Okay, so have you gotten the same little pop-up in your bottom right hand corner of you computer, to say you better, 'you better, you better, you bet'.... hahaha! (anyone singing that, yet?? lol!) change your OS (operating system for your computer) over to Windows 8.0/8.1, immediately, or else?? Or else, what?? I won't be able to get into anything on my computer? My computer won't even turn on, tomorrow? The deadline date is tomorrow, April 8th, 2014, and these stooopid pop-ups started last Friday. And the new operating system (OS) will only cost a mere $599. Come on, you cheapo, pay up! What the hell??? I am furious with this little pop-up threatening all these people. That makes me so mad - don't call someone a cheapo because they aren't gonna just jump up and spend $600 because the internet quickly says you have to - that's full out crazy, and the idea that $599 is nothing - ugh. Idiots.
Some of the online articles I read were just ridiculous, one of them says, well, you must've been living under a rock, if you didn't know that Windows XP is no longer going to be updated or protected after April 8th, 2014. Under a rock??? Uh, no. Busy living a normal life, yes. Why should we all have to be aware of anything like this? And then there were these idiots who said, it's not like your computer is like a coffee maker, you buy it and it works forever... hmmmm. Very good. Solid comparison (ugh!). But I just got my computer completely 'revamped', or whatever the word is for it, and that was $600, a little over a year ago, and I don't remember anyone saying to me, oh, this'll work for a little more than a year. What the hell, I am so mad about this. You DON'T buy anything for your home that will cost that much, with a tiny amount of time it will work before you have to 'update' it, again. That's total bullsh*t. And I do NOT want to switch to a system - for a mere $599 - in what world is $599 a 'mere' anything?? Do these people have no idea how money works? You don't just hand it over for any old thing, or for any new thing, for the sake of it being slightly newer, and a stooopid system you don't even want?? Aaaaarrgghh!! I am so super-annoyed by all of this.
Soo, I was frantically looking this up on Google, this morning, to see what is going to happen to my computer, will I still be able to access anything online, will I be able to connect to the internet, will my computer even turn on, on April 9th, 2014?? Aaarrgghh!! You shouldn't have to worry about the basics like using your computer! That's outrageous. I think there is a certain number of people who love everything new, all the time, and, frankly, that's annoying to me. Why aren't they more careful with their money - I don't like to see people throw away their money when they don't have to - I'm a saver, and happier because of that, I'm pretty sure. I don't need the latest everything, that seems silly to me, and a relatively new thing - remember using things until they actually broke, enough that you really couldn't fix them, so then you went out and bought a new one? Yeah, it's called being mindful, not wasting anything, not your time, not your hard earned money, not anything. Bleh! So, I'm annoyed.
Then, yahoo, I came across this wonderful article, that put my mind at ease....http://www.forest-blade.com/opinion/editorials/article_2600d0a8-be67-11e3-9c02-001a4bcf887a.html
Then I wrote to the author, another Dwight (if you've read my blog or site, before, and I hope you have, and if you haven't, hello!!), I was married to a Dwight, for a very long time, so it was funny for me to write to another Dwight - they must be a practical bunch, the Dwights of the world! lol!
Anyway, it's a very practical article, and it says that if you are using Windows XP and don't want to switch, right away, or for a while (I think you have 5 more years, so that brings us up to 2019 - not a bad run!), you can continue to use your Windows XP. Go ahead and read Dwight's article, though, so you can see the more technical side of things.
I just wanted to be sure my computer would turn on and work, that I could check my email, do my work online, work on my site and blog, check Facebook until it irritates me, again (hahaha!)...you know, the usual computer stuff. And I didn't want that stooopid Windows 8.1 - it looks so annoying, way too much going on on the screen, very annoying, I like things the way they are. It's the old, 'If it ain't broke, why fix it?' thing - and Windows XP works for me. Happy Computing! lol! Happy Internet Access! lol! What are you gonna do with that extra $599?? Go buy some chocolate?? Some new shoes? Shoes AND chocolate?? hahaha! At least now you can relax a bit, and not be so worried about what the immediate future will look like - you'll be fine! And now for some relaxing tea! Hope your day is much more relaxing, now, too, and less worrisome! lol! Ailsa xox
Okay, so now it's April 8th, 2014, and I'm being bombarded with pop ups to scare the hell outta me, to switch over to the Windows 8.0/8.1, and the immediate 'suggestion' that I buy a new PC. Right. I'm gonna do that - uh, no. I love my computer, I just had the whole thing redone, or whatever that's called, a little over a year, ago, and that was $600, so, no, I am not gonna go buy a new computer, today, that's ludicrous to even suggest that to millions of worried people, out there in computerland. And then there are all the warnings that you can't bring your 'stuff' - yes, they're helping us simpletons out by referring to our files and everything we hold near and dear on our computers as 'stuff' - thanks for simplifying, that's makes me feel better, and definitely makes me feel like you're not talking down to me - and the whole thing where they make it sound like anyone who still has the Windows XP bought their computer 12 years ago - ugh. So what if they did, and I didn't, soo, aaarrgghh! Whole thing is very annoying, not user-friendly, not at all. Grrrr. Why, I'd use the mail, if it didn't take a month to get a letter delivered in Canada, for a DOLLAR a pop... hahaha - Canada Post, they really makes things easy. Plus, does anyone else get the very strong feeling that our mail is being read, as well? It's far too George Wellian, these days - scary times. Bottom line for me, is, I'm not gonna buy a new computer, but I will most likely get the Windows 7 OS (operating system), glide along with that until the new Windows 9 comes out, unless I don't like that one, either - I just want to get on the computer, it works every time, no worries, no huge bills attached - that seems reasonable, right?? Right! Good Luck, my li'l computer buddies! Ailsa : )
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Monday, April 7, 2014
Saturday, April 5, 2014
#Birthday! #BirthdayCake - Rose Bouquet Birthday Cake #Yum! And Sooo Pretty! #HappyBirthday #BirthdayParty! #Cupcakes! #Icing #Roses #CupcakeBouquet #WeddingCake

