(April 1st, 2007.)
Hey, Shexy. How yoush doin', 'aday, hmmm? No, I not been drinkin'. Sheesh. So judgmental. And angry, or just pouty? I'll go with pouty, since that sounds like a lot more fun... hahaha! Okay, enough of that crazy talk. I have no idea why you started that. Or why you keep going back to it. I'm thinkin' a little bit o' therapy might do you some good. Me, too. Hey, let's go together, show 'em what crazy really looks like. Come on, it'll be fun, then we can laugh and laugh about it for years to come, and we don't even gotta change the story of our fun day at da therapists, 'cause ain't we tryin' to avoid change ovah' he-ah? I know I is. Was. Oh, verbs. They
is tricky, all right.
So I've totally, like, totally, had it wit' California, what with it's beautiful beaches and it's beautiful peoples and it's endless list of fun things to do. Yep. I'm done. I'm out, Baby. Just bought me some Land in Nor'dern Canada... The N.W.T., as the cool (read:
cold) folks up North might call it. I think it's pronounced 'Newt', but I have no idea why they wouldda left out the 'E', but we ain't all great spelllers, an', I knows that. Do you know how much land you can buy in NEWT for a quarter?? And, no, I don't mean a Quarter Million, I mean an actual quarter! Yeah, I don't really know, neither, but let's just say when they tell you it's gonna cost you a pretty penny for a piece o' land up there in da tundra, they ain't kiddin', so start saving all your pennies and meet me up there. Der. Geey-awd, gotta start learnin' der language.
I've already drawn out my Spec House. I'm goin' Traditional on this next build. Shaped like an Igloo, which is what everyone lives in up there, if I remember anything form the Seventies... and all those bricks of snow I carefully cut out in my backyard when I was a kid. The only tricky bit is when you get to the 'roof', then there's a slight and incessant problem with the roof 'caving in', and by caving in, I mean I never did figure out how to curve the damn wall up to the roof and actually close it over. My Great Hope is that the ice and snow is easier to work with up der. (See how I'm catching on, already? I'm sure to be a hit wit' da Locals...) Wonder how much a Block of Ice goes for, if you get it where they make it? Wholesale Prices, I'se a-hopin'. Could you go cinder block, pour some water on it and glaze it over to look like ice? Hmmm. I gots all kinds of important construction questions like that.
Well, I better get to packin'.
Aaand, I better load up on carbs and fat if I'm gonna put on those extra layers of blubber I've heard so many great things about. Sounds cozy. You could cuddle right up to yourself, and you'd still be warm. Or so I'm guessing. Luckily, I've got a little head-start on the whole whale-crossed-with-a-human thing, so those last three bags of chips turned out to be a Good Idea, after all. Yeah, I knew that would work out for me. Stooopid nay-sayers, with their 'Quit eating so much junk' speeches. Puh-leease. Who's laughing, now, huh?? It be me!
Okay, you know I gots ta bounce, Baby. Baby-Cakes. Ooooh, that reminds me -- must buy more cake! Happy April Fools Day, My Favorite Little Buttercup! Mmmmm, buuuutter.... an' I like cups, too. Cups an' cups o' butter, so it's all good! (Will you bring more cake? And you know what goes with cake? That's right, you guessed it, 'cause you's so smart... Beer. A delicious combo often found in the classiest eateries. Remind me to take you there, one day. We'll have beer. We'll eat cake. It's a guaranteed Good Time! hahaha!) Go have some fun on April Fools Day, you cute little Trickster!! Oh, and stop by my Igloo anytime... but No Smoking. I haven't figured out how to prevent a meltdown, so-to-speak, of my lovely new life! hahaha!
Ailsa xox
(Take a little Fun Break with Ailsa! : )