Showing posts with label Love Languages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love Languages. Show all posts

Friday, January 15, 2016

#SevenYearSwitch is Back! #Relationships The 5 Love Languages, by Gary Chapman #MakeYourRelationshipsWork : ) #HarvilleHendrix #Wine Might Help!

The 5 Love Languages - find out what YOUR Love Languages are, and Find out what your Spouse, significant other, family members, children (dog? Is it Treats? haha!), neighbors, co-workers, employees, contractors (is it money? time? hahaha!) - find out what other people might need from you, in order to feel loved, appreciated, secure, happy... all that good stuff! Make your relationships work : ) 

HIGHLY Entertaining, but for all the wrong reasons? lol! You'll laugh and laugh and laugh, and maybe pick up a li'l something, here and there, too, help you with all your relationships - and might give you some insight into some old relationships, too... overall, though, I laughed soo hard, all the way through this book, The 5 Love Languages, by Gary Chapman. I think it could be rebranded: Unintentionally Funny!

Add some wine, see if that will help - well, it'll help one of you - and hopefully both! lol! ; )
Save $120 on 12 World Class Wines for $69.99, Plus Free Corkscrew Set!
Okay, sooo, normally, I would never write about a book that I disagreed with so vehemently, but, however, The 5 Love Languages made me laugh more than almost any other book, was sooo a'crazy.... I just said to my son (who is wonderful), you know, I think I WILL write about The 5 Love Languages, because what other book has made me laugh as much as Dave Barry books? Not very many ... well, okay, lots and lots of hilarious books, but, you know, I'm makin' a point, here - lol!

  Oh, man, I feel soo guilty, saying something baddie about any book, especially a book that prolly helps a lot of people, if you are maybe ultra-conservative, and it was still 2009, and, frankly, after reading this book, Gary Chapman's The 5 Love Languages, I was shocked - soo shocked - to see that Oprah had Dr. Gary Chapman (now he's a doctah') on her fabulous show, SuperSoul Sunday, which I love... so, clearly, Dr. Gary Chapman must have adapted his ideas since this book was written - or, I would hope so - I haven't seen that episode of SuperSoul Sunday, yet... I was busy reading Gary Chapman's book, The 5 Love Languages, which, for the record, me could not put down ... and I laughed my way right through the book...

Okay, so, first of all, one of THE most entertaining parts of the book were all the markings some loonie had written in the book - and this is a LIBRARY Book - now, who does that? Actively sits with a pencil, reading a LIBRARY book, la la, Oh, this is ME, fo' sho'!! hahaha! And then writes it right in there? It's a LIBRARY book - or, liberry, if you love books, AND liberry pie... haha! An old joke, but a goodie!

That, "This is me" really broke me up - hilarious! and it was after the WORST page, all sorts o' crazy stuffs... hahahaha! Omg, I laughed so hard, reading this book - absolutely, without a doubt, this book is accidentally hilarious.... provided you think the same way as me do - hahaha! (Uh, that Singles are NOT Lepers, and those words should not be easily interchangeable... in any context - bah'hahahahahaha!) (And to be SUPER-clear, in no way does the author say that, I just THOUGHT that, and it made me laugh! lol!)

Now, this particular edition of Gary Chapman's The 5 Love Languages, Singles Edition, is written just for Singles... the lowliest of all the lowly people to roam the earth (so, that's me... and, I have to tell you, I'm super-happy being "A Single", because being "A Married" was not fun, the vast majority of the time... and, frankly, as well as Shirley, (an old Far Side 'yoke for you, there - haha!), I loove to be Free to Be Me! It's fun - it's relaxing - it's super-easy...

And, I don't want to alarm you, but I'm also a PARENT. No, no, don't start sobbing for my existence just yet - as a SINGLE PARENT, which Gary Chapman refers to like Single Parents are THE most unfortunate people, ever, and how do they even look at themselves in the mirror? With Love, that's how I look at myself in the mirror, and I'm hoping everyone, even Single Parents, can look at themselves, straight up, in the mirror, and say, with complete and utter happiness and truth, I Love You, to themselves. (A little Louise Hay for you, there, too! lol!)

There was a whole section just for Single Parents, like we're a breed, where the kid, a boy, throws a football IN THE HOUSE (so this is a charming boy, but we don't know how old he is, just yet - maybe he's 8, or 10, say...)...

So the boy throws the football in the house, breaks something. Enter the SINGLE PARENT. We don't know if it's a SINGLE MOTHER (the saddest of all the Single Parents), or a SINGLE FATHER...

So the Single Parent enters the room, sees the damage, and says, (I'm paraphrasing, for extra!)

"Oh, honey, you are almost always good, and I appreciate that about you"

(Read: the kid is a bad-ass, we all hate the kid) (hahaha!)

"You are gonna have to pay for that damage out of your allowance, Mister"

(Again, this is me paraphrasing, for waaay more fun - hahaha!)  (And the kid will pay for the damage that HE has caused, out of the ALLOWANCE that this PARENT, nay, SINGLE PARENT, is going to give him - see any problems, there?? hahahaha!Omg, this was so funny, and I, of course, was reading this out loud to my 16 year old son, and we were both laughing so hard, was the bestest day, ever...)

Conversely, this Single Parent, and now I will have to quote accurately, because I could not make this up (nod to Dave Barry! haha!),

"You know you are not supposed to throw the football in the house" (so, this has happened before, perhaps daily, maybe hourly, or more...this is a truly horrible, fictional, child - haha!)

"Now look at what you've done. You've broken a glass. You know the results of this. Go put the football in the trunk of the car, and your allowance this week will have to go to buying the glass. " And then you walk out of the room.

Your child will likely put the ball into the trunk of the car while saying to himself, I try to obey the rules. I mess up one time and she comes in screaming at me.

