Wow, can you believe, only two more Big Brother Shows? Where did the summer go? (Well, I know I spent a fair bit of it watching Biiiig Brother - and Big Brother After Dark - lol! And loved every minute of it! : )
So, a special Friday show, tonight, then next Wednesday, Sept. 21st, is the Big Brother Season Finale - oh, man... I love the Final 3 - James, Paul and Nicole - they are all deserving of the win - I love that... they all worked hard, to get to the end - Good For them! Yay! Congratulations!

Get your Digital Entertainment Book on your phone or web for only $0.99 at Entertainment.com!
#BB18 Big Brother 18 Finale, already!
Vote For America's Favorite Player
America's Favorite Houseguest
I love, love, love, James #BBJames, but choose whichever #BBHouseguest YOU love the most (the mostest? lol!)
James, Paul and Nicole, #Final3!

At this point, they're all winners - yahoo! Congrats to them all! : ) Ailsa!! (Dat me! lol!)
Thursday, September 8th, 2016. - Wow, can you believe less than 2 weeks in the Big Brother house? Time flies when you're playing a li'l game - not Dominoes - bleah! Haha! Pretty sure they're gonna lose those dominoes, the second Victor is no longer the HOH - lol!

Why this picture make me laugh so much? haha! I love a li'l complainer - very entertaining! haha!

'Til tonight! Yahoo!! Yippee! And I hope BBAD is back to normal, tonight - I missed it, last night, and the show they put on to replace it is sooo awful - yuck! How about a little head's up, Slice? Hmm...
See you later! Hope you're winning at whatever li'l Game of Life You're playin'! lol! Ailsa : )
Wednesday, August 31st, 2016. Wow, can you believe Tomorrow is September? haha! Looove that that was trending on Twitter, today - lol!

Aawww, Corey - he has HAD it up to here - up to where?? Poor guy! This is Corey's 4th wee as a HaveNot - omg, that's literally, gotta hurt... Corey's the Goldilocks of the Big Brother House - This bed's too little! haha!

If Nicole and Corey have Paul and Victor wrapped around their little finger(s!), they might be laughin' their way right to the bank - lol! But, it's a game... everyone's playin' it!

And I think it's the Greenleaf Finale, tonight - if you haven't see Greenleaf, yet - oooh, you' a'gonna looove it! Hello, Drama! See you later! Ailsa : )
Big Brother 18
Friday, August 26th, 2016.
They're all up in the HOH room, drinkin' wine - you gotta be sooo careful who you drink with, so you don't accidentally tell all your secrets - lol!
![]() |
Yeah, I got this in the bag, no problem. Paulie pulls a #ZappBrannigan |
Uh, can we talk about #BBPaulie's Shorty Shorts?
Who wears Short Shorts? Paulie Wears Shorts.
(If you dare wear short shorts, Dare for short short hair? haha! Is that the song? Stuff I keep in my mind, for use at a later date - lol! See how useful? lol!)
Haha! That made me laugh so hard, I almost forgot about the rest of the show! lol!
Loch Mess - haha! Clever, Big Brother, very clever!
Ach, Nessie no minds! She's fine wi' that.... Nessie'll take all the recognition she can get, in Loch Ness, Scotland (and that's pronounced, Loccccchhhhh, like there might be something caught n yer throat - a li'l funny - I can't think how to spell how you pronounce it,so just use yer best Scottish Accent, you'll be fine - haha!)
A little funny, showing how awful Paulie is being in the BB Jury House, but, secretly, I'm pretttty sure Zakiyah and Paulie are having a great time together, in the BBJury - lol! That's just a li'l show for the cameras!
There's a LOT happening in BBAD, Big Brother After Dark, but I don't like to give away any Spoiler alerts (even though the world needs more Lerts... buh'dum-bum!).... unless you want me to tell you, in which case, I'm all over that shiz - lol!
Let me know if you wants more information! ; ) I'm on it! See you soon! Ailsa! : )
Wednesday, August 24th, 2016.
Wow, are we really down to the last 28 days, or so, of Big Brother?? Biiiig brutha'! haha! I love it so much - and I'm addicted to BBAD, Big Brother after Dark - is hilarious to me, all the other amazing Late Night Shows, Late Night with Jimmy Kimmel (mah' fave), The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (we tape them all!) - all these incredible shows, they all work soo hard to put on their best shows, and here comes Big Brother After Dark, a bunch of people - not all with the bestest personalities (or brains), and we're all happy enough to sit and watch every single second, you don't want to miss a word - so I have to have the volume button right in my hand, because I crank it right up to the top, in an effort to figure out what Corey might be saying - is high-larious - and it's soo late at night, I don't want to disturb any of my neighbors, sooo, I have to be super-ready to turn that shiz down, as quickly as possible, or, better yet, just FF to the next bit... without missing one teensy little mumble - lol! Is a li'l funny!

