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#BB20, baby! Hello, Big Brother, we've been waiting for you!
Oh, My Goodness, that was the biggest blindside in Big Brother History, with #BB20Brett voted out the house, last night - yikes! I felt for him, he truly didn't see that coming - but, that in itself is a li'l crazy, since, well, it's Big Brother, and that's, literally, the whole game - haha! And Haleigh, too, off to the Jury House...
But I feel like it's Julie Chen who stole the show, last night - man, some rumors that Big Brother might not continue, that Big Brother might be cancelled, and, I hope that's not true - Big Brother is all around the world, it has to withstand the Les Moonves shake-up....and the Julie Chen-Moonves was a very significant nod to her husband - so, fingees crossed, we'll see how the whole thing shakes out, so-to-speak...
Aww, I'm sorry to see #BBFessy, #BBFaysal, go - he's so handsome - I think (I hope! lol!) that we'll see Faysal on screen, again, me pretty sure o it - he's just fun to look at, seems like such a good guy... don't relaly see a future for Fessy and #BBHaleigh - seems incredibly inlikely, outside of the Big Brother house - maybe Haleigh and #BBBrett, though - is possible, but, also unlikely... think they will all go their own way (now we gotta sing 'Go Your Own Way, all day - haha! Sorrry! lol!)
I'm still rooting for #BBTyler, and I'm thrilled #BBScottie's back in the game, baby! Yahoo!
It's been a good summer, on Biiig Brother! lol! Yay! : ) xoxo!
#BBKaitlyn - Wow - you'd think she wouldda seen that coming (Buh'Dum-Bum! lol!)
I dunno - I can't stand it when they try to make someone else swear on someone they love - how outrageous is that? So, nope - nope-a-dope... See ya', Kaitlyn... and, so surprised Winston didn't last very long - does make me laugh a little, that the 'prettiest' people in the Big Brother House aren't gettin' too much play, this season - haha! Poor old #BBRachel, doin' her very best to catch the attention of the camera... except for saying something interesting, that might do the trick - same thing for #BBAngela...
Wow, so now BBSteve and BBSwaggyC are both gone from the Big Brother House - a couple of Big Personalities... is it just me, or are there a lot of very pretty people with not a whole lot goin' on, personality-wise...Hmm... maybe it's editing, maybe it's Maybelline...
I still like BBTylaer, he's my favorite, and not just because I love Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and that's close to Hilton Head, SC, but, I just like the guy, seems practical, and knows the game... Kaitlyn - yikes-a-rooni, when she saw Fessy cozying up to Haleigh - no bueno, Fessy! lol!
And, why did they breeze right past BBKaitlyn saying I Love You to BBFessy? Hmm.... she clearly is enamored with him... oh, man, this might be the Summer of Love Triangles... lol!
Okay, mah' li'l #BB20 Friends, let's see if this summer Big Brother heats up a whole lot more - is a little sloooow off the start... something good has gotten happen, and fast - lol1
Talks soon! Ailsa : ) xoxo!
Yay! What a great start to BB20!! You never know how you're gonna feel about the new cast 'til you meet them, and I am thrilled, thrilled, that they're all new, no oldies dragged back on for audience 'recognition' - nooo, no tankee - we' way smartier than that - we loves da new peoples, people we can learn all about, is fun to get to know them, and to watch them all get to know each other - love all the attracted sparks, right off the bat - lol!
This might be a Showmance Summer, Baby!
Hey, have you noticed that #BBAD Big Brother After Dark doesn't seem to be playing in Canada? On Slice? What da hell, as James would say - lol!
So I still haven't figured out where BBAD is playing in Canada - annoying - says it's on Slice, but, doesn't show up on my TV - we have Blue Sky, which I like, sorta - is super hard to find anything, even when you speak intot he remote, it finally recognizes what you're saying, then says, 'Oh,no, we do NOT have that...' (I might be paraphrasing - a li'l) ; )
Okay, my little BBFriends! Let's Go, Let's Go, Let's Go! Let me know if you have some favorites, already...
And I do love that Swaggy C is all about the Day Trading, since I love that, too!
AND, how great is it to have Ross Mathews for the Big Brother commentary, too?? I gotta find out where that is on, too - stooopido Blue Sky won't tell me - is clearly keeping all the good shows all to itself...
We're in for a great Big Brother Summer!!
Yahoo!! Yippee!! Ailsa : ) xoxo!!
And then Celebrity Big Brother ends, and Survivor begins!! Yay!! I love an endless cycle of great TV!! lol!

Don't forget the Celebrity Big Brother Saturday Episode - I've got mine all set up in da TV, but, jus' in case, make sure it's taping,or you're going old school, and watching it in real time - lol!
The irony is that this is the oldest cast in Big Brother history, right? lol! #mademelaugh!
I am super impressed that they are actually playing the game - is so much fun, so so surprising, to see - Thanks, Big Brother! I kinda thought, since they're all being paid to be there, Omarosa being paid $1.2 million to be there, they might just rig it so Omarosa stays 'til the very end (still might happen - what, with Omarosa leaving the Bowlarina game after spinning a bit... hmm..and not returning for, what, a night? Slipping back into the Big Brother house, and all crazy-confrontational with Shannon Elizabeth - who has kinda lost it, herself, playing a bit too hard... you have to find the right balance, must be incredibly hard, and then all the special considerations that Big Brother is clearly giving Omarosa... you throw all that into the mix, is a little unfair, but, is highly,highly, entertaining : )
And, am I the only one shocked that Brandi and Omarosa weren't fighting from the get-go, and immediately put on the block and voted out? I was suuure that was a'gonna happen - lol! So, there you go, is interesting to see their personalities unfold... ; )
Oh, wow, I just read a Tweet from Julie Chen, and she's saying you have to purposefully set your DVR, PVR, to BBCeleb, Big Brother Celebrity, so for sure it'll tape for you - it won't automatically tape under Big Brother - that seems like something the people who are in charge of programming the DVR/PVR could correct, right? But my new Blue Sky won't even show me The Oscars, yet - how crazy is that?
Okay, Feb. 7th, here we come!! Canny WAIT for #BBCeleb!! Yippee!! Yahoo! I hope they're real celebrities, but, you know me will be a'watchin', one way or another - lol! Hello, #BigBrother! : )
Uh, am I the only one shocked at how much Big Brother is paying Omarosa for being on Celebrity Big Brother? $1.2 Million, is it? What da hell, as James would say? Or just, 'da hell'?? Is beyond shocking to me, that prolly means she'll stay the whole time, so they get their money's worth? Bleah!
(FYI, I just saw a promo with Omarosa, and she seemed prety nice, soo... maybe we'll see a different side of Omarosa? I would like to see that, that would be great for her, too : ) Improve that public image, sell more books, when she writes them, right? ; )
And Brandi Glanville - I used to like her, and then, nooo... I'm having a hard time looking at all these people with so much filler in their faces, is hard to even look at them - on lots of shows, now - yick... I wanna say, Stay Human? lol! No, whatever, people can do whatever they like to themselves, if it makes them feel better, I just don't want to think that anyone feels pressured or forced to look a certain way to be on camera...
