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Clean Up with Store Savings, too! lol!
Hello, Spring Clearance Deals!
All SORTS of Great Deals! A Li'l Something for You, and Great Gifts, too! lol! #Clearance
#Clean Your Bath Tub, Floors, Carpets, Ledges, Windows (why not, right?) With Your Broom! #BroomBroom - lol!
#SpringCleaning! : )
#SoEasy! #NoBending #EasyScrubbing! #SoExcited!
Ooh, I just tried washing the Balcony Windows with the Broom, a Squeegee and a Sponge - sooo fast and easy!
You know when you're almost done with your Dish Washing Liquid, (which we call, Squeezy - lol!) just add a bunch of hot water to that, give it a little shake, 'spray onto the widow, use your soft bristled broom to give your window a good clean, then squeegee it off - or, just use a cloth, or newspaper, if you still have any newspaper - maybe a flyer that's come in the mail? lol! Or a nice soft cloth - one way or another, your windows are gonna sparkle, and very little work for you! Yahoo!! Another thing done! : )
Ooh, I just tried washing the Balcony Windows with the Broom, a Squeegee and a Sponge - sooo fast and easy!
I wish I'd thought of this, years ago - but, better now than never, right? Use your soft-bristled broom to clean your windows! Especially the bigger windows, like your Sliding Doors, and whatnot : )
Also, aren't those Primulas pretty? They're a great price, in the Spring, and give you a fantastic pop of color, very quickly!
Broomie says, "Oh, hey, there you are... let's clean some windows!"
(Broom, personified... lol!)
You know when you're almost done with your Dish Washing Liquid, (which we call, Squeezy - lol!) just add a bunch of hot water to that, give it a little shake, 'spray onto the widow, use your soft bristled broom to give your window a good clean, then squeegee it off - or, just use a cloth, or newspaper, if you still have any newspaper - maybe a flyer that's come in the mail? lol! Or a nice soft cloth - one way or another, your windows are gonna sparkle, and very little work for you! Yahoo!! Another thing done! : )
I just sort of 'spray' on the water/squeezie/dish soap right from the Sunlight Bottle - I use the same thing for the kitchen floor, too - is very practical, and uses up the rest of the squeezie, too - Waste Not Want Not, right? lol!
And then give the whole window a good scrub - you can rinse out your broom when you're all done, will be fine : )
And I didn't even rinse the window, I just squeegied the soapy mixture right off, but you could do two steps, if you feel like it - it's entirely up to you! : )
Omg, what size is my arm, now? I'm at the gym all the time, surely I haven't made my arm bigger, have I?? hahaha! Hope not! That's not the purpose of going to the gym - I want my old slim arms back - lol! But, anyway, is fun to do the squeegie, and you can pick them up at the Dollar Store, no doubt! ; )
It's hard to reach the corner, with all my wee plants on the balcony... streeetch! lol!
And there we go - all done! In minutes, at most... so easy, give it a wee try! : )
Sparkling! And super easy, too!
No more bending - it's hard to bend down to scrub the shower or the bath tub, whatever you want to call it - lol! What a great solution to that problem!
Okay, well I'm super-excited about this - I juuust figured this out, this morning - I was trying to remove some Comet from a corner of the bathroom, where I had put it down in an effort to get rid of 'something else' - yick! Anyway, I had also poured a little of the clear Toilet Cleaner on the Comet, and that had dried, seemed like it would be hard to remove, so I poured a little water on it, to soften it, then the broom happened to be handy, so I thought, well, I'll just see if I can loosen it a bit with my broom - and the next thing you know, it's all frothy and VERY clean, sooo, that's how I figured this out...
So, here's the trick, Use Your Broom to Clean Your Shower, Bath Tub, Floors, the Carpets, if you have a heavily used area, and your carpet is not too delicate, or a bright color... Anywhere that might be hard to reach - along ledges - you know that ledge on the way out to the Balcony or Patio, if you have Sliding Doors in your home : )
And then I tried using the Broom, wet, with a little Comet on it, but you can use whatever cleaning supplies you like - I am very partial to Bleach and Liquid Soap (we call it Squeezie! lol!), Sunlight, and hot water, to clean almost anything - is amazing... carpets, furniture, your kitchen sponges or clothes... but today I was working with Comet, sprinkled on, get the broom wet, scrub away with the broom, no bending, is THE best - and soo easy and fast! I love it!
What a great little discovery, so I hope this works for you, too!
I Love Cleaning! lol! : )
Haha! You nkow those FunHouse Mirrors? Well, looks like that's me reflected in the Shower Handle - and if you don't have an ah'mazing Shower Head, I want to make a page to show you how to quickly and easily change out your Shower Head... but, just to say it quickly - you can literally just unscrew the Shower Head from the post that comes out the wall in the Shower, your new Shower Head will just screw right back on there - I replace the Shower Head, immediately, in every new place we're in - a Great Shower is THE best thing - it's wonderful, and I love a Hand Held Shower Head - very practical - and now for cleaning, too! lol! Not just you, the bathtub, too! haha!
See? All Sparkly and Gleaming, like a Shower should be, right? YAY! And so easy!
And I loove my very pretty Shower Curtain - I'll link you to my Decorating Page, then you can get a great new Shower Curtain, too, if you want to trade yours out, get a brand new look for your Bathroom!
And you can even get a Curtain Rod that has a spring suction on it, so, free-standing curtain rod, you just literally screw it in place, like, you kind of roll the curtain rod until the the curtain rod tightens to the wall - is very easy, and if you place that really high, almost at the ceiling, and put on a very fancy curtain (a really long curtain, you can REALLY transform your bathroom : )
Aaand, you can use your broom to clean your kitchen and bathroom floors,
Just get the broom wet, add some soap, or Comet, or anything you like to clean with, is THE easiest and fastest way to clean your floors... wow, I wish I'd thought of this years ago - so easy!
Wow, you might never need a Swiffer (although, who wouldn't want a Swiffer, so much fun! lol!), or a mop, again - this is so much easier! : )

Ooh, and I just got out my very fancy Italian Steam Cleaner, heats the water up to 365 Degrees, or something like that - like the Steam Cleaners you see on TV Infomercials, only mine is crazy expensive, me bought it years ago, is ah'mazing - today I want to see if it'll deep-clean the carpets, make them like new, again - lol!
I have a video that I made in a course I took, in LA, on How To Make Movies, and, at the time, I was completely obsessed with my fancy new Steam Cleaner, so that's how I chose the subject - lol! Not completely sure how to download (or, upload, I guess? haha!) the video of me cleaning away with the Steam Cleaner, but will see if me can figure that out!
Okay, I gotta get to cleanin'! : )