Showing posts with label Easy Recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easy Recipes. Show all posts

Saturday, August 24, 2019

THE Best Chocolate Chip Cookies! So Easy To Make, Too! #Cookies #EasyRecipes #NoFailCookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies! Yay!! (Makes 36 large cookies!)🍪🍪🍪

This is THE BEST Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe, you will looove this recipe! 
And the Chocolate Chip Cookies! lol!)
1 Cup Sugar
1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
2 Cups Flour
1 Tsp. Salt
1 Tsp. Baking Soda

1 Cup Margarine or Butter (Two 4 oz. squares)(melted : )

3 Tsp. Vanilla
2 Eggs
1 1/2 Cups Chocolate Chips

Macadamia Nuts and White Chocolate Chips are ah'mazing in this recipe, too - ah'yum!

Drop in large spoonfuls of cookie dough, 12 per cookie pan, on Parchment Paper, if you have it : )

Bake on Parchment Paper for 15 - 18 minutes, but keep an eye on them after 12 minutes, just to make sure they're always okay! 

Parchment Paper will make all your baking a million times better - easy clean up, and no burning - is amazing!

Here's what's really cool about this Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe - the dough will be shiny, not like any of your other cookie dough you've made, before - is so cool!

Baking Tip: Melt your margarine or butter, then add the Brown Sugar (it will melt!), the 3 caps or teaspoons of Vanilla, then the 2 Eggs, will mix into the Cookie Dough so much faster and easier!

Kitchen Tip: Use a knife or fork for mixing - is life-changing - lol!  

I like to keep the Chocolate Chip Cookies in the fridge, and I have a basket from last Christmas🎄🎅🤶 (sounds like a song - haha!) that I can just slide the whole piece of Parchment Paper with the cookies right on it, into the basket😍😘😘😘

See if your Cookie Sheets might fit in the fridge, too, or just put your delicious cookies on plates! Will be delicious, any way you serve them! 

Yum! Chocolate Chip Cookies, Baby!! 🍪🍪🍪

Happy Baking! Your Li'l Pal, Ailsa! xoxo!!🤗🤗🤗

Follow me on Twitter @AilsaForshaw👀💖💖💖

Oh, I want one of these! It's so hard to find a good, and inexpensive, Knife Sharpener - lol! Yippee! Plus, it's just fun to see what all they have for sale at Lightinthebox! 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

#Nutella Fans, Unite! Try Melting Your Nutella, Dip in Mini-Donuts, Fruit, Cake Pieces #Brunch #SundayBrunch #Easter #Treats (#Dinner? haha!)

#Nutella Fans, Unite! 

Try Melting Your Nutella, 
Dip in Mini-Donuts, Fruit, Cake Pieces, Marshmallows 

#Brunch #SundayBrunch 

#Easter #Treats (#Dinner? haha!)

Oh My Goodness, these are crazy-delicious - you will love them, your kids will love them, your guests will love them - see a theme, here? haha! Yum! 

I've had this theory for a while, but we happened to have some mini-donuts left over from WalMart - you can find giant containers of Mini-Donuts almost anywhere - lol! 

See how cute! Omg, your guests will be soo impressed with your prowess in the kitchen! lol! 

You know I love Parchment Paper - it's a little miracle in a box, so, pick up some Parchment Paper - you can get it anywhere, too, including the Dollar Store, or any Grocery Store : )

Just put your Mini-Donuts on the Parchment Paper, pop them in the oven for about 10 - 15 minutes, you just want to heat them up, make them slightly crispy - sooo delicious!

Flip the Mini-Donuts over, once, take them out the oven and arrange on a plate...

Put a large spoonful of Nutella in a microwave safe bowl 

(We love the Original, and the PC Brand of Nutella, from Shopper's Drug Mart, which we looove! lol! Remember to collect your Optimum Points!)

Microwave for 35 seconds

Stir : )

Give it a gentle stir...

Your favorite Nutella will smell sooo good! 

And the Mini-Donuts will smell delicious, too! 