BUT, can hardly wait for Julie Chen, I am loooving The Talk - who knew? I guess everyone who's been watching The Talk, all these years! #LateToTheParty! haha!
And I will always give Big Brother a chance - I hope this is a good season, and not a lot of mowonic fighting - I like the strategy of the game, and the real personalities - will be inneresting if we get to see either o' those things, right? lol! #FingersCrossed! : )
AND, sure makes me wonder about the amount of money all the other 'regular' #BB Houseguests get, or have gotten - not very much, when you look at the budget for the people (I can't say the word 'celebrities', 'cause, well, you know... I like Ross Matthews, though, so, hopefully Ross Matthews will save the day, with his great sense of humor! Yay!!) #ThanksRossMatthews! lol! ; )
Yay!! #BBJosh Wins Big Brother 19!!
Yahoo! Josh was my favorite!! Go, Josh, Go!!!
And #BBCody Wins America's Favorite Player
Thursday, Sept. 14th, 2017.
#BBKevin Evicted from the BB House,
#Final3 #BBPaul, #BBJosh And #BBChristmas
Wow, so #BBPaul is determined to bring #BBChristmas to the Final 3 - I thought for a minute, there, that #BBKevin's little talk with Paul, up in the HOH room, might work, but, really, it was too late, so, I can only hope that the Final HOH is actually a fair game, since this whole Big Brother Season, the comps have been modified so they're soo easy, all to accommodate Christmas, or Christmas has been exempt from almost all the comps - that doesn't seem fair... I dunno...
You don't want that to bother you, it IS a TV show 'n all, but, still, there's a human level of fair play that kicks in with the smallest child, when they see their sibling, or a friend, get something they don't deserve, or get a bigger portion than you do... you know? Sooo... we'll see what happens, tomorrow night ...
Did anyone else think the Veto comp was a little skewed tonight, too? Like, it seemed like production was giving Paul as many chances as it would take, to win the Veto, since Josh go the answers right, first, in so many of the questions... Hmm... Maybe I just want to see #BBJosh do really well - lol!
I think Paul sending #BBAlex back to the #BBJury house might have been a Big Mistake... haha! But, it's shocking that they are still feeling like Paul is The Man, and deserves to win...
But, my favorite part of the night was #BBRaven saying she was the PuppetMaster of the Big Brother House, and Mark almost losing his head over that - hahahahaha! Oh, man! So funny!
So, I hope we get to see a whole lot more of the BB Jury! I wish we could switch over to the #BBJury house, for Big Brother After Dark, BBAD, when it gets down to the end, and the feeds are down, or they're all just sleeping...
Okay, until tomorrow night, my li'l Big Brother Friend!! : ) Ailsa xoxo!
Wednesday, Sept. 13th, 2017. Wow, and now we're down to the Final 4....

So, #BBAlex was evicted from the Big Brother House, tonight - holy schmokes, if only Alex had listened to #BBJosh, just for a few minutes, maybe they couldda turned the house around, but Alex refused to ever go against Paul, so, I guess that does make Paul a master manipulator...
And then #BBPaul wins the HOH - I think we all saw that coming - it's so hard to say, is the whole thing rigged? This is the first season I've really thought that... and I don't wanna believe that, but, wow, overwhelming evidence? All those save for Paul and Christmas? Hmm...
And now another Eviction, tomorrow night, then a special episode of Big Brother 19 on Friday (Yay!), then the Season Finale of #BigBrother, next Wednesday - can you believe it's almost over?
Man, I hope Josh can make it to the end, and not a floater... that's always annoying... but, Josh could've put Paul on the Block, during his HOH, and he couldn't bring himself to do it - that was the Power of Paul - that's crazy - have we ever seen that level of control mixed with fear, on Big Brother, before? Yikes!
So, now we'll see what happens - I don't think that was smart for Paul to send Alex to Jury (even with Josh's final vote), since Alex will go in and tell everyone about Paul... but, BB Jury might still think Paul has played the best game - I just wish Josh had made a Big Move - maybe it's not too late? We'll see, We'll see... ; )
See you, tomorrow, mah' li'l BB Friend! : ) Ailsa xoxo!
#Final5, already!
Sunday, Sept. 10th, 2017. #BBJosh Wins the HOH, Nominates #BBKevin and #BBAlex to the Block

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Josh cannot believe how Paul can go from his pretend crying, with Alex in the room, to Paul laughing when Alex leaves... yikes! Finally, Josh sees the truth - or, we can only hope he can really see what's going on - it must be so confusing, when you only have your very own information to work with, in the Big Brother House! Go, Josh, Go! lol!
#DoubleEviction Omg, #BBJason Blindsided, Realizes #BBPaul Was Behind It All, And #BBRaven Evicted, too - What a BB night!
Aww, Josh felt sick about feeling like he had to vote Jason out
Thursday, Sept. 7th, 2017. Holy Schmoly, was that THE craziest Big Brother episode, ever? Yikes! lol! #BBJason blindsided, finally saw so clearly that #BBPaul was behind it the whole time - Jason says to Julie Chen, onstage, "I want to go back in for just 5 minutes" - oh, man, wouldn't THAT be ah'mazing, give Jason the opportunity to go back and and say what he wanted...
And then #BBRaven was evicted in the Double eviction, and the funny thing is, that was like a denouement, you know? What would've been a big deal, is dwarfed by Jason going, first, and all the devastation in the Big Brother house, #BBJosh struggling with felling like #BBPaul had forced his hand, made him vote out Jason, and then Josh voted to evict Kevin, and then Raven was voted out...
And Raven, furious about being voted out, does cartwheels when she gets through the door - so crazy - lol! And I guess she didn't say #Paven loud enough for Paul to hear it - hahaha!
So, Josh is beside himself, trying to recover from all of that, and #BBAlex is so upset that the house lied to her, sending Jason home, when she thought Kevin was being voted out...
And then there's Paul, that's the very first time I've seen any sign of concern from him, after Josh won the Veto, right before Josh said he wasn't going to use the Veto... and then there was all the quick scurrying from Paul, to try to justify his actions and directions - finally, hopefully, the rest of the houseguests will see what's going on, play their own game, not keep saying, "I trust Paul 100%"
Wow, that was a lot - but how exciting is that to have a Winter #BBCelebrity? So exciting! I hope they get really good people, and it's on during the winter lull - that would be poifect TV! lol!
I really don't want someone to win Big Brother who hasn't done anything, who's had it handed to them, the whole way through - annoying... happens in too many seasons - I like when someone truly deserving, wins Big Brother or Survivor...
I cannot wait for Big Brother After Dark, BBAD, tonight - I hope to God they're actually talking game, and not laying in their beds - time to reevaluate, really figure out what's going on - we can only hope, right? lol!
Okay, see you soon! Did you hear Julie Chen say there was a Sunday Eviction? Man, they're gonna roll it right along, now, baby! lol!
