Aaaawww, I feel for Johnny Mac - he's such a good guy, but how many times can one person be asked (told) to throw a competition, and be all cool about it? Even Johnny Mac has his limits... the only lucky thing is that he had partners who were so awful, both times, that he didn't have to actually throw the competition, just not try really hard to get his partner to do a better job.... soo, Austin and Vanessa are really happy, Austin is no longer an HOH, and that leaves Vanessa in the HOH room, and Austin is free to compete again, for the next HOH... and that fits right into their plan...
So, Austin nominated Meg and Jason, and Meg totally freaked out - you can't freak out in the Big Brother house, without some kind of fallout, so Jason was trying to get her to calm down, but people don't forget that, easily... that's not good game play. and Vanessa nominated James and Johnny Mac, since Vanessa wants James out, or to backdoor Jeff... Vanessa will be happy if either Jeff or James is evicted, and the sooner, the better, for Vanessa, since she can't stand chauvinists... me, either - so annoying, in 2015, for God's Sake. Seriously, what's up with that? Stooopid and creepy... hopefully, they'll see themselves on TV, see how they can change their yucky ways...

Nobody really knows who is completely safe, this week... is always a card shoot... perfect for Vanessa - lol! So now Meg and Jason have won the Battle of the Block, and Johnny Mac doesn't have to worry - he feels like he did his part, did what was asked of him by the HOH, again... but he is not happy about that, not at all...
And Austin has finally put it together that Jackie and Jeff really are a much more secure couple, outside of the Big Brother house, than they were first lead to believe... and Jeff really pushed that thought, that he and Jackie were just friends, by coming on to all the women in the house - or, most of them... yuck, this guy. He seemed okay, at first, is hard to see how much longer Jeff will hang on, and hard to imagine Jackie thinking for herself in the house... does Jackie remind you of Kim Kardashian, at all? they seem sort of similar, visually similar, and maybe playing the super-silent girl role? Hmmm... I might be wrong... just a wee thought - lol!
Close, right? Especially when Jackie is wearing her normal make-up, since she's playing it down in the Big Brother house... pretty girl. Funny that she's hardly speaking, at all, and is okay about how badly Jeff is treating her - she has so much to offer, why choose Jeff for the rest of her life (or, for now... maybe she'll watch Big Brother back,change her!)
Oooh, I was juust talking to my brilliant and hilarious daughter, Cara, and she was saying, wouldn't it be hiiilarious if the whole Big Brother House was full of Twins, that they're all Twins, in the Big Brother house??? OMG, that would be the BEST #TwinTwist, evah'! And throwing Liz and Julia out there, so everyone's focusing on them, instead of everyone else, right? lol! Oooh, would be the best Twist, ever, Big Brother! We already know that Jeff is a Twin, and Cara just told me that Shelli is a Twin, and now there's a rumor flying around the BBHouse that Clay is a Twin, and might be playing in and out of the BBhouse, too... and that would explain why Clay sometimes wears that hilarious head band, and if Clay does have a Twin, why the other one doesn't, and the other one seems much closer to Shelli... ooooh, Big Brother, you devil, you! I hope that is true - I would laugh so hard if Austin had a Twin, with all the exact same tattoos - hahahaha! Or, fresh tattoos every time - yeeeowch, right? How about Tattoo sleeves?? hahaha! Oh, the possibilities, it's like they've DOUBLED! Buh'dum'bum! lol! Double the Fun in the Big Brother house! hahaha! Ooh, and there was talk, right off the bat, from Jason, I think, who thought Steve might be a Twin from Season 5 of Big Brother.... oooh!! Now #BB17 is even more fun to watch! Does the #TwinTwist never end?? lol!
So, with all the drama surrounding Jeff and James, this week, it sure looks like Audrey is pretty safe... and that annoyed me that Da' said Audrey would just slide her way to the winning seat because she is transgender, and that's so unfair, because Audrey is a really good game player - she knows Big Brother inside out, and even though she went a little mad with power that first week, she's figured out a way to lay low, and now she'a back to talking game up in the HOH room, so that's a good sign.
Eeeeww, and I wonder what's gonna happen after what all went down on Big Brother After Dark, or the Live Feed for Big Brother, since there is a lot o' talk on Social Media about how creepy he's being... did you like mah' li'l joke, earlier? Me try not to be too obvious with it - yick! lol!
Otay, 'til the next time we meet again! lol! Ailsa : )
Oh, and here's a funny little story that happened to us, tonight, on our way back home from a fun afternoon of shopping.... we swung by KFC, since we were totally taken in by their fantastic advertising, which they put on during Big Brother, especially during Big Brother After Dark, and it always looks so delicious to me... anyway, so we swing by KFC to get their fancy Anniversary Bucket, with their new KFC Onion rings, which sound really delicious to us, and we totally want to try it...
So I ordered that in the Drive-thru, the guy says they're all out of the kfc onion rings, so I said, "Oh, okay, well, is there any chance you still have the Thai Chicken, Sweet Thai Chicken?" He says, "Oh, sure, we've got lots of Thai Chicken!" So I say, so surprised, "Oh, that's fantastic! Could I have half of the 10 piece bucket with the Thai chicken, half with regular chicken, please?" He says, "Sure, no problem!" So, I drove up to the window, I'm chatting with the guy, say how excited and happy I am that they have the Sweet Thai Chicken, and he gives me sort of a funny look, like, she really looves her chicken...
So, here's the bit that really broke me up - he says, "Too bad you just missed our deal - we had that Chicken on sale for 10 pieces for $5, last week." I said, "What? 10 pieces for $5?" Mah' mind is getting clearer, at this point... then I said, "So, I'm getting the Sweet Chili Thai Chicken, the really spicy one, right?" He gives me a funny look, says, "Yes, the Chicken Thighs...."
Sooo, all that time, he thought I was asking for 'those sweet chicken thighs' - bah'hahahahahaha! So that totally made me laugh... when we both realized the error, he gave me a bucket of the regular KFC Chicken, instead - hilarious! So funny! Made'a me laugh! Was a little language barrier - so silly - lol! : )
Oh, and here's a little way you can 'doctor up' your potato salad or macaroni salad you might get at KFC, or anywhere else - take it home and add in some mustard, lots of pepper and some salt - deeeelish! Gives it such a great flavor! Yum!
Get a $100 KFC Gift Card *Upon Completion of Purchase Requirements
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