A child rebels not against the discipline but against the manner in which the discipline is rendered. The child will feel rejected rather than loved.

Okay, let's just have a wee look at that whole interaction, and ALL the fancy information in this little tidbit of advice, specifically and directly for SINGLE Mothers... first, how the hell old is this 'child' - clearly, old enough to go to the car, open the trunk, put the offending football in it, and close the trunk, come back in the house... so, maybe he's driving, too? hahahaha! Otay, dat make'a me laughs, right there! We are NOT dealing with an 8 year old boy, but an active teenager, probably over 16... haha!

Oh my goodness, I just can't even (my favorite bad carpenter joke - haha!) ...

How WASPY is this story? Do you picture the Single Mother with a Gin and Tonic in her hand, saying that crap to the boy? hahaha! Omg, so funny! I could not stop laughing...

There was soo much, right through the entire book, so crazy, so offensive that it was funny to read out loud - I had to keep running through to my son's room, hey, listen to this, or I would arrive at his room, stand there laughing, clasping the book, hah, listen to THIS! haha... or I would shout through to him, from my reading spot on the couch (settee...), "Can you hear me? I wait for the "Yes : )", then read all the bits I think are soo crazy, so out-there, that I just cannot stop laughing... it's all in the interpretation, right?

Can you see this picture? The person who read this before me, with indeterminate male or female writing - ooh, I hope it was a fancy male writer, but who's to say? At first, I thought, now, what da hell? Who on earth would write in a library book, like it was their own personal journal? And then, mid-way through the book, I loooved the little notations, the underlinings, if you will, - was hilarious - and always, always, at the very worst parts...

And then, by the end, I was soo disappointed when I had to squint to try to figure out what the Crazy Person had jotted down, thoughts for later, maybe? haha! Little ideas for future relationships? Me tinkin' dat prolly not happening, for this particular jotter downer.. this little loonie! haha!

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot this part - good thing I took some pics of it, as I was going through, and could not believe what I was reading - and this is from 2009 - this is not an ancient text.... the man as Godly, and the woman as a gold digger? hahahahahahaha! Ah, personal, much? O' course, dat make'a me laughs, too... it all made me laugh... unintentionally... this was written as a very serious study on The 5 Love Languages... let me see if I can remember them...

Gifts (hilarious!), You better give this person lots o' gifts, or else... Gift Ideas for you! lol!

Quality Time (you have to force yourself to spend even more time - or any time - with these needy people, who you WOULD spend more time with, if they weren't so annoying, right? There's a reason you're not spending enough time with someone... hello... haha!)

Okay, that's all I can remember - me gots'ta look at the book, again, to remember the last three - but I DO remember thinking, where's FOOD on the list of ways people feel Love, or ways people share Love? If I make you a Peach Pie, I prolly love you, because it's kind of a big deal to make that Peach Pie... haha! Soo, there you go! lol!

See all those ingredients? Now THAT's Love - lol!

Okay, well, that's looks delicious, and it IS insanely delicious, so now I'm'a gonna have to make a Peach Pie! lol!

Oh, yeah (and I am looking at the book to remember this, not out'a mah' mind's eye - haha!)...

Acts of Service - this person wants you to do soo much stuff for them, all the time, or you don't love them any more. Neeeedy! No. Sometimes, this is super-annoying. I had an old boyfriend, who, maaaybe, didn't realize he was an old boyfriend? Anyway, he would come over and do all this housework, which I thought was super-weird... so, maybe this was his Love Language? Who knows - not me! ha! Whatevs... be nice to me, or I'm out - that's MY Love Language - hahaha!

Oh, Words of Affirmation - hmmm... like, "Oh, I like the way you built me that house?" haha! Noo, that's just me - in da mirror! hahaha! And, incidentally (of nothing), I'm really only interested in someone if they want to build houses with me - haha! Like every girl... so typical...)

I can't think of any Words of Affirmation, right now - but here's the thing - you should be very comfortable with the whole saying, out loud, of the "I Love You" thing - to yourself, to your partner, to your children, to your parents, to your friends... they're very nice words, and too often, they are not spoken - out loud - that part is really, really important - or written - that's important, too - but you want to be very clear, abundantly clear, that you love the other person (and yourself - did I already mention that? Ha! I'm a'gonna always mention that Self Love thing - it always starts with you being good to your own self, then extend that out to others : )

Oh, and Physical Touch. You think? haha! My favorite part of the book is the whole focus on 'Physical Touch' being hugs, buuuut, well, you might want to take that a little bit further, see if that makes your relationships pop! haha! Sizzle, maybe... and if there's no sizzle, you're outta there, man... or, is that still me? hahaha! Prolly me.. but maybe you, too - lol!

I did love the story about the person he tells to go and give a hug to her mother, and she says, it's like hugging a flag pole - yikes! There's a whole lack of love thing going on, there - and it is so shocking how many families are soo disconnected, no hugging, never say I love you, would never dream of being nice to one another... that seems to be rampant, and can easily be fixed, soo, if you read this book, Gary Chapman's The 5 Languages of Love, you could definitely take some good information from it, and even more from his later books, I'm sure, to help married people, or people wanting to have better relationships with their family, friends, spouse, or co-workers... hey,mif you pick up a little tidbit that really works, and changes your life for the better, go for it, right? Yeah, baby! lol!

 Grumpy Cat Say, No. Hahaha! 
Does remind me of Grumpy Cat, too - what would Grumpy Cat say to all of these 5 Love Langauges? No. Haha! I gotta go get you a pic o' da Grumpy Cat, now - lol! (There you go! : )

My bottom line is, you treat me well, I treat you well, we're all good... when something feels awry, problemo...