I hope you're dry, and safe, happy and healthy! See you soon! Your li'l BB Pal! Ailsa : )
Sunday, September 3rd, 2017. #BBChristmas 'Wins' another #HOH Yet another #ChristmasGift from #BBPaul, #BBJason and #BBAlex on the Block
So, was that the worst episode of Big Brother you've ever seen, or the best? I'm sorta done with all the Big Brother Houseguests falling entirely for #BBPaul's ideas - is crazy, but it must be, when you get in the Big Brother house, maybe you check your brain at the door? Who knows... but at this stage in the game, throwing a comp is crazy, and I don't like it... I can see how they feel beholden to Paul, but how they're all so afraid to even dare to mention his name - wow, that's insanity...
#BBKevin's face, when he felt sick about feeling forced to throw that comp - did you see Paul, busier looking at all the other BB houseguests, and not at the words? Maybe like he already knew, for sure, 'Go' wasn't gonna show up on the screen?
Pathetic - why even go to all the bother of building a great set for the HOH competitions, or the Veto competitions, if it's just a matter of Paul deciding who gets to win, and when - and if Paul takes Raven to the end, I'll know it's just fixed, since that li'l ol' nut has done nothing - she would be another Victoria, except Victoria was at least honest... someone just loove medical talk... is bizarre... if there's any truth to it - sure makes you wonder... yikes!
So, there's Christmas, back in her HOH room - and was it just me, or did they make it seem like #BBAlex was super obnoxious, tonight, so people would be okay if they send her home? No, that's not okay... is interesting how different the regular episodes of Big Brother are, compared to the Live Feeds, and Big Brother After Dark, where you really get to see what's going on... (everyone blindly following Paul...)
Okay, let's hope they start actually competing, soon - is annoying to watch Paul watch them - to make sure they throw it to whoever he's chosen, that week - and maybe some of them will start thinking for themselves - then we'll really have a game on our hands, right? lol!
'Til Wednesday, mah' li'l Big Brother Friend!! Ailsa : ) xoxo!
#BBMatt Evicted from the Big Brother House ~ Yay! No More Screaming from #BBRaven! ; )
How's Raven gonna manage without Maaatheeew in the Big Brother house?
Raven: Who?
And juuust when you think you never have to look at Matt's shirt, again, Raven's wearin' it - hahaha! (Don't worry, that won't last long - we should bet on how long it takes for her to go back to her favorite outfits - lol! ; )
Haha! Noo, me just super disgusted with Matt over this past week, a total disregard for all the Big Brother House Rules - eating whatever he wanted, when he was on Slop, just being a real jerk - maybe that's the Real Matt - we only got to see a brief moment of him actually speaking.... and now that Matt's out the game, and off to the #BBJury House (where he didn't deserve to go - man, that kind of flagrant stooopido behavior - I guess that really bothered me - lol!
Anyhooo, now Raven's working with Paul and Christmas, no big surprise, there - and all those rumors of Paul and Raven knowing each other outside the game - ugh - I hope that's not true, I hate that crap... but Matt's statement to Julie Chen (was it just me, or did it take Julie a really long time to actually talk to Matt, like she was trying to put off a crap conversation? haha!)
But for Matt to tell Julie Chen that Paul and Raven are the best players in the Big Brother house?? Uh, nooooo.... haha! What da hell, as James would say! lol!
Did occur to me, during Big Brother After Dark, tonight, what if the last 3 girls get together, form a Girls Alliance? They've yet to be successful at that... I don't want that to happen, I like Josh and Jason the best, right now... so, we'll see - am losing respect for Alex, all that punching and swearing at Jason - seems excessive, y'know? I'm just glad Jason used his own HOH and VETO the way he wanted - ugh, I hated that mowonic fight that Matt (Mousie Matt? haha!) and Raven had with Jason - man, they both need to go! lol!
And the weird thing is, I really liked Matt, before tonight's show, and his very bad behavior, this whole week when he was supposed to be on Slop... but now I'm just disgusted - but, he's gone, baby, gone, and that's good : )
Okay, 'til Sunday! Stay Dry and Safe, and have a great Labor Day Weekend!!
Your little Big Brother Pal! Ailsa : )
HOH #BBJason puts #BBMatt and #BBRaven on the Block, but is #BBKevin the real target, this week? Hmmm... all those stooopid pretend fights that Raven loves to have with Matthew, strictly for the cameras - I call them the #FauxFighters - haha! Like that? lol!
Our Hearts and Prayers are with Houston, Texas, and all the areas devastated by Hurricane Harvey - all the net profits from these T-Shirts go to the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund - very kind of Fanatics : ) Houston Strong - Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund #HurricaneHarvey
From Joe at Fanatics, this morning: Houston Strong
With the tragic flooding in the Houston area the Fanatics team wanted to figure out a way to help. Yesterday the discussions started and today we are launching our "Houston Strong" collection for the Houston Texans, Houston Rockets, Houston Cougars, and Houston Dynamo.
All net profits from the sales of these t-shirts will go to the American Red Cross and other Hurricane Harvey relief charities. Sports is always a big part of the healing process for many communities as it gives the fans a distraction from the flooding and gives the community something to rally around. Players step up like JJ Watt and the nearly $10,000,000 he has raised and this is a chance for the fans to do their part as well.
We have men's, women's and youth shirts for all 4 teams.
Thanks, Joe! That's very kind, and every little bit helps! : )
Labor Day Sale at houzz - all the things you need to Back to School, or to give your place a whole new look! : ) http://hpn.houzz.com/i/362137/399985/5454
If you've missed Big Brother because of the storms, one, I hope you and your loved ones are all okay, dry and safe...first and foremost! But here's what you might have missed - Raven and Matt were no joke, practicing Matt's eviction from the Big Brother house, tonight - Raven had carefully choreographed them getting up from the couch (tricky), navigating their way to the door, a hug, a kiiiiisssssssss (her favorite - if you haven't noticed Raven forcefully going in for each and every kiss she can, from all the Houseguests - hahaha!) MuuuhWaaah! And now you're Ravened! haha!
And then Matt is supposed to run out the door - haha! Omg, my biggest wish for tonight (sorta - my biggest Big Brother Wish - lol!), is for the house to surprise Raven with the eviction - I would looove that! All that crazy screaming and pretend fighting, for the cameras - no thanks... you know that's prolly all carefully choreographed, too - I can't stand when someone wastes food - there's something about that, I just can't get past it...
Kevin has been the cast-away, this week, put on his own tiny Big Brother Island... but, Jason is trying to get him back into the fold - Alex is being very demanding - I really liked Alex, for a long time, but, not so sure, now - that's a lot of telling Jason what to do, so I was glad when Jason did what he wanted to do, with his HOH and VETO - to put Raven and Matt up on the block, and keep them there... them there peoples on the block...
Paul is playing almost everybody.. his very own orchestra - lol! No one seems to have caught on, yet... except maybe Josh... and Jason...
Josh is working with Jason, a lot, and I like that - would be good to see Josh and Jason go to the end... you never know how much you'll change your mind when you're just watching Big Brother, let alone what it must be like to PLAY Big Brother, right? lol!
