Home Remedies: Miraculous Cold, Flu and Headache Remedies : )
You'll be feelin' better in no time! (AND, you might like to have these year round, they're so yummy!)
You know what? I would try this Baking Soda Cure for Arthritis, too - that makes sense to me, maybe even for anything that ails ye', you know?
Experiment a little, as long as you don't have any drug interference, and remember, never give Aspirin to anyone under 25, use Tylenol or any other safe pain reliever : )
Okay, here's my favorite new-to-me Cold Remedy, and is a very good cure for a Sore Throat, Headache, or the Flu (maybe that's just the combo of those first three? lol!)
1 - 3 Aspirin (unless you're under 25, then Acetaminophen - Tylenol)
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda - maybe more - see how sick you're feeling...
1/3 cup Lemon Juice - or as much as you like : )
1 - 2 Tbsp Honey (I just pour some in - and, you use less sugar when you also use honey!)
1-4 Tbsp Sugar (again, to taste)
And if I had some Bitters, I would totally add some Bitters!)
Boiling Water
Put the Aspirin and Baking Soda in a cup, add a little water to dissolve, add the Lemon Juice - it'll fizz right up, is all very exciting, so maybe the kids would like to watch? haha!
Add Boiling water, then the honey and sugar - you can just do either, or both, to taste : )
I have a little sip of the Cold Remedy, then some Tea, then a sip of water... and that's my 'See You Later Plate', for more Apple Crumble, which I may or may not (okay, I am, and totally) addicted to - haha! But, in my defense, is deeelishush, and very good for you, so, well... anyway, try it, you'll see what I mean! lol!)
And here's my fave Apple Crumble, in case you want to try it, now, too! And it's great for Weight Loss, too - that's what I initially developed it for - yum! I always have an Apple Crumble in the fridge!
Mr. Noodles Ramon Noodles with Chicken OXO, Parsley and one sliced Green Onion - Yum! and you'll be better in no time!
Cure for the Common Cold: Okay, you got me - it's a Drink! hahaha!
I would try this with any cold or flu... anytime I was sick, or perhaps any evening... :) !!
1 oz. Bourbon -- I didn't have Bourbon in my vast 1970's Bar (there it is, again, with the 70's references!), so I used Whiskey, instead... Glenfiddich Scotch Whiskey...
8 dashes of Bitters (really, I lost count...! haha!) -- the Bitters has 47% alcohol! WooHoo! You're feelin' better, already! lol!
Honey to taste -- about a tablespoon or two...really, I just pour it in.. : >
Club Soda -- again, me no have no Club Sody, so I used 7Up, instead... and now I like Sierra Mist
And then I accidentally added in some 45 Proof Spiced Rum... and see, me all better, today!! Taa Daa!! (Picture me in a Gymnast Pose, right after not falling offa da horse thing! haha!)
Initially, stupidly, I made my fancy new Cold Remedy in a glass, but then, quel suprise, the honey wouldn't stir in -- I am far too used to throwing ice in a glass and addin' in da Fun! So, best to make thins in a microwavable cup... see how much you learn, today?? haha! I heated it for about 50 seconds... you want it to be like the temperature of tea or coffee... and then I liked it better with a 'Tea Chaser'... a little too strong to be fun to drink, but it really did work! (Plus, I am a Tea Jenny, so really, I have Tea with everything...!)
And here's my modification to my favorite drink... errrr, I mean, CURE for a horrible cold, or slightly scratchy sore throat, or some time in the evening, any night at all.. ;) lol!
Cure for the Common Cold: I would try this with any cold or flu... anytime I was sick, or perhaps any evening... :) !!
1 oz. Bourbon -- I didn't have Bourbon in my vast 1970's Bar (there it is, again, with the 70's references!), so I used Whiskey, instead... Glenfiddich Scotch Whiskey...
(New -- now I am all out of Whiskey and Bourbon, so tonight I tried the Hennessy, and it was deeelicious... hope it still works! haha!) (Who cares?? Now it's just a great drink!)
8 dashes of Bitters (really, I lost count...! haha!) -- the Bitters has 47% alcohol! WooHoo! You're feelin' better, already! lol!
(Who knows how many dashes of Bitters I'm putting in, now -- I feel like the Bitters are the magical ingredient... I'm pourin' the stuff in! hahaha!)
Honey to taste -- about a teaspoon or two...
(2 teaspoons of honey... must remember to Buy More Honey!)
Club Soda -- again, me no have no Club Sody, so I used 7Up, instead...
(Yes, I used the 7Up until that was all gone, and now I see that any lemony fizzy pop/soda will do...! )
And then I accidentally added in some 45 Proof Spiced Rum... and see, me all better, today!! Taa Daa!! (Picture me in a Gymnast Pose, right after not falling offa da horse thing! haha!)
(Turns out, this particular Spiced Rum -- Sailor Jerry -- is 92 Proof... sooo, I think we can all see how this quickly became my new favorite Drink -- I mean, CURE!! hahaha!)
Initially, stupidly, I made my fancy new Cold Remedy in a glass, but then, quel suprise, the honey wouldn't stir in -- I am far too used to throwing ice in a glass and addin' in da Fun! So, best to make thins in a microwavable cup... see how much you learn, today?? haha! I heated it for about 50 seconds... you want it to be like the temperature of tea or coffee... and then I liked it better with a 'Tea Chaser'... a little too strong to be fun to drink, but it really did work! (Plus, I am a Tea Jenny, so really, I have Tea with everything...!)
