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#WorkFromHome #BeAnUBERdriver! #Victoria #BC #MakeMoney #UBER #LYFT #BeYourOwnBoss #Freedom! #eBooks #Udemy #GoDaddy #Websites
Ooh, this looks like a great idea for people starting a new business, or if you want to expand your business, or you just really need to keep in touch with your email base, and haven't figured out how to do that, just yet!
Constant Contact has your solution, baby! Yay!!
Ooh, AND there's a #FreeTrial! Yippee!
And I get a wee something from every sale through my blog - so thank you soo much! You're the BEST!
Lookie what me did with mah' new Office Chair - haha!
Make your office space into whatever you think will work best for you - I like comfy and lucky, so, TaaDaa! lol!
It's 2 T-Shirts I happened to have in the drawer, I had a Big Plan to wear the Lucky Number 7 T-Shirt when I went to Vegas, but, forgot all about it (Free Drinks, 'n all... haha!) - but it's perfect for my office chair! Cool and comfy, just slide your shirt right over the top of your desk chair - Done!
Fancy Schmancy! ; )
One of THE most comfortable Office Chairs I ever got was from Staple in Los Angeles, California - wow, so gorgeous, and so comfy! I looove a great Office Chair! Thanks, Staples!
Introducing Union and Scale: Furniture that works for you. Check out our new business minded Union and Scale brand now at!

We'll all become millionaires! lol! Business Moguls!
Hello, Money!! lol! : )
- Shopify
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- Sell on Pinterest with Shopify
You always want to keep your mind open to new revenue streams - you never know where your next Big Idea will come from, so, great to be ready to pounce on it, make yourself some money!! : )
If you've never been in to see what a Wholesale Site looks like, and what all you can buy, at deeply, deeply discounted prices (perfect for you to buy low, sell high - or, higher... make that money!), DHGate is my favorite Wholesaler - I've had a lot of luck and success with DHGate - gorgeous clothes and jewelry (admittedly, these are my favorite things - haha!), but you can find anything for sale on the Wholesale sites... they're amazing!

If you're Fundraising for someone else, your school or church, or maybe your team, there are lots of little things that you can buy for pennies on the dollar, then sell them at a profit - it's easy, fast, and you'll love it - and so will the people you're selling your product to #WinWin!
Browse through DHGate, see what appeals to you, what could you resell? What could you use for gifts, maybe? I love to buy gifts from DHGate, because it's like one-stop shopping - and you're get great deals - is highly entertaining, at the very least - lol! ; )
Worldwide UBER - Driver Background Check Approved:
You can Go Here to Sign Up to Be a Driver for Uber : )
And I just saw on the News, #UBER has arrived in #Victoria, #BC, and is looking for New #UberDrivers : )

UBER is all around the world, and it's a great way for you to earn some extra money, or earn a good living : )
I like all the new options for safe travel in any community - sometimes it's so hard to get a taxi, and I like the payment methods, too : )
To Supplement Your Full-Time Job or a Part-Time Gig, Drive with Lyft to Get The Extra Cash You Need! For a Limited Time, You'll Get a $250 Bonus After Your First 100 Rides! Terms Apply!
Fund your summer fun by driving with Lyft to earn extra cash. Apply today to get a $250 bonus after your first 100 rides. Limited time only. Terms apply.
My Living Room, then...

There's nothing like being able to work from home, earn a good living from your own house (or car! lol!), and have all the freedom that comes with being your own boss...I'm the boss of me! lol!
Work From Home Is that Everyone's Dream, when they're stuck in some crazy Traffic? Or having a tough day at work? hahaha!
Be Your Own Boss - wouldn't THAT be great?! Fantastic! Hello, Freedom! Drive with Uber and earn money as an Independent Contractor. Start Today!
There are soo many things you can do to Earn a Living At Home, these days - really, The World's Your Oyster (remember that old line?? haha! Aww, Shucks - Your Oyster, I mean! lol! Oooh, and always check for a Pearl - yippee! )
Send love to that special someone & Save 15% at! Use promo code ROMANCE15 at checkout
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If you have a big event, a wedding, a banquet - anything where you would need a lot of flowers, and especially if you need a lot of bouquets, JR Roses is amazing for large quantities of flowers - so gorgeous, and you will save so much money! And it will all be so beautiful!

J R Roses!
Wholesale Flowers to the public. Free Shipping. Buy Online, delivery to your door! Yay!