Then just serve them to yourself and to your guests, too - 

And the kids will go crazy for these li'l Nutella Donuts! 

You can have little skewers, or forks, for Marshmallows, Cake Bites, Fruit, whatever you would dip into a Chocolate Fountain, would all be delicious with Melted Nutella Dip! 

Yum! Enjoy!! 

Ailsa : )

Friday, July 8, 2016

Fish Fry!! Yum! Fast, Delicious, So Healthy #HowToCookFish #FriedFish 10 Minute Meals Under $5 #Chowder #MoreWine! #Ultraskiff Catch Your OWN Fish! lol! #Monkfish

#FishFriday! Or, Fish Any Day, Am I Right? Yum!

 I've been meaning to write this for a while, now - we've just recently started making our own Fried fish, and by fried, I mean Pan-Fried, in Olive Oil, a little bit of Butter, Seasoning Salt and Montreal Steak Spice - that's it - how simple is that? And, one time, I just poured the Shake 'n Bake out, rinsed the fish in water, dipped it, one side, then the other, right into the Olive Oil already hot in the frying pan - deeeelish! Ooh, and don't forget your little pad of butter - butter makes it better! : )

But the biggest key is, we got a giant frying pan, which I didn't have, before - not here, anyway... all those moves, you have to let everything go, almost, for each cross-country move...

Oh, and if you want to go catch your own fish! lol! Check this out, is THE coolest thing, ever!

The Ultraskiff 360 - sooo cool!

Ultraskiff 360 Coupon Code: AILSA, and get FREE SHIPPING 

You can pop the Minute Rice, which always works out perfectly, 10 minutes in the microwave, your fish and veggies will be ready when the rice is ready - just measure the same amount of rice and water, make sure it's a big bowl, other wise, the rice won't come out well... but, for a 10 minute meal, wowee wowza! Deelish, and super healthy!

And, you can throw some of your rice into the frying pan, after the fish is served, push it around a little bit, get all the flavor into the rice, too - ah'yum! 

Haha! I was tryin' to move these ads around, put the Win a $100 Uber Gift Card up at the top, but, well, you know... sometimes things work out differently than you had thought, but then maybe it's even better? lol! Anyway, who doesn't want some Uber money, or a $100 Grocery Gift Card? So handy! 


Makes me laugh so hard - love The Simpsons, long time fan, have written 3 spec scripts for The Simpsons... anyway, was just thinking, now I want to make extra fish, then reserve some fish for the following night, break the fish into pieces, add it to the Chowder - Fish Chowder - yum! 

And you know what? You can just buy a can or two of Clam Chowder, add some milk, salt and pepper, and now I want to add a lot of the fish to it - will be delicious - and serve the Clam Chowder with some really good bread - yum! Did I already say yum? haha! What about delicious, did I already say deeelishush?? 'Cause I know it will be - will post pics when I've made it - so to speak - lol! 


I just wanna show you how incredibly fast and easy - not to mention, inexpensive and healthy - frying your own fish can really be - and sooo delicious! You'll love it, the whole family will love it! : )

I start with pouring some Olive Oil in the frying pan not a lot, just, you know, swirl it a few times (down with the swirl - bah'hahaha!) 

Rinse your fish - I'm thawing some out, right now - I just put the frozen fish in the same pan, cover with cold water, will rinse it off when I'm finished writing this - lol! Yum - me starving for da fish, now! hahaha!

Here you go - I just ran over and took a quick pic of the fish thawing in the pan of water - same pan, just pour out the water, give the pan and the fish a good rinse, put the heat on High, olive oil right in the pan, rinse the fish, lay it in the pan, spices, flip a few times, done! 

AND, you can easily cook delicious fish on the BBQ - make a tin foil boat - and for the veggies, too, or lay it on the grill... anything way all, it's all delicious, super fast to make : )

But you're gonna put the stove on High, pour in the Olive Oil (Extra virgin Olive Oil EVOO, or, frankly, I'm guessing any oil you happen to have around the house, I just always have Olive Oil in the cupboard, and it's a much better price, now - used to be pricey, but not no mores! lol!)

