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Man, I LOVE my very fancy Toothbrush 'System' - anything that cleans your teeth this well is a Must Have, for me - and you, baby! lol! We'll all have our pearly whites, sparkling teeth! Yay!!
76% OFF AquaSonic Ultrasonic Toothbrush with 8 Dupont Brush Heads and Dental Kit $33.99
Hmm - I was just looking this up - sounds like the Ultrasonic Toothbrush and Dental Care things really work #MeWants! lol!
https://track.flexlinkspro.com/a.ashx?foid=1067332.139679052.C4207315&foc=1&fot=9999&fos=1 #ad #Groupon #GrouponInternational, so you can get this Ultrasonic Toothbrush Set anywhere in the world - yippee!
AND, my son just ordered it for me for my Birthday! So exciting! lol!

If you have someone on your #ChristmasList who needs #DentalCare and doesn't have #insurance 🎄🎁🦷
#Careington Save 20%-60% on most #dental procedures. Plus, get #Discounts on #vision #hearing #prescriptions & more. Plans start at only $75.06 per year!
It's so hard to go to the #dentist, when you have no idea what the bill could be - When I had Careington Coverage, I got a list of the dentists, and then a list of the prices for each dental procedure - and I saved well over a $1,000 dollars - what a miracle! Hope this helps!
Canadians can buy this coverage, too, if you're planning to head to the States to get some Dental Work done - could be a lot cheaper than your dentist in Canada #JustSaying... Maybe you could plan a trip around it!
(And I get a wee something from every purchase through me - thank you so much! And that doesn't affect your price, at all, just lets me get YOU all the very best deals! Yippee! Win-Win!)
I just had one eye done, when I had my Lasik Eye Surgery, years ago - definitely ask your Eye Surgeon about that, too!
One eye is for reading, the other for distance, your eyes work together to give you 2020 Vision -
Perfect for the year 2020! lol!
Save on dental care

Free Dental Products from Impressive Smile
Advanced Teeth Whitening Kit with Unlimited Free Refills - Best Teeth Whitening at Home - You save $66.01 - Now only $9.99 ...
Are We getting a Turkey of a Deal, with our Dentistry?
Are Dentists the New Pirates?
The most painful thing about going to the dentist shouldn't be the bill - you can't go in, know how much it will cost, or even know if you NEED the treatment - is just too shady, these days, and that has to change - and the cost for dental car HAS to be affordable for all, right? #BigSmiles! : )
Come on, we can all do better - let's band together, demand that Dental care is included in our normal Healthcare Coverage, in Canada, and in the USA : )
Hey, my teeth are up here! hahahaha! Sorry, I couldn't resist that little joke! lol! But see, doesn't look like I've never heard of a tooth brush, or dental floss!! Ugh, so insulting! hahaha! (And did I get a turkey of a deal?? hahaha! Why didn't the dentist think my jokes were funny?? hahaha!)
My favorite Dentist in Victoria, BC, Canada: Dr. Robert Muir, Cresta Dental Centre, in the Tillicum Mall, Victoria, BC, Canada 250-384-7711
My favorite Dentist in Los Angeles, California, USA: Dr. Rodney Cobb, around the corner from the Ralphs off La Tijera and Centinela Ave. (Pronounced, La Tee'herra ; ), Los Angeles (Yay!!) 1-310-256-4326
Tell them Ailsa Forshaw says Hello! : )
Did you know that tiny little TicTacs can do much more damage to your teeth than, say, a chocolate or cookie? Because it's sustained sugar in your mouth, close to your teeth - who knew?? I juuust started eating TicTacs, at night, so I wouldn't go and have a chocolate bar (oops!), but I think I haven't done mah'self any real favors, since it looks like the teensy tiny little TicTacs, that you would never, ever suspect of doing anything to you, at all, except give you a little nice flavour, right? But here they are, all cute and tiny, delicious 'n all, and they can wreak hell in your mouth - well, maybe not 'wreak hell', or wreak havoc (lol!), but they can cause significant dental decay and cause significant cavities - same thing with anything with sugar that is sustained in your mouth for a long time - cough drops, gum, hard candies, gummy bears - anything, it seems, that I might choose for a late night snack - who knew? My dentist, but not me! Booo, that's an expensive lesson to learn, so you can learn from me, keep your teeth all lovely and nice, and save your money and your teeth!
Are Dentists the New Pirates? lol!
Nooo, this is me at Disneyland on Halloween, which is the most fun, ever - but would make me laugh if the dentist dressed like a pirate! haha! We just want - and need - basic Dental coverage for everyone - would be cheaper for companies, would grant affordable access to a dentist for everyone - in Canada and in the States...and anywhere else Dental isn't covered as a basic healthcare need, which it is. Good teeth, good health, right? Right! : )
So I went online to find a dentist to get it fixed right away. It didn't hurt, Thank God, but I was really scared it might start to hurt, and there's almost nothing worse than dental pain (childbirth comes to mind... that was excruciating, but at least I got a couple of incredibly gorgeous children out of that!! lol!)...turns out, I couldn't get hold of any dentist.. it's a small town, seemed like everyone and their dog was off on vacation, since all of our schools take their Spring Break at the same time...

