So the other Big Brother 'couples' from the past are Jeff and Jordan, and the father/daughter duo, Dick and Danielle. Or should I say, Evil Dick?? haha! (Hard for me not to put another wee joke in there, but I'm sure you're thinking it, to, soooo..... what's the point in us both being in the gutter?? hahaha!). And why was Dick (Evil Dick... okay, you got me, I just like saying that...!) the only one to go upstairs? Hmmm.
The rest of the players are a bit of a disappointment, for the single girls in the audience... what, no hotties auditioned? Yick. No one to really attach yourself to, if you know what I mean.... I did get a big kick out of Shelly's unbelieveably low-pitched voice... does she have the manliest voice in the whole Big Brother 13 house? lol! Ruh-roh. And Kalia seems pretty annoyed by Rachel's big breasts, which is a teensy bit hilarious, given that her 'puppies', as Keith so lovingly called them, were just holdin' on by a thread in her own top.... funny what irks one girl against another, so-to-speak ;) And I laughed when Keith took careful note of Kalia's 'puppies', to the camera, then immediately chose Porsche, who already had told us she's had plastic surgery..... so that's how you get on TV! Who knew?? lol!
I love the 25 year old virgin... didn't they make a movie about him?? That's too funny, and Dominic lives with his mom. Who can see these things coming?? haha! Cassi is a very pretty girl, but I can't see what other kind of romantic hookups we're gonna see, this summer, other than the obvious ones... not a lot of choices in the Big Brother house... booo! We loev a budding romance! Or a break-up... whatever... they both make for great Reality TV! So then Lewon... well, I like his personality, and he's from just up the road from where I live... he's from Inglewood, California, and I've spent a lot of time at some great dance clubs in Inglewood... at least he looks like he has a good sense of humor, and some personality.... perhaps a little more personality than Porsche, who hopes to keep her real identity as a VIP Cocktail Waitress a secret, since she doesn't want people to think she is already living the life of Reilly.... no. Wait. She won't know who Reilly is... the easy life. Yup, that's better... oh, Porsche, maybe she's hiding her intelligence, too, and we'll get a better look at her brain, can't show people all your assets all at once, just wear something lowcut, start with the obvious talents, go from there... haha!
That leaves us Adam (hmmm... nice guy, loves Apple Martinis, so that means he's good at talking to women....but looks very manly, soooo, might be around for a while...). Rachel won the very first HOH competition, hanging onto that Big Brother Banana in the sky for dear life... , so that's good that Rachel won the HOH right off the bat. I cannot stand when a player intentionally throws a game.... you know when Shelly almost immediately drops off the banana, says she didn't want to win the first HOH.... ugh. Try and win every time. If only for the treat basket!! hahaha! (I looove Treat Baskets!!)(Or better, yet, a Wine Basket
It'll be interesting to see who Rachel nominates, since the person who wins will get the Big Brother Golden Key, and that will keep them safe from eviction for the first 4 weeks of the competition... that's huuuge. Okay, I've gotta (yes, I've gotta!) go watch Big Brother After Dark.... I wanna see who really likes who else... we're on the look-out for new hookups! hahaha!
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