#BirthdayCakes! Yum! And so pretty! #HappyBirthday!!
Oh, hey, did you know that if you freeze your birthday candles, they'll burn slower, enough time to blow out your Birthday Candles, and not get wax on your cake! Yahoo! Good Tip, right? I just heard it on #TheDoctors - a good little show! : )
And if you just want to pop in on your way to the beach, you can just get a slice - so delightful, and soo pretty!

You know, I didn't know they had all these new ways to make beautiful little flowers - and some really big flowers, too - even MORE important, to me - and maybe you, too! lol! You could totally make your own very fancy cakes!
Hello, New Business Idea! : )
Oh, this cake is gorgeous, and would be so easy to make, too - basic rosettes, different shades of pinks, or whatever your favorite flower color is, then pipe the green stems, then the green leaves!
I LOVE it! Beautiful!

I wanted to show you how to deconstruct the Rose Bouquet Cake, show you how to make the Rose Bouquet Cake out of a flower pot, a round styrofoam ball, toothpicks, and 15 tiny cupcakes with a LOT of icing in the shape of a rose... and when I was looking for my Birthday Cake pics, all these other pictures came up, and I thought, well, I'll quickly show you these lovely pics of another one of my favourite Birthday Cakes, the Princess Cake from Gelson's in Marina del Rey, California - it was such a beautiful cake, and soo delicious (well, first slice, then we put it in the freezer, don't know if anyone ever did have any more cake - hahaha! But it was an incredible cake, for sures!).