(Okay, this works waaay better: Mix all da alcohol together ( I forget and put in the honey, first), but be as smart as you wanna be with the whole Big Decision on when you put the honey in... but heat this tiny amount in your mug for 25 seconds in the microwave, and then take it out and pour in the 7Up or other lemony fizzy drink... deeelicious, and I have a feeling da bubbles do something special, which reminds me of an old joke about blowing Bubbles in the park, but I shouldn't talk about Bubbles without his permission... hahahaha!)
(This next one is a Great Immune Booster, so I would have it any time you were feeling 'under the weather' or whenever you had to recuperate from something... and tastes pretty good, too -- just add enough Honey and Lemon to suit your own taste buds!)
Lemon, Honey 'N Onion Drink
2 to 3 Onions, peeled and cut in Fourths
One Big Pot of Water
Boil the Onions for 1 to 3 hours to create the 'Onion Juice'.
Strain and put in a Jug in the Fridge. (I always cover it with Saran Wrap so it won't 'smell'...)
Per Cup: Pour 3/4 of your cup (any cup...) full of the Onion Juice
Pop in the Microwave for 2 Minutes on High.
Add 2 tsp of Honey. Stir well. (Admittedly, I think I use closer to 2 Tablespoons of Honey, which I realize now is the reason I didn't lose any weight while I was sick... much to my great disappointment! That's the only possible upside to getting sick -- you feel like you outta drop 20 pounds, just because you never feel like eating! lol!)
Add Lemon Juice to Taste (like you would add milk to coffee...)
My Daughter, Cara likes it (or will drink it if she's really sick!) when it has Orange Tablets in it, so I dissolve 2 or 3 Vitamin C Tablets into her cup. This is more palatable for children of all ages -- adults included!
Chicken 'n Onion Soup in a Cup
Use the Same Base for the Onion Juice.
Heat up 1 Cup of the Onion Juice. (About 1 - 2 minutes in the Microwave)
Add 1 Tablespoon Chicken OXO (or 1 package, if you aren't shopping at Costco and buying everything in Giant Containers, yet!)
(If you're in a big hurry, just cut up the Green Onion and put it in a Cup with Boiling Water and 1 Tablespoon on Chicken OXO.)
Chop up 1 Green Onion and put it all in the Cup of Onion Juice. Stir well and enjoy!
I first came across the Base of this recipe...guess where...that's right, on The View! Barabara Walters had a scratchy throat (not good in T.V. Journalism!) and shared her recipe from a friend who happens to be an Opera Star (!) for the Onion and Honey Drink. I was pregnant at the time, had a cold and didn't want to take any medicine, so I tried it and it was horrible! I just couldn't drink it, so I added more Honey and some Lemon Juice, and Voila, it's not only palatable, it tastes good!
I always drink it with a 'Water Chaser' -- a great big glass of cold water so the Lemon Juice doesn't dry out your throat.
Oh, I thought I would be 'pro-active' with this remedy, so I chopped all sorts of Onions up and put them in a big bag in the Freezer. Well, I won't do that, again, because they smelled awful, and the smell spread to other things in the freezer. Now I just leave the onions in a paper bag in the cupboard. No smell, much better!
I woke up, a while back, with a really sore throat, so I immediately made my Onion Drink -- that stuff is a miracle in a cup! I feel better, already, and I've only had one cup. Dwight hates the smell of the Onion Juice 'simmering', so I quickly took out the Onion Juice (I strain it into a giant Bowl with an equally giant sieve!), then covered the container with plastic wrap and popped it in the fridge. Luckily, I was already planning to make Turkey Soup, today, so I replaced the onions into the Big Soup Pot and added all the 'Turkey Parts' -- you know the parts(!), and some spices, so he'll never be any the wiser! ha,ha! And I'll get better!
I'm gonna have to go make a whole new page for the Onion, Honey 'N Lemon Drink, so you won't hurt your wrist scrolling down to find it! ha,ha! I'll get right on that!
Green Onion and Chicken Raman... everyone likes this, and it's Fast 'n Easy...
Boil water for Raman (Mr. Noodles... whatever it might be called at your grocers!)
Break noodles and pour in water
Add 2 chopped Green Onions -- cook in microwave for 3 minutes, add 1 tsp. of Chicken OXO (Chicken Flavoring)
If you really, really want to get better, add 2 more chopped Green Onions... and I like a wee bit o' Parsley with it, too :) Enjoy and Get Well!
Everybody loooves Chicken Noodle Soup when they're feeling down, and this is one of my favorites!
I like to call this my 'Green and White Chicken Noodle Soup' -- it's very pretty, for a Soup!
So this is my favorite new Chicken Noodle Soup, and I wish I'd thought of this years ago, so I thought I'd tell my lovely Readers about it, so you can add it to your Favorites List! The Kids love it, too!
Wiggly Chicken Noodle Soup (for full directions, go to Chicken Noodle Soup... yet another page in my site!)
Fill a big soup pot half full of cold water, bring to a boil...
Fill a big soup pot half full of cold water, bring to a boil...
1/2 Package of Tortiglioni Noodles (the curly ones!) (or Egg Noodles, or break linguine, fettucine or spaghetti noodles in 1" bits before cooking...)
4 Heaping Tablespoons of Chicken OXO
6 Tablespoons of Dried Parsley Flakes or a Bunch of Fresh Parsley, Chopped
Celery Stalk (whole thing), Diced
1 Onion, Diced
4 - 6 Green Onions, chopped
Stay Healthy! Ailsa! : )