Monday, July 20, 2015

#The Bachelorette: Men Tell All... and Sometimes Too Much...

Well, The Bachelorette: The Men Tell All, wasn't nearly the witch hunt I thought it might be - was gonna skip it, in case it was just 2 hours of everyone saying super-mean things about Kaitlyn, when the same and much more intense stuff happens on The Bachelor in Paradise, with no backlash... is a lot of misogynistic stuff, and mostly from other women - that's scary.  Just think how much better our whole world would be, if women didn't attack each other, or one particular woman... that's not necessary... was so upsetting to hear what Kaitlyn has been subjected to, online, given that it IS a show, you don't HAVE to watch, and and it seems like we're going back to the stone age, listening to some of those comments - scary.

I liked how nice Chris Harrison was with Kaitlyn - man, she's being raked over the coals... and all because, really, it was Nick, and no one liked Nick... what if it HAD been Shawn, or Ben Z.?  then people would say, oh, okay, I get that - so handsome, or so nice... he'll make a good husband... but, the reality is that it's all Kaitlyn's own choice, and if Nick is the one she is in love with, well, you know, that's her own thing... 

I hated that Corey guy, whoever he was - I don't even remember him... he was just trying to "kiss up", if you will - hahaha - to the women who said such terrible things about Kaitlyn - prolly hoping for some free dates - yick!  Corey, his little mantra was that Kaitlyn was "disgraceful".  Hmmm... okay, Mr. Old Testament. Kaitlyn didn't want you - get over it... 

 This made me laugh... is fun to make people laugh, just by walking right past you - now, is this a better way to meet someone - catch someone with the same sense of humor?? lol!

And here's another man Kaitlyn wasn't interested in, trying to get his extra 15 minutes of fame, too...

Yick, Ian being all fake and 'apologetic' -

I don't want to give this yuck any more attention - that apology was too much, and too late - on his knees? Yuck.  For real??  Yuck. Nope.  We all know how you really think, and it's gross.  This is they type of guy who will turn on a dime, turn around and apologize in a sugary sweet way, only if he's caught, otherwise, that's who he is.  Yick. Blah... and it looks like Ian is on the Bachelor in Paradise?  Why??  Yuck!  Of all the nice Bachelors out there, they had to let the yucky

ones back on?  Come on, Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor in Paradise... how about just the good ones get to go back on TV? lol!

Here are the Bachelors, one more time... in case you want to peruse them - lol!

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Well, I do get how incredibly damaging anyone's behavior can be when a person loses it on TV, and people can change, if they see themselves, and realize they HAVE to make some changes for the better, but, still, I would rather see funny and nice people on The Bachelor franchise, than any of the meannie ones...

Oh, and I thought Clint came off very well, on The Men Tell All, tonight - he stood up for Kaitlyn's right to choose, and that includes who gets to choose the right man for her - only Kaitlyn... I liked that - good for Clint for being a good guy, tonight.

So, soon we'll know if the relationship Kaitlyn has with Nick was real or not.. I feel like Kaitlyn probably did choose Shawn, but, clearly, I'm influenced by those potentially leaked photos... remember this leaked pic, supposedly from Kaitlyn's iPhone? Hmmm...

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Will be fun to watch a whole lot o' da Summer Lovin', on Bachelor in Paradise!  Yes, please! lol!  And 2 nights a week - sweet deal!  Makes me want to go to Mexico! Looks goigeous! : )

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For my US friends!

 For my little Canadian Singles! lol!

Looks like Jared is a'gonna be okay! lol!  Looks like Jared was able to get over Kaitlyn, after all - I liked Jared more and more during The Bachelorette, and Jared was very sweet on The Men Tell All, tonight, so that was good.

I think I saw that Britt was on Bachelor in Paradise - hope so!  I didn't think that was a real thing with the little country singer... Brandon, maybe?  Whatever his name was, is, lol... but I don't like a man who is overly soft-spoken - in my own experience, that's a very good cover-up for a crazy on the flip side... and Britt's too sweet for that - Britt deserves a good guy - she looks like she's ready for love, and would just like to get married, have a little family - that's cute : )

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Yahoo!  Can't Wait for a Whole Summer of Love.... or, you know, a whole lot o' da like... lol! 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

#BB17 - Austin's Playing with his.... Heart... But is it Liz or Jackie?? lol! #LoveLost, #UnreciprocatedLove

#BB17 - Austin's Playing with his.... Heart... But is it Liz or Jackie?? lol! #LoveLost, #UnreciprocatedLove

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Well this really made me laugh... Big ol' Austin is a'schmoozin' with Liz, but secretly wants Jackie, too - that'll totally work, too, in the Big Brother House, AND in Real Life, no worries, Austin, go on wit' you' Big Plan - bah'hahahahahaha!  There's no way that's gonna fail...

Oooh, but what's all this, Austin and Jackie?  Sittin' in a tree?? hahaha!  Omg, this is hilarious.... Jeff's away, the mouse will play... so, is Jackie finally getting some game? haha!  Oh, man, After all that flirting that Jeff did, all the time claiming to be true to Jackie, and now Jackie is havin' a little fun of her own, in the BB house - hahahaa! Yeah, good plan.  This type of careful planning never backfires...

Austin and Liz on a fancy date - oh, man, which one is playing the other more?  Is impossible to tell, because at that point, you think that Austin IS really into Liz, but Austin has already declared to the cameras, that he is fo' sures interested in Jackie, the second Liz heads out of the BB house... because he's a 'romantic' - uh, yeah, I think there are other names for that, too, Austin...