Buuut, with the BBJury BuyBack, who knows what that means for the BBHouse - I read this very annoying Spoiler alert - avert your eyes if you don't want to know it, either - that Paulie won Big Brother, and that made me soo mad, because I thought we were watching the comps and the finale in real time, right? Aren't we? Is there really any chance we're not? Not all the comps, obvs, but the Evictions, they're all live, soo... what kind of Spoiler alert was that?? Annoyink! Booo!
Plus, mostly I'm mad, because I don't want Paulie to win - he talks about how much money he has, "it ain't no thing" - uh, yeah, it IS a big thing, Money is a VERY big thing, and if he's not gonna respect the money, and be appreciative of the $500,000, please-oh-please, Universe, let someone who really needs it, win Big Brother.... same thing goes for Paul - he talks about how much money he has, and there's Victor, wants to really make it in the world, Victor seems like a really good guy (if a li'l overly neat, but, that's okay - his hair makes up for that - haha!), or James, Natalie, Michelle, Nicole... Corey looks like he has a lot of money, too, but it does seem like Corey would appreciate the money - and maybe they all would, I just don't like any disrespect for money - that drive'a me crazy! lol! #RespectYourMoney : )
And with Natalie as the HOH, and Michelle, Big Meech, as the Co-HOH (Michelle gets the #BBCarePackage: What's C-O-HOH? haha!) - anyway, they seem to be enjoying hiding up in the HOH room, all by themselves - sleeping, planning, scheming (slightly)(some light scheming - haha!)...
My Theory, right now, is that the 3 last girls, Nicole, Natalie and Michelle, have a Final 3, and maybe have been playing the boys, who were sooo cocky about 'only boys at the end', for sooo long.. so, you never know, on Biiiig Brother! We'll see, we'll see!
Okay, until tonight - lucky East Coast, they're already watching Big Brothah'! lol! See you in a bit! Ailsa : )
And don't forget, #Greenleaf, tonight - Ooooh, Wednesday's mah' new favorite night - lol! #Drama!! (Greenleaf's on Oprah's OWNTV, 92 in BC, Canada, check your local listings : )
Omg, Baldwin is sooo funny - was like Comedy Hour on BBAD, Big Brother After Dark, last night - high-larious! Victor's was hysterical, Baldwin wants his money back - from James - $5,000, he knows he has it... haha! AND, his 25 cents... omg, hilarious!
Summer Sales (Some'r not? haha! Nooo, fantastic deals for you, all the time!)
https://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2015/05/free-class-trips-to-getty-villa-and.html Well, I don't know why this link just popped in - kismet? Maybe you're meant to see this, get yourself a free trip with your class? lol! Worth a try!
Monday, August 15th, 2016.... Ruh-Roh, James is having a tough time with Natalie, again - will it ever end? Here's mah' li'l theory....you know all the drama with Natalie and Paulie in the Big Brother House? Natalie saying that Paulie was coming on to her, while he was clearly with Zakiyah? Well, and I'm just throwin' this out there, it sure seems like Natalie was really laughing along with Paulie, and that Natalie really does like Paulie, Victor and now Paul, too.... and that Natalie sees James as a very good friend, but now it's like she's distancing herself from James, to make sure the other guys in the house don't think she's 'taken' - happens all the time, is pretty standard stuff, just unfortunate for James, and it's like the same thing is playing itself out from James' last season, with what's-her-face...
So, I hope James sees that Natalie is mostly a friend, and even then, she's really, really distancing herself from James, right now... not a good sign, and might see her with a quick eviction, if it causes a lot of upheaval in the BBHouse...
But all the costumes are high-larious, on BBAD, Big Brother After Dark - omg, Paul's costume is sooo funny, and so is Paul -

