And Now Oprah Has Partnered With #WeightWatchers - that's gonna help so many people! : )

I Love Oprah!! Don't We all?? Yes, We Do!! lol! : )
Oprah's Favorite Things!!
Oprah's Favorite Things 2016

A little FYI for you... lol! This is an older post, I used to date everything - (bah'hahahaah! Noo, me joke... I'm much more discriminating than that, and only date every other person... haha! Silly... lol!) Anyway, Please to Enjoy, a li'l o' me, from 2010...lol! Hmm, wonder what me was'a thinkin', in 2010?? lol!

Oprah's Favorite Things!!
Saturday, November 20th, 2010... OMG, have you seen Oprah's Favorite Things Christmas show, yet? You gotta find it, tape it (we looove DVR... let's us tape all our favourite shows, watch them when we feel like it -- we're huuge Jimmy Fallon fans, so we tape Late Night with Jimmy Fallon every night, watch it the following afternoon, perhaps with a small shot of Baileys Irish Cream!! Yum -- Jimmy Fallon AND the Baileys! hahaha!).. and you've gotta get a chance to watch Oprah's Favorite Things Christmas Show... it's fantastic!

If you can get a chance, try to find the SNL sketch online, through ZULU, or Youtube.. anywhere you can find it, watch that, first, then sit back and get ready to laugh when you watch this very last Oprah's Favorite Things Christmas Show.... you're gonna loove it!! lol!
So we watched it, this afternoon, since it's a rainy day in Los Angeles -- highly unusual for us to actually have a sun-free day, but all very exciting, because this is our first weekend without a realtor, so we are celebrating about that, alone -- yippee, free of the calls to leave the house so someone (perhaps a fictional someone... we never did figure that one out...) could browse through our things.. ugh. Think I might just try to sell my place by myself, since Dwight (my ex-husband) and I used to always sell our own houses, and was much more relaxing... and who knows your house better than you do, right? I just wasn't sure whether I should do that in Los Angeles... but I think I'll give that a try, when I feel like it. Not now, maybe in the Spring, if we still want to sell our place... I've got a good job here, and we do like the sunny weather.. the lack of good men is a problemo! hahahaha! (I should say, good available, decent men... lots o' players down here, if you know what I mean! lol!)
How much do we looove this picture?? We love Oprah!! (And her Elves! lol!)
Oprah has some seriously good taste, yo.... haha! (I'm all 'LA', now!)The gifts she gave out were amazing, but it's the crowd I love the best, whoopin' it up, kissin' each other... there was this one black guy who was all over the white girl right beside him -- now that I live in Los Angeles, where everyone is color-coded, I noticed something like that (whereas in Canada, you would take note of 'that handsome guy was kissing that pretty lady'.... but this is my new reality, and it was pretty funny!)... and my very favorite part was when Oprah introduced the paramedics, who were standing on the sidelines, in case anyone needed them -- how hilarious is that? That you would go to a TV Show taping, and need to have the paramedics standing by, in case you got sooo excited, you passed right out? hahahaha! Now that kills me! That really makes me laugh!
Love every pic o' Oprah!
I was saying to Cara, my lovely daughter, 'you know, this is how we discovered Kenny G...' He was on an Oprah's Favorite Things Christmas show years ago, and Dwight bought the Kenny G CD, and then every year, we would put up the Christmas Tree, then put on those Kenny G CDs all night, while we would have a drink and gaze at the tree.. ah, the good ol' days! I'll see if I can figure out how to get a picture of that beautiful Christmas Tree, post it here for your very enjoyment! lol!

Oprah gave out soo many amazing amazing gifts... I loved them all -- incredible... oh, and when you watch it, tape it right from the very beginning, since the audience thinks they're there for a Meditation Show, then Oprah surprises them with all these incredible gifts, but their faces are soooo cute... you don't want to miss that... and then the Black Eyed Peas are on the show, too, and I loove the Black Eyed Peas... made for a really fun rainy day treat!
One of the very nice gifts that Oprah gave out to her guests was a $100 Gift Card from Groupon (a very cool site where they send you all sorts of discounts for local places and things to do... I joined that a while ago... great for finding out new places to go, and cool restaurants you'd like to try, often for 50% off... and you know how much I loves a bargain!! lol!) for each person to give a donation to the person (or group, maybe?) of their choice on http://www.kiva.com/ . I'd never even heard of http://www.kiva.com/ , but what a great idea it is for a website and service to humanity... you go into http://www.kiva.com/ , choose the amount you would like to give (I think it starts at $25), then you scroll through all the people around the world who are looking for some start-up capital so they can start their own business... isn't that cool? Could really change a person's life, which in turn changes their children's lives, so you would be having a positive impact on all sorts of people... what a lovely idea!

Okay, gotta go feed my own family!! Me playtime on da computer is over for the day!! lol! Try to catch the Oprah's Favorite Things Christmas Show -- it's a whole hour of smiles and huuge laughs, especially if you watch that SNL skit, first, then you'll laugh soo hard, then smile really hard, then laugh some more -- you'll love da whole thing, fer sures!! To Good Luck, A Great Life, and Much Happiness, Ailsa xox!
Buildyourownhouse.ca Site Menu
Cheap Jewelry -- it's gorgeous and real! Oooh, I DO have a connection to DHGate, now - will go get it for you! Chinese Wholesale website, DHgate, but I don't, dang it ... lots of language barriers, and a slightly long wait for the items to arrive, but they're super-cheap, real stones... and the clothes are great, too, but if you're over 5 feet, order larger than your regular size! lol! Enjoy!! I've bought soo much stuff from this Chinese wholesaler -- and I wear it all the time :)
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