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So cool, right? Is a lot of fun to play around with different hairstyles and looks, so you can see what you could look like - what a great idea! Have Fun! : )
I love that The Kardashians can invent and reinvent, their looks, as they move through life - we all get to do that! Is fun, and can change your life - I went Blonde when I was 27, and never looked back - yahoo! Have fun with your life, try something new - or, just try it on for size, see how you like it! lol! : )
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The Kardashian Sisters are the girls of my dreams - for real, I can't stop dreaming about them - lol! Wow, what a beautiful picture - they're gorgeous girls, to be sure... and I got this pic from the Public Archives - lucky me! lol!
Oh, no, all of my dreams, last night, featured the Kardashian Sisters! lol! I watched Keeping Up With the Kardashians, last night, of course, since no matter how annoyed I get from watching it, I can't seem to stop myself... I really want to figure out how Kim could get her butt to be so big... maybe they should just have the song, "I Like Big Butts, and I Cannot Lie" on loop throughout the whole show - and now Khloe Kardashian has the same butt... who knew? Lamar, I guess... what happened to Lamar? Did he just disappear? I want to feel sorry for Lamar, he seemed like such a good guy, and you can't help an addiction, it can get ahold of you, and is very hard to get out of it, like getting caught up in a tornado, or you're out swimming and get caught up in a torrent... that's sort of how I feel when I'm watching The Kardashians, too, I suppose - I'm caught up in a torrent of crazy, and I can't get out - hahaha!
So last nights episode really seemed to be centered around Kendall's new dog, a Great Dane - really, is it a Great Dane? They kept calling it a puppy, and that it was 7 months old, I think - usually big dogs are their full size by then, but maybe not a Great Dane? And what kind of idiot would give someone a Great Dane as a surprise for their birthday?? Oh, right, Robert Kardashian - the poor guy. What's happening to Rob, and everyone's on him about his weight? He should get on everyone about, errr, maybe being too selfish??
Oh, and I loove Kendall Jenner's look - wow, what a gorgeous girl she is - Kendall has a very sophisticated look - so lovely! : )
I have a Waist Trainer - and you might like to have one, too - lol! I like it for working out, because it does seem to concentrate some energy in your waist, and I think a lot of women are looking to shape their waist, have a nice little waist, or any size waist that you like - lol! They should make one for arms and thighs, too - maybe they do! hahaha!

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Oh, that reminds me, you know how Kim Kardashian loooves to take selfies (or someone is taking a 'selfie' of Kim Kardashian, so, really, it's a 'you-ie' lol!)...anyway, my Mum calls taking a selfie, taking a 'selfish' - hahahaha! Breaks me up. I guess fairly accurate - lol! But holy crap, batman, these girls, especially the two 'new ones', Kendall and Kylie, seem to take selfish to a whole new level. And why are they so rude? Kendall seems like a horrible girl - where did she get THAT from/? hahaha! No, I kid, but you can grow up with everything, and still be taught to be a decent human being, and I don't get why they can all be so hard on their mom, Kris Jenner, so much, when clearly all that they have and all that they are is a direct result of all the hard work of Kris Jenner.
So how did the Kardashian sisters become the girls of my dreams, last night? No idea - the show must have really gotten under my skin, so-to-speak, last night... and not just one dream, the Kardashian girls were in every one of my dreams, last night - has never happened to me, before... was entertaining, as dreams go - lol!

It's funny, when I was watching the Kardashians Go to Greece, a while back - I was late to that party... I must have missed those episodes along the way, but I'm caught up on them, now - yahoo! That Brodie Jenner is sooo handsome, and I think maybe Kendall Jenner also thinks so? Yick! Hope that's not the case, but if you saw those episodes of the Kardashians in Greece, you'll remember when Kyle showed up, and seemed really despondent, very, deeply sad, and I was so worried about her, she really felt left out of the family, and that's not a good feeling for anyone...and then I saw the show, last night, and Kendall seems like a very bad girl (not in a Bad Girls Club kind of way, just in a 'very badly behaved little girl' kind of way...). Why would she be so horrible to her Mom? That's so mean, and so uncalled for... at least Kim stood up for her Mom - that was nice to see....but that dog, the Great Dane - why wouldn't the dog be out in the garden? Keeping a Great Dane in a tiny, confined space, in the laundry room, that seems like a Bad Idea, and it's clearly not working, but, man, did we really have to have the cameras panning over the area where the dog had done his business sooo many times, and did Kim have to talk about that at the restaurant with her friends?? Yuck! Yick!! hahaha! Makes me laugh, is so silly!
Ah, well. The important thing is, I hope they either get some training for the Great Dane, or give it back to Rob, get a good trainer for the dog, or put it in the garden to play... surely there's an easy solution, when you've got THAT kind of money, right? And tell Rob not to give anyone else a giant dog for a 'birthday gift'... always a disaster, especially if the Birthday Girl is an entitled, terrible, little girl... that can't be a good combination. But then again, Kendall Jenner is only 18, she's been in the public eye a good portion of her life, maybe they've encouraged the bad behavior, since it's perhaps good for ratings - look what Dean McDermott's Very Bad Behavior did for Tori Spelling's ratings... not bad, not bad, not bad... that put them on the map, just like that.... sooo, bad behavior is heavily rewarded in Reality TV?? lol!
Oh, and one more thing... I sure wish they would show Kim and Kanye's little baby, North West (will she write, North, by North West, later in life? I hope so! lol!)....all these years, watching the Kardashian girls make their way through life... and now we don't get to see the baby? How about little glimpses, every now and then? Wouldn't that be nice? : ) Maybe when Kim gets to make all her own decisions, again.... but I be stirrin' up a pot o' twouble - lol!
Okay, Gym Time! Hope you're having good dreams, too - lol! Ailsa : )
I love a great book, and a great deal, so, look what a great combination, from Barnes and Noble - yahoo! Maybe your Mom wants the new Kim Kardashian Book, Selfish? lol! Hey, everyone wants to have a quick (did I say quick? I mean, lingering... hahahaha!) look at Kim Kardashian - at the very least, to figure out what's her own and what's new, right? I know I am endlessly fascinated with how much someone can change themselves, with plastic surgery and stuff... filler, 'n all sorts o' fancy things... soo, why not get a deal on the new Kim Kardashian book, and get a couple more for yourself - or your Mom, we were shopping for her, too, almost forgot, there, for a second - bah'hahahahaa! I'll go look for that Buy 2, Get one Free, deal, from Barnes and Noble...

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In case you've been watching or Following The Kardashians, Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian, or Kylie Jenner, and now you want big lips, too - for a party, or something... lol! Just be super-careful with your lips, like you would be with anything else to do with your body! lol! : )

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