I Looove Saving You Money!! And Getting Something Great!
Cookies and Cream Cake - Yahoo! #HappyBirthday!
Flower Cake (Turns into a Snowflake Cake in the winter! lol!)
#ChocolateWaferCookieCake #MrChristie #Yum! #SoEasy!
This is an absolutely delicious little Cake, and it couldn't be easier to make! It's just a matter of Layering Whip Cream and Chocolate Wafer Cookies...
You can substitute Vanilla Wafers if you looove vanilla, and you can sprinkle the top with White Chocolate shavings or coconut (or both.... gives me a good idea! lol!). Enjoy!!
You can make this lovely 'n light Layered Cookies 'n Cream Cake in any size - I just made a giant one for my son's 18th Birthday, because this is one of his favorite cakes! Yum!
I like to make this wee cake in the shape of a flower, because I happen to looove flowers (and that same shape magically transforms to look like a snowflake in the winter! lol), but you can make this in a square pan or a rectangle pan, depending on ho many people you want to serve, or how many times you might like to serve yourself! hahaha!
You can add some food coloring in to the whip cream if you would like a different color, but we like ours creamy white - is pretty, and we can never wait very long to have this lovely wee cake!
1 Package of Chocolate Wafer Cookies. (I like Mr. Christie Chocolate Wafers)
(2 packages for the giant 9" X 13" pan! Yum!)
(2 packages for the giant 9" X 13" pan! Yum!)
1 Mid-Size Container of Whipping Cream -- or use Dream Whip to keep it low-calorie, or Cool Whip : ) (The giant container Whipping Cream for the giant cake!)
I Tsp. Vanilla
1/4 Cup Sugar (Just sprinkle some sugar into the whipping cream, as it's whipping - be super careful!)
This Cookies 'N Cream Cake takes about 15 Minutes to Make.
Step One: Get out a Plate or a Baking Dish. I always make this little Cake on a Pretty Plate, and put the Chocolate Wafer Cookies in a Flower Shape. (One Cookie in the Middle, and enough cookies to go around it like petals...) Arrange One Layer of the Cookies.
Step Two: Whip up the Whipping Cream. Put the Bowl (preferably Metal) and the Beaters in the Freezer for a while before you whip the cream. The Cold Metal seems to help in the Whipping Process... Slowly add the Sugar, then the Vanilla. Whip until Fluffy.
(Keep in mind that if you go mad with the 'whipping', you might just end up with a big ol' batch of Butter, so stop whipping while the Whip Cream looks Fluffy enough.)
Step Three: With a nice Spatula, carefully spread each cookie with Whip Cream. Be generous with the Whip cream. If you are in a real hurry, just put a 'dob' of Whip Cream on each cookie, then go ahead and do about 5 or 6 Layers of Cookies and Cream.
Step Four: When you have a whole Layer of Cookies all covered with Cream, start the next Layer of Cookies. It's easier to hold the cookie in your hand while you spread the cream on it, then plop it down it's it's rightful place. Then just keep going until you have as many Layers that you want, or until you run out of Cookies!
Step Five: Cover the entire Top and Sides (unless it's in a Baking Dish! ha,ha!), then pop the Cake into the Fridge for at least 4 hours. If it's still in there, and no-one else has already eaten it, this makes a fabulous and light Dessert with Dinner!
Oh, and by 'Light', I don't really mean 'Low in Calories', because my take on Dessert is that you might as well enjoy it -- just don't eat the whole thing yourself -- in one sitting! yuff, yuff!
Did I already say you can use the Dream Whip with Skim Milk, if you want to keep the calories down? But keep in mind, Whipping Cream is 0 Carbs... and there's a lot of new thought about Fat being okay, soooo... I think you'll be okay, if you stick with the Whipping cream, but make it either way,you'll love it! : )
Omg, this li'l cake is soo light and delicious!
And soo easy to make!

This is really an amazing little cake, because it looks like a 5 layer cake, or a seven layer cake, depending on how many layers of the chocolate wafer cookies you use... and it is soo light and creamy - absolutely delicious!
And here's a very shadowy picture of Aidan and Cara enjoying the Cookies 'n Cream Cake!
Happy Cooking! Ailsa!

And, clearly, I love Flowers! lol!

Well, if you love the peace and quiet of flowers, you might just enjoy a little peaceful and pretty coloring, too! lol! This appeals to me waaay too much! I love art! And flowers! And cake! (And cake shaped like flowers?? lol!)

Online Grocery Delivery - Yes, Please! Oooh... Order it here, they'll bring it to you, there.... yahoo!
This is so cool - let's say you've now been binge watching your fave shows, and you STILL have 4 more seasons left of your brand new-to-you show, soo you don't want to get up off the couch, but, also, you know you should probably get you' some groceries?
Problem - Solution! lol!
Check and see if your area is covered by either VONS or Safeway... they cover some of the same areas, and some different areas - does that make sense? lol!
I loove this Delivery Service for Groceries and whatever you might need, right to your door, just in general, but what a great idea in bad weather, no more stooopid traffic, or if you're not feeling up to going out to the store, or you just don't feeeel like going out to the store...or if you're like me, and get so caught up in whatever you're working on, and don't want to stop just 'for food' - haha! And no need for Taxis, if you need to take a cab to the grocery store...that's a huge savings, right there, right?
Wow, Grocery Delivery Service - that's fantastico!! Yippee!! Hello, Future - you look great! : )

I think this is such an amazing new service for your groceries - and anything you ever need from the grocery store - if you've ever had a time when you had a tiny baby, or you're super-busy (same thing - hahaha! All the New Moms will be laughing, now - lol!)..but if you're busy at work, or busy at home, or traffic, or you're busy binge-watching your favorite shows - hahahahaha! This might be the new wave of the future, right? Ordering your groceries online?
And I would imagine you would save a lot of money, since you would just buy what you actually need... might really work for dieting, too, since, well, if we're in the store, and be 'we', I mean 'me'...anyway, let's say I've got my grocery list, then I'm at the store, and I think, you know what, I'll just nick down the Candy Aisle, see if Chocolate is on sale (see how much I like Sale Chocolate - hahaha! Is it tastier, or just less expensive?? We'll never know! It's all gone, now - hahaha!)
Not that you couldn't just 'browse' for that, anyway... right? Me thinkin', now, o' course, where is the Sale Chocolate, online?? hahaha! But let's say you're you, and not me, and you have a LOT more self control than maybe ME do... so you order all the things you really wanted, and not just a whole cart full o' Wunderbars, on sale... hahahaha! Wouldn't THAT be fun - just a cartful of Sale Chocolate?? haha! Okay, clearly, me needs a treat! lol! : ) #SaleChocolate! Ha!
And I would imagine you would save a lot of money, since you would just buy what you actually need... might really work for dieting, too, since, well, if we're in the store, and be 'we', I mean 'me'...anyway, let's say I've got my grocery list, then I'm at the store, and I think, you know what, I'll just nick down the Candy Aisle, see if Chocolate is on sale (see how much I like Sale Chocolate - hahaha! Is it tastier, or just less expensive?? We'll never know! It's all gone, now - hahaha!)
Not that you couldn't just 'browse' for that, anyway... right? Me thinkin', now, o' course, where is the Sale Chocolate, online?? hahaha! But let's say you're you, and not me, and you have a LOT more self control than maybe ME do... so you order all the things you really wanted, and not just a whole cart full o' Wunderbars, on sale... hahahaha! Wouldn't THAT be fun - just a cartful of Sale Chocolate?? haha! Okay, clearly, me needs a treat! lol! : ) #SaleChocolate! Ha!

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