Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Summer School! Take your more difficult classes in the summer, get higher grades, smaller classes! Free up time when you get to Grade 12 - #SummerSchool is a great option! #Education #LAUSD

#SummerSchool is open, now, in a lot of places, #LAUSD has a great Summer School Program - all sorts of classes and courses, all levels of education.

You can still enroll your child (or yourself!) for Summer School!

I taught Summer School with LAUSD, for years - it was so great, and I had both my children take Summer School classes - it's a great way to get classes done, quickly, to free some time up, in Grade 12 : >

If your child is struggling with any classes, like Math, Algebra, English... have them take a Summer School class - the teacher might have a different approach, usually smaller class sizes, and you're in and out, by lunch time, so it won't interfere with the rest of the day!

Quite often, students will get higher grades in Summer School, too - the curriculum is shortened, more condensed material, is a great learning environment!

There is usually a Code of Conduct for students in Summer School, too, so behavioral issues are few and far between, and immediately dealt with, unlike during the regular school year, where there isn't nearly enough discipline (we all know that, now - hopefully, that will change, too, so all students can learn in peace and quiet, with no fear of any level of danger).

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