Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Heyyoo! It's me, it's Ailsa! That's me in the corner... (are you singing, yet? haha!)
I'm just checking out Bloglovin', today, with my new little pal, Victoria - I love her name, and I'm living in the City of Victoria, which I looove! It's all so pretty - the name, and the place! lol!
And one day I'll head down to Victoria, in Australia, too, I'm sure of it! lol!
Day 1: I'll let you know what all happens, and how it works, as I go through it... this is, literally, glitterally (haha!), my first day to try Bloglovin'...
But I always say, Stay Open, you never know where your next amazing opportunity is going to come from, and anything you can do as a Blogger, to get your work out there, increase your traffic, that's a Great Thing, right? Absolutely, baby!
Good Luck with Your Blog!!
Well, the first thing that's happening is I'm having a very difficult time getting Bloglovin' to accept that I have a blog, since it keeps giving me the
We couldn't find the link on your blog. Are you sure you published a new post with the link? How to claim your blog
Message, when I try to 'Claim My Blog'
And I feel like that is connected to the new change, very annoying and unnecessary change, to switch our entire blogs from http:// over to https://.... screwed up everything, for me, what a massive amount of work, and any old page, which is any page I had written before the date they switched over to https://, so, not all that long ago, and definitely most of my blog.... anyway, when people search it, the page comes up that this page doesn't exist, and it provided a HOME page, but, that's very annoying, people want to get in and get the info they came in for, very quickly, not have to search around for it.... so, I have no idea who that benefited, the switch from http to https.... annoying!
Okay, I don't have time to figure Bloglovin' out, right now - bleah! But, we'll see if this is easier to correct, later...
Keep trying! : )
Day 2: Okay, I'm up and runing on Bloglovin' - I emailed Victoria, a lovely and very smart girl at Bloglovin' (Thanks, Victoria!), and she put the 'Claim My Blog' thing through for me, since I couldn't figure out how to get it to go through on my own - never be afraid to reach out and ask for some help - you don't need to frustrate yourself, people want you to succeed, and often, your success is their success, so, ask away! lol!
So here's what I've noticed, so far - just a handful of my articles have been moved over, but it's automatic - that's right, they do the work for you, so, you know I'm lovin' that!
Maybe that's where the BlogLOVIN' part, comes from - bah'hahaha!
Now I'm trying to figure out, what happens with all my other articles - I think I'm pretty close to 500 pieces that I've written - that's a whole lot o' articles, and I would love my whole blog to be over there...
And I see that when you click on the box (of whatever article is appealing!) in Bloglovin', it goes directly back to my main blog, https://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/, so that's interesting, right?
And then there's a Bloglovin' scroll bar at the top of the page, so, that's very cool - I really like that!
Day 3: Yahoo! Today I'm figuring out how to monetize my new Bloglovin' account - really, pop in and give it a try - Bloglovin' is free, and, not to make you all jealous, or a'nuffin', but i think I just made $0.95 - lol! Hey, that adds up!
So, I'm just trying to add things into it, now - it seems that I needed to have my own FaceBook Page - different from my normal fb, right? Is a lot more work than I thought it would be, to set that up, so, will come back to that, later...
And now I have to figure out if I can set up an Instagram Account without an Android or iPhone, since I really, really love my little keypad on my phone - lol! I'm not ready to give that up - unless it means making a lot more money, then I'll happily give up mah' fave keypad phone - well, not happily ~ reluctantly seems more accurate... lol! Is just so eeeeaaasy to type on the little keypad - I loves it! lol!
Okay, first, a little break, maybe some tea! Tea for Me! Yay!! : )
If you were here, it'd be Tea for Two! lol! : )
Day 4: Okay, well, I'm super frustrated, again, with Bloglovin' - this is the place to be truthful, right?
BUT, and this is tricky, it seems to have altered how I save things, and that's scary for me - I don't want to do a lot of writing, then lose the whole thing, or am unable to save it, the old way... I tried removing the widget from the Layout page, but, it looks like the change has been made, and I'm not sure how to correct it, now - so, yikes! It does appear to save my work, I just need it not to go back to the Layout page, every time I hit Update, you know?
Okay, I'm gonna keep working on it, see what I can do... : )
Here's what I love about Bloglovin' - you can immediately start making money, so, that doesn't exist on any other blog platform, so that is fantastic....
Now the part where I'm frustrated - really old articles that are on this blog, my main blog, have been transferred over to my Bloglovin' page, and only a handful of my pages are over there, very few that I would've chosen to go, first...
And I just added a Widget for a Follow Me button, but it doesn't show up properly on this page,and seems to have relaly screwed up my ability to save any pages, or save anything I'm updating or editing, on this blog, so, that's a big problemo - might have to remove that widget from the main settings...
I'm just playing around with Bloglovin', trying to understand it - would be better if it were easier to understand - if there was a quick and easy way for me to add my own pages, or to edit my pages that do show up on my new Bloglovin' page, right?
But maybe there is, and i just haven't figured that out, just yet! lol!
Definitely try Bloglovin', though - and if you're already on that platform, and have any ideas or tips for me, let me know! lol!