When we all feel loved, supported, respected, cared for, well fed, well housed, no worries, right? Smooth Sailing, all the way! (To the bank? I hopes so! hahaha! And there should be a lot o' laughs in any good relationship, too, and some chocolate! lol!) Go give someone a hug, say, I love you - see what happens... omg, I almost forgot to tell you the whole bit about knowing when is okay to hug..or more... yeah, always, fo' sho', only hug the people who know you and WANT to hug you - hahahaha! Yick! Hello, being a normal human being! Is always good to remember to be decent, and on this side of the law - yikes! haha!)

And no makes Grumpy Cat mad... or, madder.. lol! : ) Hugs! Ailsa! : ) xoxo!

Okay, here are some more of Gary Chapman's Love Languages books - see what might work for you : )

I just watched Oprah's Lifeclass with Dr. Gary Chapman, and this is the copy of The Five Love Languages that Oprah held up, in case you want the exact same one - lol!

  Well, if it works for your marriage, or for any relationships in your life, it's worth a read, right?

One of my favorite parts was when Oprah laughed soo hard, when one of the women in the audience was told to ask her husband, every night, "What can I do to fill your love tank, tonight?" and Oprah just about fell down laughing - hahaha! Best Oprah Moment, ever! I loved it!

But, for real, is a good idea, if you are having a tough time with any relationship, as the other person (or yourself!), do you truly feel loved? It's good to ask, but then you might just get an answer, sooo, be ready for some change - and make sure the other person asks you,too, since a relationship is only functional when it's a two-way street, right? (Usually....)

To All The Love in the World, and to a Full Love Tank! haha! That make'a me laughs! lol! 

Dr. Harville Hendrix and Oprah Winfrey - Wow, So Brilliant, as always! lol! 

So, here's another show I just saw - Oprah has her Super Soul Sunday, and sometimes Oprah will run an older show that really touched her, or transformed her, or a lot of her audience..anyway, I happened to turn that on, tonight (I've had it on the DVR for a while, I must've missed it...)

Anyhoooo, Oprah had Dr. Harville Hendrix on, and he was talking about how the emotional wounds from your childhood are played out, in order to be resolved, in your adult relationships - back in the day, that was almost always in a marriage, but now, you know, everything's different, now, and hopefully, and I really, really hope, that parents are much better informed for dealing with their children, so our own children aren't burdened for life by hurtful words or actions from the parents in earlier generations (and not always from parents - childhood wounds can come from other kids, other family members, outside sources...aawww, all those poor little kids, just trying to make their little way into their own lives.... I'll link this to my parenting page, for some tips, just in case... Love those kids! They're our future, and they're their own future : )

So, I was watching the show, and Harville Hendrix said a line that really resonated with me:

What is the deepest wound from your partner?

And what is your deepest wound from your childhood?

And then from me:

Has that affected you in any other relationships?

And guess what? Yep, I wish someone had asked me that in my last marriage... the first marriage was a nightmare, start to finish, horrifically abusive. What a monster, am disgusted he didn't go to jail.

And that's about the most I've ever said about that.

But for my second marriage, it really was a very hurtful wound, very hurtful words and feelings, from my childhood, that he triggered, and if that question had ever come up, and we could each have answered it, AND he was willing to make the actual changes to correct those problems, maybe that marriage would have survived and thrived. Maybe. There was a lot going on, there, too.... Divorce is never taken on lightly - very serious problems have existed for a very long time, before a divorce happens...

So, if you are looking for a new relationship, want some closure from an old relationship, or want to make your current relationship or marriage much stronger and happier, have a wee look at these books. Very, very interesting.

Open communication - real, actual, what is really hurting you so much, and then how do we work together to correct it - that's brilliant - I love that!

Good Luck with Your Love Life!! Giant Internet Hugs for you!! Ailsa : )

Now, why did they take this off the air, before we even got to see the full season? We know you have them in the can, just show them to us - put it on at 4am, we'll DVR it, for Goodness sake! lol! ; )

I am looving this new show on Slice - Seven Year Switch - it's a show that let's couples see what it would be like if they had married someone else - very inneresting, right? See if someone else meets your needs, or if you are coming up against the same old problems, then maybe it's something you're doing, in any scenario? Anyway, my favorite parts, o' course, since me a li'l bit o' a cynic (hahaha!) is when they say, "Well, this is worse than Swingers" - hahaha! Whaat? #KeyTherapy? That's funny - and I loove that the people who really couldn't stand being in their marriages, one more minute, they have THE biggest smiles, they're all laughing, joking, having a great old time... Plus, the houses are super-nice, soo, that DOES have a lot to do with your happiness level - not everything, to be sure, I know that firsthand, baby, but, two weeks of not having to think about the usual day-to-day worries, that would change everything.

Hopefully, the couples will get to see some personality traits that might be the cause of some of their marital problems - maybe not during the experiment, but possibly when they watch it back? lol! Well, one way or another, I'm lovin' Seven Year Switch - so far, so good! 

And now onto the book - 

Monday, February 13, 2012

#RomanticMeal ~ Valentine's Day Dinner - Easy to Make and Crazy Delicious! Your Man will love it -- and You!!

Steak Pie for Valentine's Day Dinner at Home - yum!!

Delicious and Easy Steak Pie

Key for Men: Do NOT leave the clean up for your Wife - Big Mistake - if you're having your Valentine's Day Dinner at home, you must be super-extra kind, either do the dishes, or help with the dishes..and did I already say, Be Nice? hahaha! #WordToTheWise - haha!

