So I thought I would give Blackboard Wars one more chance, since the first episode I watched was so disturbing, I just couldn't bring myself to watch the whole thing. There are so many problems with the school, it's hard to know where to start, but I think it is a very clear picture on what a Charter School can be. For one, the school is run by a CEO, not a Principal, but even Principals can now be referred to as the CEO, and that is very disturbing. A CEO runs a company with employees, not a school with students. There is a fundamental difference in managing employees, who, for the record, are being paid, and, for the most part, choose to be there. We are talking about schools, and our students, not employees, and if you've been in a school like this, you'll know how the actual 'employees' (teachers and all of the school staff) are treated - certainly not with respect.
This 'new' idea of getting rid of all the teachers previously in a school, often a Charter School will start 'with all new teachers', and when they say 'all new', they often mean, brand new, so that can mean teachers with no experience. If you've been a teacher, or you've ever been in a school (most people! lol!), you will know that productive schools need to have a good mix of all sorts of teachers, with a wide variety of levels of experience. A whole school full of 'brand new' teachers is going to struggle. All teachers need a place to start, but they need the people in place to help them through the tough days, and to support them where they need the support. In Blackboard Wars, these poor young teachers are being hit (yes, hit), and the principal did absolutely nothing. That's horrible. It's too hard to watch, let alone live. I had a situation where I was in another classroom, and a student walked by from the cooking class in the next room, and this boy whipped an egg at the back of my head. There were a specific number of male students in this class, this kid had an incredible throw, so obviously athletic... and luckily the egg hit my shoulder instead of my head, but it felt like a rock - was so scary. I reported it to my administrator, and guess what they did? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He said there was no way they could possibly figure out which student threw the egg. Thank God he's in administration and not law enforcement.... ugh. Ridiculous. But this is what teachers are dealing with on a daily basis, now... kids who can do horrendous things in the classroom, with no consequences. Is not good for anyone involved.
When education is turned into a business, that just scares me. It's happening more and more, and is very disturbing. When did this begin to happen? Was it when the standardized testing began? When they first started rating schools? And why are schools rated? Shouldn't every school be a great school? Was it when some school districts starting paying for students by the day, as a component of their funding? I'm pretty sure Canadian schools are funded by the year... must look into this as a factor... and I can't understand why not study the school systems around the world who are doing really well with their students, try to emulate them? The normal systems, nothing extreme. Extreme is rarely a good option! lol!
If you've seen Blackboard Wars, you'll have seen the bit where the principal says he's been given 5 years to turn his school around, or he'll be fired. Fired?? A Principal??? What they need to do is go back to 'the good old days', and allow Principals to stay in their schools, let the students really get to know their Principal. How can the principal be your 'pal' if you have no idea who the principal is, and the principal doesn't have time to get to know the kids? We used to all have such a great relationship with our principals, as kids. I loved my principals - they were wonderful, generous, kind and caring. Not really how you would describe a CEO... I just heard the principal say that when he staffed his school, he accounted for 10% of the teachers not to make it... whaaaat??? 10%! I've never, ever, heard of that. You joined a staff, people of all ages, creeds, ethnicities, specialties.. but you were all there for the students, everyone was excited to be a teacher. What happened to that expectation?
I think things must have taken a serious turn for the worse when discipline that used to be in the classroom went out the window. I really love my students, and they know how much I care about them, and it's usually a mutual respect, so I have a lovely classroom, but I've gone into classrooms where the kids didn't know me, or had a reaction to what I look like, what my expectations are (high). It's not often, but when you have a difficult situation like that, you have to be supported by your administration. I was lucky enough to have a fantastic administrator, and that situation was quickly remedied, but it sure looks like teacher support has diminished to such an extent, often the kids think (or know) they are in charge.
The whole thing is so upsetting. On Blackboards Wars, it looks like all the staff is worried about losing their jobs, including the principal. How can anyone do a really good job, and plan to stay for life (like the old days! lol!), if you never know what's going to happen to your job?
Oh, just realized that none of the teachers went to their union leader to help them get some more support... so is it a new system of a Charter School coming in, and the union going out? There's a good reason why the Teacher's Union exists - it's just necessary to protect the teachers, and in turn, that protects the students.
Oh, man, this poor young teacher - just so upsetting.
I don't know if can keep watching Blackboard Wars - it's too disturbing.
Okay, they got me at the end of the show... I'll watch it, again... I need to see that they can fix this school, make it work, help the kids : )
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