Okay, 'til Wednesday, Biiiig Brother!! And don't forget an extra episode of Big Brother on Friday, this week - yay! We'll take all the Big Brother you've got - lol! See you then! Ailsa : )
Sunday, August 14th,2016.

Corey, Nicole and Paul are wearing high-larious costumes on BBAD, Big Brother After Dark, so will be a lot of fun to see the comps, tonight - lol! On Biig Brother!
Paul's Secret Service, Security costume is the best - so funny! And Paul is hilarious, anyway, so he does a great job with his new role - haha!
So now that Zakiyah has been evicted from the Big Brother House, Paulie is goin' on and on about how he was 'always' thinking about his girlfriend he left, right before they went into the Big Brother House? I thought they had broken up, before he went in? Covering his bases, jus' in case.... a li'l funny, but that's gonna hurt Zakiyah's feelings... It IS a li'l funy that #BBPaulie went from being the Golden Boy to everyone kinda distancing themselves from him, but, you never know the twists and turns on Big Brother, so, maybe Paulie can win them back over with that smile - and maybe shave those stooopid sideburns and grow his hair back, and stop saying horrible things about women - there's a good start, right? lol!
And Zingbot makes a special appearance, tonight, on #BigBrother, so we'll get to hear all the Zings - is'a gonna be good! haha! Lots o' good material, there - lol!
Otay, 'til tonight!! Can't wait for another episode of.... Biiiig Bruthah'!!
Hope you're having THE best week! Ailsa : )
Wednesday, August 10th, 2016.
Dude, I think the Bromance is Over...
Maybe they fell in love too fast... now #PP is a'comin' to an end.. or is it? Who's to say, in Biiiig Brother! Can't WAIT 'til tomorrow, Double Eviction ... right now, though, looks lik Paul might be backdoored, in the Second Eviction... or maybe Bridgette? Or Paulie? Or Natalie?? Hahaha! Oh,Big Brother, keepin' us guessing! lol!
And, yay!!! My mouse is working for my computer, again - yahoo!! Feels like total luxury, man, to just go ahead, move the cursor anywhere I want it - wow - Hello, Freedom! haha! : >
Tuesday, August 9th, 2016.
Wow, we're more than halfway through the summer, and, what, Day 54, Day 55, on Big Brother?
So, bizarrely enough, here's what happened to me - my mouse stopped working - you'd think,no problemo, will run out and get a new mouse, right? But, here's the first problem - I didn't feel like running out, I need at least two reasons to bother leaving the house, in the summer - hahahaha1 I'd be perfect for when they're locked in the Big Brother House, except I would need mah' 'puter and lots of books - oh, and a TV! haha! But I DO love to play Chess - why can't the BBHouseguests have Scrabble? That would be fun, and keep their li'l minds occupied... that must be soo hard, not to have anything to read or watch ~ #PioneerDays - haha!
So, in the time I haven't been able to work normally on my computer, Da'Vonne and Frank have been evicted from the Big Brother House, but only Da'Vonne is in the Jury House - man, I soo want to go get the pics for you, but is too hard with this stooopido mouse/cursor issue.... I DID figure out how to control my cursor with the numeric pad at the side of my keyboard, but, wow, here come the 'Pioneer Days', again - lol! Archaic, much? Thank God for the 'puter mouse - ha! Man, I've gotta solve that problem....
I'm super happy that Da'Vonne made it to the Jury House, though, since that's a lot more money for her, and it drives me cer-razy when anyone in the Big Brother house says money isn't important - the, get out of this game - makes me so mad, and it's like whatever oaf IS saying that, is saying it to someone who's life depends on them making some more money - like it is for most people...
