One of my favorite little 'secrets' to help me stay on track, have something crunchy and tasty - I love these little Cherry Tomatoes - and they're easy to grow in containers, too, if that appeals to you : ) Yum! delicious! See my little trick of holding the Cherry tomatoes up against the picture of Yosemite for a better picture?? lol!
Oh, and I happen to loove a couple of slices of Havarti Cheese with a little handful of Cherry Tomatoes - yum! Quite often (okay, all the time - lol!) I don't want to stop what I'm doing (working on the computer, or making Trees, or whatever I'm up to, that day - hahahaha!) to make something fancy, sooo, that's one of my 'Go-To' snacks... yum!
And, lately, all I ever seem to want is an Apple, a nice crunchy Apple, and two of those Quaker Apple Fruit Crumble Chewy Granola Bars - it's like an instant Apple Crumble, with lots o' Apple! lol! Yum!
Cucumber Slices in Italian Salad Dressing, or whatever Salad Dressing you happen to like... : )
A nice big salad with Sunflower Seeds, French Dressing, and Grated Cheese - yum! Now I want that for dinner!
I used to looove Corn Chips crushed into my salads... with Balsamic Dressing... soo good! And always with the Sunflower Seeds : )
My favorite Apple Crumble little 'diet' meal (if you already know me,or are jus' gettin' to know me, you'll know I canny stand the word 'diet' - ugh! I use it in the real meaning of the word, diet - what you eat on a regular basis... as long as 'diet' doesn't mean deprivation, because that's what it tends to mean, these days, and I'm all about not depriving yo'self - Treat Yo'self, is more of my thing! hahaha! Find food you really enjoy, and you'll be fine : )
Easy Apple Crumble - half a bowl of apple sauce, cover lightly with oatmeal, sprinkle with cinnamon, microwave for 1 minute, Voila! A nice, warm, tasty, treat! I have the original Apple Crumble, which, frankly, is deeelicious, and I needed to do as a 'first step' to my weight loss 'journey', after my second child, my wonderful son, Aidan, had not only arrived, but had already turned 2! lol! That 'baby weight' - it's hard to lose! Now he's 13, and I was able to lose over 35 pounds using the 'Apple Crumble Diet'.. I'll link that for you to the complete recipe and my special Scottish Diet page : )
Lose weight, and have fun doing it - if you feel yourself becoming frustrated or you're unhappy with it, switch it up a bit, get yourself back on track, and make it about choosing food you really enjoy, healthy choices... and have your treats, because if you don't, you'll just keep thinking about your fancy treat you want sooo much, now - better to have a wee treat, move on, right? lol! Maybe make yourself a little deal that if you have your special treat, make a conscious effort to have an extra healthy thing, just to balance yourself out - and that's really what it's all about - a nice, healthy, balance in your life : ) You be all svelt and delicious!! lol!
I have a whole Scottish Diet that I developed and used to help me lose over 35 pounds... is in the same vein as the whole Oatmeal idea, since oatmeal is sooo useful in losing weight quickly... is da best food, ever!! http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2010/10/scottish-diet-it-really-works.html
I have a whole Scottish Diet that I developed and used to help me lose over 35 pounds... is in the same vein as the whole Oatmeal idea, since oatmeal is sooo useful in losing weight quickly... is da best food, ever!! http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2010/10/scottish-diet-it-really-works.html
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The little Peat Pellet at the bottom of the pot : )
Ooh, I am growing my own Cherry Tomatoes - so exciting, can't WAIT! I used to grow Cherry Tomatoes with my wonderful and hilarious students in our School Garden (shout out to all School Districts who support a Garden in Every School!)... One year, we had a particularly good crop of Cherry Tomatoes, and I was tryin' to FIND people to give them away - easily, we brought 40 pounds of Cherry Tomatoes out of our School Garden, that year - we used to go out into the School Garden, collect all the fruits and veggies, we would eat and cook with them as a class, then bring the extra up to the Front Office, so people could just help themselves - was so much fun! I loved my students soo much! I hope they're all doing soo well, now! I'm sure they all are! Shoutout to all my great Students! : ) You know I love you! You're the Best!! : ) Now I'm growing the Cherry Tomatoes (and Tumblin' Tom Tomatoes - looove the name - how hilarious is that?? The person naming the plants - laughin', laughin' - prolly all alone, and laughin' and laugh' - I love that image! haha!) You don't need any space - I have this Hanging Basket out on the balcony, but you could have a hanging basket in your house, or in any classroom - I really, really think it's fantastic for children to watch plants grow, and then harvest the fruits and veggies - they're far more likely to grow up and eat more fresh produce, so, healthier kids, healthier adults, healthier society... I think you can see where I'm goin' with THAT... lol! Yay! Look at all that beautiful New Growth! I'm so excited! I just loove watching plants grow - what a miracle! Thanks, Universe! Thanks, God! Good Work! Nice Job! A+++++! lol! : ) I bought the little Tomato Plant for $2.00, at our local Grocery Store, but you can pick up the hanging baskets at the Dollar sore, now - did you know that? Am I the last to find out? haha! But I was thrilled, because the hanging baskets with the fancy liner used to be very expensive, so, I'm all for better pricing, so everyone can have one, right? Right! Sure! Grow a Garden, Baby! : )
Hydroponics: Now you can grow Fresh Vegetables and Fruit, year-round - lasts for years, no more waiting for the prices to be 'normal' or 'reasonable' at the Grocery Stores, for your fave Vine fruits and veggies : )
I first found out about Hydroponics in University (nooo, it's not what you might be thinking - hahahaha! It really WAS for the Tomatoes - hahaha!).
Anyway, if you're interested in Hydroponics, want to save money on your fresh fruits and veggies (they're a craazy price in Canada), and you want to Grow Your Own, Hydroponics might be something to look into...really Extend Your Growing Season : )