The first dentist I called finally got back to me on the Sunday night, and I was really happy to talk to another adult about my tooth, and I'd been afraid to eat anything because of it (I was thinking, as I always do, oooh, wonder how much weight I'll lose from this??? hahahaha! I apply that to everything where I don't eat much for a few days... the only upside of the Flu!! lol!)(oh, and, turns out, no, I didn't lose any weight, dammit! That was annoying! Now will HAVE to go to da gym!! lol!).
So the first dentist has the very, very nice and cheery receptionist call me, and she was really, really nice. Put your best people up front, right?? But she told me I would have to have a complete dental exam, first ($160), and then the dentist would have a look at my broken tooth (which, by then, I was calling my broked up toof... makin' myself laugh! hahaha! Makes me laugh, right now, but you know I'm an easy laugh! lol! And I was telling Cara, my hilarious daughter, I thought I looked like an early start meth addict, just one broken tooth, now, but more to come... we thought that was really funny... I happened to tell that joke (which had become one of my favorite jokes by the time I finally go into the dentist.. anyway, they didn't laugh at all, apparently they don't think da meth addict/broked up toof thing is funny!! hahahaha! But then, there wasn't a whole lot of talking (usually, the dentist is soo nice, chats with you, makes you feel at home -- like you have drills in your living room... lol!)... he was there to work, not to make small talk... was weird. I like my old dentists in Los Angeles and Calgary waaaay better! They were lovely, so kind and caring, never tried to upsell me on anything... which brings me to my point, are dentists the pirates on dry land??
I had Googled dentists in my area, right, since don't we all just go online to find stuff out, now? Well, I do, and I had asked around, try to get a recommendation from a local, since we're new back in town, and my old dentist, here, had retired, and I found a dentist with a 5/5 rating, so I went to their office. I asked specifically for that dentist, and it sounded like that's who I was gonna get, but when I asked at the end, is this the dentist I'm getting, it turnded out I would be getting the other dentist, the new guy. The dentist with the 5/5 rating woudn't have been available until today, ironically enough, and I went about 2 weeks ago, I think... and my dentist was good, don't get me wrong. He was nice enough, did the job (although, it feels like there's a little ridge on either side of the tooth -- it's a back molar, one of the smaller ones), enough of a ridge on each side that my dental floss gets caught in it every time I floss... and I floss a lot, I suppose... I have dental floss in every room, in every purse... I take good care of my teeth (and I really resent when they say, either the dental hygenist or the dentist, now if you brush and floss regularly, you'll keep your teeth... aaaaaaargh!!! Really, I've never heard that. I'll try that 'brushing' and 'flossing' you speak of... aaargh! So insulting! Surely there's no need for that, right?? Ugh.
So this new dentist does this test that was incredibly painful, that I've never had done, before, and frankly, I felt he did it as a tool for upselling, and whether that's true or not, that's how it came across to me. He had this tool that sends a crazy cold shot to your tooth. And I am a 'fraidy cat, when it comes to the dentist... I am deeply afraid of dental pain in the dental chair....and I'll pay for any amount of freezing to avoid that pain... so he puts this Pain Tool, we'll call it, up to my broken tooth, nothing. No feeling. That's good, right, that means that tooth already had a Root Canal. Then he puts the Pain Tool up to a regular tooth, and the pain is immediate and excruciating. I swear. "Oh, sh*t!", says me. Angry me, since I'm SURE that was unnecessary, and if it's only for that damn upsell, then it is REALLY an unneccesary use of pain to sell something. Man, if you went to the car dealers, and they poked you with a live cattle prod every time you said you were looking for a less expensive model, and you were in any way easily led (thus the use of the cattle prod), you'd end up buying that damn extra-expensive car, right?? Ugh. I HATE the upsell. Unless it really is necessary...). (or I'm doing the upsell... noo, really, we should get married, it'll be greeeat!! We'll have double the income, have a waay bigger house, lots of travel... ugh... if you have to upsell to get married, move on, ladies... or gents! lol!)
So I have the X-ray, and indeed my broken tooth DOES have a Root Canal, so that should be good news, except the dentist says he should do another root canal on the same tooth. WTF?? No. He shouldn't. And he kept referring to my broken tooth as a 'Dead Tooth'. But then, turns out, that's apparently what they commonly call a tooth with a root canal, a 'dead tooth'. I've never heard of that, before. The Root Canal is to SAVE the tooth, for God's Sake. So you don't end up with dentures at any kind of early age... ugh.
And I don't have my normal Dental Coverage, since I'm not teaching in a regular school, right now, so my dental coverage is shaky, at best, and might be 80% off, might be 50% off, to the first $1,000, nothing after that... so I had asked the dentist, when I first went in, to please do the simplest fix, to clean and fill the tooth, right? that seemed reasonable to me. If more ever needs to be done, then I'll go back to my wonderful dentist in Los Angeles, get any 'big' dental work done by someone I trust. And isn't trust a huuuge thing with ANY doctor? We are raised to put our total faith and trust in our doctors. They know best. They would never steer us wrong, never do any unnecessary procedure. But what about dentists?? What's going on, here? That's not good. We need to go back to the old days, when we really could always trust our dentists. I think it's because there's soooo much money involved, now, that maybe it's like dentists are the new contractors!! hahaha! And you know how much I looove contractors (in case you don't know that about me, I really do love contractors, because I am a house builder, too, and looove a great contractor, but I know to be wary of contractors, and always get 3 quotes, just to get a good ballpark of what the price should be, for any particular job....and, turns out, looks like dentistry might fall into the same category...).
Okay, so I'm in the dentist chair, all scared, all numb, and the work is finally happening, and it all happened really quickly... think I was only in the chair about 20 minutes... and my tooth was cleaned and filled. For some reason, the dentist did not bother to color-match the filling to my other teeth... that is the first time that has ever happened to me, too. again, I feel like since I refused the other options -- another Root Canal on a tooth that had already had a successful Root Canal, I had refused getting the tooth extracted and getting a Dental Implant, AND I had refused getting a Bridge.... I had said, let's do the least amount of work to save the tooth, today, and I'll get the rest done when I have regular Dental Coverage, again... tha sounds very reasonable right? He says, the 'temporary' filling might only last 5 years... five years??? I'd almost take any promise of anything for 5 years! That seems like an eternity to me, right now! lol! At the very least, I'm pretty sure that within the next 5 years, I WILL have my normal Dental Coverage back, and at the very least, I'll go to a really good dentist I trust fully, if I have more serious work to be done.
So, just for fun, out of curiosity, and because this dentist was going to go ahead and do all that other work without discussing price with me, I asked, "How much is a Dental Implant, anyway?" $7,500., says the dentist, like that's nothing. WHAAAT??? Are you effen kidding me??? I kept a straight face, and asked, "And how much is a Bridge?" He says, nonchalantly, like this is normal, $3,500 to $4,500. OMG. If I had not been so forceful, stood by my guns, kept saying I only wanted the tooth cleaned and filled, which was a reasonable solution to my broken tooth problem, I would've have a huuuge bill, and not had ANY idea a dental bill could ever be that high.

