Easy Breezy Lobster Dinner - and it's cheaper than KFC! lol! (I just linked that to my hilarious KFC adventure - made us laugh so hard, so silly!)

Safeway has their Lobster Tail on sale, right now, 4 for $25. We had one each, and I like Broccoli and Rice with mine, my lovely son, Aidan (he just turned 14! Soo cute!), just likes rice with his lobster, and no melted butter for him - he likes his seafood 'straight up', as it were! lol! I, on the other hand, love a little bowl of hot melted butter - is deelicious! : )
I used to work in a Seafood Restaurant when I was in University (Queen's University), and I think I might have learned more from working in that fantastic seafood restaurant than in some of my courses, although, I loved Queen's - an incredible University.
Oh, and here's how to 'capture' the feel of the islands in your pictures - I think this is hilarious, really makes me laugh - hold your item - a drink, your meal, a check, what have you - up against a picture you really like, take your picture, and voila, you're in an amazing place! lol! This is the calendar beside my desk! hahaha!
You can make this lovely lobster dinner in under 15 minutes - and it looks fantastic, and tastes delicious! You'll love it, and your family and friends will be all very impressed! You can add Crab Legs for the same amount of time, in the same pot, if you like, and sometimes we'll throw in a pound of Shrimp in the last few minutes, then add a little Seafood Cocktail Sauce with your wonderful and easy dinner : ) Ailsa xox
Valentine's Day Treats for You - and maybe even for the someone(s) You Love, too - lol!)
Easy Breezy Lobster Dinner
1 Lobster Tail per person. (Frozen is the easiest to find)(Or get as many as you like! lol!)Broccoli, or whatever lovely Veggie you like!
Rice - we just cook it in the microwave, now! lol!
Step 1: Boil a big Pot of Water, bring to a rolling boil.
Step 2: Drop the Lobster Tails into the boiling Water. Boil for 14 minutes.
Step 3: Put the Rice in the Microwave, cook for 12 minutes.
Step 4: Drop the Broccoli into the boiling water (you'll know if you like it tender or crisp)
Step 5: Serve with Melted Butter (little bowls, melt butter for 35 seconds in the microwave)
Step 6: Enjoy!
Oh, and here's a little recipe I was thinking about while I was watching #BigBrotherAfterDark last night - lol! Now I'm trying to figure out how I could make this so it would be like Churros, for my son, who really, really misses all the delicious Churros we used to get in California - no good Mexican restaurants, up here in the North - booo! Come on up, El Pollo Loco or Chipotle, or both!! We would looove some delicious Mexican Food up here in Canada! : ) (Pweeease!!)
#BBHaveNots - So, it looks like the BB Have Nots have a lot more options than they used to have, right? And you know how the HaveNots have Hawaiian Buns, this week? I wonder if they could slice them, thick slices, fry them in a pan of a little oil, then toss in cinnamon sugar?
Man, that sounds deeelish, right? Now me wants to try that!
(Cinnamon Sugar, in case you haven't made it, yet, is just a nice mix of , say, a couple of tablespoons of cinnamon, and maybe about a half cup of sugar - you can add more cinnamon, to taste... is a good sprinkle for all sorts of wee things! lol!)
Okay, here's some other stuff me haz been a'thinkin' about, this week - lol! Ailsa : )
I'm just lookin' for some Good Deals for you! Savin' Money, right? Yep!