So here's what I'm making, today... Scottish Steak Pie, but my own version, without the yuuucky kidneys (the traditional Scottish Steak Pie is a combination of steak and kidneys... I would guess that most people in North America aren't in the habit of eating kidneys (blah!! lol!), and even though they're full of iron, I canny stand the texture! haha!  So I made up my own recipe to still get the delicious steak part, plus the amazing Puff Pastry topping... I just buy that in the Freezer Section of the grocery store -- usually back by the frozen pie shells.  You just put it in the fridge the day you're going to use it, then your can either roll it out or just unwrap the package, open the pastry (it'll be folded in three, probably, and lay right on the steak pie... is even easier if you use a 9" X 13" pan... round is just fancier! lol!

Steak Pie Main Ingredients... you can make this on it's own, too -- you just serve it with mashed potatoes -- yum!
The Crock Pot, all ready to go... set on High while you're in the house, but if you are heading out to work, or for a walk, or whatnot, set on lower setting, for the longest period of time on your Crock Pot. I set mine for 6 hours on High, then it will go to Simmer for a few more hours... the meat will be soo tender!
Here we go -- all the meat is in -- steak at the bottom, sausages  next, then the mushrooms, sprinkle with Onion Soup Mix and Montreal Steak Spice, pour 8 cups of boiling water over everything, stir and cover.

So I've just put the meat and mushrooms on, using the Crock Pot.  It's a crazy easy way to make this meal, since the secret to amazing melt-in-your-mouth steak is to slow-cook it, so I put it on in the morning, let it simmer away all day, will pull the meat apart in the evening, and cut the sausages into bite-sized pieces... and everything cooks together, so you just rinse all the meat ( a package of steak -- doesn't matter what kind -- rinse a package of sausages (I use Mild Italian Sausage, since my son, Aidan, (he's 12!) doesn't really like spicy things, but normally I would use the Hot Italian Sausage (sounds good for Valentine's Day, anyway! hahahahaha! Okay, that little jokes just for me!! lol!)... anyway, place the steak on the bottom of the Crock Pot, then add the sausages -- no need to cut them, just place them in the pot, then clean some button mushrooms (quarter the mushrooms if you like), pop them on top of the meat, sprinkle on a package of Onion Soup Mix and sprinkle that with Montreal Steak Spice (yum!), then pour 8 cups of boiling water over everything.  I use a really big Crock Pot, since I like to make an enormous Steak Pie... seems like I only work in 'enormous' or 'nothing'! hahahaha!  Story o' me life! lol!

When the Steak and Sausages are fully cooked, make the gravy  (follow the directions below :), pour into a large pan or pie plate, fit the pastry over the steak, like a pie (no pastry on the bottom), brush with egg and sprinkle a little salt (you can make fancy wee Love Hearts or Leaves out of the pastry, if you're feeling extra-fancy, today! lol! Just use a little of the egg to 'glue' the shapes onto the pastry)... pop in the oven for about 45 minutes, until it's a lovely golden brown, make your mashed potatoes and veggie, and Voila, you're done!! This is fantastic the next day, too, if you should have any left over!! lol!  Happy Eating!!

                                                                            * * *

 This is my own version of the Traditional Scottish Steak Pie. In the Traditional Steak Pie (Steak and Kidney Pie), it's full of Steak and Kidneys, which I do not like -- not at all! But I love, love, love Steak Pie, so I adapted it to a more 'North American' taste, taking out the yucky Kidneys, and replacing the kidneys with sausages (yum!).


1 Pound Beef Cubes or Steak

1 Pound Sausage (I like large English Sausage or Mild Italian Sausage)

Onion Soup Mix (2 Packages or 6 Tablespoons of the Onion Soup Mix from the Bulk Package -- from Costco!)

1 Package of Sliced Mushrooms (If Whole, just Quarter the Mushrooms)

1 Tablespoon Montreal Steak Spice (or Whatever Steak Spice you use -- 1 tsp if it's too salty)

4 Cups of Water

Bisto, Flour or Corn Starch for the Gravy.

Puff Pastry (Just buy the Package at your Local Grocers in the Frozen Pastry Section -- usually over by the Fozen Fruit.)

1 Egg (optional)


I use a Large Electric Wok to make the Meat, since it's huge and holds a nice steady heat. I've made it in a Crock Pot, before (pop the meat in before you go out to work...). You can use a Big Skillet, too.

Brown the Sausages. Remove from the Pan and slice. (If you have a George Foreman Grill, or the like, that's even better to remove the ft from the sausages... then brown the steak right after the sausages are done. Mnnn, lovely!)

In the same pan, brown the Meat.

Toss the Mushrooms in on top of the Meat. Cover and simmer a wee bit. (about 5-10 minutes)

Add the Sliced Sausages

Add the Water. Stir in the Onion Soup mix and the Spices.

Turn the Heat down to Simmer.

Cover and leave it for hours and hours. Literally. The longer this cooks, the tastier it is, so if you put it on in the morning, the steak will be sooo tender by the evening. Yum. (Do I sound hungry??)

You can make this delicious Roast Meat Meal in the oven, too - this is my new favorite way to make it, is soo easy, and then relax for the day, in the house, while it's cooking - I would give it a good 6 hours, 2 to 4 cups of water in with the meat, depending on the size of the roast beef, ham, turkey... before you put it in the oven, and along with your spices, cover with foil, cook it at 350 for hours and hours - and throw some scrubbed and pierced potatoes around the edges - yum! So delicious! : )

When the Steak is cooked nicely (it'll shred easily), remove all fat from the meat and pull apart with a fork. It's easy if you just remove it onto a separate plate. Return Shredded Steak If you have a wee dog, they will love you even more if you share a wee bit with them!