Tidbit: Okay, so, when you're working on your Blogspot or other blog, and you add the Follow widget from Bloglovin', it'll show up on your working page like this "Follow", but when your blog is live, it'll look right, the way you thought it would look, when you coopied and pasted the html code...
BUT, and this is tricky, it seems to have altered how I save things, and that's scary for me - I don't want to do a lot of writing, then lose the whole thing, or am unable to save it, the old way... I tried removing the widget from the Layout page, but, it looks like the change has been made, and I'm not sure how to correct it, now - so, yikes! It does appear to save my work, I just need it not to go back to the Layout page, every time I hit Update, you know?
Okay, I'm gonna keep working on it, see what I can do... : )
Day 5: So, today I wrote a New Post for my new Bloglovin' Blog, and it let me post it directly to Twitter and Facebook, but, then, it doesn't appear on my own page - sorta weird, and I don't know what to do about that - I thought (and this should be pretty straightforward, right?) that any New Post would go straight to the top of the main page of my Bloglovin' blog... man, that's a lot o' repetition... blog, bloggity, blog, blog, blog... haha!
Anyway, so, that's a little odd, and I sent a little note to the support page, hopefully will hear back, soon...
And I don't see a way to edit the little boxes that show up from this blog, my main blog, https://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/ - weird pictures are coming up, not the pics I would've chosen, and a lot of the 'blocks' don't have any pictures at all - so weird...
So I'm on a learning curve with Bloglovin', right now - oh, and I'm waiting to see how long it takes for all of my pages on here, on this blog, to move over automatically, to Bloglovin' - very good for driving traffic, and I really like that I could so easily monetize my new Bloglovin' page - that's really the best part, so far!
I am a little concerned that I will get to keep making money on the Bloglovin' page... hopefully! I cannot get my stooopid Instagram account to work - so frustrating... I think Instagram has been down, a lot, over the past few days, for some unknown reason... but let me know if you've had a problem setting up an Instagram account, too - I can't even tell if my Instagram account is already set up, and it just won't open... have no idea! lol!
So, more to discover and learn - slowly, then hopefully, quickly - haha!
Day 6: Well, darn it - I just went into my Bloglovin' account, and no way for me to make money on it, today, and my article I wrote, yesterday, doesn't show up on my 'main page', so, that's super weird, and I don't know what to do about that, and zero purpose in adding anything else to it, until I can see that is corrected, right? A little annoying.... was okay-ish, when I was able to make a little bit of money off it, every day, but what if that was just for the first few days, and may or may not continue? Boooo! But, me will remain hopeful, (although, a little less so, since we're being all open and frank, in here - not Shirley? Shirley'll know all about this - bah'hahaha! And old Frank and Shirley joke ... surely that joke is still a thing, right? Be Earnest with me.. haha!)
So, that was frustrating and disappointing.. hopefully, will get better from here... : )
Day 7? Now I've lost count - haha! That's okay, you get caught up in things, right? We all do! Is Life! : )
Here's a very interesting thing that has happened, all on account'a me finding Bloglovin', which I am still very much a'Blog Lovin' - lol! There's a lot of money on the table, with Bloglovin', so is well worth working away at it, until I figure it all out, and you figure it all out (my guess is that you'll be waaay faster than me at figuring it all out, since a lot of this stuff feels over my head, and that's frustrating for me... but, I'm hoping to understand it all, and keep my mind open to all the new information -
My Goal: Be Richie Rich - Buy More Land, Build More Houses - haha!
Or, also, buy a condo, either already gorgeous,with a great view, or buy something for a great pirce, fix it all up, live in it for a couple of years, sell it, make a serious profit - anything where the outcome is me living somewhere gorgeous, and then at the end of the day (or the middle of the day - lol!), making a ton o' da money! lol! That's all!
Just a Girl With A Dream! hahaha!
Dream Big, Baby!!
Over the past 2 days, Victoria and Jarno, from Bloglovin', have been helping me sort through things on Bloglovin' - it's very interesting how the whole thing works, Bloglovin' pops in and takes your articles that already exist in your blog, gives them their own little blocks on your new Bloglovin' page... so, it continually drives traffic back to your own blog, and then you can make money on Bloglovin', by Applying for the Campaigns... and it'll say how much the company is going to pay you to post their info to your different Social Media platforms, so, make sure to get all of your Twitter 'n stuff, all set up and flowing nicely, get as many Followers as you can, then you'll make even more money...
Follow the Money, baby! lol!
Aaand, I happened upon all my pictures from my house build, and I couldn't find those, for a long time, so there's that... yay!! What a relief... and I found BlueStacks, a very interesting program, I guess you might call it that - I'll call it that - but you can get Instagram and other Social Media APPS through BlueStacks, without having to have an iPhone (I thought I might have to break down and get an iPhone, even though I loooove my little keypad phone...)
So, I'm playing around with that, right now, see what works best for me, and what might work easily for you, too!
You know I want us all to be Rich, so we can live any way we wanna live ~
Money Is Freedom, fo' sho'! lol!
You're little Blogger Friend, Ailsa! : ) xoxo!