Painting and Rolling Easter Eggs is an old Scottish Tradition that we do every year on Easter Day. It's always fun for the kids (and me, since I have lots of great family memories of all the times we rolled our Easter Eggs!).
So here's the Symbolism of the Rolling Egg :
The Egg symbolizes New Life, Fresh Beginnings and Good Health (always good!).
Rolling the Egg Symbolizes the Stone rolling away from the Tomb where Jesus was Resurrected. Isn't that nice? This is one of my favorite Traditions to do every year.
If you have a child with Egg Allergies and you still want to do this activity, you can use the little Plastic Eggs you can pick up at Walmart and just put a special wee treat in each Egg.
What You Need:
A Dozen Eggs (or as many as you need for your family... I usually put in 2 or 3 per person)
Markers, Crayons, Paints, an Egg Coloring Kit
Boil all the Eggs. We used to live in a High Altitude Area (Calgary, Alberta), so we had to Boil our Eggs for 14 minutes, but normally it would take about 7 or 8 minutes for Hard-boiled Eggs (I would err on the side of caution... go for 10 minutes, crack open one egg to make sure it is firm, throughout...). Some of the Eggs will crack, so save them for a wee snack later, and Paint the Eggs that are perfect.
After the eggs are boiled, put the 'Good Eggs' (the eggs that haven't cracked during the cooking process) in a Bowl of Cold Water so they can cool down enough so you can hold them in your hands.
I always put the eggs back into the Egg Carton so they can dry off completely before you start to paint or draw on the eggs. For some reason, I always, invariably, end up drawing chicks and flowers, with a big sun on one side of my egg, and a lovely mountain scene with a pristine lake and a tiny deer on the other... must be my two favourite scenes! lol! It's really easy to work with magic markers
This is a fun Family Activity, so get everyone involved.
Pack up your Fancy Painted Eggs for a Picnic. Bring along some Salt to sprinkle on the Eggs, if you like that (We do!)...
Find a nice Hill to roll your Eggs down. Everyone runs after their Eggs and keeps tossing them down the hill until they break. Peel the shell off carefully and enjoy. Lots of Laughs! If you bring your Dog, watch how funny it is to see them try to get to the eggs first!
Happy Easter!!
In the photos: Cara and Aidan painting their Eggs on Easter, and Aidan madly running after his egg. Then we went over to what we call 'the Mountain Park' with Cara's Friend, Jenise, and we all rolled our Eggs.
That's our Dining Room, all set up for Easter Morning -- pretty, eh??
And that was lovely wee Tia, our sweet little dog, trying to score some Chocolate for herself! She never got any, of course (chocolate is very bad for dogs, even if they would have you believe otherwise with their eyes... lol!), but she did like to have a wee look!
And these are our 2005 Easter Eggs -- and I made a special one in Honor of Ellen Degeneres' 300th Show! (You know I love Ellen!!)
Can you see Aidan on his Easter Egg Hunt in this picture? Click on it to make it bigger to see him better... Oh, and if you notice what looks like a 'pile o' toys', here's my new trick now that Aidan has a million tiny pieces to every single toy.
Here's a Good Way to Never (or, hardly ever!) Step on Your Child's Lego or Tiny Toys, Again! Yahoo!
I cut out this part of the picture to show you the Toys in the Tablecloth Trick. I'm sure you could be a whole lot neater with this idea, but I can't be bothered unless I really have to...!

Beautiful Easter Prayer: May today be all you need it to be. May the peace of God and the freshness of the Holy Spirit rest in your thoughts, rule in your dreams tonight, and conquer all your fears. May God manifest himself today in ways you have never experienced. May your joys be fulfilled, your dreams be closer, and your prayers be answered. I pray that faith enters a new height for you; I pray that your territory is enlarged. I pray for peace, healing, health, happiness, prosperity, joy, true and undying love for God.
(No, no, I didn't write this prayer, myself, but it's really lovely... I hope you have a truly lovely Easter Day, and everything in this prayer comes true for you and yours!) Ailsa : )