Okay, I'll keep you up to date, and soon you'll get your TV back! : )
Take Good Care of Yourself!! Ur li'l BB Friend! Ailsa : )
Matt and Raven - yikes!
Whatevs, they're too annoying, especially in the feeds, it's non-stop MATTHEW - and then Raven throws all sorts of stuff - wastes so much food, it's terrible... a total disregard for the value of food, that's awful enough, but I think Raven thinks she's just playing to the cameras, but it's driving everyone crazy in the Big Brother house, sooo... pertty sure the rule is, don't annoy your housemates when you're on the block - lol! See ya!
Buut, #BBKevin is driving them all crazy, too, sliding along, not winning anything, not even trying to win anything - purposefully NOT trying to win anything - that gets old, and that gets old, quick.... sooo, yikes, Kevin! Maybe Raven will annoy herself right into the Jury house, and keep Kevin safe... and Matt, well, maybe he'll start playing the game, if Raven leaves... you never know - lol! So cwazy!
I was pretty sure they might do a surprise Sunday Night Eviction, but, nope - me wrong! lol! Sometimes, you just really want some people to go - hahaha!
We'll see what happens next, on Biiig Brother! : )
Aww, #BBMark Evicted from the Big Brother House, tonight - #HelloElena! ; )
I'm sorry to see Mark go, but happy to see he got 2 votes to stay, one from Alex and one from Jason - that could really work in their favor, if they make it to the end! More Jury Votes!
Monday, August 21st, 2017. Wow, were you blown away by Christmas winning the HOH, and not even having to WIN it? Is that a first for Big Brother, to have a Win that easily? Man, they really want her to be there...
And then, last night, On Big Brother After Dark, BBAD, they're all giving Josh Dating Advice, and Christmas says she wouldn't bother with ANY man at a bar, unless he sent over a whole bottle of champagne to her and her girls at their table - are you serious? I'm shocked... I don't know why that bothers me, so much - maybe the audacity of it? That seems like a whole lotta tattoos for someone so high and mighty? Maybe... I dunno, but I didn't like it...
Plus, I really don't like it when someone who is very rich, wants to win Big Brother - or Survivor... when there's someone also playing who really needs the money - Not Raven - I have my doubts about that one - a member of 'Mensa' - maybe MENZA, where they ain't worried about no calfs, and they say, Menza, Where you can feel free to eat with your mouth open... haha! nooo... there's a lot more to her story - she owns a dance studio, she's very inconsistent with the accent, that whole faux romance with Matt.. I dunno - I felt for the girl, at first, then all that stooopido Faux Fighting, MAAAATHEW, you better NOT! Nope.
And then BBPaul going from couple to couple, actively agreeing to get Jason out? Aww, I love Jason, and that was so sweet, when BBJason read his HOH letter, and his wife Holly told him they're expecting their second child... so sweet...
And THEN, when they showed Kevin greeting Derrick, as an old friend from back home? Hmmm.... and I'm pretty sure Kevin is not the age he claims to be - I would looove it if that's the Twist! That would make'a me laugh! Good for you, #BBKevin!! And so now they all think Kevin's a police officer, maybe a detective...
Oh, and Christmas put BBMark and BBJason on the Block, saying that Mark is the target, but, things they are a'changin', so, who knows who will really go, now, since they're all starting to implode on themselves... Alex is mad at Kevin, Jason is getting fed up with Alex, Mark is a much better player without Elena... so, we'll see, we'll see! lol!
Okay, my li'l Big Brother Friend, don't stare directly into the sun - lol! See you soon! (Provided you don't stare into the Solar Eclipse - haha!) Ailsa : ) xoxo!!
Thursday, August 17th, 2017. Wowee wowza, baby! BBCody finally evicted from the Big Brother house - I really thought he could Flip the House, there, at the last miniute, but, nope, so, Cody's on his way to the Big Brother Jury House - it would relaly make me laugh if the BB Jury house looked like this...
Cute though, right? lol! Terlet out back... ; )
Or like this - hahaha!
Surprise! You know it and you love it, it's the BB Camper!!
And then #BBElena, evicted in the Double Eviction, right after Cody.. they can get to know each other even better, in the #BBJury house - lol! You know they're gonna have a great time, and make the same amount o' money, since, and don't relaly get this, but I think the Houseguests make the same amount, whether they're on TV, 24/7, or in the BB Jury house - seems odd, right? Wouldn't it be more incentive to play harder, to be paid more to stay in the Big Brother house? Hmmm... Really makes you wonder...
But my favorite part is #BBJason winning the HOH - I would love to see Jason, Cowboy, WhistleNut (a man of many names!), with Big Brother - he's such a good guy, funny, good family man - I just like him, and it looks like he could really put the money to some good use : )
Okay, don't forget, a Special Friday Night Biiiig Brother, tomorrow night! Yippee!!
See you later, Alligator (or, really, Big Brother Fan, jus' like me - lol!) Your BB Pal! Ailsa : ) xoxo
#BBCody on the Block with #BBElena and #BBMatt
#DoubleEviction Week! Yay! Extra FriDay! Don't forget to watch Big Brother Live, or set your DVRs, for the extra Friday BB19! Yippee!!
Thursday, August 10th, 2017. Yay!! Alex won the HOH! Yahoo!! I love Alex - she's one of my favorite players, and after Jessica being soo horrible to Josh, and giving her game over to a showmance, with, ironically, Alex (Cody's other main interest in the BB House), well... I wonder how she'll feel about that in 6 months, or so... that's a lot o' money to let go of, for a very new relationship...
So, Jessica was evicted from the Big Brother House, lots of cheers from a whole lot of houseguests, while Cody went to their little den, their old love nest, if you will, to sulk for a bit... but what I wanna see - how will Cody really deal with this? Will he come out of his hidy hole, and join the house? You never know... that would make me laugh, though, because, you know, it IS a game, and you' gotta play it to the best of your ability, right?
Kevin started trying to play the game a lot harder, tonight, as predicted, but, we'll see what happens, next, since Cody might just become a normal person - there's always a possibility that someone will change when they're away from their 'partner in crime'... remember when Cody was talking to Christmas, about the time Christmas worked at NASCAR? He was so excited, then quickly pretended that he, indeed, was NOT excited, he was just acting like he was super-duper excited - lol! Oh, man, that made'a me laugh! Hahaha! This guy...
Oh, and I totally miscalled it on the Jury - I was sure, sure, sure, that CBS Big Brother would want to allow the Jody Showmance to continue growing in the BB Jury house, but, nope - Jessica is out the door, baby - so, I'm super surprised by that - now she won't make all that much money, so, I hope she can get her image back on track, since, really, it's a TV show, and I'm sure if you're stuck in a house with no outside info, maybe you would lose it a bit (or, a lot)... so, good luck to her, she's a very pretty girl, if she can get her personality back to being nice and kind...
Okay, 'til Sunday! And don't forget to DVR Big Brother next Friday, too - an extra special episode of our favorite show! And, I am obsessed with Big Brother After Dark, BBAD, which me love! lol!
I hope you're having THE best week!! And a fabulous summer!! Your li'l BB Friend, Ailsa! : ) xoxo!