Draaama, in the Big Brother house... lol!

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 Well, Jason has pretty much had it with Audrey, with Audrey throwing Jason under the bus, telling Shelli to put him up on the Block, and to evict Jason, to further her own game - but, you know, that is the bottom line nature of the BB game, right?  Kill or be killed, eat or be eaten? That's the game, sooo, I don't know that anything should ever be all that shocking or surprising in the Big Brother house, since we all know, you have to expect the unexpected... but will be very interesting to see if Shelli will put Audrey on the block, and backdoor Audrey, this week, since everyone in the house seems afraid to be the first one to nominate Audrey, because Audrey is transgendered... is that the right word?  I'm getting a red wiggly line under that... not in the dictionary, yet? lol!  But true equality is when people make decision based on the content of someone's character, on their actions and words, not on anything else... that's real equality, and Audrey knows it's a game, and she's playing it well... she's still in the Big Brother house, soo, that's pretty good, right there...
Clay wondering what his mom thinks he should do next - bah'hahahaha!  Noo, me joke... but it does seem like Shelli is more like a mom than a partner... I think I like Meg better for Clay... 

 And Shelli has Clay runing around the BB house doing her dirty work - is sorta funny, but not good for Clay's game, or for Shelli's game - what is she thiniing, constantly putting Johnny Mac up on the Block, and telling John whether he's allowed to win, or not, or use his Power of Veto, if he does win,... holy schmoly, every human has their limits, no matter how nice they seem to be... you can only push a guy so far, and Johnny Mac has had it.... and there's Audrey trying to tell Shelli that John is mad, and he ain't gonna take it no' more, and Shelli thinks that couldn't possibly be true, since John clearly said to Clay that he's cool with it...

Hahahahaah!  Oh, Shelli, ye of little mind... Oh, for some reason, maybe because Shelli and The Twins, Liz and Julia, have all been to college, since they're all Sorority Sisters - and I think that must be a very strong bond, from what I've heard - okay, what I've seen in the movies - lol - about Sorority Sisters - that was never my thing - I lived off-campus, in University, that whole living with a bunch of girls sounds like a nightmare to me - I like to be alone, and wear whatever I want, whenever I want, and have my hair any way I like it... me no likes to be told how or when to do anything -- I think about that a lot, when I see Shelli and Liz doing their hair and their nails, incessantly... wow, seems a little crazy... but you know they're smart enough, it's not that, it's just the non-stop chatter - mostly the same thing, over and over, and those giant teeth... hahahaha!  A field day for Johnny Mac, the dentist - lol!

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Jackie finally does something... hahaha!  So funny that she finally shows herself off, now that Jeff's out the picture - lol!

So Jackie and James pulled it out and won the Battle of the Block, taking themselves off the Block, and leaving John and Jason on the Block, so now it's up to Jason or John to win the Power of Veto, use it on themselves... and it took Liz out of the HOH room, leaving shelli as the lone HOH for the rest of the week... and it sure looks like Shelli will put Audrey up on the Block, to backdoor Audrey... so Audrey's bringin' on the tears... will it work? Didn't work for Jeff...

Oh, and this made me laugh, on Big Brother After Dark.. they're all calling Jackie, Jeff Residue... ruh-roh!  How is it even humanly possible that Jackie thinks no one in the Big Brother house will remember that she was with Jeff, like their relationship never existed?? hahaha!  Funny...

I laughed so hard when Jason called the Twins, Liz and Julia, TweedleDee and TweedleDum - hahaha!  Dat funny - I really want Jason to stay in the BB house - he's hilarious... love Jason... and I like Johnny Mac, but he really needs to step up his game - wonder why he's playing such a quiet game?  Becky seems to have zero game, but she does look like she's a good cook, so that's a very valuable skill in the Big Brother house... Meg and James are amiable enough, and Steve is just on the outskirts of everything...

I think Vanessa is my favourite - ooh, if Jason and Vanessa could go to the very end, I'd really like that... I did like Austin, until he so clearly started playing the girls like that, then me changed mah' mind... and I like Clay, poor kid (obviously, a rich kid, which is fine, good for him and his family, but does Clay really need the money?  That does affect how I feel about who I hope the winner of Big Brother will be...)... If Jackie were ever to win, which I just don't see, Jackie's too much of a floater - unless there IS an all-girl alliance...

  A six person real alliance, that would totally win the house... You never know.. what if all the girls really are playing all the boys?? Hahahahaa!  Oh, me would'a looove that! (Maybe they could include Jason, since me love Jason so muches? lol!)

Wouldn't that make a great alliance, now that all the other alliances seem to be falling apart? lol!  Hope Austin can get a Sixth sense about his #SixthSense alliance - maybe it's more like a #NoSense alliance? bah'hahaha!  Me make'a mah'self laugh! lol!

Go have some yummy snacks, enjoy you'self! 'Til Next Time, Ailsa : )

#BigBrotherAfterDark - they're all talking about how much they loove the Monthly Clubs, is like getting a fancy present for yourself, every month - so exciting!

And there's BIG talk, out on the yard, about the #TwinTwist - they're calling the twins, Liz and Julia, #Wombmates, and #Wombmates4Life - bah'hahahahaaha!

Dogs - they are tewwible spellers, fo' sures!  But they soo cute!!