Big Brother's Baaack, Baby!
And they're Goin' Campin'! Jack already knows how to pitch a tent, sooo... me tinks we' in for a very hot summer - bah'hahaha! ⛺🎪😉😅😅
So Good-Looking Jackson already won the #CampDirector vote - who saw that coming? lol!
But now Jackson has to choose 4 Big Brother Houseguests to banish - wow, banish is a big word - no bueno ... #ExpectTheUnexpected, fo' realz! lol!
Do you have anyone you really like, or, even better, really don't like, so far?
Man, that's tricky - do you choose 4 of the people who didn't vote for you? I guess that would be the most obvious choice, right? Hmm... but would that mostly be all women? Jackson, don't do that... yikes! lol! 😬😅😏
I like Cliff - I always root for the old guy - hahaha! And I like Nick from New Jersey, he seems like a good guy, pretty down to earth... and I like Holly, from LA, but raised in Wyoming, so she's an outdoors kinda girl, like mah'self, who also loves wine and Los Angeles - haha!
And I love all the bromances that seem to be happening before the romances - bah'hahahaha! Dat funny!💞💞💞
Let's Go Campin'! 🔥🔥🔥 Muy caliente, baby!
We're gonna have a great BB21 Summer!
Your li'l BB Friend, Ailsa!! xoxo!!😘🤗😘🤗