OMG, how are you gonna define yourself, now??? Will you have to run out and get a whole new set of jewelry to match your new sign?? And can you imagine how noisy the bars are gonna be all around the world, this weekend, jam packed full of "Hey, Baby, what's your sign?", but with people genuinely interested to hear what the other person says, this time (as opposed to just some general oggling in their direction!! lol!). And how many people are gonna break out their
Linda Goodman's Sun Signs
So, what about the people who now fall under this new sign, Ophiuchus (Nov 29 - Dec 17). Omg, they're gonna need a whole new wardrobe, and they'll have to go buy a bunch of brand new astrology books, trying to figure out who they are now, what kind of personality traits will they have, what kind of mate willl they be most compatable with, hmmm??? There are a lot of questions! Like, how do you pronounce Ophiuchus (Nov 29 - Dec 17)?? hahaha! Awfi U cuss?? Maybe they cuss a lot... now maybe that's what I am, then.... lol! Oh, no, I hope there isn't a whole new generation of girls named Ophiuchus... poor kids who get crazy, jacked up names! I like what I call 'Board Office' names for children.. I always thought it's good to give a kid a name that can take them far in life.. sometimes, and I mean only occassionally, Brandy or Cinnamon lead to, ah, well, toward a pole, with perhaps some fancy dancing involved.... but not much else... probably not the CEO of a National Company... but I've been proven wrong manys a time, soooo, maybe a Cinnamon Spice or a Brandy Alexandra would make it to the top... of something... and I hear there's pretty good job security, until you're 25... yuff, yuff!
So what's your new sign? I'm Pisces, and identify very closely with my watery sign, but now it looks like I'm an Aquarius.... say it ain't so! I looove swimmin', I wear dresses ALL the time, I'm a girlie girl (who's into construction... well, maybe that's my Aquarian side coming out!! hahaha!), I have a ton of Aquamarine Jewelry, which I feel makes me lucky, protects me (yes, sadly, I really do believe that, science be damned!! hahahaha! Okay, that joke for me, keepin' meself amused while I write!! haha!).. and now what will I do with my favourite Fish Dress?? Does the the fish dress have to swim with the fishes, now? I'll have to find out my new colours... hmm, what do Aquarians like to wear?? I hope they like BLUE!! haha! Perhaps light blue, and deep blue... and maybe sky blue.. there's half of my closet, right there! hahaha! Maybe we all fit into one another's signs, but we just don't know it, because we're so focussed on our own signs (and the signs of the one you love, or want to love, or used to love... come on, don't lie, you know you flip to that part of the horoscope, too... see what they're up to, hoping for good or bad, depending on what stage of relationship you're in with them!! Oh, human nature, it so betrays us, sometimes, don't it?? hahaha!).
Are you looking for all your family members, too?? Saying, 'Yep, she's a Leo, all right. I'd recognize that mane, anywhere..."
Will be very intereesting to see what changes we see from the astrological community, and how long this new notion stays around... is this a fly-by-night idea, or is it here to stay? I need to know, 'cause it's funny, I always looved the song, Aquarius..., A-quar-iii-uus... okay, well, you know I'm just singing, now.. wonder if that's an Aquarian trait, to burst into song at the drop of a hat?? Do they like hats?? So many questions about my New Life Identity!!
Capricorn: Jan 20-Feb 16
Aquarius: Feb 16-March 11
Pisces: March 11-April 18
Aries: April 18-May 13
Taurus: May 13-June 20
Gemini: June 21-July 20
Cancer: July 20 - Aug 10
Leo: Aug 10-Sep 16
Virgo: Sep 16 - Oct 30
Libra: Oct 30 - Nov 23
Scorpio: Nov 23 - 29
Ophiuchus: Nov 29 - Dec 17
Sagittarius: Dec 17 - Jan 20
Your New Year's Horoscopes are here!! Yippee! Let's all have a great and truly HAPPY, HEALTHY and WEALTHY New Year!! (That's from me, Ailsa!! lol!)
I love to read my horoscope, and I'm pretty sure there are a few other zillion people,
or so, who love to read their horoscopes, too... nothing more fun than reading great things about yourself, ignoring the bad traits... "You're warm and caring, brilliant more than most people recognize (hey, is that a hidden bad trait?? haha!), charming to a fault (cheater??? lol!).... it's great to read about how incredibly wonderful you are!! And then we immediately look up the horoscopes of the one you love, too.. or all the people you love! (hey, maybe you are 'charming to a fault'!! hahaha!)
And it's almost the Chinese New Year, and it's fun to read about your Chinese horoscopes, too, compare how the Western and Eastern horoscopes are similar... I'm a Rabbit, apparently, very lucky with an extreme love of a beautiful home (and like to procreate!) - they got that right!! haha!
I wish you Much Love and Happiness, Great Health and Great Wealth, in 2011, Ailsa xox