Summer Deals for You, Baby!
Happy Birthday, Canada! 151 Years old, already? You look better than ever! Pristine and Beautiful! You're aging very well, I must say (ode to Martin Short, another fabulous Canadian! lol!)
We have gorgeous beaches here in Ontario, Canada, and that's a large part of why we chose this area of Canada to move back to...I looove the beach, and just can't see myself living very far from a gorgeous beach, ever.... except, now, it's too cold to go to the beach (unless you're all bundled up, and, clearly, I love wearing bikinis! lol!)... so I canny help myself, I'm looking at the map for more beaches, where they're warm year-round!
Ailsa at Sandbanks Beach, Southern Ontario, Canada... |
One of my favorite walkways along the Bay of Quinte -- so pretty! |
Aidan, my little man (he's 12, now!), and I like to go for big long walks along the shores of the Bay of Quinte.... man, it's so gorgeous, and reminds me of why I love Belleville (quite often, especially these days, I keep forgetting why I liked it, but a quick look at the water and I remember!). There's a fantastic park for the kids at Zwick's Island Park, and they have a zipline for kids... is so much fun! Aidan got some work gloves to make it less painful on his hands! lol!
This is one of our favourite beaches... The Dunes, out by Sandbanks Provincial Park... the kids looove running up and down the dunes! |
Beautiful Sandbanks Beach, Lake Ontario... incredible, and you can walk out into the water for at least a 60 to 70 feet before the water is even at shoulder height... is sooo cool!
Man, we must've taken a million photos to get these swans with both their heads out of the water! lol! |
Okay, 'til next time!! Go haz you'self Lots of Fun!!
Ailsa : )

Wow, that's a great idea! Text books are soo expensive!
Go have yourself all sorts o' fun!! 'til next time! Ailsa : )
Canada is about to go Legal with Marijuana, so, a very good time to invest, baby!
Make dat money!

Find out more about Day Trading and making money in the Stock Market... I just wrote about it, today : )
Omg, make your money, go on a great trip!! Or how about investing in your favorite Travel Company, or airline Stock? Who knows where your money will come from, right? There are so many great things to invest in, these days... the skies the limit - sooo, no limits?? lol! Thanks, Universe!!

Cancun Getaway luxury resort All Inclusive from only $299 per couple Kids under 12 stay FREE!
Holy a'schmoly, I love a great deal! haha! Wow, these are amazing deals, am I right?? Holy schmokes, Batman, what a deal! : )
Beach Lovers, Stay 6 Days In A Cancun Resort With Unlimited Meals & Drinks For $249!