Best Peach Pie, Ever!
This is my favorite Peach Pie – cool and creamy! It is the most delicious peach pie, ever, and even better when it's really, really cold the next day, if you can wait that long! I looove it for breakfast! Yum!! (Now I'm gonna run out and get the ingredients to make this for my little family! :)
Directions and pictures for the Easy Schmeasy Pie Crust in a 9" Pie Plate... Or buy a crust!
Easy Schmeasy Pie Crust! (This is a great 'Cholesterol-Free' Pie Crust)
Make this right in the plate – no rolling!
1 ½ cups All-Purpose Flour
2 tbsp. Sugar
Quick Dash of Salt
½ cup Vegetable Oil
2 tbsp. Milk
2 tbsp. Sugar
Quick Dash of Salt
½ cup Vegetable Oil
2 tbsp. Milk
Peach Filling:
Stir Together:
1 cup Sour Cream
2 Egg Yolks, beaten
1 tsp. Vanilla
2 Egg Yolks, beaten
1 tsp. Vanilla
Mix, then Add:
¾ cup Brown Sugar
½ tsp. Salt
½ tsp. Salt
Drain Two 28 oz. Tins of Sliced Peaches (or use Fresh Peaches)
You’re almost done, already! Put the Drained Peaches in a Big Bowl. Give the Mixture a good stir, then pour half of it in with the Peaches.
Pour this into the Pie Shell. (A wee drop of Flour in the Shell will prevent a ‘soggy’ crust. About a tbsp. of Flour on the bottom of the Pie Shell, then give the pie a shake to cover the bottom with flour.)
Carefully pour the remaining Mixture over the Fruit, starting from the Edge and working toward the middle.
Pop in the Oven at 350 degrees F. for about 45 Minutes.
Remove and Add the Tasty Topping. (Scroll down for Recipe...) Bake for another 10 to 15 minutes, then cool in the Fridge for a few hours. The cooler it is, the tastier it gets!
This is the pie crust -- is sooo worth doing the 'Easy Schmeasy Pie Crust', because it really enhances the flavor of the pie.... plus, it's really healthy (no lard, for God's Sake! lol!)(hahaha! I'm not sure why the 'no lard' makes me laugh so hard... it's like a slogan they might like to put up at the gym! lol!)
Tasty Topping
½ cup Brown Sugar
1 cup Flour
1 to 2 tsp. Cinnamon
½ cup Butter, melted
1 cup Flour
1 to 2 tsp. Cinnamon
½ cup Butter, melted
Mix the dry ingredients, then add the butter with a fork. Mix until Crumbly. About 10 minutes before your Pie is done, pull it out of the oven and add this Topping. Pop the Pie back in the oven for another 10 to 15 minutes, or until the Topping is a nice Golden Brown.
Quick Tip: Whenever you add any topping to a pie (Crumb or Meringue), start with the Outside Rim, first, then ‘fill in’ the middle.
Another Great Tip! Use an Insulated Baking Sheet for all your cooking – nothing ever burns! WooHoo!
Omg, looking at this picture makes me want to make this Peach Pie, right now, have it for breakfast! lol! |
Make this right in the plate – no rolling!
1 ½ cups All-Purpose Flour
2 tbsp. Sugar
Quick Dash of Salt
½ cup Vegetable Oil
2 tbsp. Milk
2 tbsp. Sugar
Quick Dash of Salt
½ cup Vegetable Oil
2 tbsp. Milk
Step 1: Mix the Dry Ingredients directly in the Pie Plate. Draw a little circle in the middle with your finger.
Step 2: Pour the Oil and milk into a jar and put the lid on tightly. Give it a good shake. Pour this mixture into the circle and mix it gently with a fork until completely blended.
Step 3: Press the Pastry against the sides of the Pie Plate, first, then fill in the bottom.
You can Bake this at 400 degrees F. for about 15 minutes if you need a baked shell, or just go ahead and fill it with any fresh or frozen berries and bake for about 45 minutes.
Quick Tip: A really easy way to make a nice Fruit Pie is to put the prepared fruit in a bowl and stir in a Half a Cup of Flour with a Half a Cup of Sugar (mixed together), and it’ll automatically make it’s own sauce.

Peach Crumble - my new fave Hybrid Dish, so we get the delicious Peach Pie Filling, with lots of Peaches, no pie crust, and the delicious and super-healthy Apple Crumble Topping - so you can have as much as you'd like, and you'll still actively lose weight - sweet deal, for real, right? Yum!
So you can make the Peach Pie Filling right in the pan, if you like, or mix everything in a big bowl - or, just drain the peaches, if you're using canned peaches, and just toss the peaches right in the pan, cover lightly with the Apple Crumble Topping...
But the Key, Key, Key to the Peach Crumble, is make sure you cook the peaches in their delicious sauce, first, and THEN, after the peach filling has been baking for about 45 minutes, lightly sprinkle on the Crumble Topping, bake for another 20 minutes, or so - just keep an eye on it, you want the Crumble to be nice and crumbly! : )
So here's what happened the first time I tried my new Hybrid Peach Crumble - a mix of my fave apple Crumble with our fave Peach Pie...
I totally drew a blank on baking the peach pie filling, first, so I just happily covered the peach pie filling with the crumble mix, and it ended up pretty much just baking right into the filling... so, was okay, but not crispy, like i like the crumble topping to be... I fixed it, by pulling the whole crumble off the top, after it was all done, flipped it over and sprinkled the whole thing with brown sugar and cinnamon, took a good hour in the oven to 'dry' the crumble... so, good lesson for me to remember - lol!
So that's what I had started with...
Anyway, never be afraid to pull something apart, see what you can do to fix it all up, make it better - ingredients are just too expensive, if you make something, and it doesn't turn out the way you had hoped... think it through, see what you can do to doctor it up! : )
Yum, am excited to see how this next batch comes out - I have the big 9" X 13" pan in the oven, right now, then I'll make a light Crumble Topping, will put it on later, then pop it back in the oven for about 15 - 30 minutes - we'll see how long it would take to make it delicious! : )
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