But have you noticed how many 'rich kids' are on the show, this season? So many. Too many. and they don't know anything about Big Brother, soooo, why are they there? I really love Paul, he's hilarious, but, wow, did you hear Nicole telling Corey about what Paul had told her (see the telephone game, right there? haha!) about how he had had a teacher fired, I'm guessing from when Paul was in high school, so, most likely, that would've been a private school - but how awful Paul was to his teachers - you know me no like to ehar that - just be respectful, not awful... teaching is a tough job, and I don't like to hear people spout off like that, like it's funy to be so horrible... nope, not funny. So, I didn't like that part of Paul... so, we'll see if he starts rubbing other people the wrong way - it's like watching an episode of Nick Kroll's Rich D*cks - too funny!
So my favorite is still James - Always James - a li'l like Always Bernie, Always Sanders, for me - lol! Now why did the font change? Aaarrrgghhh! This 'puter!
Anyhooo, so, James, love him, love the relationship between James and Corey... not thrilled with the relationship with PP - Paulie and Paul - and Victor, along for the ride, but I don't think Victor knows that... I like Victor, he's really trying, loves to cook for everyone - that's cute, right? Zakiyah would be much better off to just, at the very least, pretend to like Victor, or just be nice to him, showing irritation with someone else in the Big Brother house is a quick exit out the door - hello, eviction - lol!
And I see that Paulie has really distanced himself from Zakiyah - tha'ts gotta be painful to deal with, in this tiny space they call the BBHouse... even if they're both in Jury, it looks like Paulie has permanently distanced himself from Zakiyah - and, well, errr... I wonder if they'll show Paulie in his undies, on the regular Big Brother episodes? Hope so - Paulie's like a work of art, everyone should see it - bah'hahahahaha! (Sorry? haha!)
Corey and Nicole are still going strong, and that may or may not pan out after they're all back in their real lives... James and Natalie are a good team, provided Natalie doesn't try to play too much game, in James' estimation - he's prolly keeping her much safer than if Natalie had come in playing a strong game - but, Natalie is another one with seemingly very little information about the whole Big Brother game - that's so shocking to me, given how many real Big Brother fans there are, out here, right? Can't WE be on Biiiig Bruthah'?? haha! That would be soo much fun!
Who did I leave out? Michelle - so what, who cahes'.... too boring for TV - don't sleep all day, there's a good start... (not in real life - that's a fun day, right there - lol!), but I sure get the feeling she doesn't get to be her normal self, rather, maybe Big Brother made her over, gave her a character, and it doesn't fit with who she really is - and, if Michelle really IS a Nutritionist, that's a whole lot of ice cream and chips - haha! Makes me laugh, a little...
And you'd think the nurses would've all united and formed an alliance, right? But, nope - they can't stand each other - Nicole and Michelle can't stand Bridgette, who seems to be in hiding, these days - haven't seen her on BBAD for ages...
So, Double Eviction, this Thursday, I think, and it's difficult to say if anyone's really gonna Flip the House - I would like to see that - as long as my fave James is safe - lol!
Okay, wish me luck with my Mouse problem - if you know how to fix a roller ball mouse (sounds like an offshoot Disney Film, Roller Derby Mouse - Minnie's Cousin Mixes It Up... lol!), let me know! Or how to get my computer to accept a brand new mouse #StepChildProblems - lol!
And I wish YOU all sorts of amazing luck and love - and wealth, and health, and anything else you might want!! 'Til the next time! Ailsa! : )
Thursday, July 21st, 2016.