Using a Slotted Spoon, remove all the Meat and Mushrooms from the Pan and place in a Deep Pie Dish. I usually double the batch so I can make enough for Two Big Steak Pies, since that'll make it much easier the next time we have it -- I just put the extra Meat in another Pie Dish and freeze it -- no Pastry on the Frozen Pie.
Now I just section the pulled meat into baggies, pop them in the freezer, fantastic over Ramen, put the broken noodles in a medium size bowl, put the meat on top, cover in boiling water, pop in the microwave for 3 minutes, add 2 or 3 sorta heaping teaspoons of Chicken OXO, is waaay better than the flavor packet it comes with - lol! Add some chopped green onions and parsley - ah'yum! And we make the Pass da Pasta with the frozen meat, too, or anything else we like : )

Make the Gravy. The easiest way to make a nice smooth Gravy is to put a Couple of Tablespoons of Corn Stach and a pinch of Salt into a Tea Cup. Stir the Corn Starch and Salt to make it smooth. Then add 1 to 2 Tablespoons of the Liquid (see in the picture?) to the Tea Cup. Stir into the Corn Starch until completely smooth. Add in a bit more at a time until you have about a half-cup of the 'Pre-Gravy' mix. Turn the heat up on the Liquid, then quickly stir in the 'Pre-Gravy' mix. The Gravy will thicken up and be delicious in no time. (Seconds, really...)

Pour the Gravy over the Meat in the Pie Dish.

Now I just add enough water, when I cook this Roast Meat in the oven, to create it's own gravy - ah'yum! Way faster and easier - not fastie schmast, over all, but when it's time to put the whole meal together to serve it, that's when it comes together really quickly - lol! 

Oh, and this is the Steak and Mushroom in a Cream Sauce, Le Closure Meal - is supposed to be a meal you serve the one you want to marry, and they'll propose the next day - or, something like that - it IS very delicious, and for some reason, you ARE totally thinking about how delicious it was, later that night, AND the following day, sooo.... might work! And at the very least, you'll have a grea meal - haha! 

Puff Pastry: Oh, I love Puff Pastry! Follow the Package Instructions and take it out of the Freezer well in advance. Remove one 'Square' of the Pastry and roll it out on some Parchment Paper (if you have it) with lots of Flour on the Rolling Surface so it won't stick. Put plenty of flour on the rolling pin, too. Roll it to fit the Pie Plate -- about 1/8th of an inch thick.

Place the Pastry on top of the Meat, and trim around the edges. Make little 'slot marks' in the center of the Steak Pie with a sharp knife. If you're feeling creative, shape the extra pieces of Pastry into Leaves and 'glue them' onto the Pie Crust with a wee bit of Egg.

Beat One Egg. Using a Pastry Brush, very lightly 'paint' the egg on the Pastry. (If you are allergic to Eggs, just skip this part and use milk.) Sprinkle a wee bit of Salt on the Pastry with a normal Salt Shaker.

Pop in the Oven for about 45 minutes, to cook the Puff Pastry. Check back at 20 minutes to see how it's doing, and to turn the Pie if you need to. The Finished Steak Pie should be a lovely Golden Brown.
Serve with Mashed Potatoes and Peas. (That's the Traditional Meal -- usually served at Hogmanay, the Scottish New Year.) I make it year-round, because it's delicious and everybody loves it. And now that I've just written all about it, I'm desperate for a wee bit of it, now, so I think I'll make it this week!
I must have some photos of the finished Product, so I'll go through my old Photos to see where it is!

Happy Eating! Ailsa!

Look who's tried this Recipe:

Hi, Ailsa. I found your web site when looking for a recipe for Steak Pie. My husband loves to get it when we go to a little pub in Napanee. There it is Steak and Kidney, but like yourself, I am not a fan of Kidney. I tried your recipe today-I was afraid of the Puff pastry, as I had never used it before, but it all turned out very well, and my husband loved it.

Where were you born in Scotland? I am origionally from Dundee, but have been in Canada for 40 years.
I don't know where you get the time for all the STUFF for your web site. It is fun reading it.

Best Wishes ...........Helen

Hello, Helen! That's one of my favorite names! Oh, I love Napanee -- so pretty. I think I know the Pub... is it on the Main Street? I'm glad you liked the Steak Pie -- delicious, isn't it? Did you happen to make Apple or Cherry Turnovers with the extra Puff Pastry? I always do that, and everyone loves them. Good for your Figure, too, as far as I'm willing to understand how Puff Pastry fits into a Diet! ha,ha!

I was born in Glasgow, Scotland (Cumbernauld), and we all moved to Canada when I was 2 and a half, so I've been here for 40 years, too. Except for a few lucky years in my Twenties when I got to live in California... We have many friends from Dundee, so I have to assume that you have a great sense of humour, since I think that's a given if you're from Dundee or the surrounding area, am I right??

I love that you found my little website -- well, not so wee, anymore! I started it with a baby on my lap, and now he's in Grade One (and Cara was in Grade 8, and I had to wait for her to come home from school so she could turn the computer on for me, because I couldn't seem to remember how to do that, so it was quite a feat for me to become a successful website owner... and now Cara has finished High School and is heading to Scotland to visit my Mum & Dad this Spring -- lucky girl!), so it's a long, slow process... and a whole lot of fun. I don't know anyone who is only interested in one thing, so that's my theory behind adding in whatever happens to appeal to me on the site. Plus, who's gonna stop me? ha,ha,ha!

Thanks for Writing! I love to hear from my Readers! Ailsa

 This is my own version of the Traditional Scottish Steak Pie. In the Traditional Steak Pie (Steak and Kidney Pie), it's full of Steak and Kidneys, which I do not like -- not at all! But I love, love, love Steak Pie, so I adapted it to a more 'North American' taste, taking out the yucky Kidneys, and replacing the kidneys with sausages (yum!).


1 Pound Beef Cubes or Steak

1 Pound Sausage (I like large English Sausage or Mild Italian Sausage)

Onion Soup Mix (2 Packages or 6 Tablespoons of the Onion Soup Mix from the Bulk Package -- from Costco!)

