This link will take you straight to the page with the Tumeric and Tart Cherry Capsules - wow, what a Health Combo THAT is, right? I was just thinking, could you dissolve your Tart Cherry Capsule in a cup of tea? That would work, right? Hmmm... I got some thinkin' to do, some experimenting to try! lol!
I have been hearing a lot about Tart Cherry Juice and Tart Cherry Capsules for a while, now, but lately there's been a real surge in interest paid to the delicious Tart Cherries. Usually, and this is just me (and, oh, maybe thousands of other peoples, just like me! lol!) who get their main source of cherries from Cherry Cheesecake! hahaha! For real, there's a Cherry Cheesecake in my fridge, right now! lol! And I love to buy cherries when they're in season by the bagful, but what do you do to sustain the benefits of Tart Cherries, year round? That's why I'm very interested in the properties of the Tart Cherry Juice, and the Tart Cherry Capsules.
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I'm not really a vitamin girl, although, I loove the new (or, new-to-me! lol!) gummy vitamins, the ones with real sugar. Oh, here's a quick aside - why on earth do they take a healthy little vitamin, especially the gummy vitamins, and fill it full of aspartame? Ugh. Makes me so mad. I have a reaction to aspartame, and not just on my tongue, neither! haha! No, it makes me very uncomfortable that so many people are consuming so much fake sugar, which could cause future health problems, instead of just having a wee bit of real sugar. I mean, seriously, how much real sugar could possibly be in a tiny vitamin?? Puh-lease, if someone is worried it's the real sugar in their vitamins that are making them fat, uh, noooo, maybe its the chocolate bar chaser?? hahaha! (Yes, this IS something I would think about, because a chocolate bar chaser sounds delicious to me! hahaha!)
Anyway, I can't stand when a product that is supposed to promote good health, like the gummy vitamins and my favorite chewable Vitamin C, have horrible aspartame in them. I am happier that the vitamin companies are now offering vitamins with 'real sugar', as if stooopid aspartame has always been in vitamins, and now they're just starting to look at a market for 'real sugar' - ugh! Very annoying. Well, I see I'm off on a tangent, and here I'm supposed to be talking about the benefits of Tart Cherries! lol!
Over the past few months the health benefits of tart cherry juice and tart cherry capsules have been all over the internet, television and radio. In fact, Dr. Oz. did an entire show on the joint pain fighting ability of this ruby, red superfruit. I think you're gonna enjoy this in-depth video the benefits of tart cherries.
I did find a great source of information about the health benefits of Tart Cherries -
What do you think? If you've heard some great stories about Tart Cherry Juice, or Tart Cherry Capsules, share it with us! I loove hearing great success stories, and I love any kind of natural healing product - that's my jam, so-to-speak! hahaha! Hope you're having a Great Healthy Day! Ailsa : )