Now, bear in mind that I was back in Canada, in Ontario (I'm in BC, now...). When I lived in Calgary, my wonderful dentist, Darcy (I don't remember his last name, because we were on a first name basis, like normal adults of equal standing.... little dig, there, to all the people who insist on being called by their TITLE by other adults who are equal to them -- it's a pet peeve of mine -- a title doesn't elevate you, kindness, caring and good work elevate you... if you need a title to stand behind, that's a shame...but I canny stand that sort of thing...)... anyway, where did that rant come from?? lol! Anyway, Darcy the Dentist, we'll call him, would always give me a print out of any work that needed to be done, with a price list. You could think about it. You'd know in advance. Nothing was an insane price. And a lot of people don't have Dental Coverage, any more. Many companies only give partial dental coverage -- that is becoming more and more the norm, now. (Oh, I think I had Carrington Dental Coverage for Cara when my school board didn't cover kids over 19, until Obama came in and fixed that, the the coverage went back to covering children under 24... anyway, Carrington Dental Coverage was great, and I'd highly recommend that... I'll see if I can find a link for you, in case you're in the States -- lucky you, if you are! I miss living in America! Waah!! (Own personal little lament!! lol!) I never paid anything to any of either of my dentists in Los Angeles, California, because I was fully covered under my school district's dental coverage (am very thankful for that!).
So then I get home, my mouth was soo sore for the first few days, since the dentist had been none too gentle with my gums surrounding the tooth, and the gums were so swollen... ouch! But that pain eventually went away, and I Googled 'How much is a Dental Implant in Los Angeles', because I remember the fliers that used to come in the mail when we lived in LA (we lived in Los Angeles for 8 years, 3 years the first time, in the 90's, and 5 years on my last Work Visa), and those fliers always had ads from local dentists, with big deals for Dental Implants for $750.. Yes, that's Seven hundred and fifty dollars, not seven THOUSAND, five HUNDRED dollars. When I Googled the price of a Dental Implant in LA, now, it came up at $950 for a dental implant. That's a far cry from what the dentist in Ontario, Canada told me.
So if you are ever faced with a big dental procedure, look around. Check the prices in LA, for God's Sake : ) You'd be better off to fly down to Los Angeles, have a great vacation, go out for fantastic meals, then go to the dentist and get your new teeth, your new dental implants, or whatever other dental work you need done, than spend that crazy amount on a dentist closer to home, if that's what's going on in your neck of the woods....

