Hello, Luxury - Too Fancy For You? haha! You' Gonna Looove it! lol!
Hot Sockie or Hot Sake? Both, you say? lol!
Sock It to Me, Baby!
You are gonna looove your fancy new Hot Sock! Is like pure luxury - haha!
#SoreBack #SoreThroat #ColdCure #FeelBetter #Rice #Healing #Injury #SoreMuscles #SoreNeck (See a theme here? lol! Whatever hurts, add some heat, add some cold... whichever you like!)
And somehow I wrenched my knee drying my hands on a towel?? Whaat? That's so crazy! Age! haha! It throws you a curveball, sometimes! lol!
Make Your Own 'Hot Sock' - lol!
Oh, I know what you're thinking - how could I have something as fancy as Ailsa's Hot Sock? How could I have my very own Hot Sock? Well, isn't this your lucky day? lol! Me shows you how to make your own Hot Sock, and if you are maaay be wondering what is a Hot Sock? I tells you - you are a'gonna loove it! I've got mine around my neck, right now - feels great! haha!
So here's what you need -
Rice (any kind, no need for anything fancy, here... obvs - hahaha!)
A Men's size sock. (I have a teenage son, and I buy him bags of socks, so he just went and got me one of his from a new pack o' socks ... and now I've made 3 of them...lol!) (Just occurred to me - I do have some really fancy women's socks, but they're mine, and way too fancy to use for this, since I like the over-the-knee socks - they're really pretty - hahaha! But use whatever long socks you like -
: )
1 bag of White Rice will make 4 Hot Socks - yahoo!!
So here's the tricky part - (nooo, is not tricky, me joke wit' you)... just pour a bunch of rice into the sock - maybe a cup or two... who knows - I just pour in the rice up until about halfway to the heel of the sock, then tie the sock around the heel bit.
I poured the rice into a measuring cup - was way easier to pour the rice into the socks!
And, you might want to roll the sock down, a bit,
so it's easier to get the rice into the bottom of the sock : )
See the knot in the picture? Pretty fancy, I know - lol!
Then, pop your Hot Sock into the microwave for about 50 seconds - you can go anywhere from 30 to 60 seconds - don't worry, it's safe to put your Hot Sock into the microwave, no problemo.
Take out your Hot Sock, and put it anywhere that might hurt - or you want to sooth yourself, it feels lovely, you'll love it - you can put it around your neck, put it behind your back, put it on your arm...
You could put it in your bed, like a hot water bottle, only no worries about any leaks - lol! Is just lovely, and so easy to make - let me know how many you've made, by the end of the first week with your new Hot Sock - hahaha!
So here's how I remembered about the Hot Sock - I think I made these, years ago, can't remember, now, but here's what happened on the weekend that made me go into the kitchen and make the Hot Sock for myself... I was writing to my sister on Saturday morning, earlier than I would normally be up on a Saturday morning, and I heard this little yelp-like sound out in our hallway.
I listened for a few seconds - time went very slowly - and realized it was a person - at first I thought it was a kitty, someone's little cat having escaped their apartment, but then it became apparent that it was a woman. so I went out to the hall, had on my dressing gown, since I had just gotten up, and was definitely not planning to go and save anyone... anyway, there was an older woman in the hallway, she had fallen, and was unable to lift herself up. At all. In that, she could not roll herself over to lift herself up, nothing.
This is a very serious turn of events, because I didn't make the connection that she was entirely unable to lift herself up, since she had just come back from getting her mail, right? So, if someone is able to go and get the mail, you would assume they can right themselves, wouldn't you think?
So I called for my son to come out and help, and between the two of us, we tried to brace her enough to lift her up, and that was entirely unsuccessful, but she put all her weight on me, and it pulled my arm, which is already my 'sore arm', from a previous injury from a Special Ed student, years ago - took forever for that to heal - 20 years... which is crazy.... anyway, I thought we would brace her, and she would at least help us to get her up, but that's not what happened.
I had initially asked if I could call for help, and she had refused that, and this is important to know - if you call for help from 911 services, and they send an ambulance, the person who calls can be held liable for the costs - not fair, but that's our new reality, unfortunately enough.
