This link will take you straight to Jimmy Carter's brilliant book, A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power. (I get a wee something from every purchase through my links, so, thank you, too!)
Wow. I just finished reading Jimmy Carter's new book, A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power. I'm trying to breathe through it - what a powerful book, and a critical read to bring a much more egalitarian world for all women and girls. It's very interesting the role religion plays in keeping women in submissive roles, allows the many religious organizations to claim scripture that they can sometimes manipulate to oppress women. Horrifying. Has certainly been used against me, in my own life. I had a horribly abusive first marriage. He loved to use the Bible against me, and I was very religious, at the time. I still am deeply religious, but am less involved in the Church, now, unfortunately, and, Thank God, I was finally able to get away from that monster, and live a happy and fear-free life. Living in constant fear of your life is horrific, and if you happen to be reading this, and recognize those words as true to your own life, please make a plan of action of your own to get out as quickly as you can. And seek out a good lawyer before he can get to every lawyer in your town, since that quickly and easily prohibits you from using that lawyer - a very common technique that abusers seem to know all about, but I had to find out about, the hard way...
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Jimmy Carter - Kindness Personified |
Oh, man, just trying to wrap my head around what I've just read in Jimmy Carter's A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power. It's a tough read, no doubt about it, but if we could get people around the world to read this incredibly well written book, very incisive, very serious book, then Jimmy Carter could make even greater progress, in continuation of his work (along with his wife, Rosalynn) through The Carter Center, to bring equality, safety, education and healthy lives, to women and girls around the world.
Okay, well, this is getting a lot more personal than I intended it to be - scary for me, since the laws don't protect women - in addition to what Jimmy Carter calls for around the world, I would like to see better law enforcement for women of domestic violence to have solid protection for themselves and their children, before something horrific happens. Even getting a restraining order, in many parts of Canada, is very difficult, and not particularly useful, since I was told that the physical attack had to happen before the police could take any action. That's disgusting. Jimmy Carter mentions in his book, A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power, that there is a GPS device that can be used for the police to keep track of abusers. This seems like a step in the right direction.
Also, I think the biggest difference in dealing with abusers is if MEN did not allow or tolerate known abusers. If a man knows another man is abusing his wife, girlfriend, child(ren), or any other women (or men), don't accept it. I know this can be very difficult, but men are, of course, the key to turning things around for women. And OTHER WOMEN, too - I know, personally, I had more grief from leaving my marriage from other women - ugh. Makes me sick to think about it. These women would rather that I stay in an abusive marriage, for the sake of the institution of marriage. Disgusting. So we need men AND women, to get on board with everyone becoming equal, in our own realities, in all of our own lives, so we can all prosper, live nice, happy lives, free from fear and violence - surely that's not too much to ask for?? It's 2014, for God's Sake. Really, let's do it for God's Sake, for that real meaning.

Oh, and since Jimmy Carter loves Carpentry so much, and so do I... here's a little carpenter's joke for you... What did the carpenter say? I just can't even..... bah'hahahaha! There you go, lighten it up a little, leave you with a smile : )
In case you are looking for info on what drugs Jimmy Carter was given to heal him of his cancer - remarkable. I am soo happy Jimmy Carter is healed, and I hope to God this is a real change in the care or cancer patients.