Buyer Beware at the dentist?? Who knew?? Now we all do, baby!! lol! Can you tell I miss LA?? hahaha! Happy Teeth!! Ailsa xox!
Oh, almost forgot to tell you -- my broken tooth, which was cleaned and filled, in about 20 minutes or less (like an oil change! lol!), cost me $379. Booo! That wouldda bought a lot of chocolates! Or a plane ticket to LA!! haha!
Li'l Shoutout to Careington - they really saved me a huge amount of money - and worry - when I didn't have Dental Coverage through work for my whole family - that's a huge concern for a tremendous amount of people, in The US and Canada, and Careington can give you a list of really good Dentists, and they will give you the prices, straight-up, no guessing, which I hate, is ridiculous, is worse than going to the garage with your car, never having any idea of what you really need done, and how much it will cost, and the costs varying soo much, dentist to dentist - why isn't this more regulated? In Canada, especially, is so out of control, is crazy.
But Careington is inexpensive, super-easy, and you'll save a huge amount of money, and get excellent care. AND, they do Lasik, too? Hello!

Search for Pre-Screened Dentists.
Same Day or Next Day Appointments

Well, I started out making this little home remedy for a cold, flu, sore throat or headache, to see if it would help my lovely daughter to get better, but then, turns out, I loved it - is so great! Probably works for all sorts o' things - and at the very least, you'll get better AND get a great sleep - and would be a great thing to have, that's non-drowsy, too...
Anyway, so I already had the Lemon Juice out, which I normally only get out when I'm making a Cheesecake, or Cheesecake Mousse, right? It gives the Cheesecake that nice little twang - lol!
anyway, it just occurred to me, let me go try that Lemon Juice and Baking soda trick to whiten my teeth... worth a shot, fo' sho'.. but I just put the lemon juice on my toothbrush, first, and, omg, is delllicious! Who knew? Not me! My daughter says for me not to do that (my interpretation: 'very often' - lol!), because the lemon juice apparently can remove the enamel from your teeth, so, I'll be careful, and you can be careful, right? haha!)
Anyway, so I poured a little bit of Lemon Juice on my toothbrush, just brushed with the lemon juice, was soo nice and refreshing - and super delicious! Then I sprinkled a little Baking Soda on my toothbrush, pured a little more lemon juice on top of that, and brushed, again (or, really, kept brushing - lol!)
So, wow! Sparkly AND delicious! Yay!! Something you might like to try : )
You know what? We really need a National Movement to have #BasicDentalCoverage for ALL Canadians, in every Province. (They need that in the States, too, and prolly everywhere else...)
I did not know that each province gets to decide what their citizens get, and what they don't get, and, in BC, how much they pay per month. #MSP
Canadians need a National system, for all the basic aspects of life - Healthcare, Dental, Vision, Hearing, Education, Infrastructure, Helping Those in Need - seriously, what has happened to Canada? And they need to go back to the old way of doing EI - Employment Insurance - people in Canada all pay into it, but the Harper Government changed the system so significantly, that very few people can actually get EI when they need it. I didn't know that, either - I guess I've been away form Canada during those Harper years, and I was truly shocked at how much my beloved country had changed while we were gone - and, for the record, I had to leave Canada, just to get a full time, 100% Contract Teaching Position - they are few and far between, in Canada, now, and even more difficult, now, in BC, because the Province, Liberal, by the way (most right wing Liberal I've ever seen - far further to the Right than any Conservative Platform - how shocking is that??) have cut Special Education down to almost nothing - so shocking. How is that possible, in Canada? That's why we need National Coverage for Education, so individual provinces are not allowed to "opt-out" of Special Education - how outrageous is that? Beyond words.
I would love it if you would help me get these messages out, to our new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau @JustinTrudeau
We CAN make a Big Difference, if we can band together, get our united message out there - bring us back to the wonderful Canada we all know (remember!), and love. Justin Trudeau seems to relaly want to right the wrongs over the past decade, and make Canada so much better - Sunny Ways, My Friends! Let's make sure EVERY Canadian gets to have a nice bright smile, a healthy toothy grin, to shout that out, from Coast to Coast : )