Big Brother 16: Kathy Griffin and Zingbot Zing the Big Brother House! : >
Wow, what a crazy show, tonight! Big Brother went crazy, with such a crucial Veto on the line. Zingbot arrived in the Big Brother house, and was soo super-nice, Kathy riffin had to do Zingbot's real job - to zing all the house guests on Big Brother - oh, man, I loove Kathy Griffin - so funny! I loved Frankie's reaction to Kathy Griffin - he was soo excited! And Kathy Griffin looked great - wow, how does she do it? I mean, no eat yummy donuts, any more? Remember on Kathy Griffin's show, she had such a hard time wit' da lack-o'-treats! lol! Funny! But she looks amazing - good for her!
So, wow, was a very emotionally charged Big Brother, tonight... poor Zach, he was so upset about possibly going up on the block, he's worried that Frankie will backdoor him, and that's entirely possible, and now Frankie HAS put Zach on the block...
And even though Zach has stirred a lot of pots, so-to-speak, in the Big Brother house, he's a good kid, has a good heart. I'm glad Zach has stayed as long as he has, so america can see more of who he really is... a good kid, smart, funny, good to his kid brother...
What I can't understand, is, why don't the house members talk about Derrick being in charge? Or Frankie? Do they all believe they are each the one who is really running the house, except for Donny? That was soo sad when Donny was clearly devastated that Christine had so obviously thrown the competition. I thought that was too over-the-top, the way Christine threw that competition....pretty funny that Kathy Griffin and the Zingbot went after Christine and Cody's relationship or "non-relationship", that Christine's husband, Tim, would be mad ... pretty funny : )
So were you surprised when Caleb and Cody found their stolen items? Cody missed his favorite hat, Caleb really missed his cowboy boots, Victoria missed her fave robe, and it looked like #TeamAmerica was going to be successful in this week's mission, but, nope, Caleb and Cody found their missing items fairly quickly...and #TeamAmerica had already gotten the Neighborhood Watch going... so, that's another $15,000 lost, $5 Grand, apiece, for #TeamAmerica... aaawww... I was really hoping Donny, Derrick and Frankie could make another five grand each.
Okay, until next time, night night! Go have yourself some really great fun! lol! Ailsa : )