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So, for real, we've got this raving looney on The Bachelor in Paradise, again?? hahaha! This poor kid, she'd dismiss me, because I'm well over 30, sooo, in her little brain, I'm waaay old - this little looney... man. and Ashley I. just can't believe that she might not make it, will have to die alone, if she doesn't force Jared to like her, like her... hahaha! We're in Junior High, right? lol! This li'l looney. Oh, My Goodness... let's hope she gets some therapy, and stops listening to her horrible sister... Looney II, I'll call her... Lauren I., as in, "Lauren, I. think you're crazy, too..."
So what kind of parents raise a couple of crazies, a couple of 'girls' who have no self esteem, but identify completely with a Disney Princess? We all know that Ashley I. completely, and immediately, identifies herself AS Princess Jasmine, not really in passing, like, I think I might look like Princess Jasmine - nope, Ashley I. is all about, I AM Princess Jasmine, and I'm looking for my Aladdin - bah'hahahaha! Wasn't he the Cupcake Dentist on Kaitlyn's season? Does she want THAT Aladdin?? hahaha! No? She only wants Jared, and it's not like she didn't ALREADY have a conversation with him, all about which chicken nuggets she likes the best - McDonald's chicken Nuggets, or is it Wendy's Chicken Nuggets - really, she could go on and on... and Jared's face - hilarious! Me laugh! And I loved that Ashley I. wore her Princess Jasmine Bikini, 'n everything, and even THAT didn't seem to work... you had to talk, too? Whaaa???

This poor kid - she needs to maybe read a book, watch some shows, find some stuff she can think to say on a date...
So here's the whole 'cast', if you will... all the lookers for love - lol! Oh, and it took me ages to realize who Carly is - she's the looney from Chris the Farmer's season... who knew? No wonder she is clutching onto that guy... can't remember his name, now - nice looking guy, but I had forgotten that Carly has never had a real relationship, so no wonder she glaumed onto that guy - is that a phrase - glaumed on?? haha! I guess it is, after midnight...lol!

(Oh, here's something pretty funny - I was just getting ready for bed, and I guess I must have had the term 'glommed on' in mah' head, was sure it was a real thing, so I came back through to check my Oxford Dictionary, which I love, love, love, and don't know how anyone can live without an Oxford Dictionary within easy reach, at any given moment...anyway, it turns out that 'glaum' is an old Scottish word, sooo, that explains how me knows it - lol! I'm Scottish, in case this is yer first time in here, and I love to play around with language, just for fun... why not, eh? - I'm also Canadian... and lived in the US for a long time, so I'm a girl o' many nations - lol! Anyway, so, it's either 'glaum' or 'glom', depending on how Scottish you are? hahaha! And it just means, to really grab onto something or someone, which is, fo' sho', what Carly did with that guy... God, why can't I remember his name? lol! If he's still here, next week, I'll be sure to take note of his name - hahaha!) (Oh, he's the one in the green checkered shirt...look up, look waaaay up... think of The Friendly Giant, then look at the group shot...see him? There he is! Kurt, maybe? Whatevs... lol!)

Interesting that Jared is the focus of soo many of the women on Bachelor in Paradise, right? What's his appeal? He's nice, for sure, we could tell that from Kaitlyn's season, when Jared seemed to be the one guy Kaitlyn had a lot of easy fun with, no pressure, just fun, sooo, maybe a great personality? Clearly, Jade wants Jared, Clair (#ClairBear - lol!) likes Jared, Tenley likes Jared... and, of course, Ashley I. plans to marry Jared, becasue she's already solidified her relationship with Jared by looking at him - bah'hahahaha! No, me joke...silly!
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Oh, Jillian, new boobs, 'n everything, and still no luck on the Bachelor Franchise, not even in The Bachelor in Paradise?? Aaawww, maybe a personality transplant is in order, or a dress? Don't get me wrong, I'm a gym girl, too, and I loove the gym, but, you can't do the 'gym walk' outside of the gym - that's a very specific walk when you're carrying some big weights around the gym - not on a date - hahahaha! That makes me laugh - remember that date that Jillian had with Farmer Chris, and Chris liked Jillian soo much, because she does have a great body, right, but then she opens her mouth, and - ruh-roh, problemo! Sooo, maybe jus' class it up a little, Jillian, get you a nice man... or go find a man who likes that sort of thing... there's someone for everyone - or so I've heard... lol!
I looved the opening to Bachelor in Paradise - soo funny! Yahoo, I love when they make it funny - I looved the bit with Tanner, looking like he was talking to Kaitlyn, it's a guy friend with a Kaitlyn wig on - hahaha! Very funny! And that opening - hilarious - like the opening of an 80's show - loved it! lol!
And I loved when Chris Harrison was all carefree on the beach, reading his book - took me a minute to remember that was his own book, The Perfect Letter, by Chris Harrison - lol!

After Paradise
Here's what I really liked - I was soo surprised that #AfterParadise was like a little talk show just for the Bachelor in Paradise, but with some fun facts thrown in about The Bachelorette and The Bachelor - yahoo!! That was fun! And such a nice little surprise!
I loved Chris Harrison, and I would loove to see a Bachelor season with Chris Harrison as the Bachelor...and I' would love to see Ben Z. as the next Bachelor... Ben H. was very nice, but really young, and I hardly noticed him, until the very end of Kaitlyn's season...
I didn't really like the blonde girl beside Chris Harrison ... sorta funny, I guess... maybe they'll use different people throughout the season of Bachelor in Paradise? I looved the girl from Scandal, though, and the fellow beside her... man, am blanking on their names, but I really like them both... Ashley I. seemed more reasonable on After Paradise, buuut, maybe her lines were written for her? How come everyone was so rough on Mike T. - T for Testosterone...
Just looked it up on Twitter - @JoshMalina & @KatieQLowes - lol! Josh Malina and Katie Lowes - hilarious! Loved them!
Here's what I thought was really funny, at the beginning of Bachelor in Paradise, when Mike T. says he's all full o' testosterone, and one of the 'singles' - Jade or Tanner, maybe, says, Who would even like a guy like Mike?? All incredulous-like... well, I laughed - Aaah, most women?? hahahha! Don't worry Mike, there's a reason men hang out at the gym, getting all buff like that - the chicks dig muscles - bah'hahahahaha!
The wedding of Lacey and Marcus was very sweet - that's a nice way to start off Bachelor in Paradise, so everyone can remember that real love really can come out of these little Bachelor shows... you never know where you'll meet the right person, right? You jus' gotta be open to Love!
Carried off into the Sunset! lol!
Okay, 'til next time!! Go haz you'self Lots of Love!! Ailsa : )

#BachelorInParadise - What'd'you mean, you don't want a basketcase, says Ashley I. - Oh, Summer Romance on TV - lol!
@BachParadise, #AfterParadise, @chrisbharrison , @JoshMalina & @KatieQLowes,
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