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1 Stock for the Coming Marijuana Boom!
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Motley Fool Stock Advisor: 3X the Stock Market!
I'm sure you've been watching the Stock Market go past 29,000, the highest in history - get big slice of that action, my friend!
#Invest #Investing #StockMarket #Stocks #Retirement
#Invest #Investing #StockMarket #Stocks #Retirement
Day Trading, Getting into the Stock Market, Strike it Rich? Yes, please! : )
Frankly, I think investing in Marijuana, right now, is the way to go - #LookIntoIt
Let's just say, that market is growing like a weed - hahaha! Investing in something is not the same thing as taking something - let's all be very clear about that : )
Legalizing Pot is always the way to go, will create jobs, lessen crime, empty out the jails, create income for so many people, will pay huge taxes to the government, will lend itself to the healthcare industry - so many things, so, check the stocks you like (try HIP, or WEED, trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange #TSE), but follow the stocks for a while, choose the ones you like, make your money : )
Man, TilRay, they have a set up in Nanaimo, BC, just north of here, they trade under TLRY in the US Stock Exchange (not in Canada, unfortunately), but they had a 40% surge, this week - wow! 40% on your investment, that's huuuge!
This is the perfect time to Invest in #AlternativeEnergy #GreenEnergy #Geothermal #WaveEnergy #Tidal #TidalPower #TidalPlants #WaveTechnology - So Many Options for you to look at -and, frankly, this is a very good time to invest in Oil, when it's so low. Buy Low, Sell High, as always : )
I just saw this video for #WaveTechnology - I love it! This is one of the best videos I've sen, to quickly show how Wave Technology works, and how effective and efficient it is - this is what we need to move toward, for a Clean Energy Future - so, great for Investments, right? Yep!
#WaveEnergy I wanna say, Catch a Wave Man...hahaha!
Wave Energy - It's literally, The Wave of the Future - you like that? I've got more where that came from ... how could they harness my source of endless bad jokes? Not all bad - hahaha!
How cool is Wave Energy, Wave Technology?? So cool!
This gives you a good idea of how Wave Technology, Wave Energy works - there are so many different models, and you could use Wave Technology on interior Lakes, like The Great Lakes, I'm sure the current from Rivers... is just an amazing use of energy - Thanks, God! Thanks, Universe! lol!
Nessie, is that you?? haha! Noo, it's Wave Energy, but wouldn't that be hilarious, if Neanderthal Ned beat us to the punch, and has been using Wave Energy for millennia? (Wait, is that Donald Trump's wife's name? lol! Noo, me know - and I really like Melania - that's so not fair what they're doing to her in the press - that's not okay... she's very smart, and loves architecture, so, you know, I love a Builder Girl! haha!
How did this font get so big? Is it because me a'soo excited aobut Wave Technology, now I'm computer shouting? hahaha!
Man, I love the Ocean! I love all water - so beautiful, and now so useful! : )
See, (sea? haha!) how cool is this? So cool! Wave Energy, Baby!
I love it - I love to live as close to the ocean as I can - or any body of water - or the mountains... really, I love it all! Well, anywhere really pretty! lol!
We had waves like this in February, I think - maybe January? But there's no denying it, there's so much Power in the Oceans! : )
Oooh, this is soo cool - have you ever tried, or thought of trying, Day Trading? Is so cool - I used to be obsessed (I see that word has come up, a lot, now - when I really like something, and I mean, really like, then I easily become 'obsessed' with it, love it, is a lot of fun for me to study, or practice - lol!)... anyway, I used to be obsessed with Geothermal Stock - I really feel like there is some Big Money in Geothermal Stock - good to watch out for, and other alternative Fuel Stocks, too, but usually, when it comes to Stock Trades, you choose what you like, yourself, so, if you loove candies, you might look at See's Candies, see if they are trading publicly (I'm not sure, but I do really love their candies! lol!). Suretrader
- open online trading account
I am very, very interested in Tata Motors, out of India, right now - amazing. Beyond amazing, because Tata can sell a car for around the $2,500 mark - that's incredible, right? I looked Tata Motors up, and it looks like they're trading at $24-, today - would be very wise to watch what they're doing, think about investing in Tata Motors, or Tata, in general. Definitely worth a solid look, get to know the company. And it sure sounds like there is a possibility of Tata Motors coming to Canada? I just emailed them to see see if Tata Motors might come to the US, too - wouldn't that be something, to be able to buy a new car for anywhere close to $2,500? Wow! That would be life-changing, for so many people. Oooh, super-exciting! : )