I looove a good crispy crust on my fish - yum! It's so delicious! I sprinkle the fish with a little Seasoning Salt, then a little Montreal Steak Spice - sometimes I'll add a little Parsley from my hanging baskets, because that make me laugh - but, really, I couldn't taste it, was mostly for show, in this dish - haha!

Look at this - this is what spurred me on to write this for you, today - I happened to turn over the 'package of fish', if you will, and look at what's in it - or, more importantly, what's NOT in it - and this goes for pretty much any fish - frankly, I buy whatever's on sale - they're basically all the same - I know I can't really tell the difference - not in regular fish - smoked fish is different, o' course - Finnan Haddie (boil that for 10 minutes - a good ol' Scottish Dish! Is that me, too?? hahaha!) 

And if you've never tried Smoked Salmon, or BBQ Salmon - you eat it straight from the pacakge, like candy - they even have Candied Smoked Salmon - it's all delicious, so good for you! Yum! Salmon!

But look at that - 1 gram of Carbs, 0.5 Grams of Fat - can you believe that?? Man, I knew it was healthy, before, but that's cer-razy, right?! Yahoo! Something we loove, that's super healthy! 

That's perfect for a Keto or Paleo Diet, too : ) 

We jus' like it because it's delicious! lol!

So, one night, we had to eat the fish, because there just wasn't enough room left in the freezer, so we had to put it in the fridge.... anyway, that was super-lucky, since I didn't want to serve the same meal two days in a row, so I looked in the cupboard, there's the Shake 'n Bake, I thought, okay, let's say the fish is simply coated in the Shake 'n Bake, then pan-fried in the Olive Oil, right? 

Turns out, omg, insanely delicious  - no need to do anything but rinse the fish, pour the Shake 'n Bake right on a plate - I just poured it onto the bag in the box - whatevs... do it the easiest way, if you' more like me - haha!

Omg, look at that crust! and we just served it with Minute Rice - whatevs, is so easy to use, so we pop the Minute Rice in the Microwave for 10 minutes, the rice and fish are ready at the same time - a 10 Minute Meal - amazing! 

I happened to have some rice leftover from the previous night's Fish Dinner - this was the week we didn't have room for the package of fish in the freezer, so had to have fish, 3 nights running, since there were 6 giant fillets of fish in the package, package of Basa Fish Fillets was $11, but there was another package of #Basa Fish Fillets for $9 - it's all good fish, choose whichever one you like, but you can usually find Basa, Cod, Halibut, Salmon, Pollock, Sole - it's all great - and omg,if you can ever find Pickerel, it's your lucky day - sooo delicious! 

My Auntie Becky made fresh Pickerel that my Dad and cousins caught, up in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, when I was 11, and I'll never forget that meal - in fact, Auntie Becky's fish, that night, is what inspired me to try this fish fry, on my own - lol! 

I love that Great Food often comes with a Great Memory! : ) 

Look how easy - and it's soo good! I often just toss the veggies in at the end, let the veggies cook in the buttery olive oil - yum! Omg, me a'Starvin' Marvin - better go cook the fish, right now! lol!

I hope this means you'll pick up some fish in the frozen foods aisle, or fresh, if you can, and make a delicious Fish Fry for your own dinner - and maybe for someone you love, too! lol! : )

Happy Eating! Ailsa : ) 

Okay, today we're having a super-easy lazy-day... is the best! So it's soo lazy, today, I didn't even feel like standing up for 10 minutes to fry the fish in a pan - a li'l funny, since this is a ludicrously fast and easy dish to make, is literally, a 10 minute meal, and, yet, here I am, trying to make it even easier... hahaha! 

Whatevs - I'm not the only Mom trying to make my life even easier, (or Dad, or anyone, really - lol!)

