Friday, July 22, 2011

Big Brother 13: Where's Vegas Rachel?? Is Brendon dulling her down?

So, can you be too pretty for other girls, sooo pretty that they want to vote you out of whatever social game you're playing?  Is that what happened to poor, pretty (and she really was a beautiful girl) Cassi?  Because she's outta da Big Brother house, tonight... Cassi got da boot!  Peas scoot, yer oot. ("You're out", in Scottish! lol!)  I liked Cassi, but Cara, my lovely daughter, watched a lot more of the Big Brother After Dark on Showtime than I did, and she said Cassi was pretty bitchy, so not exactly the same kind of pretty I thought she was... but girls really can get pretty mean with each other, when certain jealosies arise.  I don't really get that, since personalities become so readily apparent,and I would much rather remove some I didn't like over anyone I thought was pretty... it's fun to look at pretty people! lol!  But this season, almost everyone is pretty nice... not a whole lot of drama going on, except with Rachel. 

Oh, hey, has anyone else noticed how Rachel is really 'dressing down', this year?  What happened to Vegas Rachel??  Where did she go??  Where are all of Vegas Rachel's cute little sparkly outfits?  Is Brendon making her dress down?  Ugh, hope not.  I hate that kind of stuff, when a guy meets a girl who likes to dress provacatively, starts a relationship with her, then wants her to dress like a school marm (okay, you got me, yeeees, that has happened to me... but I needs to wear me mini skirts! hahahaha!  My legs get too hot!  I canny help it.... so those guys get kicked to da curb... I'll wear whatever I want... lol!)  I hope Rachel stands up for herself, too.  She used to -- that was what was so great about her in Big Brother 12... she was loud, and funny, and outspoken, and falling madly for Brendon... now that was fun to watch.  Where's the Showmance of the season??  That's what I'm tuning in for, for Goodness Sake.  I'm just that shallow... and I'll happily take a showmance break-up, too.... anything to liven up the Big Brother house, this summer....  Okay, I've gotta go read the rest of my Bob Dole book I happened to find in the library at our condo complex, the other day... it's really funny.  I always liked Bob Dole, and now I'm enjoying reading his book, Great Political Wit... all sorts of wee stories from American politicians through the years.... and I am a real fan of Lincoln, and there are a surprising number of stories about Lincoln, so I really like that!  Okay, I gotsta bounce :)  Love and Luck, Ailsa xox

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