Saturday, December 24, 2022

Homemade PlayDough Recipe with KoolAid! How to Make The Dough for Homemade Birthday or Christmas Ornaments, Paw Print Ornaments, Handprint or Footprint Ornaments - babies, children, pets, dogs, cats! Or any print you wanna make! #LOL! #Christmas #Ornaments #Birthday, too!

Kids LOVE playing with PlayDough, and it's good to know how to make your own Homemade PlayDough, the easy way - and you can add a package of flavored KoolAid to your playdough, for smell and color - you'll love it, the kids will love it - lol! 

Play Dough Recipe

2 Cups Flour
3/4 Cup Salt
4 Tsp Cream of Tartar OR, and this is the best part, 4 Tsp Cornstarch
2 Cups Hot Water (So the salt will melt)
2 Tbsp Oil
Food Coloring, or the Package of KoolAid 

Vanilla in your PlayDough makes it smell nice, too! 

Lemon Juice in your PlayDough is nice, too, if your kids like Lemon! Lol! 

You can cook your homemade PlayDough on the stove, or use hot water to melt the salt, first - whichever is easiest for you! 

Save your containers with a lid, will keep your Homemade PlayDough pliable, longer 
: )

Have fun! 

Have children roll out the PlayDough into 'snakes', use a rolling pin, so they can cut out shapes, or just squish it in their little hands - lol! 

If you want to make a handprint, footprint, or paw print Christmas Ornament, here's the recipe for the dough - squish it together, add food coloring, if you like, roll it out, use a cookie cutter, press onto the dough, then bake! You can paint them, too!
1 Cup Hot Water
1 Cup Salt
2 Cups Flour


Poke one hole for hanging up your ornament, 2 holes if you want to string a ribbon through your ornament!

Bake at 250 for 2 hours, OR,
Bake at 350 for 20 minutes, keep an eye on them - lol!

#ornaments #handmade #handcrafted (literally - hahaha!)
#babies #pets #children #dogs #cats #Christmas #christmasornaments #christmasornamentsdiy #diy #christmaseve
#christmasday #crafts #craftsforkids #parenting #parents #grandparents #Birthday #1stBirthday!

This is fun to do on Christmas Day, too!
Sheryl Underwood Sheryl Underwood Podcast The Talk #thetalk

You can do these Flower Vase paintings with your pet's paws, or with your children's handprints or footprints - depends on how old they are - hahahaha! the over-50 crowd wil definitely want to do it, though - hahahahahaha!

Use a nice safe paint, not an oil paint - lol! 

Have fun! Be sure to clean off their paws, hands and feet, when you're done! LOL!

Friday, October 21, 2022

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You know, it's a big decision to find the right marketing for your business - you want to get the biggest bang for your buck, right? You wanna get your brand in front of as many eyes as possible! 

You want to put your business on their fingertips - literally - lol! 

People LOVE TikTok! 

TikTok is growing so fast, we're just at the beginning - to get in on the TikTok platform, early on, that's amazing! 

We all want to grow our small businesses, earn good money, make our advertising efforts pay off, big time, right? That will be so amazing! 

Mo' Money, Mo' Money, Mo' Money! Fingers Crossed! Yay! 

TikTok for Business is for every size of business - when you want to grow your business, TikTok is where it's at, man - haha! Lol! 

TikTok is where it's at, man - made me laugh - lol! 

You want to laugh your way all the way to the BANK, Baby - when people are on TikTok, you know they're laughing, having a great old time, then up comes your ad, they're already in a great mood, and now your ad is in front of Billions of happy faces! And happy fingertips! 

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Put yourself out there, let millions of people find you, you will love all the new business! 

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It Starts on TikTok. Tell Your Brand Story in a Unique TikTok Way on TikTok for Business.

Friday, October 14, 2022

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