What to Do With Your Leftover Cranberries - or Pineapple!
Hahaha! Nooo, don't throw out your leftover cranberries or pineapple, just yet... you can make a lovely Cranberry Bread, or my new favorite, Cranberry Pineapple Pie.... dang, I don't have pictures of the Pineapple Pie, on account o' I was gonna make it, yesterday, but I accidentally bought FIVE pies... ugh, what was I thinking??? They looked sooooo good in the store! lol! Now they're all in the fridge... I baked the blueberry pie and the apple pie, (the secret to making a store-bought fruit pie more 'home-made' is to liberally sprinkle the top with sugar before you pop it in the oven...), and had one piece, last night, only because there it was, all uneaten, 'n all, and I had already baked them, so felt obligated to at least have one piece.... and then, this morning, I had one piece of the lemon pie... well, most of it... I think I would like it better frozen... when there's room in the freezer, I'll pop it in there, will be more like an ice cream dessert, and then I won't feel any pressure to eat it... it's funny, everything appeals to us in the store, then by the time we get home, the appeal is gone (odd, I've had some marriages like that, too! hahahahahahaha! Okay, some dates, too.... hahaha! Otay, you got me, those jokes are just for me, and, yes, I am laughing pretty hard, sitting here at the computer!! hahahaha! Happier to be Single on the Holiday of Stress, than with a crazy screamer or nutjob... no matter how good their hair is! hahaha! Oh, man... so silly!
Soooo, if you don't want to waste your leftover cranberries (or whole cans of cranberries... or if you see them on a great Boxing Day or After-Christmas Sale, and canny resist stocking up..), and you're not all pie-d out, like me, you can easily make a lovely pie with your cranberries and pineapple...
Cranberry Pineapple Pear Pie... the pears are optional, but pretty! lol!
Use the Easy Schmeasy Pie Crust... low in fat and very good for a low cholesterol diet, or anyone who wants a healthier version of a pie that tastes deeelicious!)

Easy Schmeasy Pie Crust: This is the easiest pie crust, ever -- make it right in the pie plate, no rolling, just mix and press with your fingers.... and it's excellent for a low cholesterol diet... very low in fat and sugar, so great for diabetics, too... I love it because it's fast and easy (much like myself! An old joke, but a good one! lol!), delicious, and no lard -- ick!! The trick is to mix the milk with the oil -- I just shake it in a jar, or put the milk and oil in a glass, cover with plastic wrap, shake shake shake! Fun to make with the kids, too!http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2010/10/easy-schmeasy-pie-crust.html
1 can cranberries, or whatever you have left of your cranberries
1 can crushed pineapple, slightly drained (okay to leave some liquid)
1or 2 tsp of Vanilla (really, I always put in extra Vanilla -- I loove it! lol!)
1 cup sugar
(Oh, if you don't have pineapple, try using a cup of raisins... will taste like Cherry Pie... no kidding! Cranberries + Raisins = Cherry! Little trick of nature, right there! lol!)
Put in a large microwave bowl, and microwave for about 5 minutes... just to heat it up, melt the sugar, you know...
Stir together:
1 or 2 tbsp Cinnamon (because cinnamon is very good for you... moderates your blood sugar 'n whatnot :)
Dash of Salt
3 tbsp of flour (or corn starch)
Stir the dry ingredients into the cranberry/pineapple mixture, then pour into the pie shell.
If you happen to have pears, (pear halves, but but if you have pear slices, just arrange them neatly in a circle, unless you prefer a more relaxed look! lol!), arrange them in a circle... looks pretty :)
I like a Crumb Topping for pies, partly because it's waaay easier, but also because it's considerably less pie crust, so a healthier pie... the other day, when I was making shortbread, it occurred to me to reserve some of the shortbread dough (I wrap it in 'shortbread logs' in plastic wrap, leave in the fridge for whenever I might have a shortbread shortage! hahaha! Like I would ever have a shortbread shortage! hahaha! Seems like I make it every other day, these days!) Anyway... take a little of the shortbread dough and add more icing sugar/flour to make it lightly crumbly, then sprinkle that on the pie. You can do just an inch around the edge, then a section in the middle, or roll out the shortbread dough and cut shapes to place on top of the pie... or you can use my regular Crumb Topping... will have to get the link for you... it's the topping I put on the Peach Pie, which is craaazy delicious...
You technically don't need any pie crust for this pie, since it looks really pretty with the pears arranged around the top, so it's just a matter of personal choice...
Bake at 350 for aboout 45 minutes... the usual. Let cool... enjoy!
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Yum!! This Cranberry Pineapple Walnut (okay, and chocolate! lol!) Bread was delicious -- I say 'was', because it goes really quickly, is soo yummy! And healthy, too! |
OR, you could put the leftover cranberries in Cranberry Bread... just like the Banana Bread, only you use Cranberries, instead. I generally use the whole can of Cranberries, especially if I've found them on sale, somewhere... this is really lovely bread, and you can make it like a coffee cake in a square 8" X 8" pan, or in a 9" X 13" pan (will take very little time to cook in a larger pan), or you can make it in a loaf pan...
Go ahead and throw in the pineapple, if you have it, and some nuts, if you like them.... chocolate chips are great, too, since chocolate cranberry is a great combo, right? (Also, Cranberry/Vodka! lol!)
I'll get the link and put it up for you... :)
Banana Bread Made Easy :) |
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Everything you need for delicious Fruit Bread :) |
(adapted for Cranberry Bread : )
Stir together in a large bowl:
1 1/2 cups of Flour
1 cup Sugar
1 tsp. Baking Soda
2 tbsp. Cinnamon
1 can Cranberries
1 Egg
1 tsp. Vanilla
1/3 cup melted margarine (melt 30 seconds in the microwave)
If you have some nuts, raisins, and/or chocolate, toss them in, too... will be delicious! : )
Oh, don't forget to Sprinkle the Cranberry Bread with LOTS of sugar (well, not a craaazy amount of sugar, but a good liberal sprinkling will give any Fruit Bread a nice crispy crust... you'll love it!), to give it a really nice finish.. will be waaay more delicious, and if you are going for more of a 'Coffee Cake', add the Crumb Topping, and that will be absolutely lovely, too : )
Bake at 350 Degrees F. for 15 - 45 minutes, depending on pan size you use (remember to grease the pan, and/or use parchment paper so it won't burn or stick to the pan... : )
Creamy Delicious Peach Pie (the Crumb Topping is on this Peach Pie...!)
Leftover Turkey: Oh, and just in case you still have some turkey in your fridge, have you had it with a yummy Campbell's Mushroom Soup 'Gravy' (just heat up the soup plus a wee bit of milk!), delicious with potatoes (also left over?? lol!), rice or pasta - yummy, one way or another!
And then there's always my favourite, favourite toasted turkey sandwiches! Add in any leftover Stuffing - yum! Simple and delicious! lol!
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