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Lucky Friday the 13th!
Don't let those naysayers get to you, today - Make Your Own Luck, Every Day, Baby! : )
I looove Wishes!
I wish for a Donut! haha! Homer, Baby! Some Wishes are easier to come by than others - hahaha!
Aaawww, don't let those naysayers ruin your LUCKY Friday the 13th! Those bashtards! I woke up to what is usually one of my favorite radio shows, this morning, only to be greeted with a series of scary Friday the 13th crap - ugh, who wants to wake up to that?? Not me! Really started my day off on the wrong foot. On the wrong side of the bed. Lucky I didn't clip my nails, today... ugh!! Are you as steeped in superstitions as I am?? Bleh! Most of my superstitions come from my Mother - and I have taken great care not to pass them down to my own children - they can go ahead and cut their nails on a Friday if they want to - and I'm pretty sure Jesus is gonna be cool with it.. it's the Big Things Jesus says no to! lol! Cutting your nails on a Friday, and then add Friday the 13th to that - yeah, will prolly be okay! hahaha! (But, errr, aah, I'm not gonna chance it, I'll trim my nails, tomorrow! hahahaha!)

Don't let those naysayers get to you, today - Make Your Own Luck, Every Day, Baby! : )
I looove Wishes!
I wish for a Donut! haha! Homer, Baby! Some Wishes are easier to come by than others - hahaha!
Aaawww, don't let those naysayers ruin your LUCKY Friday the 13th! Those bashtards! I woke up to what is usually one of my favorite radio shows, this morning, only to be greeted with a series of scary Friday the 13th crap - ugh, who wants to wake up to that?? Not me! Really started my day off on the wrong foot. On the wrong side of the bed. Lucky I didn't clip my nails, today... ugh!! Are you as steeped in superstitions as I am?? Bleh! Most of my superstitions come from my Mother - and I have taken great care not to pass them down to my own children - they can go ahead and cut their nails on a Friday if they want to - and I'm pretty sure Jesus is gonna be cool with it.. it's the Big Things Jesus says no to! lol! Cutting your nails on a Friday, and then add Friday the 13th to that - yeah, will prolly be okay! hahaha! (But, errr, aah, I'm not gonna chance it, I'll trim my nails, tomorrow! hahahaha!)
And I happen to LOVE Black Cats - they're so cute, and what a bad rap for these furry little guys - they didn't choose to be black.... sound familiar?? Ugh! I think it's lucky when a black cat walks in front of you - why not? Can't you choose what to believe, yourself, or are you like me, and actively fight all the old notions, all the old superstitions and all the old stereotypes... it's a constant battle for me to switch up my thinking - I canny stand all that old crap. There are some terrible, terrible old beliefs and sayings, so when people are all, 'oh, the good old days', bleh! Noo, not the 'good old days' - maybe if you were a wealthy white man, and that's about it, everyone else was suffering along, trying to survive all the discrimination, all the put-downs, the second-class nature of being anything but a wealthy white man.... ugh! But I digress, as I may tend to do...
So Friday the 13th is a LUCKY day for me, because I got my divorce on a Friday the 13th, in 1995, and, man, was that ever a hard to divorce to come by - Thank God the courts have changed, now, and I hope to God people can't still be dragged through the horrible process of divorce that they used to be able to do - got an abusive spouse? You can leave, but they can keep you in the court battle for soo many years, is insane. They need to make sure that can't happen, any more, and I really hope there have been some good changes made to the court system since then. You shouldn't be punished for years and years in an archaic court system for marrying a lunatic when you were in your 20's.... you should almost get a Free Pass from those crappy Starter Marriages... but, anyway, so that's the day that Friday the 13th became a super-lucky day for me - the day my divorce came though... Thank God for that. Is bizarre to think that the person you once married suddenly becomes your worst enemy - crazy. I mean, those ex's are CRAZY, not like crazy like a fox, that is not fair to all the cure foxes - just Crazy, like, full-out Crazy.... yuck! Who needs it? No one. I say, Lose the Crazy, your life will be sooo much better! lol!
So don't walk under a ladder, because it's soo stooopid to walk under a ladder - maybe they HAD to say it was unlucky to walk under a ladder because otherwise, too many idiots were getting boinked on the head from their own insane stupidity... hahaha! Makes me laugh, thinking of some total mowon, duh, duh, duh, uuuhh, think I'll walk right under this ladder, see what happens... most 'unlucky' things are common sense - like the don't step on a crack, you'll break your mother's back - man, do you know the lengths I used to go as a kid to never, ever, step on a crack?? hahahaah! I must'a looked like a looney, trying to miss all the cracks, except that everyone I knew was doing the same thing - we were all steeped in those crazy old superstitions! hahaha!
Okay, Happy Friday the 13th! Go buy a lottery ticket, see if you can Get Lucky, today! Change it all up, make your OWN superstitions, but make lovely, nice superstitions, step on a crack, win a million bucks - why couldn't I have learned THAT one??? hahaha! I wouldda been steeping on EVERY crack, to win a million bucks! hahahaha! Have fun, today! And have a super-lucky day!!
See you soon! : ) Ailsa xoxo!
See you soon! : ) Ailsa xoxo!