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Lemon Coconut Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches - so easy to make : )
Yum, right?? lol! Homemade Ice Cream Sandwiches - so much fun to make, super easy to make, and soo delicious!
Lemon Coconut Ice Cream Sandwiches... so cool, just little, so a nice little treat, if you're watching what you eat, and whatnot... no worries with this wee treat : ) You can satisfy your need/interest/deep desire (lol) for ice cream AND cookies... done! It's a very nice flavor match - you'll love it, and hopefully you'll have some left over to share with your friends and family -
So if you haven't tried this goooorgeous Lemon Ice Cream from WalMart, yet, and you loove lemon, you're in for a lovely wee treat. What a nice surprise, lemon ice cream - quite unusual, and so light and lovely : )
And then, WalMart had these wee Coconut Cookies in the center aisle over in the dairy section, for a dollar - yeah, that's right, $1 ! Yahoo! And they're really good little cookies!
I love to mix flavors, is fun to try out new little treats, and I used to make Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches with a seriously good chocolate chip cookie, the Chocolate Chunk Chocolate Chip Cookies from the Superstore, with a nice vanilla ice cream, but hadn't made those in years... not sure what came over me, last night, to make these lovely little lemon cookies! lol! It's a alliteration for lemon - lol!
Lay out a big piece of Plastic Wrap on the counter
Lay out the cookies of choice, two rows facing each other (two straight rows)
With a tablespoon, spoon out the ice cream (I leave the ice cream out to soften)
Put about a tablespoon of ice cream on each cookie, then squish the top on it, to make a 'sandwich'
Use the side of the spoon to smooth the ice cream around the sides.
Stack in a row, carefully wrap so they all stay together, and pop in the freezer.
They'll be ready the following day, or in a few hours, if you can't wait any longer - lol!
Happy Eating!! Ailsa
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