Showing posts with label lose weight for the holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lose weight for the holidays. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Should You Lose Weight Over the Holidays? #DietSchmiet (And other good ideas! lol!)

Hmmm, I say, no, give yourself a wee break with the whole weight loss thing. Still do your usual healthy things, but when it comes to Holiday Parties, or fun food at Christmas and all through the holidays, it's not really going to make any big difference in your actual weight if you just relax and enjoy yourself.. you've gotta really overdo it, every day, consistently, to gain weight in a short period, so, really, I think that's more of a media-hype thing than reality.

Holiday Shopping - soo many Amazing Deals, just for you! : )
Dis me - man, do me always gotta stand like that? Hahaha! Whatevs - most people come up with a way they like to pose for pictures, and that's what sticks - lol! And I'm at Butchart Gardens, just outside of Victoria, BC, Canada - so gorgeous, we love it out there : )

I've been reading a LOT of diet and weight loss books, lately - mostly because I went in for a blood test, which I studied really hard for (lol!), and even fasted for over 12 hours so I would do really well on the test, went in, took the blood test, got a really nice nurse (so thankful for great nurses!), but then I got a call on a Saturday from the doctor's office, to say I had to come in, the doctor wanted to talk to me. Wow, a call from the doctor's office on a Saturday? Scary stuff, right? So  immediately went out and got all these diet and weight loss books, making the big assumption it must be my blood sugar (since I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes when I was pregnant with my son, Aidan, although, truth be told, I never really believed that, but I did follow the diabetic diet right through my pregnancy, then just stuck with it after that - you know, the usual, switch up pop - soda - for water - which was waay harder than you might think - at first, I really didn't like water, had to add lemon, lime, oranges, cucumber...all sorts of things to make the water have a flavor, right? But now I just like regular water, and adding the extras in is just for fun, no longer a necessity! lol!).

So, the take-away is that I thought, immediately, okay, I need to lose weight, if that's gonna help my blood sugar, lower my blood pressure, that whole thing... so I read a Jorge Cruise book, was very interesting, but I am not a big fan of anything that says you can 'lose 9 pounds in one week' - yikes, nooo, that's not healthy!  No do that to your pretty body! Be gentle and kind to your body, and your mind. I really like Jorge Cruise, though, he's a very good man, a nice guy, and super-handsome, and  I did come away with some good information, about 'free food' - food Jorge Cruise has listed as, basically, free of sugar calories - so, cheese, nuts and seeds, meat (this is what I remember - I have also included Vanilla Fudge, since I really, really love Vanilla Fudge, soooo, it prolly okay, right?? hahahaha! Whatevs!  It does make me all proud o' my food choices when I have cheese or seeds, which I love, anyway. It's definitely worth a read, but any 'diet' that is really involved will be virtually impossible to follow, at least for any significant amount of time, and you're not gonna want to do that during the holidays - that's a time for fun (also, Monday thru Sunday, 24/7, all year long! hahaha!)

 Still me, but with some lovely Fall Colours! Same Dress, Same Pose, Same Place - lol! I am a creature of habit, I likes what I likes, apparently, all da time! hahaha! 

Then I read this book by a couple o' guys from Santa Barbara, technically doctors, 'Why Women Need Fat', or something like that - will look it up for you, if you want to read it, too : )  At first, for the first half of the book, I really enjoyed it, a very good look at why women gain weight with each baby, need the weight for the next baby (I know, questionable...), and the whole focus of the book was around Susan, who I started calling, Poor Ol' Susan, since they constantly referred to 'Susan' as a middle-aged chubby girl, who was having a really difficult time losing the weight around the middle... and then they lost me in the middle of the book, when they took a turn toward the creepy, and discussed a 'study' where this 19 year old guy was proven to NOT be attracted to Middle-aged Susan - uuuh, Susan says, Good?? hahahahaha!  Yuck! But that makes me laugh! Pretty sure adult women are not trying to look great for all the 19 year old guys out there! hahahaha! Oh, man. Men. So funny!  They have an interesting perspective on women... but I did like their whole premise that women have a 'set point' where their weight seems to naturally fluctuate - I believe that, that seems reasonable and accurate...but you can change your 'set point', if you want to, and it doesn't matter what or who your motivation is for wanting to reshape your body, or get your body back to your 'old' shape (lol!), whatever motivates you is a good thing! lol! Get in there, do what you wanna do : )