Oooh, Tidal Power is my new favorite thing - it's beyond brilliant, and a lot of it is happening in Scotland, right now - I'm Scottish, soo, of course, I'm VERY excited about that - look for companies under #Tidal, #TidalPower, #TidalPlants, #WaveTechnology - you'll find some great companies you can invest in - I just feel like, we're just at the beginning of the Tidal Wave, if you will (it's late, I'm makin' mah'self laugh - haha!) of Alternative Energy - yahoo, let's save our planet, and is very good to invest in our futures, in every way, possible, right? )

You can manage your Stock from anywhere... will be so much fun, and you'll really gain a great understanding of the Stock Market : ) Best online stock
I found some pictures for you, so you can see what Geothermal energy looks like, in case this is new-to-you... I would loove to build a house, and have it off the grid - or, at least, partially self-sustaining - wouldn't that be soo cool? That would be amazing! And not that hard to do, and not as expensive as you might think - there are lots of sustainable communities using Geothermal Energy, too - there's a lovey community south of Calgary, and the developer used geothermal energy to provide heat and cooling to the whole new neighbourhood - that's fantastic, right?

This just made me laugh! lol!

If you love diamonds - ooh, especially the man-made diamonds - that's a very cool 'new' area to explore, you could have a look at that...Remember Terrence Howard (man, he's so good looking...but I digress... lol!) anyway, remember when Terrence Howard was fully involved in manufacturing synthetic diamonds? I think that's where I first heard about synthetic diamonds... and they use synthetic diamonds for cell phones, computers, all sorts of things - record players, but how many record players are they still manufacturing?? bah'hahahaha! Otay, dat make'a me laugh! lol! Anyhoooo, I think this is a huge new market to have a good look at for Day Trading... try your luck, see how it pans out (is easier than panning for gold? What about Day Trading with Gold, now that I think of it - lol!)
AT&T Next. A new way to get a new smartphone every year! No down payment, activation fee, upgrade fee, or financing fee.
You could start your very own Empire - lol!

One of the best ways to 'play the Stock Market', is to view it like you would with anything you are doing with your money, where you want to make money, but not lose your initial investment, so, lets say you do start with $500, or a thousand dollars... whatever is comfortable for you to start with, for Day Trading, and you want to really study the stocks, see what's fluctuating - the more money you put in, the more you'll take out, with only a few percentage points - I used to be thrilled to see a .5% fluctuation - lol! And you're watching for, literally, cents, to go up or down... those pennies really add up, when you have enough of them - lol! But if you are watching the stocks you're interested in, and you see some good fluctuation, go ahead and try that, when you make your profits, just use the profits to buy more stocks... see what I mean? So you would maintain your initial investment, buy more stocks with your 'new found money', so-to-speak : ) Fun, right? I hope you make it Big, Baby! Ailsa : )

Omg, make your money, go on a great trip!! Or how about investing in your favorite Travel Company, or airline Stock? Who knows where your money will come from, right? There are so many great things to invest in, these days... the skies the limit - sooo, no limits?? lol! Thanks, Universe!! $299 Cabo All Inclusive -€Ž 6 Days In A Luxury Cabo Resort With Unlimited Meals & Drinks For $299!

Holy a'schmoly, I love a great deal! haha! Wow, these are amazing deals, am I right?? Holy schmokes, Batman, what a deal! : )
Beach Lovers, Stay 6 Days In A Cancun Resort With Unlimited Meals & Drinks For $249!

I like the no Pre-Payment penalties - look for that phrase any time you borrow any money - on your personal loans, car loans, mortgage loans, home repair loans - anything, since you want to pay those loans back as quickly as possible, making the largest payments you can afford... that's the key, for sures.

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