Tiffany lost me, on Big Brother After Dark, BBAD, when Tiffany was mocking Nicole, doing that phenomenally moronic mimicking thing... sarsly? Dat not cool... and that super mean speech about Frank being a dictator and Bridgette being his little Cabbage Patch Kid - the only good thing was that Frank is kind enough to turn that mean-spirited attack into a cute new name for Bridgette, calling her 'his little cabbage patch kid', so it won't leave any lasting scars - words hurt, and if Tiffany really is a teacher, she should know that, and be very sensitive to it, right? Yeah, me no like'ee da meannies.. good game playing is one thing, being mean and hurtful is something else...
That WAS great to see Vanessa and Cody on Big Brother - would be so exciting for them to show up on one of the Big Brother Challenges! Especially if Tiffany happens to win the BattleBack, and come right back into the Big Brother House - BRB, Biiitches! haha!
Big Brother 18
Sunday, July 10th, 2016.

I don't know if anyone is all that worried about Tiffany, except for maybe Paulie - can't really figure out if that's a real relationship, or not... but Tiffany's not playing a good social game, and not winning any comps, either, sooo... we'll see - on Wednesday - yippee! Looove Big Brother - Love Summer Programming!
Hope you're having THE best day! Ailsa : )
Big Brother 18
Thursday, July 7th, 2016.
Victor Evicted from the Big Brother House, Bridgette Wins the HOH - Who even knows who Bridgette will Nominate, though, right? I can't get a good read on Bridgette...

BBAD: Any chance Bridgette is the Victoria of this season? Hmmm.. Frank really likes Bridgette, and he says Bridgette said Frank or Paulie can sleep with her up in the HOH room - ooooh! Watch out, Bridgette's boyfriend, back home - lol!
Well, this is inneresting - hardly any camera time on Bridgette, so far this season, and tonight Bridgette wins the HOH, and we finally get to see a little bit more about her - maybe that's why I feel like Bridgette is a little like Victoria, because she doesn't talk very much game - or almost anything else... unlike Frank, who talks non-stop (I like that in a BBHouseguest - lol! Talk so we can get to know you! lol! ; )

One, never tell another #BBHouseguest that you have even considered self-eviction - that's crazy, that just tells the other person your heads not in the game, enough... that can put you right on the chopping block, right?
Man, I don't even feel like putting up a picture of Bridgette, who won the HOH - why don't I like Bridgette? Why does she rub me the wrong way, me wonders?
And didn't they say Bridgette was a Travelling DOCTOR, at first, and then switched it to a Travelling Nurse? I dunno - Bridgette just seems so fake to me - and, well, I can't be bothered with fake people - I'm cool with playing the game, o' course, but there's a difference between someone actively playing the game, and then just having that fakey smile... hmmm...
Haha! Here's where Bridgette lost me - when she went on and on and on and on (see how annoying that is? haha!) about putting the marks in the peanut butter cookies - ugh! Enough already - haha! Maybe me is easily irritated about how to make cookies? Just make the damn cookies, you don't have to make them like it's 1954. Maybe that's what bothers me, this whole throwback to Gidget - saying she can't wait to get back to surfing, when she's juuust learning to surf, and the story about the icky sounding boyfriend... I dunno...
Some people you like, some people, not so much! lol! I would put Bridgette on the 'not so much' side - lol! ; )

Tiffany and Frank are soo mad at each other - not even fremenies, straight up "I want you out the BB house', stuff - lol! We'll see what happens between now and Sunday!
Hope you're having THE best life! Your Li'l Big Brother Friend, Ailsa! : )
Big Brother 18
Sunday, July 3rd (!), 2016. (Almost July 4th!)

