Oh, what beautiful hands you have... the better to hold a book with, mah' dear : )
This is hilarious! I just watched The Simpsons, Them, Robot (2012), and wouldn't you know it, Homer runs to Mr. Burns' house(trying to escape the robots he has, in some way, irritated (lol!), and finds Mr. Burns reading Tina Fey's Bossypants.... hilarious!
I just read Bossypants, and it was sooo funny, I couldn't stop reading it -- was up 'til 4:30 A.M. on Friday night, just to finish it! Was soo funny!
We are huuuge Simpsons fans (I wrote 3 Simpson spec. scripts in the 90's, and just recently my little man, Aidan, and I started watching all the old 30 Rock shows... hilarious. We love Tina Fey, and then Cara got me Bossypants for my birthday.... was such a great read!
Plus, Tina Fey's hands are so pretty and delicate on the cover... you'll laugh when you see it : )
But Tina Fey's Bossypants was one of THE funniest books I've read in a long time -- Wanda Sykes had such a funny book years, ago, and I looove the old Erma Bombeck books (remember those?? If Life is a Bowl of Cherries, What am I doing in the Pits? I think that was one of the titles, but anything you can find by Erma Bombeck is hilarious.. and Ellen Degeneres... omg, Ellen's books are soooo funny, laugh-out-loud funny... so if you haven't picked it up, yet, or borrowed it from a friend, or put it on your Kindle... I think you get the point, there... you'll loove Bossypants -- hilarious read!

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