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Lovely, right? So pretty, so sparkly - and, they're your old Light Bulbs! lol!
This whole thing started because the new, 'long lasting' light bulbs kept burning out, every few months, or so, and that made me sooo mad, since the 'old' light bulbs, which our gov'ts cleverly 'outlawed' - sarsly, they had to outlaw the good old light bulbs, the ones that lasted forever, and were $1.44 for 4, maybe 6.... and the new long-lasting light bulbs are $34.95 for 6, if you're lucky - uh, no, we see through your little scam, and we've got a new thing to do with all those burnt out light bulbs - so, take that, Light Bulb Industry - and, where did all the good old light bulbs go - and, more importantly, can we just get them back, please? It can't possibly have been that big a problem, and I feel like it was just a big ol' ruse to make the consumer pay a ludicrous amount for light bulbs... but, I digress... (Whaat?? Have I ever digressed, before? Today, I mean? Online? Haha!)
How to Fix Your Christmas Lights
Christmas Lights
Christmas Shopping *** Holiday Shopping : )
Okay, so if you are like me (and I hope you are - lol!), and have saved up all your old light bulbs, you are in for quite a little treat - fancy new Christmas Ornaments, Baby! Yippee!
Really, you're gonna love them! They're so cute!
And if you have children, a whole class of them, or your very own, kids will love this Art Project, too - and all my li'l Crafty Friends out there will looove it! : )
Step 1: Gather together all your old light bulbs
See how many? All shapes and sizes, just like people!
Step 2: Get your Glitter, Glue, Wire (or ribbon, wool or string) and maybe some wider ribbon or 'crystal ribbon' (Hello, Dollar Store! lol!), to wind around the top : )
Step 3: The goal is to create a little handle for you to hang your fancy new-to-you Ornaments on the Christmas Tree - or any Tree - outside would be lovely, too, if you can secure them to the tree : )
Take a 10" (inch) piece of wire or a bunch of wool, and wrap that around the metal part of the bulb and lightly secure... like so... : )
Sale $19.99 each Prelit Wreaths and Garland
#Ornaments #ChristmasOrnaments
How to Make Christmas Ornaments
from Your Old Light Bulbs
#LightBulbs #Recycle #Art, Baby!
(Oh, and I get a wee something from every sale from my blog, so thank you for supporting me! You're so wonderful! And you'll STILL get the best price out there! Yippee! Win-Win!)
Lovely, right? So pretty, so sparkly - and, they're your old Light Bulbs! lol!
This whole thing started because the new, 'long lasting' light bulbs kept burning out, every few months, or so, and that made me sooo mad, since the 'old' light bulbs, which our gov'ts cleverly 'outlawed' - sarsly, they had to outlaw the good old light bulbs, the ones that lasted forever, and were $1.44 for 4, maybe 6.... and the new long-lasting light bulbs are $34.95 for 6, if you're lucky - uh, no, we see through your little scam, and we've got a new thing to do with all those burnt out light bulbs - so, take that, Light Bulb Industry - and, where did all the good old light bulbs go - and, more importantly, can we just get them back, please? It can't possibly have been that big a problem, and I feel like it was just a big ol' ruse to make the consumer pay a ludicrous amount for light bulbs... but, I digress... (Whaat?? Have I ever digressed, before? Today, I mean? Online? Haha!)
How to Fix Your Christmas Lights
Christmas Lights
Christmas Shopping *** Holiday Shopping : )
Omg, I love these so much! They're soo pretty!
Okay, so if you are like me (and I hope you are - lol!), and have saved up all your old light bulbs, you are in for quite a little treat - fancy new Christmas Ornaments, Baby! Yippee!
Really, you're gonna love them! They're so cute!
And if you have children, a whole class of them, or your very own, kids will love this Art Project, too - and all my li'l Crafty Friends out there will looove it! : )
Step 1: Gather together all your old light bulbs
See how many? All shapes and sizes, just like people!