Sunday, August 6th, 2017. #BBJessica Forfeits the #StrangestThings Temptation Comp, puts HERSELF on the Block, BBJosh Nominates #BBElena and #BBMark
Well, Elena, not so sure yelling and arguing with the HOH is such great Game Play - lol! Really, what was she thinking? (She was thinking she had total control over Josh, like she has over Mark, but, nope, Josh is waaaay smarter than Elena has given him credit for - and, what a terrible thing to do, assume someone isn't very smart - yikes! That rarely works out well, especially on Biiiig Brother! lol!
So then #BBElena pulled out all the stops, using all her feminine wiles, to see if THAT could sway Josh's decisions... #Fail... a l'il funny!
Josh is doing such a great job as HOH - and he's even keeping Paul at bay, making his own decisions, but Josh does love Paul - and Christmas is right there, influencing more than you might think, but Christmas was very kind to Josh, when he was having such a difficult time at the beginning of the Game...
Jessica forfeiting the Temptation Comp, intentionally putting herself on the Block? Do you think she really thought that one through, or just didn't want to do that comp - and, it WAS super creepy - yick... and now #BBJessica's saying they'll have to drag her out the game, kicking and screaming, but a week ago, she was telling #BBCody she couldn't WAIT to leave the Big Brother house, sooo... hmmm...and Cody winning the Safety for the week, so, he doesn't have anything to worry about, jus' yet... next week, maybe...
They still haven't said whether everyone in the house is safe, now, to go on to the Jury House, but, now that America (and Canada!) knows them all so well, now, I'm sure that'll happen - I think Big Brother wants another Showmance to work out, and Cody and Jessica talk about getting married, having a brood of children, all the time, sooo... we'll see, we'll see! lol! Romance in the Big Brother House! haha!
I hope you' havin' da bestest week! See ya' later, mah' li'l Big Brother Buddy! #BBB! lol! Ailsa! xoxo : )
Oooh, look what I just figured out! So exciting - I'm playing around with a new business idea, so I was looking for a good way to market it... and I found Shopify on FaceBook - hm, and I see you can sell on Pinterest with it, too - and they had made all those modifications on Pinterest, remember? Inneresting, inneresting! lol!
We'll all become millionaires! lol! Business Moguls!
Hello, Money!! $$$ lol! : )
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Thursday, August 3rd, 2017. #BBJosh Wins the HOH, so excited! #BBJessica plays the #HaltingHex, no one goes home, tonight
Yay!! #BBJosh won HOH - he deserves it, after everything Jessica and Cody, Jody, have put him through, and now that Josh and Mark are back on track, and normal and friendly, Josh'll have a great time in his HOH room - and I'm sure Josh will open all the security boxes - why put in all those security boxes, in the HOH room, if they're not planning to put fancy prizes in there, right? lol! Come on, More Prizes! ; )
Josh is soo excited to get his very own HOH Robe - lol!
Well, I think we all kinda figured everyone in the house would end up in the Jury House, now, and, with Jessica using her Halting Hex, no one went home, tonight - that's okay, maybe Big Brother wants another successful Showmance on their hands - a li'l funny!
Oooh, maybe they'll bring Brenchel on, and we'll get to see their cute little baby! A toddler, now! : )
We just need Cody to be a little nicer, stop feeling like he HAS to be the villain of the house... but, maybe he's being coached - hopefully not by production, but I do like the idea that's been floating around the BB house that Jessica is pulling all the strings - good game play, if that is the case... we'll see, we'll see! lol!
And my favorite line of the night:
#BBPaul to #BBJosh, right after Josh wins the HOH: Josh, that's my meatball!!
So sweet! And then on Big Brother After Dark, Josh is soo happy to get a letter from his beloved Mom! I love it!
I hope you're having the BEST week possible, my brilliant Big Brother friend!
See you soon! Ailsa : ) xoxo
And I would love it if you would Follow me on da Twitter, please! lol! @AilsaForshaw
Sunday, July 30th, 2017. #BBPaul Nominates #BBJessica and #BBCody on the Block, along with #BBJason #Yikes!
Wow, well, I had no idea what all Big Brother was gonna piece together for their Sunday Night Big Brother - yikes! A whole lot has gone down in the Big Brother house, this past week - is full out crazy, but I looved the Tutu Bowling for the Temptation Competition - haha! A tutu on a big muscley guy never fails to entertain - lol!
Were you shocked at how well Mark did? Wow - he pulled that out of a hat... a hidden hat, since all his other comps haven't been that great - and even Matt, who has really been laying low, did pretty well... I didn't like to see Jason on the Block, as the third nominee... pretty sure #BBJason is nice and safe, though - yikes! Jason and Alex are my two favorites to with the $500,000, and Paul, anywhere in there...
Oh, and I didn't know, before, that if you come in 2nd on Big Brother, you don't get any of the stipend you've earned through being on TV, 24/7, the entire summer, you just get the $50,000 prize, and after taxes, in the States (because they tax winnings in the USA - I'm hoping they will change that tax law, since, if people are using their own money to try to win some more money, shouldn't they get to keep whatever they win? Canada allows people to keep all of their winnings, and I'm pretty sure most other countries in the world allow you to keep your own winnings, too, that's what allows for online gaming, in the rest of the world, but, as far as I know, is still prohibited in the States - so, maybe since President Donald Trump owned casinos, maybe he'll change that tax law, too - would be great for a whole lot of people, that's for sure, and would open up a huge new online market.... am keeping an eye on that! lol! And then the Big Brother winners will get to keep more of the money they've worked hard to win, right? lol!)
But, for sure, we should all say to CBS Big Brother, to please let the winner of Big Brother, who comes in 2nd, to get to keep their hard-earned stipend from being in the Big Brother house, all summer, AND get the $50,000 - we have power, let's see if we can get that done : )
Okay, that's my little soapbox, for tonight! lol!
Annnnd, pretty sure that if you tell the BBHouse that you have something from the Den of Temptation, you have to tell the houseguests exactly what it is - so surprised that the DR hasn't told #BBJessica to tell the truth, that the Halting Hex is only for one week, to stop the Eviction Ceremony, but could be used over the next few weeks - or, maybe she's down to 2 weeks left?
Well, one way or another, sure seems like Big Brother wants to keep them all in the BBHouse, for this week, let them all either go to Jury, or stay and win the whole thing... so, we'll see, we'll see! lol!
I hope you're having THE Best Week!
Your little Big Brother BFF! lol! Ailsa! : ) xoxo!
I looove the HOH Robes! And what a great gift, right? (Hini, Hint! lol!) ; )
Thursday, July 28th, 2017. #LiveEviction #BBRamses Voted Out the BB House, #BBJessica Blurts Out Her Halting Hex
All that bullying from BB Cody, and Ramses was still evicted from the Big Brother house, tonight - aww, I really liked Ramses, what a good guy... I hope he can spin this experience on #BB19 into something good!
Man, they all studied soo hard for the HOH comp, memorizing all the tattoos on the BB Houseguests already eliminated - I was hoping they would show us the pics a little longer - they were pretty funny, especially the magazine covers - haha!
