The Getty Villa in Malibu (Pacific Palisades), California - soo gorgeous, a great place to go, yourself, or with your family and friends : )
And if you happen to be a teacher,
June 1st is the starting date to pop into the Getty Villa website to book a trip for your class.
I think there is a special category for Title I schools, too, so be sure to pop into the Getty site, see what you can get for your students - all sorts of lesson plan ideas, too, and there should be some good printables, too - I know I've gotten great teaching materials, right at the Getty Villa, in the Children's center - it's for 'children' of all ages! The
young at heart crowd, if you know what I mean - lol! : )
The Getty Website has all sorts of Teacher stuff - you'll love it!
This is an incredible opportunity for your students, and one that may change their lives, forever. The Getty Villa is so beautiful, and even just taking the bus, there - what a great class trip for you and your students.
There's a place for your students to have their lunch, and you can buy lunch, there, too - is a good idea to just bring their lunch, if possible. Many schools will let you order school lunches through your school cafeteria manager - good to be friends with the school cafeteria manager, anyway - they're always really nice and helpful : )

For teachers, be sure to check and see what courses are offered for the summer, at The Getty Villa in Malibu (
Pacific Palisades), and at The Getty Center, off the 405 in Los Angeles, California. I've taken so many amazing courses, all free, I think - pretty sure - I took a lot of classes, sooo, a little jumbled in my mind, now, which ones I paid for, and which ones were free, but I'm pretty sure the Getty courses are all free.
Oooh, check and see what other courses there are at all the Art Galleries... LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art) had amazing courses, and be sure to stay for the dinners that are provided, free of charge - they had
THE best dessert - yum!
You'll come away with lots of great ideas for future lessons, and maybe meet some nice people.. and learn all sorts of interesting and amazing new things, yourself - you'll love it! Oh, and the Getty Center off the 405 had fantastic breakfasts, too - and I think they were free, as well... wow, can it get any better than that? Great classes, possibly a Free Trip for your students, and free breakfasts for you, at the courses? Hope I'm not spilling the beans, here - lol!
The earlier you put in your request for a school trip, the better the odds are of getting to go to the Getty Villa or the Getty Center, or, possibly, both. It's all worth a shot, for sure!
Best Class Trip, ever? Or did they have a bit of a ruff trip? haha! So cute!
Oh, and the Getty Villa and the Getty Center are amazing trips for anyone, any time. Generally, you have to go online to book a ticket for the Getty Villa, just so they know you're coming, and you will have a variety of times to choose from, and I think admission is free, just pay for parking.
I know I've taken some courses at the
Getty Center, where they handed out free parking passes, too - so, be open to all the freebies, for sures, and if you're at either the
Getty Villa in Malibu, or the
Getty Center off the 405 in L.A., and you have children with you, pop into the children's center - soo much fun - the kids will love it, too - bah'hahaha!
And if you want to take your students (or just go on your own!) to
Huntington Gardens, which is beyond gorgeous, Huntington Gardens has a
Free Day, and I'm pretty sure there's no fee for parking..
. the first Thursday of the month should be the Free Day, but check online, I think that's the only way to get your tickets, and you have to book in advance - plan well in advance, so you'll get your tickets - and if you're a teacher, you can see if there are any sources who might provide a free bus - worth looking into, for sure, and an incredible opportunity for your students
: )
Happy Travels!