Oh, man, I totally forgot to write, tonight - was a'watching Big Brother After Dark - lol!
Here's mah' Tweets, and then I'll write in the morning - what me thinkin'? lol!
Please to enjoy! : )
- #BBAD Oooh, a lot o' da information comes out at night! lol! #Corey & #Frank #Final2 ~ http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2014/11/you-can-heal-your-life-by-louise-l-hay.html …
- #BBAD #Zakiyah thinks #Paulie goes to the guys, #Tiffany to the girls, meet in the middle~ http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2014/11/you-can-heal-your-life-by-louise-l-hay.html …
- #BBAD A li'l funny - do ALL the girls have a li'l crush on #Paulie?? haha! #BB18 http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2016/06/bb18-jozea-did-you-see-they-were-coming.html …
- #BBAD #Frank, #DaVonne's on to you... you can't be perceived as the Leader, or you' out! http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2016/06/bb18-jozea-did-you-see-they-were-coming.html …
- #BBhouseguests tryin' to do a li'l math in the #BBRoadkill haha! #Victor uses his Degree ; ) http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2016/06/bb18-jozea-did-you-see-they-were-coming.html …
- Haha! Would totally make me laugh if they were all #NicotineToothpicks - hahaha! #Silly ; ) http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2015/04/can-e-cigarettes-vapor-help-you-quit.html …
- This made me laugh - Have you seen the #veggies in the #BB18 storage room on #BBAD? #Yum! http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2016/06/bb18-jozea-did-you-see-they-were-coming.html …
- #BB18 Aww, #Victor really, really thinks there's an active #GirlsAlliance, puts up #Tiffany http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2016/06/bb18-jozea-did-you-see-they-were-coming.html …
- #Victor, he's not just pretty, he's good at math,too #lol! #BBRoadkill http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2016/06/bb18-jozea-did-you-see-they-were-coming.html …
- #ChristmasCorey That's soo cute he's dreaming of #Christmas on #BB18! http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2015/11/wait-try-this-to-fix-your-christmas.html …
- #ChristmasCorey So cute! #BB18 Christmas Ornaments - Soo many beautiful Ornaments for your Christmas Tree! http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2012/11/christmas-ornaments-soo-many-beautiful.html …
- #BB18 #Corey: Justin Beiber's voice is like listening to an angel @justinbieber #TheSweetest http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2016/06/bb18-jozea-did-you-see-they-were-coming.html …
- #Victor tries 2 figure out what's happening, even though he's not on the Block #Paul #Bronte http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2016/06/bb18-jozea-did-you-see-they-were-coming.html …
- #BB18 Oh no, if you align yourself with the wrong side of the house, your up for nomination http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2016/06/bb18-jozea-did-you-see-they-were-coming.html …
- Haha! #LadiesManJames Too funny! I love #James! #BB18 He's so funny #PersonalityPlus - lol! http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2016/06/bb18-jozea-did-you-see-they-were-coming.html …
Big Brother, Season 18
Thursday, June 30th, 2016
Who me? Yes, you!
Jozea voted out of the Big Brother House, tonight - gone, but definitely not forgotten, and might be coming back! #BattleBack - Ooooh!!

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Berry Balanced HOH Challenge - love those berries - THE biggest Berry Pie - lol!
Like from the Li-Berry, where you get your books (Li'l library joke for ye', there - haha!)
Liberry Pie - haha! Why does that make me laugh so hard? Oh, no... I'm up too late, again! lol!
So shocked Natalie was out so quickly - you'd think the tiny, uber-fit girls would be made for this sort of balance beam comp, right?
And Natalie made me laugh, on BBAD, Big Brother After Dark, when Natalie tells Frank she would just hand over the HOH, if she won - what da hellz?? Why would anyone playing the Big Brother Game, actually hand over an HOH win? Stooopido... no bueno ~
Impossible to tell is Natalie, who says she couldn't possibly wrap her head around playing chess, but she DID play checkers, when she was a kid - so, is she pretending to be like that, and is secretly super-smart? You never know, on Biiig Brutha'! lol! Natalie could be a sleeper, making herself seem like she's not a threat...
Bronte's in the same boat - but that squeaky voice - man, that has to stop... but I did like that new side of Bronte, tonight, when the 3 boys sent her back to her room - holy crap, what are they thinking?? Chasimo in the Big Brother house, make the women seem like they're not nearly good enough? Uh, no. Talk about incentive to make that Girls Alliance work out - lol!
The have the #Fatal5, Nicole, Zakiyah, Da'Vonne, Michelle and Tiffany - that might hold - and who knows, after that li'l outburst by Victor to Bronte, the Bronte and Natalie might be partially admitted into the #Fatal5 - but not Bridgette - she sealed her fate, for now, anyway, openly dissing Nicole - that won't go over well - will be fun to see what all happens on BBAD, tonight - lol! DRAMA!! lol!
Oooh, very good chance Jozea and Paul will be together again - wither on Big Brother, if Jozea can win all the #BattleBack comps - wow, what a Twist, Big Brother1 Love it!!
I love a Twisty Turny Big Brother Season! : )
I don't know about Tiffany, Vanessa's sister - if you took the whole bit of information that Tiffany is Vanessa's sister, you wouldn't be left with very much to go on - Tiffany needs to let her face be seen on camera - why is it, so many seasons, you get a BBhouseguest who insists on hiding themselves away? Blankets, hats, sunglasses at night - come on... we want to see your li'l faces, right? Didn't they mention when you signed the contract, you'll prolly be on camera, all summer, 24/7? lol!
anyway, I like seeing Tiffany (I called her Natasha for the first full week - I thought that was her name - whatevs, you gots to speak, if you want the camera time...that's just a BB thang - haha! : )

