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Omg, have you seen House Hunters International on HGTV
So here's what I love about it, soo much... they take you all around the world, Italy, Scotland (you know I love the Scottish bit! lol!), Morocco, Spain, Portugal, Uruguay, Canada (another 'yippee'!!), Mexico, Honduras, Belize, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Poland, Germany, Malta ... man, they go everywhere you might like to own a vacation home -- or maybe even relocate entirely to one of these lovely locations!
A local realtor takes the people who are typically looking for a holiday home, a nice vacation home that may also be used as a rental property, but sometimes they are couples or families looking to relocate entirely to a new country... which is what I love to do! Well, I'd like to do both, really!! But the Realtor takes the people around to three different places, in their price range (which actually went from $20,000 US and can go well into the millions... so lots of variety, so plenty of dreams to fulfil! lol!) We were particularly interested in the properties you could buy in the Under $200,000 range -- who knew?? And the fellow from Los Angeles, California, who bought the fixer-upper in Italy for $20,000 -- wow, that was amazing. Made me instantly want to go buy a $20,000 house in Italy, fix it up!! I would loove to see a follow-up show on how the renovations are done, and the final products, for these particular fixer-upper sales... now that's right up my alley! haha!

What I find amazing is what houses look like around the world. Little things that are soo different from North America (we've lived for a long time in the US, and I was raised in Canada, but born in Scotland, so we've seen our share of properties...), but, man, I did NOT know that a kitchen... yes, the whole kitchen, is not necessarily included in many European homes! For real! You have to go to the 'kitchen shop', and buy your own kitchen! lol! BYOK... Bring Your Own Kitchen! How crazy is that? And something I would never have known or even guessed if we hadn't watched sooo many of these House Hunters Internationals.
When people are looking for property for a vacation home, usually they are looking for property right on the beach, or with a great view to the beach, and, wow, do they deliver. It is incredible what you can buy for not all that much, right on the beach in many countries you might not have thought of, before watching this show. You get to go in and see what the houses, apartments and condos look like, how much they cost, and the square footage.
I would like to know more about whether people can obtain mortgages for any of these foreign owned properties, because, usually, you would have to pay cash for a property outside of your own country. Or if you already own a home in your own country, you might choose to put a Second Mortgage on your first home, to cover the cost of the new vacation home... or just buy that $20,000 fixer-upper in Italy, forget all about a mortgage! lol! (Can you tell that was one of my favorites?? haha!)
We get HGTV on Channel 74, and we're with Direct TV