Get $10 off plus Free Delivery on your 1st order of $35 or more. Enter code: TENFREE at online checkout. Order by 5/23/18. Limit 1 per household. (This deal is ongoing - yippee!)
Martha Stewart has fantastic wines - AND, they'll make a great conversation starter, at your wedding - that's a good thing to have at your wedding tables - lol! Great Wine, and Great Conversation! Yay!!
You can sell on Etsy, too - if you make something, or, I think refurbish something (?), you can sell it on Etsy, and make yourself a nice little side income with that, too, right? Lots to consider! : )
1and1 (I can't get an Ampersand in here - lol! Silly, right?) We'll all just pretend there's the shortened 'and' in the 1and1... anyway, I had a friend of mine in California, who was doing VERY well with 1and1 - is definitely worth looking into - I'm soo fed up with the rates I'm paying for my Server, for my Domain Names - ridiculous.. I think what happens, is, one company gets soo big, they start doing anything they like, and then they think you'll just go for it, will never look around, see what might be better - like being in a crap marriage, eventually, you DO start looking around, leave for something MUCH better - where you'll be treated well AND be happy - hahahaha! (Well, what does THAT little bit have to say about me and my past - hahaha! But you get my point - it's good to check out different services, see what is really better for you : )
A LOT of interesting options, here - have a look, see if this might be right for you - seem to be much better rates than what I'm paying. if you're just getting started, especially, you want to look at all your options, and I've heard VERY good things about 1and1 : )
Interesting, right? This could open up your website or business to India? Wow, now there's a giant market, right?
That's a really good deal!
Oooh, a much better rate for the Internet.. oh, my goodness, we pay far too much for our Internet... I love an option : )
1&1 Microsoft® Office 365
That's an incredible rate!
Yeah, don't fall into the trap of spending where you don't need to spend, right? Always look for a good deal : )
Need more affordable hosting? Great plans ON OFFER!
Good way to get started, or start a new website : )
Need better web hosting? Choose
See? Those are a lot of great choices, from 1 and 1 (see, that's prolly gonna come up, once I post this page, as something else, soo, again, 1'! I'll see if they have a nice banner ad, will work out better! ha!) And here's a great little article on the Origin of the Ampersand... I didn't know this little interesting tidbit, so maybe you'll get a kick out of it, too! lol! #AlwaysLearning! hahaha!)
Oooh, I wanna go in and see what all they have, in Fiverr... soo many services...
Problem - Solution! lol! Fiverr (Global)
Here's the picture I think I'd like to use as my first ebook book cover... that's the living room from my favourite house to build, sooo, it would be soo cool to see what they could come up with, for me, right? I'm so excited about it!
That's how I even started writing on my main site and my blog... I wanted to teach as many people as I could about everything I had learned about how to build a house...and then I started writing about anything and everything that happened to grab my attention - and it turned out, that was a lot o' things, right? hahaha! All my fave recipes, my exercise and diet tips, all the Reality TV shows I was watching... ironically, the pieces I've written on Big Brother, Bridalplasty and Survivor, have some of the highest numbers on my site and blog - lol! Who knew? hahaha! So, always just follow your heart, see where your Life takes you! : ) Fiverr (Global)
You can get so many things done for Five Dollars, on Fiverr... is so much fun to go in and have a look around, find the categories that appeal to you - maybe they'll lead you in a whole new direction in your life - maybe you'll see a service, and that reminds you of an old dream you had (to write a book?? Look at the phenomenal success of Fifty Shades of Grey, right? E L James started out on her own, then was picked up - that could happen to you, mah' lucky li'l friend! (Uh-oh... I just read it through, and initially I had written, 'my little fiend' - dat not good - or is it?? hahaha!) (You know dat make'a me laugh! hahha!) Dream Big, me say!
So now I want to write some eBooks, too, and get the book covers designed for me on Fiverr... wow, 5 bucks?? Holy a'schmoly, that's amazing, right? Who knows how this could change your life! Fiverr (Global)
Oh, and you know what? With the eBooks, it's not like you have to write an epic novel - you can start publishing shorter pieces, make it like The Hunger Games (which me loooved, by the way - lol!), and write Part One, Part Two, Part Three... see? You smart, you gets the idea! lol! The important thing is to go ahead, get started, or amass the stuff together that you've probably already written, or is in your head, just waiting to be written...
And Fiverr is for all sorts of business, and all kinds of things you might need done for you - or things that you will be amazed at, and is well worth the $5, or so, to move your business idea ahead.. like, even for an Etsy Product, or your own online store.. a great Logo is something people will remember you by... well, anyway, is so much fun to pop in and have a wee look around, see what works for you, and if you could provide services to someone else, and then THAT'S your new business?? lol!