And speaking frankly, I loove Frank - what an actor! Frank won the #BBRV Roadkill Challenge, kept a straight face through all the conversations - Frank is so funny - and seems very smart, so, I really like Frank.
Big Brother, Season 18
Wednesday, June 29th, 2016

Frank should get a nomination for an Emmy for all his great acting - lol! : )
Oh, no - James and Da'Vonne - their faces when Josea was talking to them - and James when he crashed their 'meeting' - haha! So funny!
Dizzy Dog Challenge - haha! So funny!
Big Brother, Season 18
Sunday, June 26th, 2016
Expect the Unexpected - The BB18 Roadkill RV - hilarious!
I'm lovin' the brand new Twist on Big Brother 18 - the Roadkill Challenge - so cool - a secret winner getting to choose their own BBHouseguest to put up on the Block - wow - that's a game changer, right there - will be soo much harder for any HOH putting up their nominations - will be so much harder to get the person they want out, the most, to actually go, soo, really threatens the HOH's game, that's fo' sho'...
![]() |
I like Frank - a pretty chill guy - and super-smart : ) |
James is still my favorite - James is soo funny, so smart, and super-kind, so, I hope James wins, this time around : )
Wait, Vanessa's sister is Tiffany?? Haha! I totally thought it was Natasha - now, why did I name her Natasha?? haha! Dat funny! #mademelaugh! : )
First Job: Get Everyone In Their Bathing Suits, Second Job: Vote Them Out ; )
Big Brother, Season 18
Thursday, June 23rd, 2016
Aaawww, Glenn's out, already - but not voted out, out in the #HitTheRoad Competition - has that ever happened on big Brother, before? I don't remember that - haven't Big Brother Houseguests always been voted out?
I do loove the Departure signs - haha! All very clever, Big Brother! lol!
I'm glad Vanessa's sister, Natasha (hope I've got her name right!)... pretty girl, and a high school teacher, so, you know, me gots'ta have her back - lol! High School Teachers, Unite! haha!
Were you shocked, and I mean, shocked, when Nicole says to Corey,
I had to Tweet it - that made me laugh - and then, poor Corey, maybe he's starstruck with Nicole? Or just straight-up attracted to Nicole, and that's why he just handed over the HOH? But why did Natasha hand over the HOH? I hate that line, Oh, I don't want to get blood on my hands" - yick! Is that the only descriptive of that - hahahaha! Yick!
I get that Natasha might not want to nominate anyone, but, still... who would pass up on all those fancy treats in the HOH room? I'd win the HOH just for the fancy Treat Box! lol!
So Nicole Nominates Paulie and Jozea (who thinks - and, worse yet - says - he's at the top of the heap, the Newbies Messiah - yikes! What was he thinking, and saying that to Da'Vonne? Oh, man...)
I felt for Paulie, Cody's brother - what a position Nicole put him in, would he be cool with being Nominated? No, no one is ever cool with being Nominated - that person could go home, and that would be terrible for Paulie...
Now we can't wait for Sunday, see who gets to stay in the Big Brother House, and who gots to go to the Departure Lounge - lol! : )
Did you happen to see the 3 little Lucky Cats in the Big Brother House? Love them!!
Rub the Lucky Cats for good Luck! : )
And then tonight is the first night for Big Brother After Dark, #BBAD #BBAD18 - so, do you stay up for it, live-Tweet it, or DVR it, watch it tomorrow? Hmmm... will haz to thinks about that! lol!
See you Sunday - or, poke around and see what all I have on mah' li'l Blog! lol!