Baked Fish Fillets

So, as you know, I loves me some Parchment Paper, it makes everything amazing, no questions asked... it makes frozen food that you might think needs to be fried, taste like it's fried, when, really, it's baked on the Parchment Paper (get it at your local Dollar Store or wherever it's a good price - for some reason, Parchment Paper really ranges in price, but why pay more? Noo... save you' money for more chocolate! haha!)

Anyway, I didn't even thaw the frozen fish, I just gave it a quick rinse under cold water, put an extra piece of fish on, for tomorrow, and we'll flake it up, add it to the can of Clam Chowder (Chowdah'!), with a little extra milk, no matter what the can might say... and some Montreal Steak Spice, salt and pepper to taste, at the table : )

Anyway, I sprinkled the fish with Shake 'n Bake, underneath the fish, right on the parchment paper, and on top of the fish, since the Shake 'n Bake wouldn't stick directly to the frozen fish, and, well, we're jus' trying things out, today, as we do on many days - it's fun to experiment in the kitchen, you never know what new masterpiece you might come up with!

I'll post some pics of the Baked Fish when it's done - I don't think I'll even turn it, but, I might - will see how it looks in about a half an hour... this baking from frozen method will take longer than just pan frying the fish, but it frees me up to do things like this - work on my Blog! lol! So, worth it! : )

Great Sale Prices - Yay!!

Oh, and here's a super easy and delicious way to cook frozen fish - if you can find the frozen fish that comes in, basically, a little frozen rectangle - you'll know it when you see it, if that's still available in your area, or use whatever fish you like - BASA Fish is always a good price, here... 

Anyway, put the frozen fish right in a pan, cover with Mushroom Soup, bake for about an hour, serve over rice - yum! Is a very nice comfort food : ) 

 Okay, so, the Baked Shake and Bake Fish did NOT work - haha! Worth a try - so we took it out the oven, was mushy looking, so, noooo... yick! Put it straight in the large frying pan, and I broke the pieces of fish along their natural line, so they would cook even faster... and the Shake 'n Bake coating is beyond delicious, when it's pan fried - yum!! I just serve it with rice and some veggies, done! Done and Yum! lol! 

And, jus' so you know, it only takes a tiny amount of time to completely cook the fish through, and crisp it up - soo deeelish!! : )

Monkfish! Yum!! 

AAAND, if you ever are lucky enough to find some Monkfish, it'll be your Lucky Day! 

Oh, Dr. Oz is talking about Monkfish, right now, but they're not cooking it the right way - you want to make a Tin Foil Tent, put a couple of dodds of Butter on top, seal it up - make a bunch of tents, depending on how much Monkfish you could find - and only get the Monkfish if it's a better price than the Lobster or Crab Legs... Monkfish tastes like a combo of Crab and Lobster - it's delicious, but cook it with the Butter, that's what'll make it so delicious, and have the same taste as lobster and crab : )

Pop your 'Tin Foil Tents' into the oven, or on the BBQ, 350 Degrees, for about 20 - 30 minutes - frankly, I always cook a little longer, I want any meat cooked thoroughly, but cook to taste, as always, and you might find you're at a different altitude, and that might make a difference in how long you bake anything : )

Monkfish is usually really thick, and I don't salt it, or anything - treat it like you would your #CrabLegs or #Lobster, where you are just gonna cook it, then dip it in hot, melted butter - yum! Sooo crazy good! And it should be a really good price : )

Monkfish will come in kind of squarish looking pieces, probably... it's delicious - I usually serve it with some nice rice, and a lovely veggie.. is light and lovely! 

You'll love it!

Toss in some mushrooms and green beans, too - you'll love it all! Yum! Fish Fry, Baby!

Pop over to see my favorite new thing - the Ultraskiff 30 - it's a Fishing Boat you can pack up and put at the back of the garage - it fits on your vehicle, is soo cool! I looove it! 

How cool is that, right? I loove it! 

And a little Wine to go with that fish! Yum! 
Save $120 on 12 World Class Wines for $69.99, Plus Free Corkscrew Set!