(Uh, have you noticed I am obsessed with the new Electric Scooters! Me luvs! Me wants! hahaha!)
Cake Mix Banana Bread
(One Bowl Banana Bread - Sooo Easy!)
Lookie what I just made! lol! Was sooo easy (now I can't say #SoEasy without wanting to give a shoutout to Amy Schumer! lol!)
Anyway, I had 3 bananas, and, of course, as always, I never want to waste anything, and didn't REALLY feel like making my fancy Banana Bread, like I usually make...I just didn't want to waste the last 3 bananas... so I thought, well, what if I just try to make the Banana Bread with a Cake Mix?
I bought the Cake Mix a while back, and I just saw them on sale at Walmart, a couple of weeks ago, and all the Baking Stuff goes on sale at the Holidays...anyway, usually you can pick up some cake Mixes for around a dollar... Shop Popular Grocery Items at Walmart.ca
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And the bananas would've been tossed out, sooo, free for the bananas? haha! (This is mah' own math! haha!)
Waste Not, Want Not, right? lol! I hate wasting anything... there's always another use : )
So, here's what I did:
Cake Mix Banana Bread
(One Bowl Banana Bread - Sooo Easy!)
3 Bananas, mashed (Just use however many you have left, so you don't have to throw them out.. Save the Bananas! lol!) - I melted the margarine in the big bowl in the microwave, let it cool, added the egg, mashed the banana right in that bowl,
1 little square of margarine, melted... in the same bowl you will make the cake in...A 1/3 cup of Oil would work, too, I would imagine... or 3 oz. of Margarine? Maaay-be.... I was just using stuff up! : )
1 Egg
1 Cake Mix, I had White, so, White, but use any one you have... so throw that in...
Totally Optional, Chocolate, Walnuts, Pecans... whatever you have in da fridge : )
I was just tossing in anything I considered easy to 'let go' in my 'Trial Recipe' - lol! : )
A Godiva Chocolate Bar from last Christmas, that I never got around to eating, because it was the Super-Dark Chocolate, 72% Cacao..anyway, that was in the fridge, so I just broke it into pieces, threw that in... chocolate chips would be great,too... really, this is a trial recipe, sooo, just stuff I wouldn't mind missing, if it didn't work out - lol!
Cinnamon - I pour that stuff in... so, maybe 3 tbsp? lol!
I mixed it right in the bowl, put parchment paper in the 9" X 13" pan, poured it in, and I just mixed it with a fork...
Baked for about an hour...
Deeelicious, and I didn't waste a bunch of stuff I might have otherwise have thrown out...
Yum, the Banana Bread/Banana Cake? lol! With a little Whipped Cream : )
And it turned out nice and light, like a very light Spice Cake,
You would not really even know it's Banana Bread - weird, eh?
But, delicious!! Yum!
Parchment Paper - no clean up - love it!
Pre-Whipcream - lol!
That's BANANAS! hahaha!
And here's my Original Banana Bread, which is, omg-crazy-delicious! Yum!
This is so cool - let's say you've now been binge watching your fave shows, and you STILL have 4 more seasons left of your brand new-to-you show, soo you don't want to get up off the couch, but, also, you know you should probably get you' some groceries?
Problem - Solution! lol!
Check and see if your area is covered by either VONS or Safeway... they cover some of the same areas, and some different areas - does that make sense? lol!
I loove this Delivery Service for Groceries and whatever you might need, right to your door, just in general, but what a great idea in bad weather, no more stooopid traffic, or if you're not feeling up to going out to the store, or you just don't feeeel like going out to the store...or if you're like me, and get so caught up in whatever you're working on, and don't want to stop just 'for food' - haha! And no need for Taxis, if you need to take a cab to the grocery store...that's a huge savings, right there, right?
Wow, Grocery Delivery Service - that's fantastico!! Yippee!! Hello, Future - you look great! : )

I think this is such an amazing new service for your groceries - and anything you ever need from the grocery store - if you've ever had a time when you had a tiny baby, or you're super-busy (same thing - hahaha! All the New Moms will be laughing, now - lol!)..but if you're busy at work, or busy at home, or traffic, or you're busy binge-watching your favorite shows - hahahahaha! This might be the new wave of the future, right? Ordering your groceries online?
And I would imagine you would save a lot of money, since you would just buy what you actually need... might really work for dieting, too, since, well, if we're in the store, and be 'we', I mean 'me'...anyway, let's say I've got my grocery list, then I'm at the store, and I think, you know what, I'll just nick down the Candy Aisle, see if Chocolate is on sale (see how much I like Sale Chocolate - hahaha! Is it tastier, or just less expensive?? We'll never know! It's all gone, now - hahaha!)
Not that you couldn't just 'browse' for that, anyway... right? Me thinkin', now, o' course, where is the Sale Chocolate, online?? hahaha! But let's say you're you, and not me, and you have a LOT more self control than maybe ME do... so you order all the things you really wanted, and not just a whole cart full o' Wunderbars, on sale... hahahaha! Wouldn't THAT be fun - just a cartful of Sale Chocolate?? haha! Okay, clearly, me needs a treat! lol! : ) #SaleChocolate! Ha!
And I would imagine you would save a lot of money, since you would just buy what you actually need... might really work for dieting, too, since, well, if we're in the store, and be 'we', I mean 'me'...anyway, let's say I've got my grocery list, then I'm at the store, and I think, you know what, I'll just nick down the Candy Aisle, see if Chocolate is on sale (see how much I like Sale Chocolate - hahaha! Is it tastier, or just less expensive?? We'll never know! It's all gone, now - hahaha!)
Not that you couldn't just 'browse' for that, anyway... right? Me thinkin', now, o' course, where is the Sale Chocolate, online?? hahaha! But let's say you're you, and not me, and you have a LOT more self control than maybe ME do... so you order all the things you really wanted, and not just a whole cart full o' Wunderbars, on sale... hahahaha! Wouldn't THAT be fun - just a cartful of Sale Chocolate?? haha! Okay, clearly, me needs a treat! lol! : ) #SaleChocolate! Ha!