How to Use up your old slivers of soap... Wait, don't throw it out, just convert it to Liquid Soap - lol!
Okay, so, if you know me even a liiitle tiny bit, you'll know I don't like to waste anything - surely there's another use for it, right? And if there is another use for anything leftover, I'll find it - and I will go to great lengths to figure out another use for something... no wastes it! lol!
So I had a LOT, and a I mean, a lot, of slivers of soap left over, all in the shower caddy, I'm not sure why... maybe I thought someone would use them - although, I am very quick to replace the 'slivers of soap' with a new, full bar of Dove soap, our favourite - no dyes, no scent, is perfect for most people... the heavily scented soaps are no-bueno for me - lol!
Anyway, I had all these slivers of soap, right, and I didn't want to just throw them away - I kept thinking, maybe I could microwave them, reshape the slivers of soap into a whole new bar? I had a lot of good ideas like that - until I saw some meme with the kid holding a huge mass of soap that had been put in the microwave, but it was the million warnings of 'watch out, don't burn yourself on the soap you've heated in the microwave'...okay, good enough for me, I had to find another solution.
I went to get all the slivers of soap from the shower, and while I was there, there was an older bottle of our fave Coconut Body Wash - yum, smells delicious, and I don't have a reaction to Coconut (and some lemon, some orange...), but this bottle of Coconut Body Wash had just a little bit left in it, enough for me to use as a 'base', if you will... sooo, I opened the bottle, broke the leftover slivers of soap into smaller bits that I could jam into the top of the bottle, filled it about half way, maybe a little bit more, with water, closed the bottle and shook it. Left that for a few hours, shook it, again... is like a shake-and-bake process, without da baking... shake and wait, more like it - lol!
And lookie what happened? Now I've used up all my leftover soap slivers, so I no haz a'wasted a'nuffin', and now I've got a whole bottle of liquid soap - yahoo! I think, just give it a wee shake, when you're about to use it - you could just pour it on a sponge or clothe - I am partial to Buff Puffs - remember them? I love them - they're great for your skin : )
And look at that - a whole bottle, so maybe a good thing I just added the water to the halfway mark, maybe a little bit more, because, evidently, the soap has grown in size, magnified itself - how cool is that? And no wasting anything - lol!
Now you know what to do with all your leftover soap slivers - make them into Liquid Soap! : )
New Idea: I just recently figured out you don't have to try to break the soap slivers into little pieces to fit in the top of the container, with your fingers - put the soap slivers in a baggie, use the bottom of the container - I just use the old Body Wash containers, then the 'new soap' has my favorite Body Wash Scent - I love the Caramel Fudge and the Coconut - ah'yum!
Try to put the soap slivers in a single row, in the baggie, just kind of roll the bottom of the container, the edge of it, into the soap, and it'll come apart so easily - who knew? Put that sledge hammer away ( for now - hahaha!) #UrWelcome! lol!
I had started using the can, in the kitchen, then occurred to me, the last time, was just about as easy to break the slivers of soap in a little baggie, right in the bathroom, using the bottom of the Liquid Soap bottle, if you will - you just roll the bottom edge of the bottle over the soap, it'll pretty easily break into little bits, then seal up the baggie, pop in the drawer for the next time you need to refill your Liquid Soap container... Just Add Water - and I add a little of whatever scent I like, Coconut or Caramel Fudge are my two faves - yum! It just takes a small amount of the body wash to create a nice scent, or just leave the soap on its own, for scent-free, if you like that ...
Normally, everything I use is scent-free, since I'm allergic to many scents - but there are a few I'm okay with - is hit and miss, as it might be for most people... but, generally speaking, think the less scent, the better, seems like a good idea : ) (Unless it smells delicious, with no reaction - lol!)
Why, that makes no scents - bah'hahahahaha! Ailsa : ) (You know me happy you' in here! lol!)
Oh, and I've just recently discovered all the incredibly beautiful books by Louise L. Hay, and this is her Publishing House, Hay House - sooo smart, so lovely... but there was one wee bit I read in one of Louise's books, her book on Daily Meditations, which I normally would not have read, before, but this stuff really speaks to me, and is not at all what I thought a 'daily meditation' might look like - they're just really nice, really eye-opening, lovely wee passages to read - who knew? Anyway, there was one that I read, about just taking one tiny bit of your house, just like taking one tiny bit of your mind, or your life, and 'cleaning it up', tidying it up, right, and sooo, the next thing you know, I had straightened up a bit in the kitchen that had been bothering me... so, that one little 'meditation' totally helped me get down to figuring out what to do to make the clutter go away in that area of the kitchen - so now I want to tackle my little 'craft' table, if you will... they're more than 'crafts' to me, they're wonderful pieces of art, but, I do need to tidy that bit up, maybe even see if I can turn it into a business! Wouldn't that be cool, to turn something you love to do into a real, live, business?? 2015, here me comes! lol!