DIY Bird Houses
Perfect for #Easter, Parents and Teachers,
The Kids Will Love Painting These #BirdHouses
#Art #Teaching #Parenting
The Kids Will Love Painting These #BirdHouses
#Art #Teaching #Parenting
It's For The Birds! haha!
Look what I just found in a Google Search for Bird Houses, for a little joke I was Tweeting (ironically enough - haha! Tweet, Tweet!)
Anyway, look how easy this would be to make - and I'm sure I saw little wooden Bird Houses at the Dollar Store - this would be a great Art Project for yourself, for the kids, for a whole group of kids (let's say they're in a classroom - haha!)
And you know the little stencils you can get? That could be good...
And the wallpaper that used to go around the top, bottom or middle of a room - remember that? I'm sure you can still get that, but you could measure it out, glue it on the bird houses - would be soo cute!
And did you notice the tiny bird house, outside this little bird house? How crazy-cute is THAT?? Soo cute!
And the milk jugs? Omg, it's adorable!
Great for Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day - or just a fun project to do, just to make you happy, right? Is s pretty!
Let me go get the rest of the pictures, to give you more examples, and I didn't paint this, myself, but if you did, please let me know! lol! AND, Good Job!! Haha!
I just threw this one in, because - hello, look how cool this is!
More of a Bird Castle - haha!
I would like the West Wing - perfect for the birds! hahaha!
This is a great exercise to teach kids how to paint flowers, how to use cotton Q-Tips, dipped in paint, to dab on the flowers... lots of great painting techniques you can teach, with this : )
Layering - where you show the kids how to put the first layer of paint down, the base layer, then gradually add more on...the windows, the base, the door, the green part of the bushes, then dab on the flowers in different colors - omg, they're gonna have so much fun!
Flowers around the 'Front Entrace, as it were - lol! Soo pretty!
If you're teaching this to a class, put the pics up for them to use as a base - they can either copy the pictures, or use them as a starting off point, and then they can go from there - just so cute!
This is so pretty - do a complete color wash with your favorite color, add the windows and the flowers, then the base - and did you see the little walkway to the door? Haha! I loove these little bird houses! Very creative!
The front windows on either side of the door - lol! I love it! So sweet! Stylish! : )
Ooh, and a little paint on the roof, too - interesting!
You could go with a red roof, or a green roof... or a blue roof - so many options!
Maaah!! Shutters on the Bird House - I love it! So cute!
You know, I'm just thinking, here - what if you were really trying to keep costs down, could you use old milk or juice cartons? Cut them 8 - 10 inches from the bottom (cleaned out, of course - lol!), use the top of the carton for the roof, the juice carton already has a little round spout, right? That might totally work - try it! See how it looks!
I think it's a great exercise to get the kids to think outside the box, too, so-to-speak, so they will start to look at everything they have, for an alternative use, that way, we'll raise another generation of people who can renew, reuse, and recycle, right? lol!