See you soon, Ailsa! : )
Big Brother, Season 18
Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016
Already, the Game Is On, Baby! Twists and Turns, funny with the StowAways - so happy to see James, again, James was one of my all-time favorites - and so happy to see Vanessa's sister, Natasha? Haven't really memorized their names, yet - definitely, the StowAways got a LOT of camera time, tonight - will be better when we get to know all the new people...
And that IS pretty annoying for the 'newbies', coming up against players who are well-seasoned, but it really is soo huge, whether the 'oldies' were any good on Big Brother, in their own season. Some are more annoying than others, an' me pretty sure you know who I mean - lol!
Oh, and I found a company that'll help you with your Student Loans - a huuge concern for a lot of students - and graduates - Worth seeing if it might work for you, save you a lot of money, and you KNOW I want you to save lots of money! lol! : )
Faith - she is incredible - what a woman! Strong, smart, on it!
I think this is Faith's brother, a li'l bit (okay a whole lot!) of a philandererer, if you will...
This is Faith's former flame - and seems like there's still a spark, but he's engaged to be married, and Faith's mother has offered to have the wedding at their own house - where Faith lives...soooo... Mama Drama, fo' sho'!!
Oprah is the Faith's wonderful Aunt, removed from the Church, runs her own bar in town, knows the truth of what's going on.... yaaaah... I don't want to say too much, I want you to discover Greenleaf on your own - omg, Greenleaf is soooo good! God Is Good ....All The Time (I just' learned that - love!)
Oh, this is how you're gonna feel when you watch Greenleaf - ooh, I wish I could tell you all, but I don't want to do any spoilers, so you can say all your very own 'Ooooohs' and 'Whaat??' - haha1 And you will, baby! You' a'gonna looove it!
And this is Faith hugging her father, the Pastor of this Mega-Church - ooooh, baby, his sermons - wow!
I love everything about Greenleaf - THE perfect show! : )
Thank you, Oprah!! We love it!
Talk about giving a gift to everyone! lol! : )
Wow, is ah'mazing!
So, will be fun to see what happens, tomorrow - oh, and if you haven't started watching Oprah's new show, Greenleaf, you gots'ta check that out - is sooo good! Ooooh, DRAMA!! Just remembered, because Greenleaf had their premiere, last night, and then double episodes, tonight, and when I was going through my DVR, making sure I have Greenleaf taped, all the time, and OWN TV is replaying Greenleaf, in a 3 episode block, over and over, so, have a look through your DVR, I think Sunday, and a bunch of other days, so you can easily catch up - is sooooo good! Ooooh!! Summah' drama! ; )
I like Glenn, not sure why his team wouldn't listen to him in the sandcastle competition...
It's not like THIS is what they had to build - bah'hahahaha! Were they in too big a panic to build the sandcastle faster than anyone else, that they didn't take a minute to just look at the pieces?
Does remind me of all the great sandcastles we've built, over the years - so much fun!
And just in case you can't wait to go to the beach, or you want the beach to come to you - lol!
Pretty, right? And lucky? I think so! ; )
Julie Chen just looks more and more gorgeous, with each passing year - that's amazing!
And Julie Chen looks soo pretty in red, fo' sho'! : )

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