And I love that Myrtle Beach got a li'l shoutout on Big Brother, tonight! I loove Myrtle Beach! lol!
So Paul won the HOH, again - makes me laugh, a little - I love Paul, he's funny, God Knows he adds to the personality in the BB house, but, let's say you're already leaning toward a Big Brother Conspiracy, that's gonna just feed into that - lol!
But, here we are, Paul wins the HOH, again, and no Double Eviction, and then, and I thought this was a li'l crazy, #BBJessica blurts out that she has the Halting Hex, is safe for WEEKS - that was my favorite part of that line, so, we'll see how that goes over in the house...

I love when the girls are all in the bathroom, adding in their hair pieces - sooo gorgeous! Especially Jessica and Raven - that's ah'mazing! : )
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I had to rewind the end when Julie Chen was saying what the consequence to the house is, from the Den of Temptation- so they can choose whether to play in the Temptation Competition, and if they win, that person is safe for a week, but the person who comes in last, they have to go on the block as the third nomination... Sounds pretty good, for a consequence - I like the costumes - lol!
Josh is free to call everyone Meatballs, again - so, that's a li'l funny! So crazy! lol!
We Looove our Big Brother!
See you later, my little Big Brother Friend! Ailsa xoxo! : )
Sunday, July 23rd, 2017. #BBJessica Wins the #HOH, Nominates Ramses and Josh
Oh, no, Josh has GOT to stop calling people Meatball - this guy... Kevin keeps trying to get Josh to tone it down, last in the Big Brother house, longer... they even have Josh pretty much hiding himself away, just so he minimizes his chances of calling people Meatballs - lol! Yikes! So, it pays to be able to manage your own self, and know your audience, know when you're crossing the line, get back to what the people you're dealing with consider 'normal', even, and especially, in the Big Brother house - lol!
#BBJessica makes me laugh, though - My Boyfriend's Back And You're Gonna Be In Trouble... haha! Jess is thrilled to have Cody back in the BB house, then Jessica wins the HOH, and THEN, the best thing happens, as far as Jessica is concerned, Cody said "When we get married", so, Jessica is over the moon - she's already won Big Brother, for her own personal life ...
I think the "Jody" Showmance might go the distance, like Brenchel... you never know .. would be hella funny if Big Brother has more marriages than The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, or Bachelor in Paradise, combined - haha! Pretty funny! ; )
I did think it was a li'l funny, that #BBElena and #BBPaul are commiserating over how hard it is to be able to win Big Brother, just because they both have wealthy parents - uh, yeah... Remember last season, #BB18, when Paul talked endlessly on all his travels, and Corey told stories that were just horrifying, Rich Kid stories, sooo... people really don't feel sorry for that, it's pretty normal to want someone who really needs the money to win Big Brother - or Survivor... that's just the way it goes - a little bizarre to hear them going on about that... (not that there's anything wrong with that - think Seinfeld - lol! But, that's great, they had a very fortunate upbringing, but, pretty sure you don't get extra sympathy for that, is all...)
And Elena all over Paul - they've all got a crush on Paul! lol!
But, whoever stands at the end of the game, that's who wins - it does seem like Big Brother is skewed toward Paul and Cody, though... impossible not to see it that way, given how things have gone, so far... hopefully, Production isn't really behind that, and they are all playing their own games, right?
Otay, 'til next time! Your little Big Brother Buddy! Ailsa xoxo! : )
Monday, July 17th, 2017. #BBAlex wins the HOH, Nominates #BBJessica and #BBDominique for the Block - Dominique NOT Happy... #BBAD
Yay!! My favorite girl, Alex, #BBAlex, won the HOH, last night, and is not going crazy with the Power - lol! This season, all about the Temptations, Money, Power, Love and Alliances...
And then Alex nominated Jessica and Dominique to go on the Block, and Dominique NOT happy about that, but, really, it's a game, everyone and anyone can, and probably will, be nominated, and sit on the block, soo... not sure what's going on, there, maybe they'll show us what all went down in the Big Brother House, on Wednesday - lol! But Dominique is mad, mad, mad, and has sequestered herself in the Blue Room (#BBKevin has a different name for that room - lol!)
I think it's time for Dominique to come clean with the BBHouseguests, just go ahead and tell them what she does for a living - I think she was trying not to make herself seem too smart, but she is really smart, they all know it, and it might save her game - Cody tried it, right at the end, finally saying the truth about his age and how long he'd been in the military, and his positions... he gained their respect enough, that if Cody wins the BattleBack on Friday, July 21st, he would be okay to come back into the house...
Ooh, this is from BOXED - I just got this in my email - Boxed is the company, like Costco, but they deliver to your door - or, wherever u want it to go - lol! Maybe your home, maybe your work, or maybe the Big Brother house - oh, that would be amazing, right? lol! If all the BB Houseguests got to put in their orders? I would looove that! They could open it on National TV? Oooh, exciting!
Enjoy 17% Off Your First Order and Free Shipping with code JULY17 Now Through 7/31
I think it's very cool that Alex designs her own clothes, and has her own company - how cool is that? But sorta makes me wonder if #BBAlex and #BBPaul might already know each other? They live pretty close together, in Los Angeles, they both design clothing... they're secretly working together... maaaaybe! (Whisper, whisper! lol!)
Okay, I gotta go eat something - not slop, but, I DO love oatmeal - lol! Mark loooves Slop - pretty funny! Helps him fit in those shorty shorts! lol!
Mark's Shorty Shorts!
Oh, and were you amazed at how long #BBElena was able to hold on, on the HOH Comp? Who knew she was such a fierce competitor? Wow!
See you later, my little Big Brother Pal! lol! Ailsa : ) xoxo
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Do you love all their cute little dresses? Love 'em all! Alex's dresses are my favorite, but maybe because #BBAlex is my favorite girl in the BB house - lol! But I love all their cute outfits - and I looove the dresses at RoseGal - have you seen them? Super-low prices, my favorite styles - yippee! Yahoo! Nice, AND inexpensive - the poifect fit!

You're gonna love this stuff! I'm super excited about it - I just got them for my site - and don't forget, I get a little % of each sale, so, thank you so much, from me, too! : )
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And I didn't forget about all the mens, out there - you want to look good, too! lol!
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And then, of course, all your Big Brother Gear, at CBS.com : )
Shop the Big Brother collection at the CBS Store
Thanks, CBS Store! They love their Big Brother Fans! : )
BIG BROTHER PERSONAL MISTER - RED - haha! I love it! For $4.00?? I loves it! I went into the Sale Page - mah' fave page! lol!
Aaand, I just popped in to see what the CBS Store had on Sale, right, and they have THE cutest The Big Bang Theory Soft Kitty costume, but looks like a cute little dress, for $4.97 - what? Wow! It's sooo cute! That's just my style, too! I love it! And they have all kinds of Big Brother merchandise - I love the HOH Robe, o' course! lol!
#BigBrother is Back, Baby! #BB19 #BBAD

Yahoo, I love Temptation - it's so very tempting! lol!