Anyway, I go to choose which pictures to put on my blog, first, for the best way to show you how to make the Rose Bouquet Cake, right? And all these pictures come up, sooo, long story short, here they are, a big mishmash! I ALWAYS pretend to eat the whole cake by myself, pretend to take a big bite out of the whole cake - is endlessly funny to me! hahaha! I wonder where that green dress is (it's not a real green dress, that's cruel...for all the Bare Naked Ladies fans out there! hahaha! BNL, if their name is all cleaned up! lol!)
So, scroll down, you'll find more cakes as you go! lol!
Okay, so here's my first Rose Bouquet Cake - omg, it was soo crazy delicious. We get these lovely cakes at the Cupcake Shop in the Uptowne Plaza in Victoria, BC, it's right beside the Walmart bit, across from the waterfall... and Cara, my gorgeous, wonderful, fantastico daughter, always orders these lovely cakes for my Birthday - how sweet is that?? (Thank you, Sweetheart!!), and I think she orders them a day or so in advance, since they put extra icing in between the cupcakes, to fill the whole thing in, make it look perfect, and is all very exciting when you pull a cupcake out, and get the 'extra' icing - is like a little dream come true - a dream for extra icing! hahahaha! Makes me laugh! lol!
(7.24-9.4) Mixed Roses starting at 19.99 - the lowest price of the year
Yahoo, here's my Birthday Cake from this year - I'm 51 - wow, where did the time go?? lol!
If you happen to be all fresh and young, right now, lucky you, but no worries about getting 'older' - is fun, you'll love it, and don't fall for any crap that you have to look or dress or feel a certain way specifically because of your age - no need to cut your hair when you're 30, or when you have your first child, or turn 40, or 50, or any specific age... even if your mother or your friends or your co-workers or the media, insists on it - no, let them have their favorite haircuts, and you get to have your very own style, whatever that is - long, short, you get to choose what you look like, all by yourself! #YouBeYouBoo! lol!
This was endlessly funny to me - here's the original name on the cake - nailed it! My name is AILSA, not ILSA, but I do have a cousin called Ilsa, ironically enough! lol! We laughed so hard when we saw this, then the girl at the Cupcake shop was so sweet, she immediately went and made a new 'name tag' for mah' Birfday Cake! lol!
It's gorgeous, though, right? Omg, it was craaazy-gorgeous, but here's another really funny thing - they didn't have a box for it, so we had to carry it home, just like that, holding onto the pot, so-to-speak...buh'dum'bum! So I was carrying it up to my place, I kept saying, man, if I ever get married, again (and I hope I do, one day, if the guy is really great! hahaha!), I'm gonna carry a cake like this as my bouquet, it was so crazy-gorgeous, and smelled so good, then you could just eat it, afterwards - now, that would get me right through the ceremony, right? An incentive of delicious cupcakes after the nuptials? Nuptials... sounds like something scrumptious, right?? Like the Flower Bouquet?? hahaha!
Oh, here we go - these are the pictures I was trying to find for you! lol! So, for this gorgeous little Cupcake Bouquet, you will need to either go to the bakery and buy one (haha!), or, get a nice little clay pot - or anything that the round styrofoam ball will sit in, nicely...and place 15 toothpicks around the styrofoam ball.
See how the toothpicks are spaced apart? The goal is to cover the whole area, of course, with little cupcakes, and they are the tiny cupcakes - you can buy these at any grocery store, too, then fill in the open areas with extra icing, or maybe some little leaves? Use your imagination, you'll come up with something really pretty!
When you're eating this amazing little cake, each person just pulls out one cupcake at a time - is sooo cute, you'll love it!
I save the base for the next time we might like to make another Cupcake Bouquet Cake - good idea, right? I just love it!
This Cupcake Bouquet Cake would be great for Easter, too, or for weddings... I'd rather have something like this, for a centerpiece - wouldn't your guests be sooo excited to get extra cupcakes?? haha! And you can use any flower theme... you could have so much fun designing something new! : )
Kick up the flavor with Jello Crystals?! Worth a try! : )
Oh, and you know what I was thinking? (No, me no gonna make you guess! lol!) Anyhooo, I was thinking about the sprinkles on these phenomenally delicious little cupcakes - and they are soooo little, very tiny, and oh-so-good...but I really think it's the sprinkles that make the icing so incredible, and the other night, when I was making our fave little Jelly Squares, I had just poured the Jello Crystals into the 2 cup measuring cup, right? To make the Jelly Squares? And it occurred to me, I bet this is what they sprinkle on their icing, to make it really pop! Sooo, maybe we should all try this?
So, if you have Lemon Icing, try sprinkling a little bit of Lemon Jello Crystals on the icing - it's worth a try, right? Can't hurt, that's for sure, and it might be the trick to making them truly amazing! I gotta try that!

See how it works? Each little rose is a mini-cupcake, careful put on a toothpick, to hold it in place - is sooo sweet! Literally - is so nice and sweet! lol!
Super-cute, right? You can make this Cupcake-Bouquet with any cupcakes - I like the mini-cupcakes, but you could easily use regular sized cupcakes, too - do whatever makes you happy, right? lol!
Oh, and here's something funny - I said to Cara, my gorgeous daughter, right after we brought my birthday cake home, this year, you know what, I think I have a picture frame just like this cake! So here it is - that's me on the beach in Marina del Rey, waiting to go into the Cheesecake Factory - I think this was a Mother's Day - who knows? The Cheesecake Factory in Marina del Rey, California, is one of my favourite places to go - is always great, and so pretty, there!
This picture frame matches mah' birthday cake! lol!

And, clearly, I love Flowers! lol!

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