Wow, another summer, another Big Brother - WooHoo! I like the cast, if you will (!) - the Texas Blonde - she's cute, looks like she means business, I like McRae - is a good sign when you can remember their names on the first night - is like when you're teaching a big class of kids - certain ones stand right out... i love that they think he's a secret genius - looove that! Mr. Pizza Delivery Man - McRae seems all very Zen to me - content in doing his very best delivery system, ever, making sure people get their pizza really fast - that's great! And if McRae wins, he'll have a cool half-mil to get a fancier delivery car, but something tells me he would stick to his fave car, put the money safely in the bank....
I like Howard, of course - very handsome, I like the whole 'God Helps Those Who Help Themselves' - 'God helps they tha' help themselves', in Scottish! hahahaha! God knows I've heard that a million times, and it's true enough.... Howard, makin' alliances - oh, and I love the girl who THINKS she's gorgeous - iz hilarious! Ah, nope. Nothing more obnoxious than a girl who thinks they're all that when they're not half o' that.... she's annoying. She can't even say the other girls are pretty - hmmm, seems like a little come-uppance is on it's way for her... no good personality, full of herself, not good looking - nope. I don't like that one, I just love her crazy undeserved arrogance...
I like the blonde girl form Long Island, maybe mostly because maybe she weathered a bad storm, lately... maybe she'll bring up Hurricane Sandy at some point... but I didn't like the realtor from Florida, but I did love the way Big Brother introduced her - chest first - now that's funny! I don't remember your name, but looks like you might have the same plastic surgeon as Rachel's sister... and very interesting to see Rachel's sister on Big Brother - wow. Shocking, right?? And is that Rachel's house they were standing in front of during the intros? I didn't see any sign of Brandon... say whaaat?? Okay, I'm sorry to go all old school on you with the whole 'say whaaat' thing - but that sh*t really made me laugh! Oh, and did I tell you there's a great deal on Strawberry Dacquiris, right now?? hahahahaha! Yeah, they go great with Big Brother episodes! lol!
Loved the Surfer Dude, loved J-U-DD Judd even more for saying he thought he was the stupidest (did he really say stupidest, or am I embellishing for the sake of the character, right now?? Well, let's make the happy assumption that Judd did say he thought he was gonna be the stooopidest person on Big Brother, then he looks over at the Surfer Dude, thinks he's moved up a notch.... that's too funny! I loved that line : )
Oh, and I think the best looking girl on Big Brother was Julie Chen - wow, she looked amazing - great hair, gorgeous dress - really, that dress was soo gorgeous, I loved it! She really looked fantastic : )
I like the whole audience interaction thing, the 3rd person going up for nomination by a secret house guest... interesting... I guess we'll know soo enough who can keep a secret - and who canny keep a secret! lol! I like the ones who can't keep a secret to save their lives - they're fun for me.. something endearing about the lack of ability to lie! lol!
Well, will be fun to see how this season of Big Brother unfolds....let me know if you're watching it, too, see who you like... oh, and I like Ope, the professor... wiating for him to be funny... haven't really seen a lot of wit in da house, jus' yet, but I'm sure we'll see who is overly serious, the meanies, the nce ones, who can cook, who loooves to work out (okay, they're my favourite, too! hahaha!)...will be a whole lotta summer fun with Big Bruthah'!!
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Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Get Lucky! lol! : > #MakeAWish! #Lottery, too! : ) #Win Big! #GoodLuck!
You know what's soo weird?? I made this lovely Get Lucky page at the beginning of the summer, and I loved my new Get Lucky page, all full of lovely things to help you Get Lucky, too, then I wrote about Big Brother, popped into my Get Lucky page to grab an ad, right, and POOF, my whole Get Lucky page disappeared! What??? Scared the hell outta me, so I thought, okay, no more touching my blog until I know for sure what happened - I think it must've been connected to my laptop - an oldie, but sorta a goodie... I was writing on my wee oldie laptop, so that must have caused the problem - but now I'm on my normal computer, so, hopefully, we're all back to normal! Hope so, because I really, really want to write about my fave show, 'Til Debt Do Us Part, with Gail Vaz-Oxlade... I looove Gail Vaz-Oxlade - and I particularly love when she goes to the door of the people she's there to help, and immediately says, Hello, I'm Gail Vaz-Oxlade - after all these years on TV, I love that she introduces herself with her whole name - I just loove that! So cute! But I'll talk about Gail Vaz-Oxlade, later... today I want to put my fave Get Lucky page back up - oh, and speaking of 'back up', I am gonna HAVE to back up my work, because that's really scary to see your work disappear before your very eyes, and have no recourse to get it back...
So, back to Getting Lucky, right?? lol! I love everything that has to do with Luck...I even just started my own little 'casino' page on my main website, - and I really hope I get super-lucky with my new online gaming page.. I jus' want a liiiitle bit o' dat internet pie! lol! Doesn't everyone?? I gotta figure out how we can ALL get in on this - there just has to be a way for us all to be filthy rich, right?? hahaha!
I love my Four Leaf Clovers - so cute, so lucky!

Okay, here's something funny - I was in the middle of writing (or re-writing, since my first version 'disappeared' - aargh!), when a 'bar opportunity', which I, of course, took! lol! Then by the time I got home, writing was the last thing on my mind! lol!
Oh, man, I wish I could recover my old page... so frustrating... that's the big difference between my main site, and my blog, You think you have complete control over your blog, but, really, it's like rental space you don't pay for...sooo, will have to think about how I can convert my blog over to another regular site...

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