1 Package of Sliced Mushrooms (If Whole, just Quarter the Mushrooms)

1 Tablespoon Montreal Steak Spice (or Whatever Steak Spice you use -- 1 tsp if it's too salty)

4 Cups of Water

Bisto, Flour or Corn Starch for the Gravy.

Puff Pastry (Just buy the Package at your Local Grocers in the Frozen Pastry Section -- usually over by the Fozen Fruit.)

1 Egg (optional)


I use a Large Electric Wok to make the Meat, since it's huge and holds a nice steady heat. I've made it in a Crock Pot, before (pop the meat in before you go out to work...). You can use a Big Skillet, too.

Brown the Sausages. Remove from the Pan and slice. (If you have a George Foreman Grill, or the like, that's even better to remove the ft from the sausages... then brown the steak right after the sausages are done. Mnnn, lovely!)

In the same pan, brown the Meat.

Toss the Mushrooms in on top of the Meat. Cover and simmer a wee bit. (about 5-10 minutes)

Add the Sliced Sausages

Add the Water. Stir in the Onion Soup mix and the Spices.

Turn the Heat down to Simmer.

Cover and leave it for hours and hours. Literally. The longer this cooks, the tastier it is, so if you put it on in the mornign, the steak will be sooo tender by the evening. Yum. (Do I sound hungry??)

When the Steak is cooked nicely (it'll shred easily), remove all fat from the meat and pull apart with a fork. It's easy if you just remove it onto a separate plate. Return Shredded Steak If you have a wee dog, they will love you even more if you share a wee bit with them!

Using a Slotted Spoon, remove all the Meat and Mushrooms from the Pan and place in a Deep Pie Dish. I usually double the batch so I can make enough for Two Big Steak Pies, since that'll make it much easier the next time we have it -- I just put the extra Meat in another Pie Dish and freeze it -- no Pastry on the Frozen Pie.

Make the Gravy. The easiest way to make a nice smooth Gravy is to put a Couple of Tablespoons of Corn Stach and a pinch of Salt into a Tea Cup. Stir the Corn Starch and Salt to make it smooth. Then add 1 to 2 Tablespoons of the Liquid (see in the picture?) to the Tea Cup. Stir into the Corn Starch until completely smooth. Add in a bit more at a time until you have about a half-cup of the 'Pre-Gravy' mix. Turn the heat up on the Liquid, then quickly stir in the 'Pre-Gravy' mix. The Gravy will thicken up and be delicious in no time. (Seconds, really...)

Pour the Gravy over the Meat in the Pie Dish.

Puff Pastry: Oh, I love Puff Pastry! Follow the Package Instructions and take it out of the Freezer well in advance. Remove one 'Square' of the Pastry and roll it out on some Parchment Paper (if you have it) with lots of Flour on the Rolling Surface so it won't stick. Put plenty of flour on the rolling pin, too. Roll it to fit the Pie Plate -- about 1/8th of an inch thick.

Place the Pastry on top of the Meat, and trim around the edges. Make little 'slot marks' in the center of the Steak Pie with a sharp knife. If you're feeling creative, shape the extra pieces of Pastry into Leaves and 'glue them' onto the Pie Crust with a wee bit of Egg.

Beat One Egg. Using a Pastry Brush, very lightly 'paint' the egg on the Pastry. (If you are allergic to Eggs, just skip this part and use milk.) Sprinkle a wee bit of Salt on the Pastry with a normal Salt Shaker.

Pop in the Oven for about 45 minutes, to cook the Puff Pastry. Check back at 20 minutes to see how it's doing, and to turn the Pie if you need to. The Finished Steak Pie should be a lovely Golden Brown.
Serve with Mashed Potatoes and Peas. (That's the Traditional Meal -- usually served at Hogmanay, the Scottish New Year.) I make it year-round, because it's delicious and everybody loves it. And now that I've just written all about it, I'm desperate for a wee bit of it, now, so I think I'll make it this week!
I must have some photos of the finished Product, so I'll go through my old Photos to see where it is!

Happy Eating! Ailsa!

Look who's tried this Recipe:

Hi, Ailsa. I found your web site when looking for a recipe for Steak Pie. My husband loves to get it when we go to a little pub in Napanee. There it is Steak and Kidney, but like yourself, I am not a fan of Kidney. I tried your recipe today-I was afraid of the Puff pastry, as I had never used it before, but it all turned out very well, and my husband loved it.

Where were you born in Scotland? I am origionally from Dundee, but have been in Canada for 40 years.
I don't know where you get the time for all the STUFF for your web site. It is fun reading it.

Best Wishes ...........Helen

Hello, Helen! That's one of my favorite names! Oh, I love Napanee -- so pretty. I think I know the Pub... is it on the Main Street? I'm glad you liked the Steak Pie -- delicious, isn't it? Did you happen to make Apple or Cherry Turnovers with the extra Puff Pastry? I always do that, and everyone loves them. Good for your Figure, too, as far as I'm willing to understand how Puff Pastry fits into a Diet! ha,ha!

I was born in Glasgow, Scotland (Cumbernauld), and we all moved to Canada when I was 2 and a half, so I've been here for 40 years, too. Except for a few lucky years in my Twenties when I got to live in California... We have many friends from Dundee, so I have to assume that you have a great sense of humour, since I think that's a given if you're from Dundee or the surrounding area, am I right??

I love that you found my little website -- well, not so wee, anymore! I started it with a baby on my lap, and now he's in Grade One (and Cara was in Grade 8, and I had to wait for her to come home from school so she could turn the computer on for me, because I couldn't seem to remember how to do that, so it was quite a feat for me to become a successful website owner... and now Cara has finished High School and is heading to Scotland to visit my Mum & Dad this Spring -- lucky girl!), so it's a long, slow process... and a whole lot of fun. I don't know anyone who is only interested in one thing, so that's my theory behind adding in whatever happens to appeal to me on the site. Plus, who's gonna stop me? ha,ha,ha!

