Yum, we just had this for dinner, tonight, and man, was it ever delicious! I was shopping, this morning, and they had this nice looking Stir Fry Steak, looked really lean, was really inexpensive ($3.81, I think), and I thought, hmmm, that might be nice with our favorite Marinade... so when I got home, I quickly made up the marinade, put the steak strips into it, covered the dish and popped in the fridge until dinner time. We were just gonna do a regular stir-fry, but I always find that steak feels kind of tough, to me, when it's in a stir fry, so I said to my lovely son, Aidan (he's 13), hey, do you mind if I see what it's like if we bake it?
Sooo, it turned out to be sooo delicious, really tender, think I might go have a wee piece from the fridge, right now!
I served the Stir Fry Steak with broccoli and rice - was delicious, and would have been virtually fat free, if it weren't for the butter on my rice! lol!
Marinade (great for steak, chicken, or pork :)
1/3 cup vinegar
2/3 cup Oil (Olive Oil - whatever oil you like)
Montreal Steak Spice... maybe 2 tablespoons... I think I put in a fair bit, because we really love Montreal Steak Seasoning - is fantastic sprinkled on veggies, too, especially if you're cooking them in a tin foil package on the BBQ - just a wee bit of olive oil or butter, little sprinkle of Montreal Steak Spice, seal it up and pop it on the BBQ - or I guess in the oven, too! lol! (This is a great way to cook fish, too... : )
Mix in a bowl or large measuring cup (the 4 cup measuring cup if you want to put the meat right in the same container...), rinse the meat and make sure it's all covered with the marinade. Cover and refrigerate for as long as you feel like it - 3 - 4 hours is long enough, but however amount of time you have : )
I cooked the Stir Fry Steak in the oven at 350 Degrees Farenheit, on a cookie sheet with sides (it'll create a lot of juice), just place the meat carefully on the baking sheet with it's own little space. I turned it twice, drained some of the fluid off in the middle, because I really love when the steak gets that crispyish thing on the side... but I'm Scottish, I like my meat well done (buh'dum'bum! lol!) (Sorry!! hahahaha!)
Okay, this was a really good meal, so we'll definitely have this, again, and the whole meal was around the $5.00 mark, for two hungry folks (me and the boy!! lol!).
Happy Eating! Ailsa xox
I just poured the vinegar, oil, Montreal Steak Spice and Seasoning salt into the glass 9" X 13" pan, mixed with my fingers, rinsed the meat and rolled them in the mixture, all right in the pan, and popped them in the oven at 350 for about 2 to 3 hours, maybe longer - depends on how much meat you have, and if you like your meat done really well - err, DIY ur own bad jokes, here - haha! lol! ; )
So, today we happened upon a new cut of meat that I've never seen or heard of, before, but was a great deal, so now it's in the oven #Pork #PorkBreastBone $1.13/lb or $2.47/kg https://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.com/2013/01/bbq-steakmarinade-you-can-use-this.html … Convert Price per kg to $ per pound Divide the $/kg by 2.2 $2.47kg=$1.13/lb

Yum! They taste like delicious Pork Ribs, lots of meat - and I had mine with BBQ Sauce - deeeelish!