Does everyone want to work from home, now? haha! No more traffic, no more tight time frmes, no more jerks at work? hahahaha! (You know someone's name just came to mind - lol! Jerks, they're everywhere - haha!)
Change Your Life, for $5?? Yep!!
Okay, I'll write a whole page just for this, so I can gather up more information for you, and whatnot, help you to realize your own dreams we are gonna be RICH, Baby! Happy, Healthy and Independently Wealthy - mah' fave little chant - I'm Happy, I'm Healthy, I'm Independently Wealthy (kick!) - you gotta sing it, baby! lol! Fiverr (Global)
Clearly, that's one of the first things that stood out for me, because I read that the book cover on an eBook can make the difference from a few sales to thousands - or, hundreds of thousands - of sales, soo, you know, if you want to get your writing out there, this is a great new way to go about publishing your own work... don't wait for a publishing company to get yourself discovered - that's like playing the Lottery, these days, right? It's like you need to get an agent before you can even begin to submit your writing, and it's next to impossible to get an agent..sooo, forget that never-ending circle, and make it on your own... and then the publishers will come to you, right? lol! You're on your way, already, baby, and for $5 buckeroonies?? Yep! See why I'm so excited about it, now?
Fiverr (Global)
"I'll make a ...Book Cover... for your eBook for $5"
Fiverr is set up so you can see all the people, and what they offer - oh, and I'm pretty sure you can offer your own service, so if you know another language, you could offer to translate something...and wait for tha cash to flow into your life, right? lol!
Me love a good Cash Flow! lol! Fiverr (Global)
Really, everyone has something they can do, soo, hmmm...have a wee look, see if you can figure something out, and see what services Fiverr has that you can use to further your own business... or something you'd like to see some success in.. or massive success in, fo' sure!
Let me know what you choose - I'm curiouser and curiouser... and I'll show you my eBook Covers, when I get around to writing some eBooks - lol! I better get on that! haha1
Okay, go dream up some great business ideas, and have a look at Fiverr to see what might spark a new business idea for you!
So exciting, right? lol! Dream Big, Baby! Fiverr (Global)
Otay, better go start those eBooks! Ailsa : )

Ride In Style! UP TO 20% OFF on electric scooters THE coolest gift of the Season, the Electric Scooters! Yes, please! So cool!
You totally could! Or you could use the DHGate products for Fundraisers for your school or church group... lots of things... really, the possibilities are endless, or you could just go into DHGate and get all your presents for next-to-nothing - or, a fraction of the cost when you're buying it retail.. I loove DHGate, and have bought a lot of gorgeous things from them, and I love them all - so exciting, getting something so amazing, for soo little! Now that's fun! : ) Dhgate Homepage
Get Your Own Little Piece o' that Internet Pie!

Hey, if you have your own blog or website, or you have a little idea for your own blog or website, and everyone knows something special about something, right? You have your very own perspective on Life, so why not share it with the world? The world wants to know all about what you know about - let the world get to know you! You're fascinating! And why not develop a nice little (or BIG!) passive income, while you sleep, right? Make money while you sleep? Am I dreaming? hahaha! Did you like that little sleep/dream joke, there? Because I'm thinking I might go and haz a little schnooze... why not? Is fun! Not to mention, relaxing : ) FlexOffers is my favorite Affiliate Program - they are very attentive to their Publishers (you, the writer!), and they have great companies and ads for you to promote, makes you some money, baby! : )

Top Marketing Courses-Digital Marketing: How To Attract, Capture & Convert Clients
Top Marketing Courses-Youtube Success Strategies Earning Top Dollar Making Videos
Earn money by promoting affiliate marketing programs through
Wow, Udemy offers soo many amazing courses - for next-to-nothing! That's amazing! You can add these Udemy Courses to your Resume, I would ask, at work, if you can apply these courses from Udemy for Salary Points, if your workplace has Salary Points... I loove Salary Points! lol! Take interesting courses, and watch your salary go up and up and up, right? Love it! And learn cool stuff, too!
I am just blown away by how many courses Udemy has - you'll have fun just looking through their lists of courses.. so much fun! I wonder if you could give them as a gift? That would be so cool - the gift of learning? haha! (I hope there's a box o' chocolates at the end of the course! lol!)
Anyway, have a wee look, see what will work for you, and let your friends know about it, too - share the wealth (of information?) - lol! Oooh, there's soo much to learn! Yippee!!

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And, of course, #BlackFriday Specials and All Sorts of Amazing Deals! lol!