Holiday Shopping - soo many amazing Deals, just for you! : )

Soo, really, the very best way to 'reshape' your body is with weights, either at the gym or at home. The truth is that most aerobic exercise is for your insides to be nice and healthy, and lifting weights, with lovely, fancy exercise machines, which I love, love, love, or hand weights at home, coupled with, say, a small stepper - should run you around $49.95 (ugh, I priced this stepper out a while ago, and was shocked to see the price had gone up to $129. - that's too much for a stepper, wait for it to go on sale - lol!), jus' so you know the price range, and hand weights should run you from $1 - $25, depending on the size of the hand weights - start small, work your way up, slowly, or just stick with the low weights - 1 - 5 pounds is plenty for women, when you're working on your arms...more for your legs and torso, so not too expensive, at all.

Interestingly enough, none of the 'diet' books I read included a good section on what exercises really work for women...oh, and as a quick aside, I cannot find a good gym in Victoria with decent equipment for women...what is that about? I did stop by Goodlife Fitness, but what jerks they are ('jerks' is a much nicer word than I would use in my car! hahaha!). If you go by a gym to see if it's right for you, don't let anyone push you around. If they're pushy when you first walk in, what a nightmare - they're there to sell you more product, will cost you a fortune, is very annoying, and I think they prey on women - not good. Very bad. So it's worth looking around for a gym where you see people smiling, friendly, not bitchy (ugh, that's annoying, ain't it?? lol!), and the staff are nice and normal. Those great gyms are out there, and they should have really good equipment for you to get your body into fantastic shape in no time.

And who doesn't want a little wine - we'll all age gracefully! lol! ; )
Save $120 on 12 World Class Wines for $69.99, Plus Free Corkscrew Set! So go enjoy yourself during the holidays, don't worry about any particular meal or treats. Your body adjusts to what your doing, no worries. Just think of your body as this amazing machine that can deal with practically everything, be moderate the rest of the time, and you'll be totally fine! Happy Holidays, Gorgeous!! lol!  Ailsa xox

Oh, almost forgot to tell you - I went in to see my lovely doctor, who is really nice and super-smart, and she said, nothing to worry about, I'm super-healthy! Yahoo! I'm still gonna drop 10 pounds - feel like that's a good idea, for me. I want to be really careful with my Blood Pressure, and losing 10 pounds can make a big difference in lowering your blood pressure and lowering your cholesterol, so I've been adding a 1/4 cup oatmeal onto my granola every morning - I love it, and I feel like all that oatmeal is working it's magic while I go about mah' day! hahaha! I put a lot o' stock in the health benefits of oatmeal! hahaha! Happy Holidays - go enjoy yourself! : )

Monday, December 19, 2011

How to Keep the Weight Off During the Holidays, starting at Halloween and ending at New Years! Yikes! #Diet

Apple Crumble Diet
Omg, there are sooo many delicious things to eat during the holidays... even more than usual, right?  I'm not a big fan of not eating all those lovely things at Christmas... it's fun to eat all that delicious food!  Who doesn't love a wee treat, a wee something special, just for you?? hahaha!  Well, not to worry.  I firmly believe you can have your treats and add one little thing to your daily diet, a simple little dish that you can make in a minute (literally!).  It's my favourite 'Apple Crumble'... I have a new one that I've now been eating for years, instead of my much fancier version of Apple Crumble when I first wanted to lose 35 pounds... when I wanted to lose that weight, after my lovely son was born (okay, two years after my little man was born... man, those extra pounds were soo hard to take off... something about having a baby in your late thirties... makes that weight just want to stay put! lol!).

And who doesn't want a little wine - we'll all age gracefully! lol! ; )
Save $120 on 12 World Class Wines for $69.99, Plus Free Corkscrew Set!