Step 2: Get your Glitter, Glue, Wire (or ribbon, wool or string) and maybe some wider ribbon or 'crystal ribbon' (Hello, Dollar Store! lol!), to wind around the top : )
Step 3: The goal is to create a little handle for you to hang your fancy new-to-you Ornaments on the Christmas Tree - or any Tree - outside would be lovely, too, if you can secure them to the tree : )
Take a 10" (inch) piece of wire or a bunch of wool, and wrap that around the metal part of the bulb and lightly secure... like so... : )
Wind the wire or tie the wool...
If you're using wire (I work with wire for my Art, all the time, so, I have an inordinate amount of wire in the house, at any given time - lol!), carefully thread the wire under the opposite of the bulb, and secure it ...
If you are using wool or anything else, just secure on one side, and wrap it around and secure on the opposite side, so you can create a little handle to hang up your Ornament...
See the nice loop?
Just tuck the wire under on the other side, and carefully secure, or tighten and tie the wool...
Almost done that first part - it won't take you very long, don't worry (Be Happy! : )
Step 4: Wrap the top part, usually metal (not Heavy Metal, unless that's you' jam - haha!)
I try to 'weave' the sparkly ribbon through the wire, on one side, then bring it around to the other side, where you'll have another spare bit of wire sticking out... kind of like sewing, then press the wire along between the rows of 'diamonds' - diamondesque - lol!
A little hard to see, but you'll see it when you're making it, yourself - little hands will have a much easier time with wool or regular ribbon, which you could just glue on, if you like : )
Step 5: The Glue! Yahoo! Finally! (It has happened for me... now it's a Sing-A-Long - lol!)
This big round light bulb is from the bathroom lights, and I think a lot of us have these light bulbs, too pretty to throw out - especially now that we've got something gorgeous to make from them, right? : )
Just good ol' Elmer's School Glue is fine - if you have anything fancier, by all means, use whatever you have!
Just use your finger to spread the glue evenly all over the light bulb, making sure to get right up into the top, and including the very top of the light bulb, you'll sprinkle that bit with Glitter, too - Yay!! Glitter!!
Step 6: Now for the really fun part - The Glitter!!
I use a little plastic tray (from our favorite Stouffer's Frozen Entrees - ah'yum!), right underneath the Ornament, and it's much easier to get full coverage of your Glitter, if you gently pour it from the container of Glitter...
Little fingers might have a hard time managing that, so they could use the sprinkle section - play around with that, whatever works for the kids - or anyone else! This is so much fun, for all ages!
Just keep rotating your glued up light bulb, and soon it'll be sparkling with joy - and you will be, too! lol!
See how pretty? And sparkly? ; )
And then put the glue on the tippy top of the light bulb, and sprinkle more glitter...
This was the first one I made, and that's how I learned (quickly! lol!) to do the top part, first, then the glitter - much easier, and then you can hang your Ornaments right on the Tree!
Early days of the Christmas Tree - I just keep adding things, as the days get closer to Christmas! So pretty, so sparkly!
See the Light Bulb Ornaments at the bottom of the tree? Now I'm making every color!
This one looks like a Whoville Ornament, to me - made me laugh! lol!
Oh, yeah - I did initially try my regular Glitter Sprinkles, and that was totally no bueno - yick! lol!
Much better to use the bigger Glitter, or maybe a whole lot of that gorgeous really fine glitter...
And then for the 'Pears', I mixed Green and Gold Glitter - so pretty!
And that reminds me of a little joke you might like to try, if you have a tree outside, and want to have a wee laugh... if you made a bunch of the Glitter Pear Ornaments, and then hung those carefully in a tree, and then maybe laminated a picture of Danny Partridge, or a picture of the whole Partridge Family, you'd have... wait for it...
A Partridge In A Pear Tree... ; )
See, that would totally make me laugh! Entertain your neighbors! : )
There we go - how much fun was that? You are gonna looove your Glitter Light Bulb Ornaments!!
Have fun with this little idea - you're gonna be so proud of yourself, for making something gorgeous, that will last forever!
And you'll have done your bit to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! lol!
Hello, Christmas Art! : )
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Your Crafty Little Pal, Ailsa! xoxo!!
Ooh, look what I just found for you! Yay! Most of these Deals go until Dec. 24th, 2020, so, hurry in! lol! Get you a good deal! : )