Thursday July 13th, 2017. BBCody Evicted from the Big Brother House - but he might be able to get back in, in the BattleBack, July 21st - or NOT!
BBCody Evicted from the Big Brother House - but he might be able to get back in, in the BattleBack, July 21st - or NOT! That's crazy that Julie Chen said the BB Houseguests will have the chance to STOP the person from returning to the game - whaaat?? Dat so crazy! lol!
Monday, July 10th, 2017. #MerryChristmas! Made me laugh! Christmas wins the Ring of Replacement #LuckyBreak!
Will #BBCody be booted right out the Big Brother House on the Live Eviction??
Ooooh! Biiiig Brother! lol!
! Made me laugh! Big Brother, so funny, when wins the Ring of Replacement #LuckyBreak!
Ooh, and anyone else think there's a ? Alex? Glasses or no glasses? Sweatshirt or Bikini Top? Hmmm?? lol! ; )
Wow, so, #BBChristams got the #RingOfReplacement - a super fancy ring - loved how she got it - made me laugh - I'd TOADally wear that all the time - #BBJason's favorite joke, these days, in his Toad costume - haha! and I love how seriously Jason takes his hopping - unlike the other two Toads - aptly named... Jessica and Cody - wow, mean.
I thought, for a minute, there, Jessica would pull herself away from Cody and rejoin the rest of the BB House, since she'll have to, literally, regroup, asap, as soon as Cody is evicted - not thrilled with the BattleBack happening so soon - bleah! Such an obvious attempt to keep Creepy Cody in the game...
And, I was thinking about all the Big Wins for #BBPaul, so early in the game, and, well, it IS a show, and it might be phenomenally silent in the Big Brother House, if Paul hadn't been there, Paul adds a lot to the conversation - usually, he IS the conversation...
Shocked when Jessica 'stole' a ticket or candy thing from Christmas in the Candy Crush Competition - really? So silly...
Oh, and loved Big Brother's #MerryChristmas, hashtag, when Christmas won the Ring of Replacement, from America's Vote - hahaha! Very funny, Big Brother - you' so funny! And watchful - 24/7 - hahaha!
And Old Elena is deeeesperate to go viral, so-to-speak... she talks about it on BBAD, Big Brother After Dark, does all sorts of things to make sure she has some snippets out there... not sure they'll be so helpful to her future, but, she's young, and maybe she's thinking of some sort of Kardashian-like career, after Big Brother - we'll see how that all pans out - lol!
But I love Mark, he's such a good guy, and Alex - smart and funny, great bikini - did occur to me, last night, though, what if there was a Twin Twist? Alex is usually very conservative, all covered up, and last night, she was walking around in her Bikini Top, even though it does sound hella hot in the Big Brother house... but, Plot Twist, Twin Twist, Big Brutha? haha!
Glasses/no glasses (Maay-be, since Josh sat on Alex's glasses, but, would be a good Twin Twist reason for 'Alex' not to wear them - lol!)
Ooh, and remember to go in and vote for who you want to get the next Temptatation -
The Halting Hex CBS.com/BBVote
'til Next Time, on Biiiig Brother! lol!
Your little BB Friend, Ailsa! xoxo : )

Thursday, July 6th, 2017. #BBJillian Evicted on the Big Brother Live Eviction, tonight, #BBChristmas is Safe, Jessica sooo mad #DenOfTemptation #BBAD #AllAccess! #BB19
Wow, so #BBJillian is the first one actually voted out in a Live Eviction, tonight - I think that's the longest first part of the Big Brother season, to have a Live Eviction, since Megan left on her own accord...
And I wonder how much of all of the hassle in the Big Brother house just comes straight from #BBJessica, since it was Jessica who first referred to Alex as Pau Pau, which is massively offensive, and she continues to say that - jealousy or no jealousy, that's not okay to say, on any level... not a pleasant girl - at first, I liked Jessica, and thought she was hiding behind her relationship with #BBCody, but, being that aggressive with #BBChristmas, right after Jillian went out to talk to Julie Chen (who looked fabulous, in that gorgeous red dress, right?)... Jessica's just putting a giant target on her own head, alongside #BBCody... Yikes! lol!
Christmas is safe from the Big Brother Eviction - but, Big Brother's little hashtags
#ChristmasBreak - made me laugh! haha! Big Brother, very clever! lol!
But, oh, man, that Candy Crush HOH Competition - how fun was that? That looked like a giant Pinata Game - yahoo!! Yippee! And I wanna see if any of the tickets in the candies have Temptations of their own, too! I would looove that!
Wednesday, July 5th, 2017.
Oh, man, when #BBPaul stands up with his #PendantOfProtection on - hahaha! That was my favorite part of the night on Biiiig Brother! lol!
Survivor meets Big Brother - I loove it! So funny!
Ooh, and remember to go in and vote for who you want to get the next Temptatation -
The Ring of Replacement CBS.com/BBVote
And I love the #DenOfTemptation - haha! So entertaining, all the tempting things in the BB house - Money, Power...Love! Maybe that's why there are soo many Showmances, so quickly - they must'a chosen Big Brother Houseguests who would be attracted to each other - and they were!
and there's a fair bit of cross-over! Cody likes Jessica AND Alex, and Jessica has had enough of that - high-lariously enough... and Jessica, soo mad that Cody threw the POV Competition over to Alex, to keep Alex safe - sorta funny! haha!
Keep in mind, we're on Day 14/Day15, sooo.... that's not very much time for Jessica to completely throw her own game away, for the gamble on a real relationship with Cody, who keeps telling Jessica, on BBAD, Big Brother After Dark, that he's gonna ghost her, disappear completely, after the show, and Jessica wants Cody to just propose marriage, already - how long's a girl supposed to wait? TWENTY Days? hahahaha!
Oh, man, if I were in the Big Brother HOH, Head of Household, room, with all those lock boxes, those very exciting security boxes, I would constantly be opening them all, check them for Treasures! lol!
And I thought this was cool - and the great thing about having a veteran player in the BB house... Paul told Jessica and Cody on BBAD that they better get ready to leave the HOH room first thing in the morning, since Production needs that room to get it ready for the next HOH winner... oooh, who knew? Paul knew! I do love that Paul can share all this information - it's fun to know - lol!
And Kevin, dressed as a Merman, King Neptune, for the POV comp? Bah'haha! A whole new LA Look for #BBKevin! lol!
Okay, back to BBAD for me! See you tomorrow, my little Big Brother Friend!! Ailsa : )

Happy 4th of July!! Paul's gonna wear his patriotic American Flag shorts - or undies - lol! Oh, BB Paul! Haha!
Sunday, July 2nd, 2017.
#BigBrother19 #BB19! So Megan's Gone... Yikes! Who saw that coming, right? And #BBPaul in the crosshairs
Heyyoo, my little Big Brother Friend! Are you soo happy to see Paul back in the Big Brother House? Oh, man, Paul and Kevin are the two 'talkers' in the BBHouse, and a whole lot'o silence, the occasional conversation, with most of the other Big Brother Houseguests...
