I love Grapefruit - I'm crazy about it, so I have about one Grapefruit, a day - usually at night, when I am more likely to want a nice little snack, usually while I'm watching The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore, or Jimmy Kimmel Live .... or Seth Meyers... ot The Daily Show with Jon Stewart... I love a little humour, last thing at night (and all through the day - lol!).... but it does seem like that's my new habit, to settle in with a lovely, fresh, grapefruit, watch mah' shows! lol! Oh, and I save Jimmy Fallon and Higgins for the next day, to watch with my son : )
Anyway, all those years, I've been either cutting my grapefruit in the old traditional way, the way I was carefully taught, in Grade 7 Home Ec - lol! You know where you cut the grapefruit in half, then carefully cut around each segment? Painstaking, tedious, annoying... and you only get some of the grapefruit, right?
So then I started cutting the grapefruit in half, then into wedges, which was fine, 'n all that, but, then, TaaaDaaa! I figured out an even BETTER way to cut my favourite midnight snack...
Instead of starting in the middle of the grapefruit, as you naturally would, right? You would start by cutting away the outside, then cut the grapefruit in strips, instead of in half - brilliant, right?? I am'a soo pleased wit' mah'self, for figuring this out - bah'hahahaha! Well, yes, my life could use more meaning, what are you talking about?? hahaha! Anyway, I do love to cut my grapefruit like this, now - soo much easier, less mess, and you get to eat the entire grapefruit, soo, of course I love that! lol!

Then you just cut each round in half, and I cut the little endy bits, too, so I don't waste any of the grapefruit... yum! Looks so lovely, doesn't it? Fresh and delicious, and really, really good for you!
Made Me Laugh
So here's something funny - made me laugh - I made the last 2 grapefruits, tonight, because I didn't want to waste them, right, and I always wish I had a few more pieces, every single time I have Grapefruit, late at night - grapefruit is one of my favourite late-night snacks, for some reason - good for me! lol! anyway, so tonight I made the last two grapefruitzzz, and thought, oh, this is gonna be grrrreat...
Turns out, there's a reason I ever only have one single grapefruit...
So I couldn't eat all of the grapefruit - I said to my son, "Oh, no, I can't eat one more bite of grapefruit... I'm like a super-model, I just can't eat one more bite of this cotton ball..." bah'hahahahahaaha!
Anyhoo, dat make'a me laugh!
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