff really works!
Hair Tip: One of the best Hair Conditioners that I've tried over the years is straight Olive Oil (and now I love Coconut Oil - get it in the International Section, is way less expensive, for some unknown reason - lol - I just put it directly on the ends on my my hair, work it in with a little water - TaaDaa - gorgeous hair!). I have really long, and some might say, crazy hair, so this works well for taming crazy hair -- or just making regular hair nice and smooth!
Oh, and I always use the 'Afro Pic' comb - is there another name for it - one of my friends in LA just about fell over laughing, one day, when we got back from a walk, and I pulled my Afro Pic outta my bag to comb my hair - haha! But it works, and maybe why my hair is so long and easy to manage? Who knows - lol! But I swear by it, soo... if it works, it works.. Wide Toothed Comb? Noo, there must be another name for it - I call it 'My Comb' - there - lol!)
Oh, and I always use the 'Afro Pic' comb - is there another name for it - one of my friends in LA just about fell over laughing, one day, when we got back from a walk, and I pulled my Afro Pic outta my bag to comb my hair - haha! But it works, and maybe why my hair is so long and easy to manage? Who knows - lol! But I swear by it, soo... if it works, it works.. Wide Toothed Comb? Noo, there must be another name for it - I call it 'My Comb' - there - lol!)
Pour some Olive Oil into a water bottle with a flip-up top. It's just easier to deal with, that way... and you can leave whatever you don't use right in the bathroom. Anyway, put a towel around your shoulders and pour the Olive Oil right on the ends of your hair and work it in until it's saturated. I never do the top of my hair, since it seems fine on it's own.
If you are lucky enough to live in a Hot Climate, pop out into the sun to let the oil work itself into your hair, otherwise, just go spend some time on the computer or reading while your hair has a nice wee 'Oil Soak' I usually leave it on for about an hour.
Wash it out with a fair bit of shampoo, then follow with your usual Conditioner. Watch you step, though, since the oil can be slippy when you're washing your hair. This is when you might want to rethink your earlier plan to drink your way through the hour wait... ya'ha,ha!
This makes my hair extremely curly, for some reason or another... makes it look like I've got no life whatsoever and have been sitting curling my hair into ringlets all day... which I swear, although I hardly do have any sort of Life, I can't be bothered with that amount of work on my hair. I am willing to comb it,though, which I do right after the treatment, then whenever else I happen to remember. That's the level of special care I allot to 'Fancy Grooming'!
Anyway, this really works, and it's very inexpensive. And you can use the rest of the Olive Oil with a wee bit of vinegar and some spices for a lovely Marinade for the met you might have for dinner! See how practical?

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I am against the surgery and laser treatment.Laser treatment can effect on your pocket and surgery can on your body.So first of all use home remedies for acne then u should take another step.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that's so true. there are soo many things out there to try, now. Retin-A is like a little miracle in a tube... but all the 'natural' and solutions that can be purchased over the counter are great, too... :)