Really, I should have called for help, I shouldn't have put myself at risk for someone else, who clearly did not have my welfare in any regard, probably because of her immediate situation, but when I told her our names, she didn't tell me her name, and it took quite a while for her to eventually tell me her name, sooo, that probably means she is not normally friendly enough to make any real human connections, because at no point did she say, oh, I need to call my daughter, or my son, or my frined... she did tell us she'd lived in her apartment for 26 years...
Anyway, Thank Goodness, another neighbour came along, and I asked him if he would help us get her up, and back to her apartment, and I had asked this older woman if she had a walker, which clearly she needed - you know those walkers with the locking mechanism, and a little chair attached? That's what she clearly needs, and she did say that she needed one, but didn't have one, she said she needed a doctor's note to get one. I contacted the 911 services, after the incident, let them know what had happened, and asked them to please follow-up with her, to make sure she has whatever services she might need, and a walker, so this doesn't happen, again. And someone needs to make sure she has good shoes with good traction, that she can easily put on, and not wear those crazy little crocheted slippers - those crocheted slippers are so dangerous - they've probably caused countless falls with seniors - they love those stooopid crocheted slippers - we need to put a stop to that ... No more Crocheted Slippers! lol!
So, we eventually got her back in her apartment, but it definitely brought to mind the book I just read, not that long ago, by Atul Gawande, Being Mortal, about how a fall for a senior can be the beginning of the end, for so many people, sadly enough. So here's my take-away for my own life, and hopefully yours, as well - now I am even more determined to always keep my body fit and healthy, not so heavy that no one could lift me - that's a scary thought, but a lot of people can find themselves in that position, a few pounds here and there, it just keeps adding up (this older lady was very heavy, and it was impossible for me not to think of Rosie O'Donnell's story, of when Rosie O'Donnell helped the very heavy woman who had fallen and asked Rosie O'Donnell for help, so Rosie did what almost anyone else would do, and went over to help - it's the Good Human reaction, right? And then Rosie had a heart attack, from the pressure on her own body... so I was super-worried that might happen to me, too, since I had tremendous pain in my chest, arm, shoulders, neck... you get the idea - was scary, and that's how I remembered about the 'Hot Sock', and it really is helping...)
And I had lost my motivation to go to the gym, these days, mostly because I don't like the new gym, with all the good equipment from the last gym, not there - grrrrr... so annoying, and I didn't even want to go back to the new gym... they just moved from the old location to their new, and very fancy, location - and is a crap gym, but will go back, probably tomorrow, see if there's anything of use in there - am disgusted with the gym not taking women's needs into account - that's disgusting, infuriates me. The gym is not a man's domain, the gym is for everyone, and to ignore or belittle the needs of women, at the gym or anywhere, is appalling to me. I've gotta get over my hatred for the new gym, just go see if there's anything at all that I can do, to make sure I am always a healthy weight, and can always, always lift myself up.
Wow, that really hit home with me - practice getting up every day, especially as you get older, make sure you are a healthy weight, or as close to it as you can, it's not a matter of being perfect, it's a matter of being able to manage your own body, all on your own. Apparently, that's the deciding factor in when they can decide you have to have full time care - interesting, right? I didn't know that, before.
Otay, soo, make yourself a lovely little Hot Sock, pop it in the microwave for 50 seconds, enjoy!
To Healthy Living! Ailsa : )
Quick and Lovely Update: So I happened to see my older neighbour when we were both down getting our mail, the other day, and she is up and about, she has a fabulous new walker, all very fancy AND functional, the perfect combo - and she looked so happy, so I am thrilled with all of that - how wonderful is that? So, we did do the right thing, and I hope I was able to help with the emails I sent out - so, if you can help, do help, in whatever little way you can - who knows what a nice difference you might make, right? And I said to her, "Yahoo, you got a new walker!!!" I don't know if she's used to that level of exuberance, but that's who I am, soo, I decided to just be me, and it all worked out - so, you just be you, too, and just think how much happier we all will be : )

I Am Perfectly Healthy.
I'm Hapy, I'm Healthy, I'm Independently Wealthy! (All Good! lol!)
Louise Hay, Love all her Affirmations!