Thanks for Writing! I love to hear from my Readers! Ailsa Offers

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How to Meet the Love of Your Life! #FindLove #Love #lol!

So this started out as a 'Marry Rich' page, but that's just a wee joke - it's a great idea, though, don't get me wrong! lol!  But the most important thing, right after you are actually attracted to your potential new mate, and they're good to you, is that you are financially compatible.  You might be shocked at the number of marriages and relationships that fall apart because of money problems - and not just not having enough - what to do with the money once you've gotten it can be a big issue, too... so it's really important to know how your potential partner feels, acts, manages, makes, acquires, keeps (the list goes on and on! lol!) their money.

I think that how someone (really, I'm talking about men, here, mostly, but this applies to women, too) deals with their money is often very closely related to how they will deal with you. If they are stingy with their money, they'll often be stingy with their love, and that's not good for you.  But there's a huge difference between being frugal, or careful, with their money - stinginess is a whole other ball game, and not a fun one to play.  You can't even play ball with this guy, because he won't share his ball! hahahahaha!  Okay, that one;s just for me (and you, to, if you're laughing, right now! hahaha!).  And then there's the over-spender, who is not any better - no sense of when enough is enough, and God Knows we all know where that leads... he can't tell when one woman is enough... bleh!  Nobody needs that guy!  They're both jerks!  But sooo many of them, dang it!  and wouldn't you know some of them are cute?!  So you have to be vigilant, keep your eyes open... and you can choose to be with any guy who appeals to you, as long as you're doing the risk-management thing - know what you're getting into, and be careful with your own money : )

Okay, on with the show...

Wealth can be measured by many things -- a Wealth of Possibilities is sometimes even more fun in a mate than finding everything ready-made. Then you can then grow in your Wealth, together. Doesn't that sound like fun? Plus, Rich to one person might mean being able to pay all the bills without worrying, and to the next person 'Rich' might mean having the biggest Yacht in the Habour. Make up your own mind about 'How much does it take to be Wealthy', and you'll be well on your way to your own Personal Wealth and Happiness

Oh, and here's a little epiphany I had a while back -- you know what you really want to find in a Mate? Someone with a Generous Spirit. It occurred to me that a person with a truly generous spirit will be open to sharing everything about their lives, including their money. Money is just a good indicator of how they often handle the rest of their lives. Tight with the Money, Tight with the Love. This has very little to do with how much money anyone has, just the willingness to share, so watch out for that, and be lovely and open, yourself. You'll find a Great Match in no time!

Okay, let's say you know someone (is it me?? haha!) who is looking for a nice relationship and might be a bit shy about joining up for Internet Dating all on their own... this might be the perfect present for someone that you love who wants to find a little extra-special love of their very own! Here are some little tips so you can at least spot a wealthy (or soon-to-be-wealthy) guy (or girl!):

1. If that BMW he's driving is most likely leased, you may be looking at a guy who owes a whole lot of money to someone else... It's pretty easy to LOOK rich. You might want to check out the guy in the Truck or not-so-new-but-still-nice vehicle -- chances are high that he's the one who's been saving his bucks, and has the ability to make a whole lot more of them!

2. High Maintenance Women are great for High Maintenance Men -- are you willing to be a Barbie forever? Think you ever want to just kick back and enjoy your life? Probably not with this guy -- he'll demand perfection -- his mother will, too, and yes, she'll definitely come with the package. (Hey, I don't know why these guys are like that -- it's just a part of the special -- and sometimes anal retentive -- package that you can often get with the Rich and Famous!)

3. Wealthy Men are really looking for down-to-earth women who won't blow their budget. (Go ahead... make all your jokes here...I'll wait! ...) They are open to friendly women who would make easy companions -- fun to talk with who can get down to business when they need to -- which is fairly often -- that's how wealth is made and kept! He wants to be married for life, since he is seriously trying to avoid losing half of his wealth-to-date in a Divorce.

Now, here's a difference between a Rich Man and a Wealthy Man...a Rich Man is a fellow with a tremendous amount of money, and often he is looking for a 'Trophy Wife'. A Wealthy Man is someone who has worked really hard for his money and who wants to not only keep it, he wants to make sure it grows. The Wealthy Man is looking for a Partner to work along side him in this growth business, and help him keep his life running smoothly, then the whole family is much happier.

Remember that the Type of Work that a Wealthy Man does may not match what is typically thought of as a 'monied position'. The old thinking was that only Doctors and Lawyers were the ones with money (this doesn't include Athletes, since they are few and far between, and we're talking about men you might actually come in contact with on any given day..!). Enterpreneurs, Contractors, Teachers (yes, some teachers are really, really good money managers, and are able to amass all sorts of wealth!), People in Construction and Real Estate, and let's not forget Computers! Almost any line of work can lead a person down the Road to Wealth -- it's all about Money Management, not necessarily how much you make in any given year.
Keep an open mind when you meet a new person to see what they're really all about. You'll ensure a better future for yourself if you hook up with a man who has a solid understanding of Wealth Management. A guy with a really high salary who spends like a fiend (and NOT on Real Estate! ha,ha!) in order to APPEAR Wealthy will be more difficult to get ahead with than someone who earns less but manages his money well.

4. Hang out at Boat Shows -- those guys are typically loaded. They have to be to buy a boat and then actually take it out on the water. If you're lucky enough to live near water, hang about (not leeringly...) at the Docks. Who knows who you might run into...? Hey, Building and Home Shows are great, too -- maybe you'll get some great ideas while you're there, too!