Ramses is fun to watch,and the rest are gradually coming out of their shells - must be so hard, with the cameras, everywhere, maybe they clam right up? Except Josh and Jillian, who just couldn't stop talking directly to the cameras, at first - haha! Pretty funny, but I wonder if it's next to impossible, not to do that, right? Human Nature? lol! ; )
So what was that all about with Megan? I didn't really like how they portrayed the Megan Story, on the main feed, Big Brother 19, tonight - compared to what we saw on Big Brother After Dark... kinda made it seem like Megan was not all that bad... yikes, calling someone out as being racist, that really can ruin someone's life, if it has no basis - everyone knows that, and Megan certainly is old enough to know that... inexcusable... I do hope that Megan is okay, though... Big Brother's not as easy as it might look, I'm sure, right?
But, it IS bizarre that Jessica and Raven both insist on referring to Alex as Pau Pau - seriously, after all that stuff with Megan, they're still doing that? Form Jess, it's clearly jealousy, since she can see that Cody likes Alex, but, still, is moronic, at best, so, why do they persist, right? That's not good... they should be smarter than that...
So weird that Cody wants Raven to be the winner of Big Brother - so, hmmm... everyone wants Raven to get whatever health care she needs, but, the reality is that everyone in the Big Brother house wants to win the $500,000, sooo... not sure how that'll all play out -
And all these couples - wow, that's so many showmances, so quickly, in the Big Brother house.. the showmance can be good if it takes you to the end, but it can put a huge target on your back, right away....
Ooh, and remember to go in and vote for who you want to get the next Temptatation -
The Ring of Replacement CBS.com/BBVote
So glad that Paul gets to stay for another 3 weeks, though - yahoo! What a cool Temptation!
Otay, we talks again, soon! Let me know what you're thinking about Big Brother!
Your little Big Brother Buddy! lol! Ailsa! xox : )

Thursday, June 29th, 2017.
Cody Wins the First HoH, Head of Household - Nominates Jillian and Megan to go on the Block
Holy a'schmoly, the Big Brother Crazy has started, already, 2 days in - lol! That's why we love Big Brother, all that crazy is a whole lotta fun to watch - plus, the outfits!
#BBNicole's Golden Outfit - please, that was ah'mazing! I'll go see if I can find a good pic of it for you! : )
Hey, were you shocked that Kevin had NO CLUE who Nicole was? What? You got yourself on a show, and didn't even bother to watch the last season? That kinda made me laugh - but Kevin totally lucked out when Josh lost his mind and took the Golden Apple, disqualifying his team on the #HangInTheBalance Competition... and super yick, with Mark's finger popping out of place?
And is #BBCody okay? A li'l scary, that look, not even speaking to #BBMegan? That seems excessive - and poor old Megan, she really got hammered, tonight - first Josh, and then Cody, and then Nominated by Cody? Wow - that's a lot for her...
But, man, Cody is enamoured with Jessica - gee, I wonder why? Any plastic surgery involved? lol! Pays for itself... haha!
Jessica IS a gorgeous girl - we'll see who gets to Jessica, first, and which one(s!) Jessica likes back - lol! I think Jessica might relally like Paul, since she already knows Paul, he's super funny, and lives in LA - and nice to be with an LA guy, since she also lives in Los Angeles - Geographically Viable, Baby!
I did really laugh when Cody made his #MusclesAlliance - that what me is a'callin' it - haha!
They all have stuff in common - Big Muscles - made me laugh! Cody, Matt and Mark, Oh, my!
So, how do you build an alliance on Big Brother? See who matches you, the best? lol! Or find a more diverse group, maybe? We'll see what works, soon enough, on Biiig Brother!!
And I was a'gonna wait for July, to make some really good Christmas in July jokes - that must be an amazing name to grow up with, Christmas! And on BBAD, Paul is talking to Christmas in the Supply Room, and tells us her full name is Christmas Joy - that is the sweetest name, makes you immediately visualize Christmas as a little baby at Christmas, their little bundle of Christmas Joy - how sweet is that?

And Big Brother all Access, and Big Brother After Dark, BBAD, starts tonight - yahoo!!

See you in a wee bit, baby! Yahoo, BBAD starts,tonight!!
Your li'l Big Brother Friend! Ailsa : )
Wednesday, June 28th, 2017.
Wow, so exciting - can you believe it's time for Big Brother, already?! Yahoo!
Hello, Summer Scheduling! lol! So funny!
And then BBAD starts, tomorrow night - oh, man, I loves me some Big Brother After Dark!
Oooh, I happen to loove Temptation, so I'm'a lovin' this new Temptation of Summer theme - I love the money room, I love all the tempting apples around the house, and the flip side of temptations, all the consequences, and all the hilarious snakes, all over the Big Brother House - so funny!
The new Big Brother House is ah'mazing - so cool, right?
So, already, the first Big Brother Houseguest is booted right out the door, Cameron is Voted out, Evicted - but, really, he shouldn't have jumped off the trapeze - I get what he was thinking, he didn't want to appear too strong (really, was there a huge fear of that? lol!), but, it's just like on Survivor - I like it when people try their very best, on the competitions, I don't like when they throw a competition - what a huuuge gamble, on the very first competition.... #TemptedByTheFruit (of another... now we all gotta sing that song, too - haha!)
Yay!! Paul is back!!
Paul brings the funny, so I'm very happy to see him back - we'll see how long the Newbies let him stay! lol!
Oh, man, me luv'a da Paul!
But I aso relaly like to see someone win Big Brother, who really needs the money - I just loove that!
I'm not sure who made this pic (thank you - I really like to see how old the Houseguests are... so, Kevin didn't say how old he is, on the show, or, maybe I missed it? But, 55, he's in good shape, but not sure he's socially savvy enough... with all those kids, 7 kids, you'd think he would know what cosplay is... anyway, we'll see how he does, and that was smart to take the $25,000 First Temptation, because, of course someone was gonna click that button, why not try to get some money... and it's more fun to watch a game, and play a game, when anything that could happen, will happen -
When ur playing Big Brother, Always Expect The Unexpected, right? lol!
I love all the apples, all over the Big Brother House!
Oooh, take a bite o' that apple, let's get some good new knowledge!
Can't wait to find out all the temptations of the summer (and not just Jessica and Mark! hahaha! Ooh, this is gonna be the Summer of Showmances, I thinks, fo' sho!)
And Julie Chen, gorgeous, as ever! And how high were those heels? So pretty!
So far, mah' fave Houseguests - those swans are high-larious - and check out those cherries! haha!

We're about to have a Great Summer, Baby!! Yahoo!!! Big Brother's Back!! #BB19!! : )
We're all #BBFriends, now! See you tomorrow! Ailsa : )
@AilsaForshaw at me on da Twitter! lol!)
Oooh, and remember to pop in to CBS.com/BBVote and vote for which Big Brother Houseguest you want to get The Pendant of Protection - that's so cool, to have lots of Audience Participation - and I hope they have the thing where they drop in presents - I love that, too! lol!
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I'm just guessing you might be a gamer, or be living with a gamer - or both! lol!
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