So, anyway, if you can find a space in your day, each day, to add a bowl of Apple Crumble, you'll not only NOT gain weight during all the holiday eating, the chances are really high you'll lose some weight, too.  And if you want to lose a lot of poundage (like I did! lol!), just add the Apple Crumble a couple of times a day... you'll naturally want to have less other food, because the Apple Crumble is really filling, plus, it'll just make you feel like, Look at me, all healthy, 'n all, takin' good care of my body!" Hahaha!  Having a positive attitude toward the wee treat that is actually making your body healthier, is a great thing, and very good for keeping it going... and if you miss a day, no worries, add it in, tomorrow, or the next day.  Eventually, you'll find you miss it when you don't have your Apple Crumble during the day (or evening, but I find I tend to eat the Apple Crumble in the morning and afternoon... and it's super-easy to bring to work.  Just make it in the morning, pop it in the microwave at work before you sit down for a warm meal : )

Super-Simple Apple Crumble Diet


Unsweetened Apple Sauce

Could it beee any easier??
Sprinkle the apple sauce with the oatmeal, then a little sprinkle of Cinnamon, pop in the microwave for 120 seconds... delicious, and you'll be losing weight, or maintaining your weight through the holiday feasts! :)

Look, I've made Applesauce look pretty!! lol!
Half a bowl of Apple Sauce

Pour the Apple Sauce into any bowl.. I like to use a pretty bowl -- it changes how you feel about whatever you're eating, but I'll use a normal cereal bowl if I'm having the Apple Crumble for lunch, or breakfast  (I think I am more likely to have the Apple Crumble for a mid-morning snack or lunch, sometimes a mid-afternoon snack... just fit it into your daily diet wherever you can, wherever you like it). 

Sprinkle Oatmeal directly on the Apple Sauce, enough to cover it.  I find that if you put on too much oatmeal, it'll be dry, and it's nicer with more Apple Sauce than Oatmeal...

Now Sprinkle with a little Cinnamon.. remember that Cinnamon is fantastic for regulating your Blood Sugar (a Good Thing! lol!), and the oatmeal and apple sauce are great for fibre, and lowering your cholesterol, and the weight loss will lower your Blood Pressure, and you'll look and feel fantastic, too ... they're just really, really good whole foods, and your body will thank you for it! All that in one little bowl of Apple Crumble! : )

Ugh, I couldn't get the pictures in the order I wanted them in... this program kept moving them around... frustrating, but you're a smartie, I'm sure you'll figure it out, no bother! lol!  Good Luck, and Happy Feasting!!  Ailsa xox! : )

Oooh, I had to step up my porridge and apple crumble regimen over the past week (I've dropped 2.5" off my waist in this last week - this works so fast, and is so effective in keeping the weight off) - so I have the porridge for breakfast, and the applesauce/oatmeal/cinnamon for my mid-afternoon snack (seems like that's a bad time for me, when I'd rather have almost anything else that's fancy!! hahaha!  Ah, well.  You can still have anything else you like when you have lots of oatmeal in your diet - oatmeal will just 'carry it all away', if you know what I mean! lol!  Sorry!! I think the oatmeal goes through your system, finds little bits and pieces of fat, carries that away with it, too! 'Get on my back, fat, let's get outta here!!' That's the oatmeal speaking!!  hahaha!  

Oh, and here's an extra little bonus when you make the porridge with salt that is iodized... that's a good source of iodine, which can be tricky to get, but, certainly, if you are on a low-salt diet, skip the slat, or if you are eating your porridge with brown sugar and cinnamon, skip the salt... I happen to love my porridge the Scottish way (reminds me of my Dad every time I have my porridge, because Daddy made the porridge on the weekends - a lovely childhood memory for me!)  So try the whole oatmeal thing - is worth a shot, and is oatmeal is fantastic for bringing down your cholesterol, and when you lose weight, that will bring your blood pressure down, too - see how great oatmeal is?! lol!

Black Friday Deals and FLASH Sales - soo cool! I'm lovin' the Flash Sales!