Don't forget to pop into shops where the wealthy go -- the Home Improvement Stores, Stationary Supply Stores, the Jean Stores (yes, contrary to popular opinion, many wealthy men wear jeans!) and, of course, the grocery and liquor stores!

I'm not sure why Bars got such a bad rap -- especially Dance Bars and Cool Pubs. They're fun to hang out at with your friends, and perhaps you'll meet someone nice. Keep in mind that 'the wealthy' generally didn't start out that way -- you might find a diamond in the rough!

Sports Games are great, too (small plug -- I'd like to see every Sports Team out there with their own Logo on a Buff so when you went to games there'd be a whole SEA of Buffs for each side -- if you know someone interested in that, for Goodness Sake have them contact me! Pweeeease!) Back to the games -- want a manly man? Check out the local Rugby matches... Love Hockey or Basketball? Try to catch the NHL and MBA (whooops! Slight trip of the tongue, there! Although those MBA guys are great, too...) ... Should be NBA Games, then go meet the Players -- there's usually a cool Bar in or nearby the Arena where you could 'mingle'! No gushing, though -- play it calm and collected -- they'll appreciate the lack of craziness! All the people you will meet in this scenario will be interesting, so keep your mind open and make some new friends.

Just one little tidbit about going out with a group of girls -- watch out for the 'group syndrome', where some poor soul comes over to ask you to dance and there's a quick and seldom subtle 'group decision' about 'whether he should be permitted a dance or not'... ugh. Everybody hates this -- it's not High School anymore ... always make your own decision about who you like and be kind whenever you can. It's very hard for a man to approach a woman in a group (all the more reason not to always travel in packs!), so if you're not offended by the guy, one little dance is the polite thing to do. Unless it's a slow song, and he's been leering at you all night, in which case a simple 'No Thanks. Maybe a Fast dance later on...' ought to work. Strike up some conversations and have some fun!

5. Learn how to cook. No kidding. Check out my favorite recipes on the Tips & Recipes Page, and try your hand at one of the recipes. I haven't met a man, yet, who doesn't love Cheesecake, so give that one a shot! Hey, you'll have a lovely treat for you and your girlfriends while you seek out that guy! You don't need to cook everything, it's just very useful to have a couple of signature dishes that you can make that will be fun to make for your new guy!

6. Have (and go to...) parties with other single people. Make them pre-timed in the afternoon, if it's too weird to have one in the evening. Say, from 2:00pm - 4:00pm on a Sunday. Have each friend you invite bring another single person. Be sure to include your 'couple friends', too -- they are great sources for single folk! At the very least, you might make a new friend or business acquaintance. Sunday works, since you're more likely to get into a restaurant if you like someone enough to continue the conversation over dinner.

7. Speaking of Dinner Out -- this is a very good sign of what kind of man you're dealing with -- a fellow who makes it clear in advance of the meal that it's his treat is a good guy. Not in a weird way, though -- if he goes on and on that he's going to pay, and it's a huuuge deal, forget it. This guy's crazy with his money, and you don't want to date a guy like this, let alone marry him!) If he wants to share the tab on the first date, watch out. Don't worry about that old thing where everything should be equal or you won't be on equal footing. If you like him, you can offer to pick up the tab on the next meal... Just the offer of reciprocation is very indicative of your willingness to be equal partners, and that's what he's looking for.

Now, of course, if you ask him out, you should also be prepared to foot the bill. Don't feel like you have to hit the best restaurant in town -- you could have a nice picnic in the Park, or have him over to your place for dinner (if you've already had a few dates and you're comfortable with this).

I actually had a 'blind date' years ago where the fellow brought a Grocery List and a Recipe for me to make dinner for him -- can you believe that?? And to think he's still single -- who'da thunk that?! I couldn't believe it, so I suggested just going out for Chinese, and guess who paid the bill -- me! I couldn't get rid of him fast enough... (just so you know, this guy was no poor soul -- I was poorer than dirt at the time, but he was an Architect and Professor... see how important knowing how they deal with money is? Being with a man whose wallet squeaks and dust puffs out when he finally opens it is a nightmare to be married to -- he'll control his own and your money for the entire marriage.) And you always thought it was just a little meal!

8. Be yourself -- no need to put on any airs. That's no fun and you want someone who will love you, not some made-up version of yourself. You know you're lots of fun to be around -- let him see that, too!

9. Be confident. Know that you are worthy of being with him -- and make sure he is worthy of being with you. Money isn't everything -- sometimes it comes with a great big jerk at the end of the leash! (Ha, ha! I'm amusing myself, now, with that dog analogy!) Be extra careful not to get too swept up in the cars and houses (although, I've been known to be swayed by a gorgeous home in the past...and currently, too! And a really gorgeous pool could still turn my head! ha,ha!). It's the guy you have to live with, so might as well pretend that the other stuff isn't in the picture and see if you still like him. (Although, truth be told, there's many a man who would be all alone if it weren't for their many attractive 'assets'! ha!)
10. Well, ladies, go out there and find the man of your dreams! Hey, find two or three! You might need a back-up, just in case! Good Luck!

N.B. The reason I think you might like a wealthy guy as opposed to an actual millionaire (not that there's anything wrong with millionaires, they're just a little on the rare side...!) is that he will probably have more in common with you -- youth, optimism, hair (little Dr. Phil joke for you, there!), and sometimes a greater propensity towards sharing. I'm sure you're all familiar with the old line, "It's not what you have, it's what you do with it..." Well, I'm not so sure it really applies to anything but money (ha,ha!) -- you don't have to have a huge income to have a really happy and content life, but you do need to know how to manage your money in order to create and maintain wealth. If you find yourself with a guy who has no clue what to do with his stuff, God Knows he won't know what to do with yours either, so move onwards and upwards, baby -- there are lots of 'right ones' out there for you -- might as well get back in the game, now, and find one!